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Producers’ Pick | Host of “Bar Rescue” Jon Taffer: Producers Wanted Me to Fake the Show

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
May 8, 2022 12:00 am

Producers’ Pick | Host of “Bar Rescue” Jon Taffer: Producers Wanted Me to Fake the Show

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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May 8, 2022 12:00 am

Host of "Bar Rescue" and author of the new book "The Power of Conflict."

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I can't wait to talk about them when they come out isn't they want even know comes out tomorrow is day one so interesting because everything that you thought about that you get to speak about this book goes from the library to the arena, the truth and you got a hold back because it's printing and coming together to talk about it too early, so it's great to talk about them as we work so hard on these, this one took me over two years prior. So I started reading it and you break up a great first confrontation to chronic characterize why the book is so important you start bar rescue. You have a scene and you want your reality shows your shows are real emotions real and the confrontation is real and in the resolve is real. If that of course is a case and you hundred producer walking to go stop again.

We need you to do this we need you do that job in Egypt stayed over there and you just saw this.

You were poured by. It basically said all your out or mount make a choice you are willing to blow up the whole project because you had a vision and you will willing to have conflict. Make sure your vision was all through you and I share something were both honest and I'm lucky to go on television and fake stuff and the when I did the show originally. My deal with the network as it would be real. In this one. Executive came into one of you to fake a bunch of stuff in the show actually got shut down for the day was canceled for today is all the network executives flew in and it was a big deal but ever since then, they allowed me to do my show. Honestly the way I wanted to. If it wasn't for that conflict. Brian, I probably would not be on television today. So conflict is not a bad thing. Conflict is important. I wrote this book because in today's world. Brian no matter what side of the political spectrum to run if we don't start to speak up as a society are idealistic in the disappear and too many people are intimidated by conflict or scared of conflict someone to put together a how-to book with toolkits and understanding how to engage in conflict, not the kinda nasty stuff online. Talk about dignified, purposeful conflict, you know that brother at Thanksgiving or that boss or the conflict with her parents with school boards today they have to know how to gauge in conflict. So hopefully this book empowers people to stick up for what they believe in you to do drill that you like that the parents stuck up for themselves and their kids and maybe found the school board for the first time in their lives. Sometimes they hurt their message by going over the top correct and get into emotional that's right decision. A great conflict happens logically, it happens in a predetermined, almost strategic Conaway almost like a debating team if you will, Brian. You know you know who you're talking to you know what they believe you do your homework and you engage in something deliberate and unfortunately online now. None of that happens everything is so nasty and wax dignity. If you and I will get to negotiate something Brian and you knew that I was gonna take your dignity away. We sat at the table I was going to embarrass you and shame you, you wouldn't sit at the table with me, but if you knew I was gonna treat you with dignity you would so great conflict really starts with dignity. Couple things I think this stat that I wear was on my Saturday show. We talked about.

I believe there is a rise of the of the rational is happy or not about moderates about rational people are coming back to America and speaking up with this guy. One of my guests.

They did.

They did a extensive study they say two thirds of Americans decide to self silence rather than speak up when they disagree with someone. Two thirds needed. So how do our ideals continue with two thirds of our society doesn't stick up for those ideals. That's why I wrote the book, Brian. I wanted to empower those people want to give them the confidence and help them understand that their opinion matters and a lot of the book talks about that that your opinion matters.

Don't discount yourself and that is the physiological part regular people who were submissive to hold things in everyday and never stick up for themselves. This bad physiological effects that happen from that as well. It's not healthy. This episode is brought to you by Samsung unfold the all-new galaxy Z fold for and expands your world with flex mode it stands on its own, so your hands free to get more done during calls and with multi-window view.

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Visit to learn more about galaxy Z fold. John is safe to say that you don't hold anything in. That's not your problem, your turning angle before you get an ulcer strew senior in real life, and on television which is relied so here's the risk people listening to us right now. Yeah, if I go and say that to my parents and my boss to my friend to my spouse. I have to risk blowing up that relationship with John Tapper talking about confrontation is so much think downsides do it while you're right but that's the whole point of it is how you engage with your boss and not lose your job how you engage with your part one of the systems of that. How do we engage in conflict and if your Fox watcher and you can argue with the other side of the political spectrum. I suggested a book, watch MSNBC for understand what the heck they're talking about. So you can engage better. You have to understand your opponent and and if you do, whether it's a boss, whether it's a parent with the school system. There's ways to engage in conflict that is meaningful, not destructive understood. I get that now.

Couple things that you do that, I noticed right away so you'll do not, so you come up to me, I'm owning a restaurant in are you trying to get get through to me and you'll say listen, I think what you want to do and you'll start nodding is that subconscious or is that a tactic I was purposeful. Also when when people were talking to me.

I put my hand on my chin.

I want people to think that what they say matters to me, that I respect them and on that basis of respect and listening to them. I can engage in meaningful conflict if I don't respect him or listen to them.

It just becomes a screaming match Brian we don't get me where this is about being logical and being practical and understanding your opposition and strategically going at it to make a point understood. So of her example, body language wise. Some people will leave it. So if I'm talking to Arlene against the wall. All of fold my hand listen to you, but if I back up and listen. People get the understanding that you are as opposed to turning away and walking away.

If you turn away or if your body language with your liberty with your legs crossed your hand behind your head, which means superiority you get the do you get into some of that, absolutely, I look across the arms out to body language and look at tightening muscles.

Those are the signs to tell you not getting through. And if you're not getting through the conflict is worthless. You have to understand the other side we talk about so much of this in the book and the tool kits that we give help analyze that your brain from talking to you cross your arms and step back is no point anymore you not accepting what I'm saying. So I sort of blew it already. I need to pull you back in somehow, and I need to get your hand back on your chin and get you engaged with me in great conflict happens when both sides are engaged. What about repeating their point.

When writing their point and then you bring up your point and I don't use the word but use it, and I completely agree with that.

Not only is that respectful is showing them that you listen to them. So you're saying this, you're saying that Yep I can understand how you feel that way and I have a few that might have said I'm with you hundred percent acknowledging as part of respect right and in the other thing is as confident as you are. I think the more confident people know the more they're willing to understand it may be they need to know more I think of this more people are, the more they realize after no more is nothing wrong with maybe realizing your role in staff comes out through confrontation was to be mature enough to admit it. That is not happening, you absolutely that is a great story in the book we talked about with Roy and Walt Disney when Walt Disney would've spent about a house and home. That would've gone broke many many years before there were successful. Roy controlled the checkbook and they were making a movie snow white.

We talk about this in the book and or some glitters some defects in the film. In the movie, Snow White and Roy go walk goes to Royces I need to fix this to hundred $50,000. Roy would let them do it and if you watch the snow white movie.

To this day, you'll see that the effect in the film.

It was conflict that created the success of Disney.

The conflict between Roy matching the dollars and Walt watching the creative and it was the combination of both made it successful.

You were going. We have something special prepared for you and you come on one nation this weekend. I knew you'd be on the channel do a little bit different but I want to just play caught the new season of our rescue. Let's listen that come out. That is not the kind of conflict.

As you know bar rescue was a 3060 day process today doing for days and you know when I go to these bars, Brian.

They been told their bars are terrible. They been told their boys are dirty their employees and told him this for years.

I have to say it in a way that gets noticed. I only have four days to do it. I get loud on purpose. Believe it or not, that's not anger that's very deliberate and it's me engaging in what I'll call high-volume conflict to affect the change. Very very quickly because I don't have the time for 10 conversations understood and people should understand that Deming we only give away your tricks, but there's ways that you get people candidates well thought out, very sophisticated, so that when people get you get them in the real environment.

Also, they have to understand your intention. Brian on bar rescue.

I was get my hug in right so they understand what I'm screaming and yelling in and ranting and raving that I'm well intended. I'm trying to help them not hurt them. So that's gotta come through and conversations to the care about the other side and you will and you gotta go do a TV had with John before you leave. There is a sense even in pro sports that coaches today do not coach like they used to do, even in the Army in the military academies. They go to the screaming they don't they don't go through the Parris Island like You would you take that you take that into account that today today's younger generation does not want that and does that play into maybe what John Taft was like in the 90s as opposed to 2022. Nine.

I believe that we still need to do those things that coaches push athletes to be their best to push them to exceed even their own expectations of performance that doesn't happen if somebody is pushed either they push themselves like Michael Jordan did want to have a coach who pushes them I'm all in favor that's that was funny when Marshall Wentz was on bar rescue.

He told her what a great coach.

I would've been had I cited that of course at sending a rater, and Buffalo Bill running back, I think so much John. Best of luck I'll talk to you during the week.

Congratulations on the book.

It is called the power of conflict pick it up and you'll be a better person a better spouse a better worker and a better CEO. Thanks, John Fox news contrasts network subscriber listen to the Tri-County federal prosecutor and four term US Congressman from South Carolina brings you a one-of-a-kind podcast subscribing. Listen now by going