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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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January 17, 2021 2:50 pm

CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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January 17, 2021 2:50 pm

Jane Pauley sits down for a two-part interview with Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris and her husband, Douglas Emhoff. John Dickerson looks at the challenges facing Joe Biden as he is sworn in as the 46th President. David Martin examines the security measures being taken for the inauguration. Jim Axelrod meets comedian Sarah Cooper, who found overnight success with her lip-sync videos of President Trump. Lee Cowan examines free speech on social media. Rita Braver reviews the second impeachment of Donald Trump, and Mo Rocca delves into the little-known story of Charles Curtis, the first Native American vice president.

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Life is for living. Let's partner for all of it. Learn Jane Pauley, this is Sunday morning, three days to go until the 45th President of the United States makes way for the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden was taking office, under circumstances not seen since the time of the Civil War from the challenges of inauguration day and far beyond is John Dickerson will report Joe Biden is about to take the stage. While history is still hot and I him the presidency and America of peaceful transfer of power has been beaten back but our jittery nation faces a fragile future. It looks dark now, but on inaugural day there is this sense of possibility and at that moment leadership can make a real difference head on Sunday morning. The task for Joe Biden and America. Wednesday is also the day we started dressing, Le Harris as Mme. VP I change that's the culmination of all she's worked for as we discussed when I paid her a visit a few days ago while I may be the first woman in this office.

I will not be the last and unprecedented vice president for unprecedented times, Harris and Joe Biden will be sworn into office on Wednesday facing immense challenges is, Le Harris ready. I know for breakfast. Class will meet the man who will be by her side conversation about most of his friends. She does recall the first do not, coming up the first woman to be vice president. The first second gentleman David Martin has been monitoring security preparations ahead of the inauguration plus Morocco with the story of America's first Native American vice president Steve Hartman and more. It's Sunday morning 17 January 2021 will be right back from 45 to 46. The torch is passed to President-elect Joe Biden just three days from now torch.

That's at least as much a burden the source of light given all the challenges, the new president will face. Here's John Dickerson of 60 minutes when Joe Biden raises his hand to take the oath of office. He will replace the president better known for raising his fist at his inauguration, and on January 6, Biden will soon stand on the same steps that his predecessor turned into a crime scene capital holes once filled with schoolchildren and backpacks are now filled with the bivouacked bunting replaced by barbed wire parades with plywood. No amount of American flags will be able to cleanse the memory of its use in the attack. Many Americans had since the beginning of the pandemic that we are living through an unprecedented crisis has really exploded into something even better. Jill Lepore uses the word unprecedented carefully offer of a sweeping account of America. She has the historians slow pulse but she says the word fits our times would be 9/11, which in many ways is a very different political moment in an entirely different instance of violence is essentially an act of war, but I think at that time, Americans understood that something profoundly had changed. 6 January in that same way that it is the day when everything changed when the unthinkable became possible in the United States was released by one reading the president inciting tomorrow to go after the legislature. Jamel Buie is a columnist for the New York Times, even with the president out of office very soon. It'll still be a crisis, not because he is there because you've learned something about the political system we've learned something about what is possible and what at least some fraction of American voters and American lawmakers believe about the nature of our democracy, which is that if they cannot win them the person who does the party does is legitimate. I was just reading a bunch of old Lincoln speeches.

I got to the house divided speech and you contemporary discussion of veteran popular discussion house divided prefer using the first political division, but the little metaphor was house cannot stand that way.

It must be one thing must be the other thing right that the house divided speech is not now let's all come together. It's one side has to win this argument.)

And there's no is no alternative. A little over a long time horizon in which we can have a faction of Americans who look at the capital attack and see that as something to emulator something to repeat something that's laudatory like Vicki I cannot coexist with constitutional government to understand we have a politics that is very much viewed as a team sport right now, the greatest problem is giving aid and comfort to the other side and the set of talking across those differences, Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson was the lead writer of George W. Bush's first inaugural address, the president of United States George W. Bush you dress came after the bitter 2000 election, which had been decided by the Supreme Court. America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds… Above our interests and teaches what it means to be citizens. I went back and read the speech just recently and I found myself choking up. Not just because of the words, but because that was a realistic prospect that that moment that we could have national healing based on shared national values. My concern right now is it. Is that a naïve approach you note is the assertion of of common values going to be accepted by country that has different lives in different cultures and ways of life the problems this person is that Pres. Trump and the Republican Party have inflamed politics to such a temperature that it can't be lowered well II do think that apocalyptic language is one of the worst problems in our politics. This view that if you lose the country is lost. That is a way to motivate turnout is also a way to destroy the institutions of the country president trumps apocalyptic theater with himself as the protector of Christianity played out last summer on the very spot where Joe Biden will start his inaugural day St. John's church just steps from the White House historian Jill Lepore. Politics needs to be simple, there needs to be give-and-take you have to be able to tolerate the political opinions of your political opponents. They have to be legitimate opinions. They can't be heresies and merging of religion and politics of the course of the 20th century, we see the cost in 1801. After one of America's ugliest political campaigns. Thomas Jefferson sought to turn down the flame every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. He said in his inaugural address promising stability because error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it, but is reason still up to the task institutions that produce and diffuse knowledge having no no you couldn't get this moment where there is such a thing as knowledge, the new Biden administration may benefit by simply offering a steady stream of drive basic information, potentially reviving the long forgotten slow news day shall have actual information bring people and doing their job and answer the questions that the press and the public. Just the facts ma'am governing prefire the harder task for the incoming administration will be speaking to the voters who fear it. Speechwriter Michael Gerson. I think that that's going to be his main task in this inaugural instance to speak to Americans who don't feel even related to this experiment anymore and tell them they have a stake and that they are valued in this system, I think you have to allow room for people that have supported Trump over the years to find a different way of doing politics you can't dismiss them as forever tainted rhetoric can do a lot to try to create the space for sanity and that's I think what they should be looking for right now is a way to give a refuge, a rhetorical refuge for those who want to serve the country Joe Biden will be inaugurated on the scar of insurrection. But the wound that the capital will be at his back in front the road to convalescence found in the millions who marched, rallied and voted peacefully and the officials who protected the vote. They joined a weary army, already keeping the faith, first responders, and our neighbors carrying us through the pandemic. Inaugurations are a grand reopening of the American experiment where hope lies not in those who broke with its standards, but those who, while feeling broken upheld those standards secure for Wednesday's inauguration is ramping up in the face of unprecedented warnings of violence, David Martin is tracking the preparations nation's capital is an armed care, police, Secret Service, FBI everywhere.\Staggering number of National Guard troops under the command of Maj. Gen. William Walker have 25,000 guardsmen here to support the federal law enforcement should tell everybody that were prepared for pretty much any 25,000 troops.

Many of the more. That compares with 340 unarmed guardsmen on duty when the capital was stormed in 9500 Barack Obama's first inauguration.

But here's the most telling compares 25,000 is five time the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 9/11, we've been focused on rep of Islamist terror, which is still a threat. But we need to recognize that in this country. The challenge we have is one of homegrown terror Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League shows the wave of arrests that followed the storming of the company will not stop the projects within the arrests are like a kind of martyrdom.

They see it as a necessary step in able to glorify themselves even when they are detained. In this way is taking place on social media the same place stirs groups like ISIS got their start.

What are you saying on social media and the same thing, the FDIC, which is all the lights blinking red. A number of different extremist groups all coalescing around this idea of coming to the N on January 20.

Shameless use of Georgetown University's as many of them don't care. They have almost no chance of stopping the inauguration is a subset of streams there that just one loss will burn in the National Guard to sleep.

Capital is getting to what they want to get to, which is divided this country troops marshaling at the National Guard Armory will be all over the city extremist can ignore the facts that Joe Bodden won the election but armed soldiers are not so easily dismissed. When are they allowed to use lethal force allowed to protect themselves and come to the aid of others to protect others. That's all we saw what happened at the capital with that situation which boys are being overrun that justify the use of lethal force so you can allow a crowd to storm the capital takeover notes have a right to protect myself so beautiful that a weapon pointed at me try to kill me. I have the right to some of the extremists and storm the capital once had, or still have ties to the military, which is one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff put out this extraordinary message to all reminding them. Joe Bodden is about to become their commander-in-chief to make sure that nobody had a question general Dan Hawkinson, head of the National Guard Bureau is a member of the joint Chiefs warrant at all about the reliability National Guard troops absolutely not been screenings on the troops as they come in, and coronation of the Secret Service and FBI their screening all personnel that are coming National Guard has molded now overseeing extremist focus on targets outside of Washington DC. It's nothing short of a potentially violent armed insurgency 25,000 troops manning barbed wire top fences and protect the inauguration, but can they stem the tide of extremism. This isn't the end.

This is just the end of the beginning. I think it's entering a whole new potentially very frightening face. This is what we all sign up for help protect America from all enemies foreign and this week will be the master server all in foreign and domestic. That's the oath to the Constitution president has been pretty quiet this past week.

Mostly because he's lost his ability to use social media, decision that sparked plenty of controversy as Lee Cowan explains.

A decade ago this very month in Cairo's to rear square social media was being pray its role as an organizing tool.

During those pro-democracy rallies had many calling the Arab spring. The Facebook revolution instead. But all its glowing prop. We quickly learned that social media is only as good as how would you. The major difference between now and then is more than ever before. Our experiences on social media are determined by hidden decisions made by the social media companies themselves.

That's what that's what changed from a string of us was in Cairo back then researching how Twitter and Facebook were giving voice to the voiceless.

It used to be something more of an open pipe. He's now and professor at UCLA's Department of information studies. What we are seeing when we go online is likely to be that which is most sensational or inflammatory or predicting whatever is most likely to grab people's attention, keeping us engaged on social media is how big tech makes money in the past four years of proven lies in conspiracy theories are, unfortunately, more engaging than the truth, and the danger in that is what danger is this going to present us with an extremely distorted view of reality. Fringe becomes the new normal file that is a study in the trump of reality TV roots taught him controversy gets ready and use the social media feeds in much the same way no one has a bigger bully pulpit and the president of the United States and no one before Mr. Trump used it with such abandon online attack on the capital change years of defending his presence on their part. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media giants booted Mr. Trump claiming he incited Amazon removed an entire site from its servers. Parlor, which had become the place favored by many conservatives, deep platform word. We learned a lot about this past week is that they should be doing it, but is always a counter move that while many applauded the move president shutting out the leader of the free world made many people uncomfortable to the huge power to wield one that is currently held in the hands of a very few. It's not a new argument. The CEOs of the major tech companies have been called on the carpet before the held elected and put you in charge of what the media allowed to report the American allowed to hear so you want to count lines or you will take out my settings.

Just a pretty simple yes or no claiming big tech is running afoul of the First Amendment. The platforming deemed harmful may be missing the larger point is kicking someone off any of the social media platforms and infringement of their free speech rights. No, they're not subject to the First Amendment. They are not the government. Daphne Keller directs the program on platform regulation at Stanford cyber policy center when it comes to digital speech and the First Amendment. She says it gets messy pretty fast is just a free speech argument on the part of users. It's also free speech argument on the part of the providers as well. Right. People who want to platforms and force them to carry speech they don't want to have a double First Amendment problem.

All those people don't have a First Amendment claim against platforms and second of all, the platforms do have a First Amendment argument against being forced to carry speech they get one of the argument overregulation was refrained less about speech and more about changing how big tech exposes us to that speech is free for violent information sharing flow of information. Eizenstat used to work for Facebook is one of the heads of election integrity, she saw firsthand just what these companies do with all that content is mono predicated on gathering as much of our human behavior as possible to create boxes of who we are. That's all fine for shopping for sneakers.

She said, but those same algorithms apply to our politics to willingly follow ideas that pop up right down the rabbit hole and those who want their messages to spread. No, the more controversial the better. I think I want to create outrageous deletion speech when call responsible for what tool and held responsible for not actual speech on except for speech breaks the law, but it sounds like what you're saying.

Those that would be changing the business model pretty much 100% big tech has promised more transparency and better enforcement of their own rules when it comes to spreading this misinformation. Facebook removed more hate speech this year than ever before. Twitter the same even tick-tock as being more proactive with that will likely not be enough going for. Can we trust them to do this kind of regulation of their own. No we should not be trusting Twitter or any private company to magically serve the public interest. I think if anything, the last four years have taught us that we can't you before the end of his second term, Bill Clinton talked about the challenges of regulating the Internet is like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall that was over two decades ago times J the value of good stewardship doesn't this discussion is about how we want to live how we want to be as a country and as a people. It's a discussion about our humanity.

At the end of the day. I do believe that force people to tie their actions to beliefs that might be a little more virtuous than their mere bottom lines. Harris marks multiple firsts when she takes office as VP Rocca tells us about another vice president and another first just two blocks away from the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka. You'll find a stately brick home with two dome my mom loved the half. It's probably one of the prettiest houses in Topeka. Nova and Don Cottrell purchased the local landmark in 1993. It hadn't been well cared for. It needed a lot of work. Although the couple was retired says their daughter Patty Dannenberg.

They spent the next 25 years, painstakingly restoring the homes parquet flooring and gleaming chandeliers and I love stained glass and has beautiful stained glass eventually opening it to the public as a museum dedicated to the man who once lived there. Charles Curtis, I don't think many people around really knew much about him, I realized how remarkable he was remarkable indeed. 92 years ago Charles Curtis was inaugurated as America's first and only Native American vice president Curtis was a member of the call. Also call Tecumseh nation the car people are the indigenous people of Kansas, James Pepper. Henry is CEO of the first Americans museum slated to open in September in Oklahoma City and vice chairman of the Carnation I would say 99% of everyone in this country does not realize the state of Kansas takes its name from our people.

The car people. Charles Curtis was born in 1860 in what was then the Kansas territory tool white father and an Indian mother's mother died when he was just three and he was left in the care of his Indian grandmother. The cop on the reservation. Pauline Sharp is a member of the Carnation learn how to ride horses speak the language. By 1873 the Carnation once millions of acres in area had dwindled to little more than a burial plot and a few hundred surviving members were being forcibly relocated south to what would become Oklahoma Bay wants to any home in Indian territory 17 days people say typhoid 13-year-olds Charles expected to join the migration but is Indian grandmother commanded the boy to stay in Topeka with his white grandmother and assimilate.

She wanted the best for him and the best for him was to go live with his white family and it turns out, his grandmother was right. Had he gone with her. Would we be talking about today, we would know who Charles Curtis was had he gone with his native grandmother in Oklahoma. In fact, he may not even have survived. Instead, Curtis arrived he became a successful lawyer and was elected to the US House of Representatives. Do you think having to go between worlds trained him for politics and a sense I think that's true. I think being an exploited person and in some ways being an ambassador between two worlds to prepare them for politics American politics in the Senate. Curtis of Republican became a force serving as Majority Leader and advocate for women's rights. Curtis proposed the very first version of the equal rights amendment. Women have always had leadership roles within our tribe and been really the backbone and strength of our tribe. I'm guessing that might've been a factor in clearly his belief on this issue will know in my native grandmother. I know his native grandmother had a strong influence on him and certainly minded, but for Native Americans, the legacy of the man known as Indian Charlie is a decidedly mixed many of the assimilationist policies he backed ultimately devastating effects on the lives of Indians leading to the dissolution of tribal governments and the breakup of communal lands.

I think he believed he was doing the right thing. Had he been alive today. I think he would've understood that some of the things that he believed in.

At that time did have a significant negative impact on native peoples in 1928 Curtis running with Herbert Hoover was elected the 31st vice president of the United States. He was given little to do in the office and we did preside over the opening of the 1930 games in Los Angeles.

With the onset of the Great Depression. The tickets bid for reelection went down in flames after Curtis's death in 1936. His name quickly faded as for his former home in Topeka. Don and nova Cottrell died last year. Months apart. The house is now for sale. Patty Dannenberg hopes that whoever buys the Curtis home will preserve it. What would be lost if the house weren't there. I think a lot of history would be lost and asked for the Carnation Dave rebounded in number and in 2002 purchased acreage for Memorial Park in Kansas return to their ancestral land and land in Kansas time feel felt wonderful to be back home. How would you like Charles Curtis to be remembered that the heart is the first Native American to make it that high in the United States government that source of pride for us and I want people to remember him. I think in a good way downstream progress and start doing crazy time once final point is when people in the best way to protect people is to final season Millstream on this is intelligence matters with former acting Dir. of the CIA.

Michael Morel bridge Colby is cofounder and principal of the Marathon initiative project focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition states put her mind to something, we can usually figure it out what people are saying and what we can know analytically and empirically as our strategic situation with her situation is not being matched up follow. Intelligence matters were ever you get your podcasts. Donald Trump now stands as the first president to be impeached twice. Braver, looks at how we got here and what comes next Year on the house floor was tense. He might go members arguing over whether each, the moment it drove my friend rolling salt insurrection is not enough to get a president impeached, then what is the president didn't even mention violence last Wednesday, much less provoker inside it. You have created a mockery out of the impeachment process only four times in American history has Congress impeached the president 1868 Andrew Johnson for breaking the law that barred him from firing his Secretary of War, 1998 Bill Clinton for lying under oath about his relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky article 1.20 19. Donald Trump the first time for abuse of power 2020 and Mr. Trump.

Once again, you think this impeachment will go down in history in terms of the seriousness of the offense. This impeachment levels the most egregious charge ever made against a US president something the law to the capital and then incising that mob to commit insurrection and history professor Alan Lichtman, American University says the vote in favor of impeachment was stunning because members of the president own party.

The most of any impeachment story. Yes, one of them was Jamie Herrera Butler of Washington state vote to impeach our sitting president is not a fear-based decision.

I am not choosing aside and choosing truth was there some matter of conscience from me was the issue of when I'm a grandma can I look at this dispassionately and say to myself, I believe I took and I can tell you right now. I know that I well do you losers. I don't know. I knew that I taking notes. It would put it on to question. Now it's up to the United States to decide whether to convict president Trump Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will not start a trial before the inauguration. When Democrats take control of the Senate and experts argue it's unconstitutional to try a president after he left office, but others like Rice University history professor Douglas Brinkley say it is allowed. So if Trump were to be convicted when he automatically be barred from holding public office again no first article of impeachment for inciting a riot. It would need to have two thirds of the US Senate to agree and if they did that there would be a second vote to bark him forever from entering American government in any way shape or form that only needs 50%, cans argue that is divisive and a waste of time to go after someone who is doing anyway. It is now time for all of us Democrats and Republicans alike to turn down the temperature does make sense on some levels to just say okay, it's done. It's over. It's very important to take a moral stance against the but whatever happens to president from here is still the question of the healing the raft deeply divided country think this period is going to stack up in history.

I think it's second only to the Civil War and the sense of watching our country so disunited steel Jamie Herrera Butler believes impeachment process proves our democracy is still strong.

I can let my conscience on the house floor and impeach the most powerful man in the world, not because I do because I felt like I had to the government and just throw me in jail. It's working before our eyes onto Steve Hartman in the story of how you can bring sunlight to the elderly living in shadows hello 91-year-old Jean McGee couldn't believe his good fortune. When he stepped outside his house in Vandalia Louisiana this past week he discovered a bunch of kids from the daycare across the street willing to include him in their fun where he also met the daycare teacher Megan Nunez every day across the street and we meeting meet again. Every day for three years Jean has been reading Megan for what he thinks to be the very first time will Jean has severe dementia where he can barely remember his own face. His daughter Kathy says he also suffered from loneliness until those daycare kids good. They had been such a blessing to daddy and he likes for about an hour every afternoon, Jean and the kids asking each other's company and although the night will erase every memory of the blog will smother every echo of laughter something will remain in the recesses of his mind something will beckon him back whenever he hears the children playing in the front yard and he remembers that this is going to be a joyful thing goes outside, which is kind of inexplicable because it's love. And you know everybody responds to love. Megan says it's almost like an instinct. We always tell they can then his brain is can I say let us heart always remembers us. Dementia can rob so much. But apparently acceptance of unforgettable just three days from now, Harris becomes Mdm. VP now thanks to those who may have tried to discourage her during her long career climb, and she told me during our visit last week I was raised not here. Now let me be clear that it's always like these are immense. Whatever you want to do you can do is to understand many people will tell you it is impossible. Don't listen I mentor a lot of people and I tell them that there will be people who say it's not your turn. It's not your time.

No one like you has done it and I'll tell him and don't you listen and then I'm going to tell them I know for breakfast, then 48 vice presidents in the history of the United States. All of the men until now. In three days, Harris will become the first woman to be VP also the first black vice president and the first of South Asian ancestry. I'm excited about January 20 I'm not let anyone take my excitement from that she selected Joe Biden common office during some of the most troubled times our nation has ever dependent and economic and division made violently clear in the takeover of the capital on January 6, Biden, and Harris sworn and surrounded by unprecedented security. What are you anticipating on January 20 when his news person I'm already seen split screen coverage of the 50 state capital Jones where reports are that extremists are planning to be back here see this is going to be an inaugural like no other in large part because of it, but we are to get sworn in and working to do the job they were hired to do and that means focusing for example on getting people vaccinated. We wanted to get 100 million done in the first 100 days is can be very tough to do it. We're going to reopen the schools in a safe way.

We have to get to the job of healing America represent all of you, whether you voted for me or against me. That was a mantra for Biden and Harris. But the challenge they face was laid bare by the attack on exactly 2 weeks following occupation January 6 with something seismic. Yes, it was something seismic. Ask was the TV on. Did someone say vice president like you guys see this come that I'm the capital that morning and then I was in a meeting and I was told that I should leave and then I was taken to a secure location with my husband we watched in horror. You are absolutely right. It was seismic.

It was an inflection moment and sometimes I think an infection mom is bringing something that is positive. Now it was a in many ways a reckoning.

It was an exposure of the vulnerability of our democracy in a Senate now split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans as vice president Harris will cast tie-breaking votes split Senate has only happened three times before this one comes after two Democratic Senate victories in the Georgia runoff elections. Just a day before the capital takeover. Still, the obstacles to the incoming administration's long to do last, are enormous. How can you look at that agenda without looking at it through the veil of what we saw on January 6 when we saw how did Walt Kelly put it in Pogo we've seen the enemy and us and that is true no matter which side you will is outrageous and we will remember it like we have remembered some of the most significant December 7 we will remember January 6.

There are certain things we are all as a member as an attack on the foundations and and in the fundamental principles and ideals which we hold dear. Yes, I agree with you in that regard, but come on people walking around carrying the Confederate flag. This is not a new display we've seen a sense of the course of the last four years and we seen it in our history and the world's history before it might seem that, Harris was born for this moment in history. Her father, Donald Harris Jamaica born economist.

Her mother, Shyamalan Copeland, scientist from India. They met at the University of California at Berkeley.

They divorced when Harris was seven, leaving her and her younger sister Maia to be raised primarily by their mother. She raised us to be proud, strong black women and she raised us to know and be proud of our Indian heritage. She emphasize your black identity is very deliberate about me.

My mother arrived in the United States at the age of 19. Because she had a dream goal to end cancer. She wanted to be scientists and automatically in the midst of those turbulent times became very attracted civil rights movement is very active in civil rights movement in the 60s and beyond and she was acutely aware that she was raising her two daughters in an America where we would very likely be treated and approached based on race and gender and so my mother raised her two daughters to be very proud black women growing up, my sister and I had to deal with the neighbor who told us her parents could play with us because she because we were black. Harris was embossed to integrated schools in Burke, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was blessed to school every day girl was me. She later attended Howard historically black university earned a law degree at the University of California, Hastings College of the law and set off on a path to politics in the first everything you've ever been district attorney Atty. Gen., California first first first.

Now first black woman first S. Asian woman first woman first woman with an the power of government and yet as someone who prosecuted exceeding sex crime you knew those children, the teenage victims that you defended as a prosecutor that you really couldn't change a great deal how much do you expect in your first four years in the Biden Harris administration generation. Let me tell you I at the risk of sounding like an idealist debate with my mother, mommy, pessimist, and she'd say you're an idealist and then I'd say no. I'm an optimistic sheet that will I'm a realist.

So, in the spectrum between being an optimist in a realist.

I seen some of the worst of human behavior to your plan. I was a career prosecutor for large micro-asking child sexual assault cases I've seen some awful stuff and I seen some beautiful things and so that's where I exist and unclear. Joe is certainly clear eyes with that big job in front of us and it is not to be easy and agenda further complicated by this past week.

Impeachment Joe Biden and his vice president have elected not to weigh in on the next step in that process in February will we still be talking about Donald Trump's presidency. The very clear about my position on Donald Trump. I strongly believe that he is incapable of being president of the United States has been incompetent and that's why ran against him and that's why Joe ran against so this is not a statement about Donald, but the American people deserve that in their president and vice president coming into office that we address the things that are weighing on them and and implement a plan and that's what were going to do.

It's not the exclusion of many other things that need to be addressed about accountability but that's our focus, Harris takes office on Wednesday that will be yet another first and will meet the nation's first second gentleman when we come we just spent time one-on-one with vice President-elect, let Harris time to meet her significant other. Do I do I call you Don, how do I address you become okay but of course he isn't just dog dog M half will be making history as the first husband of a vice president. First, gentlemen first and second first second okay, I'm afraid, for the next week or month or year of your life you're going to be doing something like you just had to do with me.

It's all so second gentleman conversation about most of his friends of the first do not. Harris and M half met in 2013 a blind date set up by a friend of hers. When you first got a friend who said this guy. Maybe your friends were doing this to you all the time, but there's a guy and he's a good one and don't Google him totally googled him didn't you I did my best friend set us up on a blind date and she suggestions me just trust me.

Just don't you know she wanted me to go into it and don't Google I found out he was a Los Angeles lawyer. Of course he knew she was California Atty. Gen.

He made the first move. One of my buddies was in town and we want to liquored and so you know couple beers. We told the stories text or so in the stands and came up with this text, which is something like a awkward texting you and she.

Which is funny is you Lakers go Lakers. The next morning early called so I left this ridiculous voicemail which he has saved and plays back to me on our anniversary. I thought I never hear from her again but it was just it was adorable and I mean the thing about Doug is that he is exactly. He's just a bully up and take and clear about the things he cares about and it's family, it's his work and me. They married in 2014. Her first.

He was by her side as she was elected to the U.S. Senate where he found out what it's like to be a +12.

A powerful politician. There were seven spouses who welcomed me and I went to some lunches and investors any publishers husband was with Horne's husband and put their arms around me and find each other off plans to teach law classes at Georgetown University, much like the incoming first lady Jill Biden who plans to continue as a community college professor, you strike me as a very centered person and a calming presence.

I understand the role she's taking and the role that Joe and Jill are taking on to become very close with them.

So I support her, support, and that's important is what they're doing is so much walking into so many different crisis in American people hired them for change and to get us out of this things and do everything I can to help to relieve the stress of the Washington pressure cooker helpful hopes to keep cooking both kitchen people you cook.

She has learned. No, now out of necessity, drink and covet really, how much cooking will there be in your life to come and charting the course and making sure that at least resend a family dinner to too much a part of our family life and that's important to me to keep that stability and we had to ask about that fashion choice. Surely a first for vice president. The Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers the chocks I got when you walked in.

I checked out issue where you not wearing checks today is the story story.

I've always worn casually go to get a grip with checks.

I love than the comfortable. I can attest, there is several closets full of exaggerating this wasn't just something that you started doing on the campaign. I met her trucks and genes which met the kids say to you, she's down to earth people ask me all the time I watch you since you shockingly normal. I think that is really an extension of who she really is Harrison M half have blended their families together including children. Ella and Cole from his first marriage. There Sunday evening Zoom calls are striking picture of diversity family in Italy. My sister and married an Italian so they live there with their two children. Indian live. There is left older man mother Canada California Brooklyn from California and for the next four years at the US Naval Observatory in Washington to the list which will be home to the vice president, and her family reflects America should just be about love and unity. Bless your family and stay safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's too early to tell if Americans are really ready to start spending money. Again, we pause to note the passing of longtime CBS News economics correspondent Ray Brady. Today's unemployment figures right was part of our original Sunday morning team alongside Charles Crowl recapping the weekend business.

If you slow up the economy enough to affect inflation and unemployment rises. He was a presence. Another broadcast to including his money crunch reports on the CBS evening news back in the 90s job. But watch out for number one Emmy award winner Ray retired in 2000 after 28 years with CBS Ray Brady died this past Tuesday. He was 94 and on a happier note, congratulations to our Sunday morning London producer Michaela Bafana proud mother of the newest member of our Sunday morning family, Gianna Florence, thank you for listening. Please join us when our trumpet sounds again next Sunday morning, it's me Drew Barrymore all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout business podcast and in each episode mean weekly gas that can cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the wall because well I and maybe you do too.

From the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her armpit also getting the things that you just kind of will probably not able to do in daytime television.

So watch out.

Tristan is ever you get your podcast.

It's a good news on the got