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Biden Admin Threatens, Blames Oil Companies for Pain at the Pump

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
June 16, 2022 12:50 pm

Biden Admin Threatens, Blames Oil Companies for Pain at the Pump

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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June 16, 2022 12:50 pm

[00:00:28] Rich Lowry

[00:18:43] Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)

[00:46:08] Bryan Rotella

[00:55:23] Tom Glavine

[01:13:57] Tim Stewart

[01:32:02] Alexi Lalas

[01:44:37] More to Know

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Live from the Fox News radio studios in New York City set of Fox and friends, America's receptive kill me. Thank you much for being here buddy is the right kill me, Joe. 1-826-408-7669 exciting week is been a death-defying ride for the week prior economy.

We know that today the prison United States will try to bring up more negative things about Republicans over the most part we know the his best hope, I guess, is to make a big deal that was happening at 12 o'clock Eastern time. And that's the beginning of another round of January, six investigations, which CNN and MSNBC are open revive their rating so I highly doubt it. Rich Larry standing by encouragement Jim back to should've been on the January 6 committee and by the way, I believe they are hurt by that without a countervailing opinion.

It makes you think you're being sold like an infomercial if they have that strong case he should've welcomed the counterargument but they don't and and they and they haven't, I think it's failing big time and I'll discuss that later. So let's get to the victory stories you need to know Brian's three number three. Working in lockstep to meet your claims records for new capabilities providing appraised offenders with my marriage.

Multiple launch rocket systems that will significantly boost Ukraine's paper building out. Good luck. We need you not only talking but delivering critical time for Ukraine as the EU heavyweights had to keep we send another billion, and Russia takes an important city why the West has to make sure Zelinski's forces don't lose will discuss making inroads specifically with Latino voters and this is a warning sign. The Democrats that in a Biden district heavily Latino Republicans were able to make gains here a warning sign for Democrats about their relationship with Latino voters.

Given this economy. No kidding. At CNN, by the way, can't beat them, undermining the dam push to boost so-called extreme Republican candidates in their primary have any chance of winning the general as sinking poll numbers show Joe and his party are all but said to go get in fact and go ahead and crown as the GOP is you just heard make stunning gains inside the Hispanic community will explain why. It's also very coincidental that all these oil company executives became so great it just when Joe Biden took office. The reason we have five dollars gallon gas because of your life's policies remember on the campaign trail there and declare war on oil and gas in America. That's exactly what they've done and that is timecard lesson with Laura Ingram painted the pump and inflation already affecting every area of our economy, and the president has opted to blame everyone except himself and his policies. We will not hesitate neither will Rich Larry enter the next review author of the case for nationalism. We surprised about the get that letter yesterday Rich to the seven oil companies broadcast to the public. You are the problem we find more or I will take action now this is what they've been part of the game here from the beginning is so-called greed inflation blaming company that you know I didn't get greedy just over last year and I mean company this book to make profit. That's why they exist, but somehow not since the 1970s. Have they been raising prices this way and that logically because there there's a lot of other stuff going on in the federal flood of federal spending. The loose Federal Reserve policy supply chain disruption, then yes, the Ukraine war has something to do. This phenomenon was was going much earlier. This is classic and they try to explain it away. Try to unconventionally say that policy to address it and try to blame others as Jennifer Granholm knows nothing about energy. She's basically all she get a windmill in our house cut for we are seeing these massive profits massive profit-taking on the part of refiners, and so the president is calling both upon production of oil to increase in United States and around the world and he's calling upon refinery capacity to increase and he's calling them to a meeting to say what can we do to help make that happen to number one. He's basically incentivizing refineries. I did not notice to convert to something that's green energy oriented to be no refineries built. He knows that he try to kill fossil fuel.

We recorded this and now he's telling us to pick up the pace when it comes to refineries. Yeah, now that the beginning that cheap energy is a wonderful thing for the country and we need all sorts of that we possibly can and let's pump and drilling windmill. Where appropriate, but they didn't because the agenda was trying to destroy fossil fuels to supposedly save the planet and now you know that's coming bit them in such a terrible way now to come around and say all you gotta refine more but you can't tell an industry is terrible and she got a business and expected to expand at the same time and that was the contradiction at the beginning right. I want to use the problem. No one priest John Kerry has no real job is to be anywhere no answer meetings. He's a climate guy at seven energy security. Worry is driving a lot of the thoughts about what we need more drilling or drilling. This we need to go back to coal know we dealt with absolutely no and we have to prevent false narrative from entering into this or again punted that we are to which he talked about doing a brief Mr. I fire ant my private jet while condemning the rest of the world about what they're asked to do, do they know last week Rich Larry we had the secretary transportation safe. You don't start drilling on the leases that you have to be taken away and we don't need: here but all around the world people are going to call and come to Russia and you have it in a cheap and abundant energy is the basis of all modern life.

You don't have energy you don't have anything else goes up the cost of the scene of everything else goes up.

So it's an agenda, but mean climate change might be a problem there ways to address it to be addressed in a cost-efficient way.

Over time, shouldn't try to hurt and destroy your existing industries to try to force people to use sources of energy that aren't as reliable, efficient or cheap to write you columns about prison, Biden, and Jimmy Kimmel interview with only when he stunning four months is emblematic of the problems he's having each Losing himself in the interview.

Jim kept trying to save them for the most part he is to win the American people back over he thinks is by doing more, doing more things like that interacting with people. But right now the FoxPro has met 39% approval. Where is he heading because right now dear part. There there pattern is not great but I'm better than the other guy when it comes to the primaries. I'm going to start promoting and financing the campaigns of each so-called extreme Republican candidates problem whenever you don't seem in charge event that could be a big problem. What time did Jimmy Carter a robust man and his I think that if you believe, I believe it was even worse.

Even worse, with Biden when he can't go out there and put in a commanding performance that Kimmel interview even the best moments, wandering and weak and most people even if they're told they shouldn't think that 30 minute report about a look at it and not feel reassured and on top of that they have this incompetent performance and event spinning out of control at the terrible place for me to be below 40 now and most of the polling averages and II think there's potential to drip down lower because were looking at economy that might slip into a recession should have that on top of everything else was just the other debacle I see it's amazing to see the business channels, business experts, all good news.

Interest rates are going up big time. So the market went up the average American looks and says is that good news my credit cards go up about I knew how submittal bodies now become more expensive maybe only unaffordable all of a sudden were cheering for the raising rates we use to as late as six months ago.

Hope those rates didn't go up in the market reacted. This is anti-consumer business, what you have the inflation the way that brings rates up which is just inherently painful.

I'm in the basically slow the economy down and hope you don't go into recession, but the answer is very often go into recession the nonpainful way to try to address inflation actually increase the supply side, increase the supply of goods were to talk about energy it be good to have more oil and gas and coal. But this administration has an anti-supply-side policy so that they stoke demand through spending and then then they reduce supply and that he had inflation and then the Fed was accommodating for too long and then now you get the situation worry, you have no good choices. Jim Cramer said yesterday. Hardly a critic of this administration cut three. What's more, instantaneous action is to send a letter to the oil companies saying making too much money and that is harks back to near Jimmy Carter in Jimmy Carter. Windfall tax meets all the things they just say don't stocks just don't own me the president uniquely lost the oil companies use more and instead is going to go to Saudi Arabia so you not only that he's discouraging people from investing in those taxes fossil fuels so the monies not even there to finance some of this exploration that he says that he needs now were pretense to need now.

Overall, the president is got CNN and others talking about his mental capacity Pierce Morgan. Morgan said this on Sean Hannity last night tell me Phyllis or Micah 24 I think people feel embarrassed by units because I can watch videos of them even 20 years ago and compare how he performs that to how he performs in public now amazed being a rapid deterioration in his mobility in the way that he talks in the way that he is consistent to stop and he says that woman is saying one thing that the White House rings back then he has to write about the rain back and so it goes on to nothing.

Time and again, so I mean and didn't you have people like Van Jones pointing that out. Don lemon pointing that out with the best his insurance.

Joe Biden has his, Harris will respect you think I'm right. No doubt there and whether there's something more deeply wrong with being 79 years old.

I don't know tend toward the latter, but old age is not a curable condition progression.

It doesn't get better.

Let me 981 and the problem with the Democrats.

A parent is more unpopular than Joe Biden and she's young you know she is a health issue.

She's bigger. She hadn't really done anything about a call about this early in the week she had done anything good or bad particularly than any scandal or a policy she is messed up on the board is not her fault. But if people don't like it.

She's totally inauthentic.

She just does not have a soft touch and be terrified that Biden can't run any tilt that way they can dump this mixed-race woman who made history being the first American woman whose really really hard for Polly pocket party so obsessed with identity politics really bad when you places just know the issues we know a lot of people, especially who write my rights in this review my rights to the daily caller and there did great writers and they know their stuff, but they don't love communicating their love going on radio and TV, but they know their stuff. So don't worry about the delivery. Don't worry about that because they have substance that she does not know anything she's memorizing things and she is no-confidence but the one thing I like to point out guys like you are so experience it when things change what they were watching change before eyes as Republicans are getting more and more of the Hispanic vote, we saw a rapid change with the Donald Trump we saw that it would be were in a better place with Bush 41. Originally around for around just up 43% but now as Maia Flores wins her race a Democratic district in Texas. She said this to Sean Hannity less I cut 23 people are always asking Meyer how can you be a Republican whenever you're born in Mexico and that's clearly shows me that they know nothing about our culture. I was raised with strong conservative values brought about faith and family and hard work that we are our values do really align with the Republican Party while you hope for that and that might be at the RNC but that might become conventional wisdom, especially in Texas go around the country were most pronounced in the Rio Grande Valley where district is 85, 90% panic and it just busted a bunch of stereotypes right at me and her husband is a border patrol agent.

She campaigned often wearing a border patrol hat she's not where I am on immigration. She favors likely the pathway to ship but really tough on the order your community down there, they they know you want to come legally from Mexico. It takes you 10 years of people jump in the line walking across the border and her slogan this from that cookie plate with God, family, country no common sense conservative patriotic values and that's where most Hispanics are. They don't like the social radicalism cultural radicalism of the Democrats and you know that they care about the issue that most people in the country care about right now which of the economy and inflation say get disaster on that front. Get a Democrat party that's more more radical on cultural issues and you're seeing a shift again most pronounced in South Texas. But you've seen it in Florida seen some in Arizona you see that some cities like Philadelphia, this is just the potentially game changing trend right he is. Rich Lowry – review author of the case for nationalism.

Thanks, Rich got it. We come back your calls, 1-866-408-7669 bodily out with a man that should've been on the generally six committee Congressman Jim Banks in the house on services committee so move Brian Kilby Joe big our giving you everything you need to know your Ryan kill me work and on the next Fox News contributor daily newsletter.

I'm inviting you to join a conversation every week this to Ben Dominic's podcast listen no Fox News precise personal powerful is America's palm of your fox weather updates throughout your busy day subscriber list of mailing Fox News live just on, or wherever you get your project information you want truth you demand. This is Ryan kill me show you my family 300 Texas Radisson parent or raising children in Florida going after Mickey Mouse for God's sake, yet Mickey Mouse others present desperate bad attic playing politics. It's don'ts. It's not the don't say gay. Bill is a parental rights bill that says I don't want my kid being taught about sexuality from K through third and I think maybe preschool to so go ahead Miss present you could grab the other side of that issue puts the second-grader to become a transsexual, go get that surgery as quick as you can, nobody's with you on this finite amount of people.

I know you can't point to any party into their anti-day. Not at this point, same-sex marriage, big deal.

Don't Bush 43 first term second term different deal first term. Obama that was that marriage is a man and woman second term while let's make same-sex marriage real again and then it happens because I remember that because our present biannual vice president and you blew it. Because you are a Meet the Press or George 7-Up was to show when you came out so yeah will get a look to push for same-sex marriage, then you had to cry and apologize because you have no control yourself person Jim Banks in a matter of moments, but I mean that's the present. So this is a story today which I know is true and the Democratic parties making clear they can identify the most extreme candidate on the right and they can put millions of dollars into the candidate so that gets that Canada gets the nomination, Claire McCaskill came up with a strategy and 12 2012 when it looked as though the Republicans were about to take the Senate, so she went ahead and made sure the Todd Akin and others who might be great people bore extreme candidates got the nomination and we got the nomination they will be able to have a good shot Democrats in the general good people be scared about this extreme view in that latest example is a Donald Trump pic of mastery auto this macchiato was a fan of Donald Trump and Donald Trump a fan of his. He pushed forward, but he believes the election was rigged and he pushes a pushes for that and thinks it.Joe Biden is not the rightful president that is not a mainstream opinion and when you have a moderate purple state like Pennsylvania you might have trouble with the governor's mansion with that whether you think it's true or not we come back I'll talk to Carson Jim Banks about that cynical push for Democrats to say you don't like us with the other guys are worse that's that's really the slogan that Joe Biden should be using Fox News contrasts network. These ever-changing times you can rely on Fox News for hourly updates for the very latest news and information on your listening download mailing Fox News or wherever you get your favorite contest will came close to Fox and friends, we can share my thoughts in a wide range of topics in sports and pop culture, politics and business subscriber listen no Fox News by just from his mouth to Brian kill me to think that was hard and we get that we really get that that's that's point number one, number two, it doesn't make people any field I feel any better, but it is important in diagnosing the problem here and the problem is that the price of gas at the pump is now up about a dollar $0.70 Putin began amassing trips of the border is the impact of it's not that it's not fun, but nobody likes it, but we have to stand against that you provide aggression. Yeah, nice try. So let me Putin has affected it by the way, do you really want to take your enemy and see them doing such damage to your economy for political gain.

Brian DC is the White House economic advisor never really had a job in the private sector.

Let's bring in Congressman Jim Banks, always great to hear from you Congressman.

Thanks for joining us. First off, I do. I've never seen such an aggressive deception, the prudent price hike. These oil and gas companies are just greedy were going to make them pay a windfall tax when we know that the president got everything.

His policies have everything to do with why we are suffering worse in almost every Western nation with inflation on my district around the country that they know that your five Democrats radical climate change Green new Deal policies are or what is driving up gas prices in Fort Wayne, Indiana were paying $5.25 per gallon of gas and we know it because the Biden and what they're trying to do and and and and Brian went to get this bad mandate, tired, worn out playbook for Democrats is to change the subject blank blank prudent blame blame others blame Trump in a talk by Janet January 6 and hope that we can change the subject. Nobody pays attention that it pays attention to what what's driving the harm that's causing American families inflation gas prices try to change the subject] will undo that John Kerry said so. The main ministrations, hauling in these gas companies. The big seven modem G been startlingly better start refining more and then John Kerry speaks and says it's cut seven and February is driving a lot of the thoughts about all we need more drilling or drilling.

This we need to go back to coal.

No window with absolutely no and we have to prevent false narrative from entering into this or again hundred that we are you a demonstration. Since a promise will gas companies got a climate so should we better not drilling more is briefing John Kerry in his job was given John Kerry, power and he's like really running the show is radical of policies. He talked about now for decades that the Biden administration is incorporating it because it could. I guys like John Kerry in charge so things are things are bad or they're gonna get worse. Democrats in control. They wrote they raised interest rates yesterday try to control inflation and that affect all of this and the solution is simple `crazy radical policies of these that this administration is put into effect allow for drilling on federal lands.

There are many permits that are available around the country that the administration is blocking drilling in the United States. Keystone pipeline make America energy independent again like we were just a couple years ago and that's what will drive down gas prices. But this administration is refusing to allow that to happen. So Banks if you watched a lot of the hearings on January's about. Generally six complex enough of a very complete and total on the primetime hearing on Tuesday they they thought it was going to be a much bigger deal than what it was they did provide the American people any evidence at all that we had heard before, the prosecutor try to prosecute a former president for crimes they didn't commit and attack their political enemies and by and large the public is seen through their sick. They're sick of it because they're begging Congress to focus on gas prices and inflation.

The drug epidemic issues that are affecting them, and instead these Democrats are hell-bent on going after Donald Trump and Trump supporters and hand back there their political enemies on the right and that's what it turned out, the ratings were were really bad and if you watched it it was it was actually very boring and they plant them another hearing coming up today that it another hearing earlier in the week. He did hear anything about because there's there's nothing new there is just a bunch of garbage that the pushing out and that and that the public is sick of it. I think my theory is, you might not agree it would be better off with you and Jim Jordan because we give people a sense that we getting both sides and make my opinion, it becomes clear that everybody thinks the exact same on the panel and the go to pick and choose the clips to show to back up their opinion there is no sense of the banks.

Jordan pushed back then you sit back and makes the show more interesting makes all the analysis and on news reports around the country more interesting. They realize that we know what infomercials are and we don't go to them for news your ear here right, it would have given this process a lot more credibility at the other side represented and week. The reason that Pelosi pick me up the committee by voice is never been held accountable for it. She's ever been forced to explain why did you prevent Jim Baxter being the ranking member.

The first time a congressional history that a select committee that the members were appointed by the ranking by the ranking member public leader warrants were allowed to serve in that capacity. She's never been forced to explain why they can tell you exactly why the reason why is because I was asking the questions that are actually relevant related to the systemic breakdown security at the capital on Nancy Pelosi's watch of the speaker the house, she is. She has more control than anybody United States capital. According to the rules of the Congress and oversight and leadership of capital security and on her watch. There is a complete and total breakdown of leadership at the top levels of the capital police and the and the rank-and-file members of the capital police there were let down because of it and she didn't want to answer questions about documents that are in her office related to Isaac why the National Guard was called off work for quote bad optics why there is intelligence a few weeks before January 6. Something can happen that that intelligence was never shared with by large with others throughout the capital police ranks in the point being those of the serious questions that would prevent something like January 6 ever happening again and said it turned this into a complete partisan sham and which are not, and has no credibility because of it.

I want you Rachel Maddow ball. People say listen just a key point at which the president spoke and you can we can absolutely talk about things the president said that the idea that Riley is the thing that got out of hand and that somehow resulted in the preaching of the capital capital and the people who, as you say, and in the initial branch that allowed everybody else to come in and everything went to the rally that something you might say, rarely agree with Rachel Maddow but what what is exactly right and what why not unpack that that could take that a lot. For further and ask questions about what happened at the capital that day and haven't ever realized.

Investigation into the breakdown security. What happened leading up to it. How that how that could be correct prevent against been washed it out for six years and there. There is nothing more American than coming to our nations capital and in protesting, making your voice heard. Exercising your First Amendment rights their rallies in the nicest capital all the time on issues that I don't agree with but it's very American to come here to do that and on this chapter's January 6 witchhunt committee there attacking people who came here to to support a president who they love to exercise their their constitutional rights to be heard in this committee is attacking them for their going after them for and that the shape apartment great that from people who rioted and caused violence to attack capital police officers are very different people on this people should be held to the fullest extent of the law, but this committee is a focus on that focus on what happened at the capital Rachel writer focused on on people who came to peacefully assemble and present Trump took told to go down patriotically and peacefully. Make your voice heard.

They can't seem to get over that fact that and that that's why this committee witchhunt investigations come off the tracks of the laundry I want to get to Tyson.

Thank you. Moving to Preston Biden on getting answers and why they dropped arson charges against these riders in these BLM riots from only a year and half ago.

I will get you one thing is clear and is it bill step begins much different in the Rudy Giuliani's Mike pence I think is is loyal to present Trump is anybody you know at the point he's in Trump's on Trump's bedside. I and others.

They have the so-called normal legal team and the abnormal legal team. How you explain being that I know the prisoners great respect for you.

The fracture within the. The Trump White House in the last few months will never forget all these January 6 committee hearings using selectively edited snippets of interviews are not seen the whole thing and by the way, Rodney Davis, the ranking member of the house restoration committee was for scrimmage.*Many with me. He's instructed this committee to preserve all of the hundred thousand pages of documents and more because we investigate how this committee is as abuse their power how they how they how they've actually violated the rules of the House of Representatives majority back next year so when you see snippets of step and then Jason Miller and and others are test of Jared knows you're testifying to listing a small snippet of a sandal thing so view it with a lot of skepticism, but here is that you're exactly right me night you as you as is.

This goes further on your concealed one-sided view of who was advising the president during those days that and I will wait we have to there so many more questions that raises that you're not to get to see the full picture showing it to banks or gas constant use. You're asking the White House to tell you why why the department of justice of dropped arson charges against these left-wing writers who try to pull of police cars and NYPD vehicle. In the aftermath of George floor Floyd riots. All of a sudden they just let these guys go to lawyers by the way, lawyers in New York City.

I try to block the police car that they got the Trump DOJ arrested sentenced to 10 years the Biden DOJ dropped to two years. In other cases, Victor Sanchez was caught trying to turn a light glove and blow up a police car to during one of these BLM riots and that that carries a five-year mandatory sentence Trump Trump DOJ arrested him.

The by DOJ to DOJ just completely dropped the charges against him. So you're saying is not it's not just about these one or two cases you see a pattern here that by the Department of Justice dropping charges against left-wing writers and and the activist and then on the right use go back to January 6. For example, event over 100 people arrested for January 6 five on drug charges on like a very small handful of them. Now I'm not saying that they should when pointing out is a different set of rules of justice for those on the left and those on the right and by the way if you drop charges on left-wing activists to blow up police cars are basically legalizing that kind of behavior. So the department of justice needs to be called out for sent them a letter demanding to know why they drop charges on this Victor Sanchez and I were working for some to explain it to the American people otherwise are telling their time for people to go out and and attack police officers and and I continue behavior because under their under their regime.

That's a that's not completely okay ranking member on the subcommittee and siren chairman of the Republican study committee, which is important.

Remember, the house on services committee should you get the majority Congressman banks what would you look to do what have to be a leader in the publican conference for the last term is Republican chairman of the largest caucus on Capitol Hill and and really framing what our agenda will look like when we get the majority back. We get the majority back. I want to be one of the leaders in public and Congress are helping to push it get us back to what we know works that the Trump agenda. The agenda put America first put America on top and that rollback this greatly outrageous radical agenda of the collapse push on his last couple years that it is clear that has made America put America last in all of our policies, so I hope to be on the front lines and in the in the weeks and months to come will will see no more than what it will look like, but I hope to continue be a leader for the party. Leslie you worried about was happy Ukraine right now they seem to lost momentum in the in the artillery fire from afar is allowing the Russians to make gains. Yeah I could to be concerned. Aaron and and that by demonstration continues to disappoint us in assuring that Ukraine gets the type of lethal and military support that they need to fight back against the Russians and next week we have the markup of the annual national fence authorization act of the armed services committee. This real hot topic this week as we create and draft the annual bill to support our military in a big a big part of that be what we can do to help you current Constantine banks, always great to talk to. Thank you thank you and I think in retrospect with the big mistakes he made to ski is kicking off. Thanks, Jordan, would you think 1-866-408-7669 Brian kill Michelle use makers and breakers. First, Brian kill me show talk show that's real. This is Brian kill me show you focused on 2022 en masse, what I would say my welcome support from American by the way among people who thought that was a funny line Van Jones said he learned a lot from prison, Trump, which is true is very confrontational does not miss a chance to punch someone back when they go after him and he is very quick on his feet. That's an example of anyone mosque by saying that Brenda Santos is his guy also is not insignificant to because he mentioned he made his first vote for Republican ever inform Ira Florez in Texas where he's officially a resident member I told you how Democrats new strategy is to boost up asked with a cane term extreme Republican candidates so they can beat him in the general.

Here's an example of one of those ads from super backup political at super back in his pre-promoting Colorado conservative Ron Hanks for his for the June 28 GOP primary 20 conservatives Ron Hanks thanks was rated one of the most conservative members of the statehouse. He says Joe line selection was Hanks wants to ban all abortions and wants to build from Hanks sponsored a bill that would allow concealed carry permits Ron Hanks conservative credit Colorado is responsible for the content is right.

So what they're saying is the things that sell to Republicans there looking as a negative, but republished by a I got and that might be fine. But in order with the general in a purple state got moderate since and conservative moderate Democrats and some independence and the conventional wisdom is those people on the extremes.

The AOC winning AOC like districts extremely liberal districts and radical liberal districts almost socialist districts but you would never be able to win the state because she get kicked out of Long Island and kicked out of New York State in Colorado very red, very blue, some in the middle and he be the perfect dominate. If your Democrat.

That's the theory. These cynical you imagine running for office to say listen, I know I suck only to prove that the other guy is worse. That's how you went. I guess the people that are outraged by that. The daily backsides of the world. The corrosive would not run this way works will cover over a calm today in the Wall Street Journal just talks about cynical as Charles Lane potentially left out of a moderate guy also says Democrats can make a choice. Do you have a good message was your message is not as bad as Republicans not really sure what you want to be in the business if if the latter is true. Brian kill me show. Don't forget one nation Saturday nights at 8 o'clock again at 11 on the Fox news channel set your DVR for and keep here on this way why New York City set up Fox and friends, America's receptive Brian kill me. I was trying to leave. Welcome to the latest moments of the Brian kill me show here at 48 and six heard around the country and around the world and hopefully in the Ukraine digesting phone number showing how the American people really stressed out about were heading economically. Not that concerned about foreign policy. At the moment Brian Rotella shortly and talk about how the biggest rate upgrade biggest rate rise since 1994 Took Pl. yesterday the market like yesterday.

They don't seem to like it today. It is the market is down under 30,718 points, man that's disturbing and then Tom Glavine, the former met and brave Hall of Fame pitcher.

He is going to talk golf and when to talk about with tapping the world of sports to season the 2022.

American Century championship.

So before we go any further, let's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three sponsored by life facts save a life and a choking emergency visit life back down there to learn more and use code BK tend to save 10% number three and walked up to me claims for new capabilities providing great defenders with prime or multiple launch rocket systems that will significantly boost claim capability when the winning again at fair Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin medical type.

Ukraine is EU heavyweights visit keep the capital to meet with Zelinski why the West has to make sure he and his forces do not lose will discuss Republicans in making inroads specifically with Latino voters and this is a warning sign. The Democrats that in a violent district heavily Latino Republicans were able to make gains here a warning sign for Democrat about their relationship with Latino voters. Given this economy guess they burn that the stress you can't beat them, undermining the Templars to boosting so-called extreme Republican candidates in the primary, so they have a better chance of winning the general as seeking poll numbers show that Joe and his party are all but going to drown as the GOP is made stunning gains inside the Hispanic community. As you just heard will explain why. It's also very coincidental that all these oil company executives became so greedy. Just when Joe Biden took office.

The reason we have five dollars gallon gas because of Joe Biden's policies remember on the campaign trail and declare war on oil and gas in America.

That's exactly what they've done.

Yeah, that is time cotton pain at the pump and inflation are affecting every aspect of our economy, and the president has opted to blame everyone except himself and his policies, but we will not hesitate to let let's talk about with the American people think Fox News did a poll to which the condition of the economy. Now 18% said good but 82% said fair.

How is it different from 2020. Let's say in January, 55% of the country, said it was good, 45, 44% said only fair or poor, so there's three significant that's what you got the keys to the house along with the vaccine and already a million shots in the arm that we know you pulled out of Afghanistan. You know you left Ukraine naked up into the last minute and we know you've done with the oil and gas Fox News. It would to get this economy now only 5% said excellent 13% said good 25% said fair. How do you feel about the economy, only 32% say optimistic now. It was a 59% in 2018. 63% in February 2019 other significant things. The most important issue. Do you vote on now think about that.

Ask yourself that what's most important.

If you are a Democrat, 27% says inflation that still tops 53 among Republicans guns 20% 5% among Republicans abortion 12% say that's were important for Democrat 7% for Republicans, border security, 1% say the dam in the Democrats concerned about that 12% for Republicans to be every American should be concerned about that you have a kid in school to be effective class-size you have a teacher you can be having to teach know to three languages or use more time for those people that don't belong here. The don't have a family structure around here, so let's look at how the country feels it with the present good doozies blaming Latimer Putin is claiming oil and gas companies. Janet Janet Jennifer Granholm is beginning to threaten the oil and gas companies as if she doesn't vilify them every day that we cut five and there was a study yesterday that came out of writers and it said that while this quarter were record profits. We also know that they returned about 9 1/2 billion dollars to shareholders if they had even taken that were not against profit obviously taken just half of that and reinvested it in supply we would see hundreds more rings we would see hundreds of thousands more barrels of oil were asking them to me in this era were were on a war footing to it. Consider increasing supply. How you've already maxed out capacity when it comes to refineries you stopped allowing they say a thousand barrels to come through this Alaska pipeline yet 400,000 sets of 600,000. She's also blaming driving season.

She's also saying we should build mobile windmills would have to worry about wind and solar panels when we know this, problems with that they all be supplemented as well as electric I hate when people go out of their way to deceive us because that's what's happening right now there's no sincerity them saying drill more is nothing built-in to do this time. Cotton cut 11 efforts chasing the prize that the gang that gave us 1/2% inflation is bad at math. It's also very coincidental that all these oil company executives became so greedy. Just when Joe Biden took office. The reason we have five dollars gallon gas is because of Joe Biden's policies and it's the exact design of Joe life's policies remember on the campaign trail. He and all his other Democrat said they were going to phase out fossil fuels there and declare war on oil and gas in America.

And that's exactly what they've done in the casualties of that war or America's families and businesses is approval of the president has dropped down to 39%, and among refile a lot of the people that study more Democrats are waiting. So you have been people like you, I must come announcing your support around DeSantis on this. So with the Republicans are doing now is have to fend off with the Democrats are doing. That is, they are trying to support extreme candidates strike like Darren Bailey is too conservative for Illinois Sen. Doug master Yana won the Republican nomination which made present from Pappy, but he's looked at is the easiest mark for the Democrats to become the next governor of Pennsylvania, the inventor of this strategy is former Sen. Claire McCaskill who affected us. Gaskell Google eventually lost effectively deployed her 20 2012 campaign during the primary.

She's been 1.7 million attacking her weakest Republican opponent Todd Akin as to conservative but that's what Republicans wanted to hear got the nomination. Guess what she one another six years, she would eventually lose in 2018. Thankfully because she's a do-nothing partisan. So what is the most important thing to you and your family. 90% say gas prices, grocery prices, 88% utility cost 81% healthcare costs 69%, so whoever can answer those questions make people feel better about those questions. It will be the next president of the United States as Wall Street Journal says it meant that what the party in power. The Wall Street Journal says this about the presence blame game. The US is lost about 1 million pounds of day of refining capacity to the pandemic. Some new refineries opened up in Asia, but the international energy agency recently reported the global capacity last year fell by 730,000 barrels that affects the price a day. Okay, so the president also said the major culprit. The US government said some older refineries have close because companies couldn't justify spending on upgrades because the president made it clear the fossil fuel is going to be history to me out of upgrade anyway knowing that Republicans will eventually be back in power was and I would come back and talk to Brian Rotella about how to make heads or tails of this when it comes your own personal finances. Brian say the attorney founder and CEO and senior partner of Janco legal and then within a talk to Tom Glavine and then will for squeezing your calls you listening to the brain to meet Joe on this Thursday. Thanks to Bryan's got a lot more to say.

Stay with Brian kill me radio show like no other. So as I mentioned, 75 basis points today I set the next meeting could could well be about a decision between 50 and 75 that would put us at the end of July meeting.

Note in in that range of in that more normal range.

And that's a desirable place to be because you begin to have more option out there about the speed with which you would proceed going forward. Things are better. We don't need to do that much so, and if they're not you know you do that much or possibly more option alley, that's a word I was not thinking of using ever. I Drupal that him yesterday, chairman of the Fed raising rates .75 basis points. First time in the biggest great gain since 1994 in the market like did yesterday. They seem to hate it today and people cheering yesterday. I guess those people were try to buy a house. Brian Rotella's with us now attorney founder and CEO and senior partner of Janco legal hey Brian, welcome back, Frank read very glad to be back with the defendant did the Fed help or hurt yesterday.

I got it it was necessary and seems we've got to stop this inflation. I'm not wasting a cry for lawyers or doctors but I'm a lawyer and I represent doctors. We can't retain people.

Brian salaries are getting out of control because I'm people or having to buy stuff so it's becoming a cycle because when you're out looking for a lawyer you're out looking for a doctor part of the reason that you're having a lot of weights and not being able to get in and see people your people are being responsive is directly related to this inflation. It is hitting us as far as being able to retain talent right people are jumping but is hitting us on retaining so they've gotta do something.

Even lawyers and doctors even where I might be immune to it and no one's in a cry for I look known as a cry for us but the same point. You need lawyers and doctors to do some professional services and ultimately hits the patient and it hits the client because what's the number one thing that they care about.

They don't want to be ignored and doctors and lawyers are feeling like they're ignoring their patients and clients because we are unable to keep people right so tell me about what's going on with healthcare we should look for role focus on oil and gas refineries, and of course everyone wants to drive a golf vacation. See all you know what air travels and I feel like white fall food cost so much because diesel prices Robin Hauser food be delivered supermarkets through trucks.

I get it all along the way you focus on healthcare, which we keep her eye on. I wrote a piece back in 2016 about the big Obama care bubble. My mission here I was wrong. I was six years late. Didn't know what was going to happen which we are in a bubble right now, which is when they did the American recovery plan or whatever it was/is in first got any past 1.9 trillion right and part of the 1.9 trillion was a just a massive juicing of what are called subsidies that went into the Obama care exchanges used to be for people only up to 400 that 400% of the poverty line that was like 50,000 for an individual about 104,000 for a family for so what happens now people are getting subsidies that make a family of four making $265,000 a year. The getting $7800 from the government form of the taxpayer for healthcare. They don't need it. They're getting it right are using it. What's that doing it's inflating the cost of healthcare. This expires Brian in January 2023 what's happening in November. Everyone's talking about. It's going to be of different red wave.

It looks to be a red weights would snap and we knew that nonrenewing all the sudden you got you got $30 billion. That is been pumped into the Obama care exchanges going away. That's going to have an impact right and it's I think that people need necessary things people need an out healthcare costs is up here and it's like the housing market. What happens when it resets I think it's amazing in six months if you told some of their interest rates are going up to be into panic. Now the market yesterday said thank goodness, interest rates going up, but can Brian Rotella to let me know what are the ripple effects of rot. Write a rise in interest rates will rise in interest rates as so many ripple effects in the ripple effect again I can to speak to in healthcare when you move up interest rates in healthcare.

What are you doing well as a mortgage anybody who's paying interest rates on credit cards you are paying more for that ultimately what it people end up not doing they're not paying on healthcare. What's the number one prices no one talking about Brian that came out of this pandemic people delayed going and getting essential care. Things like colonoscopies, things that people need to get what they want right now is a delay.

They were told not to come exactly were told those elective so-called elective surgery should stop. It was government act mandated that you couldn't go and so now you've got people who have delayed important preventive care didn't get it. And now they can't bargain; be choosing between pain that deductible and with these interest rates going up work and have a sicker and sicker country. That's good for nobody a lot of people say look, healthcare is it does really hit everybody between degree when it happens. Thankfully, if you never probably not really think about healthcare of knowing your families in hospital.

We hope that's the case everywhere you not thinking about one thing is hitting everybody is inflation.

You mentioned about job rotation and retention. Here's what Britt Hume was been around cut 13.

We can see now that would give him a reason to hope that inflation will will subside between now and future just a few months away so it looks like a bird around her neck. You think so yeah in Florida especially, especially by me. I'm based as you know in Florida. This inflation is first for what's gonna happen with anyone is running for office right now. It's what everyone's talking about it can go back to what we started with when you got law firms and lawyers and doctors talking about inflation in the inflating salaries. How do you bring in a new class of doctors and lawyers. The expectation as to the starting salaries things are getting out of control and ultimately it comes back in my world to the client and the patient and it's not good for them right so it's about the governor Ron DeSantis went by one point is about to get another four years.

It looks like the question is will he run again. Here's a sample of Roger Santos being aggressive by trade and by nature. Maybe you tell me how the people of Florida. View him cut 25 focused on 2022 en masse, what I would say is my welcome support from African-Americans South African.

He was asked about you. One must weeding out that he will say he's leaning towards DeSantis to give me a sense from talking your clients as well as your peers will how is one DeSantis Butte inside Florida. Right now I can just tell you where I live in Tampa it's booming where Florida feels like it's a place where we have a really good economy going on right now that is a reflection. In a lot of ways a governor DeSantis.

You don't hear people talking critically about Gov. DeSantis.

The way you hear people talking about the administration and luck. I'll be honest you also don't hear people talking about Ron DeSantis or Gov. DeSantis the way they talked about Pres. from the prior administration. He seems to have this ability, Gov. DeSantis, for whatever the reason is to be very objective. As far as how wide range I'm talking a lot of the professionals ideal of doctors and lawyers perceive there looking at them as is this guy somebody who's doing commonsense policy without all the other rhetoric you mentioned coping 19 in the present was the governor was very aggressive about making leaden Floridians make their own decisions. How was received immediate originally and how is you receive now with those decisions is a something look good.

I I can tell you what I find really really interesting as I work with a lot of millennial's, and generation Z. I hear a lot of people talking about this, but they do not like having like a mandate.

They didn't like having to have anything injected into their bodies that they didn't know about and they didn't like wearing the masks.

All the sudden Gov. DeSantis seems to be having a real uptick in that group, which is not something that you traditionally see and P where you are night now New York City lost a lot of their people to Florida by tens of thousands in people we it's funny, I'm originally from York. People that are coming down from New York are talking and they are not my first trips up here in the last few years for the pandemic.

They're not speaking highly about New York. They're really enjoying the time that they're having in Florida right absolutely got some torso coming back. But, unfortunately, law enforcement is not empowered to keep us safe. 92% are concerned about crime and I want you to have a good visit. Keep your swivel Brian Brian Rotella he's Argento legal he's seen a part of Genco legal. Thanks much. My always great to hear from you alright Tom Glavine, the more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me and they go. That was one of the moments that Tom Glavine probably will forget what he said a lot of 1996 and LCS in game seven.

Glavine hit a triple guy could play you complete get hit and we all know you had a Hall of Fame pitcher pitching career with the Braves and Mets Tom Glavine is now talking golf with the teaser to be in the 2022. American Century championship because he could do it all. Tom welcome back like that. And luckily, I know you did it you lived it out last year New York. I actually watched you guys when you the first time I heard of how great you young pitching staff was WFAN, which is all sports radio station here New York was at Mickey Mantle's and you guys came and visited Bill Mays.

Are there any just talked about glowingly everyone, so your stats how great you guys go to be for a long time and then you edit Maddox and you will great for a long time. Yeah, you know necessarily know that I look at was a perfect storm. I guess we myself and multiyear the debris at the time that all came up through our bread and a little success and by the way that he had probably the best pitcher in the National League at that time Greg Maddux always responded on. I think the best thing was we in obviously we all had talent but I think we all respected and got one another and generally wanted each other to do well and then knew how important we were to the overall goals of the team so we had friendly competitions between one another. No question we kind of motivated each other. Somebody went out had a good game the night before.

You want to block new one a little bit better so it would lead. We drove each other in man. It was a lot of fun.

I made a B cup, you look at it now got the topic today game economically speaking to keep a rotation like that together so we were fortunate to have the luxury to have a luxury tax. Now I guess you could spend back then. It's kind of a salary cap this way is functioning with Tommy forgetting about John Rocker.

Another time as I started doing sports or infarcts that when sports became news, I would cover it. And when John Rocker came to town. That was some crazy times when you say yeah little little Sports Illustrated article so you year we came back. Our first game to be saved out in LA we went out to shake hands after the game and we got showered with all kind of thing so it became a dangerous endeavor to go up and check at the end of the game on one job close… Of course, this is something you won't forget for sure cut 35, 1995 game six Mark Wallace your thoughts. You know the long time coming up and 91 and 92.B 93, which you know what that game.

I think we bought was probably one of the best. We had assembled in the historic come back the second year at a gas when we got to the postseason, but to finally win it always a great feeling obviously and I think what made it even better was you know largely it was the same group that had been through the disappointment you know we had some changes here and there but for the most part the nucleus of that gene had been together for to experience the losses in the World Series. So to ultimately do it with largely the same group was kind of fawning and I think we look at it and were disappointed we only got one but you know we got beat by some pretty good games, even on the following year against the Yankees.

We had a chance to repeat enough and then didn't get it done but it may look working straight division titles and not company ever expected. So we we had an opportunity every year so spot right absolutely. I soon came to New York in 2003, 2007 card carried here by WABC to see everyone members is a met menu ended up with the Braves, but you started from 87 2000 to accomplish all that is what your former teammate who's going to be golfing in the American Century championship along with you who's real good golfers well. John Smoltz said about the Braves chance of catching your former team, the Mets, but we have 114 in a row and now just four games back in the Mets cut 40 in Atlanta, catch the Mets. I don't hear the scream. I've seen internationally and want a good hold onto that great, great, all I don't think that's the case this year and I believe the New York Mets want to expand guy's team get taco pleasantly surprised to hear and make a real so that's the list.

John Smoltz was Tom Glavine think.

I don't disagree with a lot of that. I'm not so far the Braves can't catch the Mets put it on. I think that if you're a Mets fan. You have to be incurred by what's gone on a menu you got up for work again lead in the division now you know the Braves. Obviously, 114 and the role of big brown and you anticipate quantity behind you once more to gain some ground but the Mets have held in their intent to John's point there very deep team obviously to be able to be where they are given that they been without the Brahman shirts are and you know I think if you're Mets fan like I said you you see where you are and your uterus at your fan base. In the middle of June to be four games up on the Braves have a large part of our season with our without our two horses ensures underground. I think every Mets fan will grow by that so being where they are and knowing that shirts are all coming back from it. I would almost be able to come back the second half of the year would almost be like our trade deadline kind of deal for them. I would be huge.

So I think it a lot of it depends on whether or not Maxson and the ground are able to make significant contribution over the second year, and lastly the biggest story at the baseball as the Yankees helps 30 games over 500. Did you know in the off-season, you know New York's like time they were talking about right catchments got a go esteem needs to be broken up and now no one can stop and they won six in a row again. Aaron judge looks like he's going to break Roger Marist's record 16 single season. I guess it's at least a team record with 61 I should say cut 38 32. How do you explain his success. 67 guy was needing much ravage in the minors is changed a lot. Any staying healthy these days. How does Tom Glavine pitch judge had you explain what are the big challenges carefully looking for a lot of beauty of baseball.

I think that the more so than a lot of support you just don't know when it got light bulbs going to walk for a guided start figure stop drug obviously is a huge talent just a monster of a guy go guy mean reported altogether, then, that you don't know what is capable all year you interested in see what capable of doing that to get started to glimpse of that bunches of that and you know he's just such a presence in that lineup are present in the batters box, you can make if you cannot hit a ball and still get it out of the ballpark. Really one of those guys that you you you look at you say well you can't you can't repeat too much. You got it you constantly change speed and patently change location and hope you don't make a mistake is a good chance to get you but the that's why baseball players.

I think in general are so boring. Brian is because if we listen we listen to every time you know pundit said that our team got a stinker we were going to stink or this guy needed to go and then you end up everybody and of being wrong. We would all go crazy so I think that's why art and in our game. We really do tend to try to stand that even kill and not listen to a lot of stuff because so much so many things change in baseball from from you know a month-to-month standpoint that you'd be crazy if you got caught up in everything people set aside some time house a good hockey player to. So now you playing golf. The 2022 American Century championship you'd be there with the punches. Other size celebrities and sports celebrities before delivery raise 6 million for charity. How serious you take this inheres in the golf channel beginning tomorrow is meeting starts July 8 hearing on the golf channel July 8 and Saturday and Sunday on ninth and 10th with 600,000 at stake. So how do you approach this tournament we all take the premier celebrity of grant obviously in law coming for a lot of guys to play in the tournament and I guess in past years you could put me in that category you don't, you know I don't have a chance to win, but you still want to go out there and he will play well and know there are guys around you that you look at you say okay what I want to be back. I would be back.

I want to finish in the top 20. I want to finish in the top 25. Whatever. So it's you take it seriously you you you drive yourself to go out there to try and play well. It's an uncomfortable environment for all about Saturday golfers you know because there's a gallery and you gotta put everything out in you know there's always the embarrassment factor, but it's a black I mean you get think you get those competitive juices going. Which her a lot about retired athletes. There's not a lot. Does that anymore. So to be able to block their iconic have that feeling of nervousness began when you get on that Thursday on its a lot of fun but the number years now so you know there guy got there every year that it was fun to go back and see him and play against the men and certainly some of the guys are playing today that we all watch on TV to get an opportunity to meet some of those guys so it really is a great event, but the I'm looking to apply better this year.

Brian I didn't play very well last year so I'm looking to be one of the surprising teammate is with a loss of plants of the Delaunay grow in the playoff last year she can let small speech.

Again, although I hear it's pretty awesome pretty darn good if I can't win the answer want to be. So that's my secondary guide to Tom Leslie's are you worried at all about baseball people talk about his pick up the game with who could betray what changes should they be more open to it. The DH in both leagues.

For now we will would you are you concerned about the game for the big picture not enough of the baseball not like you and the great players for the ones for the for the ambivalent sports fan moves to big events. I think even for the lifelong baseball fan like myself, there's concern.

I don't I don't necessarily love to gain the weight right now.

I hate all the pitching changes I made all the analytics you not think for fans across the board. There is a concern. You know about the three outcome game right will run, walk and strikeout is all we ever see there's very little strategy anymore.

You know, for the last baseball fan you know they don't want to go to the ballpark and sit there for 3 1/2 hours and watch. Nothing happened, so I think those are all concerned and give baseball credit they been open to some change in certainly a lot of things that they're implementing at the minor league level experimenting with trying to bring a big league level, but you know I deftly think there some things that that can change you need to change both from a length of game standpoint and from just a pure action standpoint, I think the game needs more action right.

I just want to tell people he can use analytics and I guess you know I agree I agree yeah I Tom, great talking, you always and thanks for using New York. I managed to do what a great career. Thanks so much for joining us.I go get them.

186-640-8766 I will come back and take your calls in just a moment and then of course at the top of the I got to get outnumbered at 12 on Fox news channel and don't forget one nation which is Saturday at 8 o'clock. Repeat again.

11 all Eastern time zones. Brian kill me, Joe, entertaining and enlightening. You're with Brian kill me if you're interested in Bryan's talking about it with Brian kill me. I don't know what the Fed is going to do in the months ahead, partly because that doesn't know what is going to do in the months ahead. Having completely missed the high inflation story in the first place. The Fed now says inflation remains elevated reflecting the light you got all of this. Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic. Higher energy prices and broader price pressures.

I keep looking in their notes for the statement we were wrong we balloon the money supply and 2 x 40%. We bought nearly 2/3 of the bond solve by Joe Biden's $2 trillion rescue package, and that was a huge mistake at all. That's what's because inflation I keep looking for that but I don't see it Johnny Russo Johnny Yellen say she was wrong.

It was a transitory. That's a given that I sent out and I heard was entering a range okay. Sorry, I had the wrong prediction when we all know that it's not only was she wrong, but it was wrong. Typically 8.6% and then the present Ice Age tells us what everybody else were better off really not care to the euro zone, not according to Germany, especially not according to South Korea not Australia or Canada. Although met Ohio lower inflation rates than we do and then you have other expert to say is a lot to do with the $1.9 trillion rescue plan that we didn't need that flooded everybody with money that we didn't have. They kept people from getting jobs and they were told to go back to were taking jobs at all autumn so I got enough money in the hornet because inflation was about 2%. No big rush to get back on employment insurance was extended and altogether they came together that money be worth less and now supply chains. The big issue because of the pandemic things that were at our control, but were unable to be anticipated that should've been Eric Ulysse NW DBO in Orlando on there yesterday in the morning with anyone. Can talk about this, but as you know, if you don't look you can find information well I thought real clear politics a couple other websites. Some of the first defendant January 6 trials were either acquitted or the charges were dropped right defense is bringing out videos of the police taking down the barriers and asking and inviting people in and they show a clip of one attorney: how is it insurrection when you're invited.

So here your take on Eric couple of things and that's what I was better if you remain to Jim Banks and I believe this in retrospect I'm watching this in the setting cooking list chain could delivered well written. There goes that clip there was another clip goes a break comes back with Luis and what's missing any other dissenting point of view and people.

If you are really concerned the present from actually orchestrated a raid on the capital building that is seen since the British British in 1814. Don't be afraid to have that cost point of view that says he didn't and what you're seeing now is where was the security and then some of the securities moving barriers away.

And the thing that I found disconcerting. You remind me of that day. The reason why thought there was something up and I did text one of the trumps and I said what's going on.

He got you know you should stop this, and they came back and they said you know this is our people. You know how we treat law enforcement or people do not are not aggressive like this Brian you been to our route, which is all true like cover them. In fact, most of the time people get beat up at the rally's and they got beat up a few weeks prior when they were targeted in NT 4.0's rating the White House and the president to be brought to the basement. Remember all that. So that was the mood in the country at the time and there were times when the cop said you go in there like opposite so trying to seize right at think CCN alloy and there were other people dressed in camouflage looking former they build problematic. I never heard of the proud boys except for God by name labor group.

I do know they look like now.

I do their part of that, whatever the other groups name worth, that's a little different than from supporters. And if you really want any sorts again about our if you really do want to present both sides win people over present both times when people over.

Don't do one and expect the staff understand there is a flipside to your opinion. Thank you Fox News radio studios in New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive answer. Brian kill me. Thanks much for being here by you throwing killing Cho 1-866-408-7669 this hour from New York around the country around the world will be joined by Alexi Lalas, one of the greatest American soccer players ever. Now Hall of Fame broadcaster or on the precipice of doing that Fox sports analyst I used to be your first he's good to be in town for a special event using 2026 will be hosting the World Cup here in America and Canada, and Mexico, splitting it to name the American cities that will actually winnowing all the cities including Canada and Mexico that are going to be hosting these events, we will make that announcement to the broadcasters there's going to be holdings going to be here will go to talk to stone is going to be here with he's going to be the play-by-play guy. We know this Stuart Holden's first name and then within a have. I think maybe the greatest American player ever is going to be here will see we get them on the show before I give it away so I will talk about that these young he's a plane over Chelsea so we'll talk about that Alexi allows comes up showing Tim Stewart's next is a present of US oil and gas Association. He, like everybody else is been called out and vilified for the price of oil and gas in this country unjustly will expand on that. So let's get to the victory now stories you need to know Brian's three number three. Working in lockstep to the claims records new capabilities providing crazed offenders with climbers.

Multiple launch rocket systems that will significantly boost to plaintiff. Okay, good. When I went to get their critical time for Ukraine, the EU heavyweights have reported to keep to meet with Pres. Zelinski. They have to come up with an emergency plan because they are losing ground to the Russians next tail Republicans are making inroads specifically with Latino voters and this is a warning sign. The Democrats that in a bag and district heavily Latino Republicans were able to make gains here a warning sign for Democrat about their relationship with Latino voters.

Given this economy right true that Stephen challenges the CNN political director Camp Edom undermined him down push to boost the so-called extreme Republican candidates in the primaries so they have a chance of winning in the general sinking poll numbers were present Joe Biden at 39% at the GOP is made stunning gains as you just heard in the Hispanic community. It's also very coarse and all that always oil company executives became so greedy. Just when Joe Biden took office.

The reason we have five dollars gallon gas is because of Joe Biden's policies remember on the campaign trail and declare war on oil and gas in America. And that's exactly what they've done. That is time cotton pain at the pump and inflation are affecting every aspect of our economy and the prisoners opted to blame everyone except himself and his policies, but we won't hesitate to do that. Joining us now is Tim Stewart present of US oil and gas Association Tim, a letter arrived to the big seven oil and gas companies in this country, saying, essentially, it's your fault you have high prices start refining more and help America out to the patriotic thing where he's going to be forced to take action what your reaction to the prison writing that letter. I have been demonstratably ignorant and basic economics and how markets work. Brian were the stakes not so high it be laughable, but the problem is created this economy like a cement truck to floss its brakes and going down the hill toward the old folks home and now yesterday. Say what you guys need to stand in front of that cement truck. They created this problem in the first place. It's it's really really frustrated as you might guess, I read that letter I was fascinated because the president now threatened to invoke emergency powers to reverse his own policy decisions. It's unbelievable that the colossal failure of leadership.

So described to me what is stopping you from pumping more oil and gas well, so it neatly in a strange young party have the production site and you have a refining side and obviously know we talked and I talked at length about the problem. Plank ministration constrains the ability for us to get our leases approved in our permits approved. None refining side.

Our problem is that we are at a 95% refining needle. The Dacian rate. The long game, and when you put government policies that are designed to put refiners out of business like Democrats have been pushing for years and they've been successful in quitting refineries out of operation truly not that complicated or not a problem are we that we have almost absolute complete utilization of our refineries and build a new refinery since Jimmy Carter here. The problem is, are those that last 5%, that net capacity has been retooled for either shut down based on on the industry's prediction where the ministration pushes going forward. So described to me why a lot of experts like you say will not going to have another refinery built in this country for the foreseeable future. Why is it profitable well the issue is not that it didn't profitable. The issue is that there are so many environmental complications and litigation goes for classic not in my backyard politics and so the challenge then is you know you just can't flip a switch and had a million barrels a capacity is not like capacity sitting idle ready go back in which the White House is acting as if it is the reality of the leasing refineries close leasing units come down they been repurposed to become biofuel refineries and the biggest challenge is you know when the US government is stated if policy is to is to reduce demand of the products of refining a producer makes financing of those facilities, a real challenge.

And so when you combine the ability to get financing to do the upgrades or the.

The retooling combined with the not my backyard the environmentally initial happen if we try and build access into the building refinery assigning refiners somewhere that solicit how to start for the last 30 years which different was the previous administration.

Tim 90 day plan night and day. The biggest difference is that about three dollars in differential.

The price of a gallon gas link trumpet ministration was very very good. Not not as a favor to the industry but as a favor to the American consumer. They knew that low energy prices cheap energy was in the way that we are to maintain global dominance in both economy and national security and so they purposely went through their policies remove the obstacles that that were there doing their best to to expedite and streamline and streamline the printing process and put in place a longer-term policy that ministration came in complete reverse that almost on day one night unite again. Talk about this since January 20, 20, 2100+ actions have been put in place by the ministration. 32. Since the prudent invasion of Ukraine hobbles our industry is basically one every five days that we have to look at and deal with with regards to what is the next in the regulatory overburden of their time, playfulness of the obstacles are putting in place so it's frustrating to be called the enemy when you feel Yuri been targeted and then you find that you made the bad guy said to the Wall Street Journal probably helped out by listing the facts today since the US is lost about a million barrels a day of refining capacity in the pandemic.

Some new refineries have opened up in Asia, but the international energy agency recently reported the global capacity last year fell by 730,000 barrels. The major culprit. Some older refineries have been closed here in the US because companies couldn't justify spending on upgrades as government forces a shift from fossil fuels. So while you refineries getting incentive to shift towards towards more natural fuels. I guess I do know is that corn is an ethical primarily wild biofuel and and that is when it refiners said all right well the policy states that we need to increase the number of refueled renewables to take whatever capacity they may think they may identify bottlenecks within their their operation is a list of particular capacity over here and am trying to start doing some additional optional refining and that's probably that's really the biggest challenge I think at the same time though, the same message keeps coming from the White House that were going to go away and you know that it is their intention to make us go away in 20 or 30 years and ceramics getting financing for multibillion-dollar facility almost impossible because nobody wants to invest billions of dollars and something that may end up being forced to regulation to disappear in 15 years. That is one of the huge chandelier and she's facing right now moneywise. What is happened over the last five years. For example, the Blackstone's that you know the major firms, investment firms, with no big and small clients are saying the oil and gas companies. Even though there profitable are a good bet because maybe even if they are good bet. This too much pressure from coal politicians in the Democratic Party to stay away from this maybe something is fossil fuels looked as evil, maybe from your generation Z employees as well. Right. That's a great point out that whole ESG issue is something that has had a dramatic impact on on our management ability to get financing from not a small figure from the local, regional banks you it's been interesting because investors plan about $300 billion into ESG funds over the last two or three years and then something happened in May.

This a couple weeks ago that that reverse that it wasn't just the market collapse, but a lot of people can't attention when Elon musk called ESG funds a scam member that he said you know that when Kessler got kicked out of ESG.

Funny call this scam people started wake up and also the money stenciling into ESG funds started to flow. I was crazy for electric car.

It doesn't ESG funds will that's exactly right. What is the purpose of ESG.

If you kick the person who is largely responsible for the biggest trend transportation transitions in our inner in world history by saying that he's not environmentally good enough for them again. So I think there's a sense of that a little bit of a flight to certainty more than anything where people are. Funny thing, my ESG funds are great investing in the market up 10% drop 30% and the only industry the only sector.

The text makes money is that the real fossil fuel sector. Also, people have a tendency to get a dose of reality. And there's a flight to certainty and so I think there is no rough fluency reports of greenwashing were investors are making up thing we've been we've been sold some of the bill of goods because similar to era company's argument on this letter saying that there can be able to produce. Tim Souter guessed he's the president of US oil and gas Association. So Tim I'll go to one specific part of the letter to letter to these big semi says Biden wrote to the difference of 15% of of the price of the pump is a result of historically high profit margins for refining oil into gas, diesel and other refined product products seem mistaken on that or do you need clarity on that well numbered about 60% of a barrel of oil actually goes to the production of recruiting another 15 to 15% growth refining capacity in somewhere between 12 and 18% go to what state, local and federal tax at the place so that's a gallon gasoline and then there that leaves about 10% for the margin for the retailer to be able to to to dictate and predict his prices and that's the real challenge is gasoline prices are largely predicted behavior. It fits the owner you are trying to recoup a lower a higher price had to pay a few months ago, or trying to predict going forward.

And so the ministration is saying you know what all you do is expand dominant using these emergency powers and dumping much money from the strategic prickling are bunch of barrel oil from the strategic petroleum reserve now to fix the problem. It didn't. Prices are higher than when they started by ministration himself admitted that the gasoline with 15% ethanol won't solve the problem and the challenges were dissing a very, very difficult market circumstance. Like I say that is largely headline inflation know that you type this decisive inflation ministration time to deal with one accord placement.

That is what the stuff to unite doing everything which is headline inflation is what we actually pay for the pump will about the hamburger for today and effort create headlines in their they know they're losing, they know that they are in desperate straits and so they're trying to shift the blame anywhere they can see stimuli.

Some suggestions lately as I've gotten to know your industry, utilizing New Yorker live without oil and gas background but open to learning.

I did a special allotment America great. One of the skin rollouts 40 minutes and I was able to go to a two refineries able to go to an oil field is able to go Jewish people shouting taxes and talk to a lot of people and understand that most people when they talk about this.

Don't know what the hell they're talking about.

They act like they just go in the ground with the shovel and you guys are choosing not to, and there is a concerted effort to destroy you guys, but I'm so I'm stunned how often you never speak up for yourselves and I think you got time for you to speak up for yourselves under on a big basis and be bold because Wall Street's targeting you politicians are targeting you. I think you have to clarify the American people how much we need oil and gas well you know you got after me. A couple weeks ago I had a conversation you told that exact same thing and I went back and told my board and artifacts. We've got to start talking more and more about and frankly, we gotta talk to the people actually were driving out of the workers doesn't do any good to go on to go on some DC-based talk show and talk amongst the given understand that we gotta be able to get this message out to the people who are carrying the heavy burden of high prices were doing or where we are doing that and that's I'm preaching. Give me a few minutes to talk about the sedate administration needs to understand that this industry is not the enemy. We are we are patriots we are millions of workers are Americans to get up and do the right thing every day, and frankly, to blame us for their cement truck that they let out of control and in this is unconscionable. In my opinion.

Tim Stewart thanks also they're trying to kill off the job search on to stop the next generation of American oil and gas workers from getting in the business as if they're committing a sin and working in the drug cartel which is just horrific but that's that's were that's indicative of what they're learning in school and you see middle-class families that make up places like Midland, Texas have been told what would stop here when no one else my son or daughters want to work in this business anymore even though they make unbelievable living so I I find it frustrating that I have so much respect for you. Do we appreciate we really do gate let us keep hearing that message out there.

You gotta Tim Stewart, thank you thing I appreciate 186-640-8766 and I will get back with you because just a moment trying to meet you diving into today's top stories Brian kill me breaking loose unique opinions. All Brian kill me show.

I think people feel embarrassed by this because I can watch videos of even 20 years ago and how he performed how he performs in public now a rapid deterioration in his mobility in the way that he talks in the way that he is consistent to stop and he says that what many say one thing that the White House rings back then he has to write about the rain back and so it goes on to nothing. Time and again. So Piers Morgan weighing in. I am become a huge fan is by the way, and by the way, if if Joe Biden had got on track and was had a raging really good economy and we were effective in Afghanistan and there were getting weapons quickly to the border he be saying it because you know he's friends would trump one apprentice and is in critical trump so II appreciate Piers Morgan. Couple of things. I'm stunned and little angered by the fact that all these people that ignore the fact that Joe Biden was failing precipitously as a candidate that I was so floored in all the debates.

He always he escaped criticism people stop talkative.

They thought he was an also-ran. There were even engaging with them. Now they're saying you'll Joe Biden is really stumbling badly. Van Jones came out the other day and you know I mostly posit with Van Jones. Even though we disagree of appreciate other times when he gives credit where credit is due. He said Joe Biden when he gives good speech gives good speech, but other times we wonder if something is wrong. No kidding Don lemon the same thing really. Suddenly Hunter binds laptop.

I think it's real. All you hold onto something I think is revelations of smoking crack on there with some prostitutes I don't know even say that. What time is it for two and half years we come back. I take a break from this World Cup soccer league is that the biggest for the world's biggest tournament. The world is coming to a North American 2020 60 cities gotta be announced.

Alexi Wallace will preview it is going to air live on the cities and get it on Fox sports one Alexi Wallace next fastest three hours and radio is your right hand kill me now is Jordan Morris going to the US national team in the on Tuesday's game so the CONCACAF nation. Sleep nations league and when updating people in the nation sleep. We are what keep you up-to-date on maybe the most talented US national soccer team ever.

If you look at international competition. The youth in which they have in the places in which they play. That is not new to Alexi Lalas. Maybe the growing of the greatest American soccer players ever.

Now one of the stalwarts of the Fox broadcasting US national you national team player from 91 to 98 and now he's in town because there's some exciting news to announce about 2026 the World Cup as it comes to North America. Alexi welcome back to Brian kill me show have huge implications for the cities but obviously for the countries involved reference in our Canada without Mexico and then obviously the United States and back in the 1900s when I was running around playing we have the World Cup men's World Cup in 1994 and 1999% of the moment but I'm telling you what 2026. When we host the men's World Cup again it is going to be off the charts in terms of success and interest housing to work with Canada and Mexico. Do we still have the bulk of games here. Yes, we have about 80%.

You know there was a strategy behind getting them but we also reconnecting when it comes to soccer with Mexico and Canada, but most of the games here today we announce what people announced were working at your in the darkness like everybody else waiting with patient to see who those cities are going to be in Canada Mexico in the US and a lot of great, some of them will get that envelope that US secular is not a soccer nation 94 was literally success in case people don't remember it was pre-predated the MLS. But one thing was able to do you do you guys got so much revenue when the lawn so these youth leagues and launch a professional outdoor soccer league.

I mean in America to see Gus sold outside of football stadiums like there were and see this when we success items can be a back a lot sooner.

Can you talk Alexi Bill. Your player then what the 94 World Cup meant to soccer for US soccer. From a personal perspective changed my life forever lose the power of what World Cup I'm really excited and 26 because there are players and you mentioned coming on about this incredible group that we have right now.

It's going to represent us in Qatar in November and December 22 World Cup get better and better and better and some of them are going to break up starting 2026. Having said that, that was very, very different soccer landscape back in 1994 and 94 did was it was an opportunity ethically to your point really understood well to expose people to what the game can't be hatching for you singing in the colors in the prostate and a lot of people to come to the US force for the World Cup but the ultimate come to US to come to the US. It is a great opportunity for the cities of these countries is an advertisement to the world and people that are coming to some of those communities that wouldn't be there otherwise.

If it weren't for the World Cup so and Alexi went after the I guess. Was it the 94 was the 94 World Cup when you went to Italy to play for a while so open up a lot of doors open up a lot of doors and a lot of opportunities and then came back and you mentioned majorly soccer that was established. The women's World Cup in 1999 was a cute summer boy at some point I want on the street here in New York, people come up with talking about the 94 World Cup how important it was in and they change the way that they look at soccer and we get the opportunity again to do that in 2026 to expose a whole lot of people who became that we love sequencing to help those coming when we success every facility. Cities that are up for Atlanta, Boston, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, New York, of course, Kansas City, Los Angeles, man. We huge major cities that are going to sell out that's I'm to be a question. The biggest most country going to sell out. Now the American people are educated to the game and you see how much these majorly soccer franchises are worth to give people an understanding they want majorly soccer tab ramose the first pick overall any failing you guys had to wait another year because we were ready to launch it when you guys finally did launch she got off to a start and then finally, things get bad financially in income the hunts of football fame think the crafts the entrants who help prop up the other franchises also whole thing would've fallen apart.

It's hard you know you CL William Wallace is doing now you forget how close he came to not working. What about for you as a player as a GM and a broadcaster were you worried about the MLS because our past perspective is littered with defunct league teams going Boston all that was always a fear and what you were there at the beginning, working with what you saw what it was and what it was at the time change so much to your point structure. All of the soccer specific state in terms of almost 30 teams at this point, right out of the final were down to 12 teams are contracted in the early on so MLS is a real success story. But it's also a labor of love for for a lot of us out there is only a small part of what soccer use in the United States, but if you're point we use 1994, ultimately, to establish majorly soccer. Who knows what we can use 2026 wise to further the game on and off the field. Even after because the circuit circuit comes to town that leave our we have this rapid 2026.

The name of the country and I guess it's countries with going to use it properly it can really pay dividends down a lot. Glad you made the move. I know this is an easy easy question to begin a big decision to make you leave ESPN.

We were the faces of ESPN soccer becomes a Fox sports and Fox, which was new to soccer went into that decision and what's it been like all the people at Fox obviously very different than what I know a lot time that I spent there, but you know it's a very different type of culture and environment and you thought about what it is soccer player which is grown leaps and bounds. I think the time that these rights for the World so I followed the World Cup because that is the pinnacle and special broadcasting. I wanted to be involved in method are so much more now when it comes to foxy terms what they are doing the soccer majorly soccer euros in your pocket nation's leading men and women work men's and women's world World Cup in a real environment that's nurturing all of our soccer friends and the synergy and all the connections that we have and whether radio or Fox news folks are all that kind of stuff is real opportunity in a real collective understanding of growing the sport long sports and all the other stuff times the announcements of the essence of the 5 o'clock Eastern time today to find out what cities in obviously what countries to get what we don't know the games of the groups, but we know with cities going to be hosting for all the bidding subsets can be exciting. This can be a Fox sports one right .5 o'clock. Myself and rough stone To all people.

Folks there from Spanish language perspective and a lot of different people to been around for a long exciting day to click on 2022. In November it's postponed because they forgot how hot it gets in the desert. I guess they gave it to them so they had to postpone the ~2 November when Connor got in this old types of problems with how Carter got it they got it so the group he is a Ron England and Wales had a has the US stack up for supper back perspective and for people that don't rush we were not there failure.

I think soccer history but were back. Not only are we back back with a group of really, really good young talented players will be the youngest team at the World Cup and that had positive and negative, but I think that would give you reason to believe absolutely should get out of this group. As you mentioned with wealth in Iraq. I think that they get out of the group.

I think that they have a swagger, and I think they are worth your time and your point about the November December World Cup. Yes, it could be very unique and different on the guitar and having this will this World Cup in November and December players are going to have to adjust, but also to give us the ability broadcast perspective to be in the thick of things when it comes to NFL on the cross promotion in their playing England on Black Friday okay and that the potential to be the highest US game in history or soccer game for that matter when it comes to broadcasting so we'll see that on foxy one in all the different things that are going on the last soccer this year and in the coming election law suggests I see couple more minutes. Can you give us an idea of how unique it is. How many players do we have playing overseas at the elite level like she got Chris imposing but he's just one who else to do the US have over there and tell everybody how unprecedented this is way over in Europe. That's kind of pinnacle for a lot of players and something that clear stream, but never we have this amount of players and also where they are playing a Christian ballistic at Chelsea. We have players like Wesley McKinney at you. You bet we got goalkeeper Nat Turner, who was about to start over. It arsenal goalkeeper and fax to city playing in England and Germany. This is a lot of talent Tyler Adams in the midfield use 19-year-old Mont leasing bounced playing over and not legal in Spain so I think it just touches the talent, the depth of how we are actually now when Greg Burkle to the coach this team puts out his starting 11 actually debate as to why is this person starting epic good problem that either champagne problems we haven't had that will be great to get out of the group and then advance in the playoffs and maybe get to the final four. You've never seen anything like it about. I watch America become soccer fans during the World Cup and you can even get you if there's a sports bar you watching through the windows on the street because you can't get anywhere New York City, you would know that because you doing the broadcasting you're playing in the game. Lexi a good look at the announcement today 5 o'clock Fox sports one find out in 2026. What American cities to be host and L and what countries will be cities here to be in the lot to want to look a lot.

Look forward to Alexi.

Thanks so much. Same here and hope see in the halls of Alexi Lalas and the building somewhere but isn't to be and I think rehearsal was last night and the be in today are Rob stone silly play-by-play guy and Lexi Wallace and Stuart Holden's also been on the show before honored is also a great player in his day. So listen, this is the brain to Michelle for a guy they played soccer in the 70s. The cosmos writ in the sea is so big now is pretty amazing. Of course, Fox sports is on the right side of these things.

I would be out number on outnumbered about 15 minutes I'm going to put on some makeup, do my hair and even look sexier if that is possible. And don't forget to watch in 15 minutes. And of course, one nation Saturday at 8 o'clock Brian Kelly choking radio that makes you think this is the Brian kill me and show a welcome back to me to be outnumbered in a few minutes so you watchmen the Fox News Channel and of course we got one nation to be Saturday o'clock so thank you everyone for supporting the show and if you go out. If it is a date night for you. I just at the DVR you could do right now.

So the DVR will you just record every day. To be honest I have to do that. A lot of times when I go to a life let's get to the more to know no WWE board is investigating if this is a book coming out of Vince McMahon. So look into the background of the CEO.

They say this a $3 million hush money settlement that Vince McMahon did not wanted everyone to know about paid a woman over an alleged affair this court to the Wall Street Journal that supposed to appear in a book. The agreement which was struck in January is intended to prevent the woman from talking to me but she evidently was a paralegal of expander 76 years old, married to Linda McMahon the WWE spokesman told the newspaper that the company is cooperating with the board's investigation some other stuff going on is agreements of the of nondisclosure with WWE town executive John Florida and Lauren Titus who wrestles under the name Johnny Ace so he evidently got himself in some trouble in the center nondisclosure with this woman you know these people beat yummy Vince McMahon everybody knows is the ironic thing Vince McMahon is always make it WW a publicly traded company. Now that being public could cost him the WWE because he now has to answer to shareholders in a board where if it was still a privately owned company. This would be an issue. Next Yellowstone faces a definite closure over once in a thousand year flooding force the state of emergency destroyed roads, bridges and homes.

Even the course of two rivers more than 10,000 visitors evacuated remarkably. No one was injured. Great news. Yellowstone celebrated to hundred and 50th anniversary this year to remain). As long as a week. Officials went on to say that local drinking water to become unsafe over there about five years ago is truly extraordinary cabins were washed away small towns was swamped and knocked out power. Of course, CNN says it's climate change. Now you said you have five is going with the do this, a heavy, also gone there for what made America great. Know and guess who's doing something.

I know Fox nation doing something with Kevin Costner because of the series and the going out to Yellowstone. I was hoping they call my name, but instead I do.

Who is Johnny Depp in the studio so I lost that coin flip next. No child should ever have to suffer will agree with that but Dolly Parton puts words into action to those words. She is $0.1 million to pediatric infectious disease research.

Parton's first time donate its it is not important first time donate to medical center in 2020 sheets gifted 1 million to research towards a Chinese coronavirus cure so she pretty cool I think it kinda worked as her plan three is been well documented last year she got Ray $700,000 help victims in central Tennessee that according to Breitbart, so she pretty cool at what you got Dollywood notice the number one amusement park voted the number one reason part of the world. When the many things I like about her is the fact that she's nonpartisan.

She doesn't make a political statement. She stays out of it because I know she has fans on both sides now here's the thing she I love the fact that she was elected into the rock 'n' roll Hall of Fame, and she said no I don't do rock 'n' roll.

She finally relented rock 'n' roll Hall of Fame. Think about it is called the music Hall of Fame and have no controversy with the musical theme is located in Cleveland right you next Lego is going to invest $1 billion in Virginia. Good job governor junking a business guy by trade. $1.7 million square-foot Virginia Virginia facility featuring a carbon neutral design will mold process and pack Lego products and ensure they meet the company safety standards is Swedish. Is this a Swedish company. I'm not sure but I do know that you always want to avoid stepping on the leg. Their feet highly addictive. Legos truly believe this product they would make the whole thing in sustainable building carbon neutral building made out of Lego. Why not what's next. Therefore, we'll get another building that a nurse right. It is amazing that Lego is the live if you told me what game is going to last. When I first came upon in the 70s. I would not be like to be Legos and free delivery when you snap together some different healing think they've evolved the times and Dave Dave got as yet they can make genre toys. I mean you always have it.

They got*what stuff they got all kinds of stuff that cater to boys and girls. I just said if you make a layout to make an igloo to me. That was it that Mike does anyone use my Lego now these are done you have action figures have cops and router you know that I really died Lincoln logs, Tinker toys still on the go suicide by satellite and I've always loved Lincoln San Diego next coach Cory Willis will retire.

He's 26 years old, but not because of worried about injury or anything like that. He's going to pursue the holy call that God has for my life quote I with much prayer deliberation about elected to officially retire for the NFL coach Frank Wright wished him well but thing is I do you do pull God want you to finish your two career God will be there for you. You don't 32 players you have another 20 million in the bank. A lot of things we over 100 meteorologists handle worldwide resources of Fox box whether podcast's personal powerful subscriber Melissa Malik Fox News