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Clothed with Power [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
April 11, 2022 6:00 am

Clothed with Power [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright. Some people would say will all that power and always gives the spirit that was just for the first century they really needed it.

Then when you try to give birth to the church beloved, do we not need the power of God now is much as we ever have excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series higher power is presented with an old church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout our entire program today to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries so as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact that's pastor at an.large E or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860. More on this later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright. She will cause you to do the very things that I designed you to do if he were says do not be anxious about anything, the Holy Spirit would do in your he knows no anxiety will cause your heart to rejoice is what happens to me I did I get with you and worship and I just can't help myself and just rejoice in and in the Lord causes us to worship the calls is there. There are times that I just I just love supernaturally because he's causing me on talking about. This is the promise of God's Spirit in you and he's going to cause you to do the very thing that I want to tell you to do well. Joel famously prophesied, it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions, even on the male and female service. In those days. I'll pour out my spirit. This is a promise for every person, not just some spiritually elite, and Jesus himself made the promise in John 16 I tell you the truth is to your advantage that I go away from that do not go away, the helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. Listen to this. Jesus is saying to the disciples who he knows are going to grieve that he's going to be crucified and then out to see him for a little while when he's saying is as much as it can be hard for you to believe that it is better that I go.

What he means by this beloved is if you had a choice.

If you had a choice between spending the day with Jesus in the flesh all day today he is here and you're with him personally all day long.

That's not as good as having the Holy Spirit had been your mind on if you had a choice to say Jesus could live in my house in the bedroom down the hallway and at every meal with them and every problem I faced every situation I would have Jesus with me 24 seven in person in the flesh is not as good. He saying is the helper what all this means that is the promise of the father. It means that you and I are part of an part of the climax of the story of redemption that the Holy Spirit's power is not random coincidental power but promised power.

It is to say that when the spirit came at Pentecost and the apostle Peter stood up to preach the first Christian sermon in his mind it was imperative that the power of the Holy Spirit was inextricably linked to the gift of Christ that had been prophesied through Joel listen to his words accepted to Peter, standing with 11 lifted up his voice and addressed the men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give ear to my words. These people are not drunk to see.

There were so happy they were so joyful they were so giddy they look drunk. He said they're not drunk, as you suppose.

It's only the third hour the day said, but this is what was uttered to the prophet Joel in the last days, it shall be, God declares I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh. See the power of God in the Holy Spirit is the promise fulfilled through the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus, so that all the promises of God become yes and amen to us in Christ. The reason that's important is that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune God and he is the spirit of Jesus.

So when we speak of the power were speaking of a power that is not some like the new age idea of some force field or semi. This is the whole plan of God. The whole promise of God is come to pass and I like this phrase clothed with power. Verse 49 again clothed with power from on high.

The clothing matches who you are. So if I were to describe to you woman in a white dress and it is beautiful white flowing dress and you saw her like that I would be able to say to and you would answer. She is a bright, or if there were people that were in fire proof garments and standing in front of a truck with hoses and they had helmets on it say they are or if you saw someone in a white puffy suit and white pack on the back and a big round helmet on, with shiny glass on the front you would say that he or she is an astronaut but the thing is the white dress doesn't make the woman a bride. The white dress is just appropriate because it matches who she is as a bride that the idea of clothing being clothed with power is to say that the power of God does not make you a Christian is not the demonstration of the power of God that makes you a Christian. The fact that you are a Christian is what makes it appropriate that your clothes with the power of God.

In other words you would say a bride wears a white dress and and you could say a Christian is clothed with the power of God. I feel you know everybody expenses going to rub off. I feel his presence like like clothing.

I feel that your clothing sometimes you'll hear some ice.

I will when I experience the present, God is like up warm blanket has envelop me or someone might describe a derivative feels because your clothing you're moving your Internet your with that you're connected your you're the expression of who you are. So in desolate Nestlé Jesus described the power of the Holy Spirit you're going to be.

You're going to be closed and you are qualified for this closing so I say and this is a power verse 49 again from on high, clothed with power from on high is transcendent power. It's a higher power. It is God's own power. It is not any serial force field is not some principle that you just plug into. This is from on high. This is not from within is what the world says look within yourself to know power within this is not from the world and our power in the world. This is power that is beyond us. This is power that's above us. This is the power of the triune God to the Trinity is here in these verses the promise of my father to my son am sending the Holy Spirit talent right will have more teaching moment from today's important series which is the better marriage you don't need marketing you need more good news. Marriage is like people are changed by human effort or even applying principles change by the gospel of grace sessions and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple grayscale process that makes great communication. The freedom of forgiveness celebration to learn how to pray for your last one another with ground when you're in the video series licensing company is going through some special challenges and powerful transformational tree is for your marriage. The grace of God is shared when you get right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

When you get we look for special offer.

We are happy for Misty thanks from Alan Wright Ministries, 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website past these teaching now you once again is the importance of seeing the Trinity here is that you cannot miss what's being said that the power that is going to clothe them is the same power that clothed Jesus while Holy Spirit C is the spirit of Jesus is my favorite phrases for four how Jesus or the apostles called the Holy Spirit in verse 19 of Philippians 1. I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This will turn out for my deliverance or an act. 16 when they come to Missy and they attempted to go to Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus did not allow them see the Holy Spirit.

I think some people get confused about the Holy Spirit is not like some force. The Holy Spirit is a person he is Jesus in the spirit that's who he is. God is one.

This is a mystery. He's one buddies, three and so that's what makes sense of when Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit in John 14. If you want to learn more about the Holy Spirit are great places to start with John 1415 16 and see what Jesus has to say in his promises to the disciples, but he says there I will not leave you as orphans will come to you not talking about at the consummation of all time is not about Pentecost, yet a little while in the world will see me no more see me no more, but you will see me because I live, you also will live in that day you will know that I am in the father and you are in me and I and you is to say is that I am going to be with you, but I know be with you in the spirit so we say I have Jesus in my heart. We don't know me, I have a little a little Jesus somehow MR would mean I have the spirit of Jesus Christ living in me and I nothing now to get up every day and think about that in the spirit of Jesus spirit of Jesus Christ.

This is why Paul's prayers for us are so remarkable and so bold. Like in Ephesians 1. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which is called the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people and is incomparably great power for us who believe that power. This is the same mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand and Emily so if you're a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit and you have his power dwelling in you and God's love for you and his gift to you in Jesus Christ and his shed blood. When you've accepted him means that you're qualified for this inheritance and therefore this is who you are. Why do we need this power so much. Well, if you look back at verse 48 you see at the essence. It is this you are witnesses of these things, and behold, I'm sending the promise of my Father upon you to the so many reasons I meet people go, you know, what would it just be easier to not talk about the Holy Spirit. I know because then I mean there's controversial things and it can get a little messy and all you all that.

But here's the thing I'm willing to risk a little bit of messiness by relinquishing my heart to the power of God because in the end it's not just that I need him so much is that the world is in trouble. I want to have more of the power of God in my life because when I pray for sick people. I hurt for them and I want them to be well. I want the power of God in my life because I minister to people who are depressed and I want them to have joy. I want more of the power of God in my life because I like you have to interact with a world that is at times cruel and I don't want to harbor bitterness.

I want to love I want to have more of the power of God in my life because people are lost and believing atrocious lies in the spirit of the age and I wanted to be that when words come out of my mouth.

They are anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit so that hearts that are blind to the truth, are opened up by the power the Holy Spirit.

I want people to be able to see and not stumble in the darkness. You see, Jesus is saying you're going to be my witnesses. You're the ones who are going to now be used of God starting with this small group of people you can be used by God to change the world and therefore stay in the city until your clothed with power from on high and I don't think they really figured out what was coming. I they gathered there in Jerusalem were not told what they were doing. I think they're praying there, anticipating maybe that worrying. But when the day of Pentecost had come to all made sense to the Holy Spirit came rushing upon the assembled people of God, and they began to experience God up close, they began to experience his power, that power manifests itself in a boldness people that were previously cowards people like Peter who had denied Jesus three times. Suddenly are willing to lay their lives down for this gospel because you're so empowered with boldness because they know that they know that they know that it is all true. They began to speak in other languages people recognize the gospel being spoken in other tongues. They began to have so much joy that they they look like truck people they work violated the spirit of the times and the age like you're here you're happy for no reason you got joy for no occasion is that the power of God, and they began then to walk out this ministry doing the very things that they'd seen Jesus do, but they are doing this not because of any power within them, but because of the spirit of Jesus within them and some people would say will all that power and all those gifts of the spirit all that ministry that was just for the first century they really needed it. Then when you were trying to give birth to the church beloved, do we not need the power of God now is much as we ever have. Thank God for the power the Holy Spirit that has fulfilled the promise of Ezekiel that I will cause you to walk in my statutes, we had these wonderful new means on Thursday and Friday night and just prayed for empowerment. Holy Spirit is much joy in much of the presence of the Lord are met and was talking to a friend.

The next day who's going through very difficult time or real husband's going to some challenging medical issues and there's still a lot of things in the natural to worry about and she was scheduled to be. She said I got this morning – I tried to worry and I could that's what I want to be. If I try to worry, I could worry want to be. If I try to hate I could make because the love of God has constrained me you can you can give yourself over more and more to the power and the presence of God in your life, it's who you. You are one who is clothed with the very raiment of the power of the most high God is worth pursuing. It's worth longing for the number one reason I think that people aren't Christians aren't walking more in the power of God is that we have in our mind that we are like the basketball player who's told is posted onto the camp done and so we choose to disqualify ourselves and on the sideline, but what you going to continue seeing coming weeks is that the whole secret and the beauty of the body of Christ, is it every single member of the body of Christ is gifted in every single member in the body of Christ. Gifts are essential in every single member of the body of Christ.

Every single Christian is invited to eagerly desire the powerful spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit in his or her life that every single one of us has the mighty strength that raised Jesus from the dead at work in and through us so the coaches said it in the game and you can do it by my strength. Whatever you do don't try to be a Christian by your own strength. Lloyd Ogilvie, you wonderful pastor and author years ago. He said that doing your will buy your power that humanism doing trying to do God's will by your power that religion but doing God's will by God's power that the abundant Christian life that is the gospel Allen right good news message clothed with power from the series higher power play with his pastor Alan is back in the studio, sharing a sporting good news thought for the day here in just a moment, the better marriage you don't need marketing you need more good news. Marriage is like people are changed by human effort or even applying principles change by the gospel of grace sessions and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple grayscale process that makes great communication, freedom of forgiveness in the shower of celebration to learn how to pray for your last one another with ground when you're in the video series licensing company is going through some special challenges and powerful transformational tree is for your marriage. Marriage the grace of God gospel is shared when you get Allen right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get we look for special offer. We are happy for Steve as I thanked him.

Allen right ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor and got a whack blessing your life grayscale's free grace and encouragement. Allen writes a daily blessing is free. Pastor I got away back now with pastor out any other phrase that I often hear is, but for the grace of God or except by the grace of God, and we might take that and say that God is gracious to allow the relief you dig deeper. I mean there is a a power that goes beyond just allowing that there is no emboldening here to the notion of living the Christian life our own powers we seen is just impossible doesn't even make sense. So Jesus said to remain there in Jerusalem until you are clothed with power and I like that image because it is Christians, it is what's fitting for you to wear. It doesn't make you a Christian to have the power of God be upon you, but it is fitting to you. In other words, it is the ordinary day by day clothing for every single Christian the very power of the Holy Spirit which comes from on high, higher power, transcendent power, not of force field or principle of electricity that you tap into, but the very presence of Jesus himself through the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, so all you have.

If you're Christian you have the Holy Spirit, and I pray that you will continually discover what it is to walk in his power. Thanks for today. Visit us or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860 if you only caught part of today's teaching. Not only can you listen again online also get a daily email devotional that matches today's teaching delivered right to your email inbox free. Find out more about these and other that's pastor out.O RG. Today's good news message is a listener supported production Allen right ministries