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The Prayer of Enlightenment [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
October 4, 2021 6:00 am

The Prayer of Enlightenment [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright. Our prayers matter so much he could do whatever he wants is God in the same way that doesn't really have to have us to share the gospel. He could just save people's no need for us to lay hands on the sick is ordained that some exciting thing you see them to another message of use will help you see your life in a whole new light.

I'm excited for you to hear the teaching today the series called free, as presented, it would build the church in North Carolina not able to stay with us throughout the entire program to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It's an audio album of past railings. Teaching series the body you've always wanted is available to you in physical CD album or a digital download. Your choice and it can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact that's pastor out.O RG or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on this later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching here is some good news. You don't just have the privilege of having intellectual knowledge and intellectual assent to the gospel.

You can know forgiveness you can know what the hope is to which you been because you can know what is the glorious inheritance that's yours amongst the saints. You can know what is the immeasurable greatness of God's power where you look today at one of the most important and beautiful prayers in the Scripture one that Paul prayed it in Ephesians chapter 1 is were learning about five great prayers from the Bible prayers that you can memorize and you can personalize and you can make part of your prayer life.

And if you pray God's word, then you know you're praying in the spirit because all scriptures, God brief you can know that you're praying God's will because these are the very prayers that God himself is put into his word and Paul prayed this over you and me prayed over the Ephesians and so what an important important prayer is one that I really encourage you to memorize and to make part of your prayer life in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 16. Paul writes, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him having the eyes of your hearts enlightened you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might if you worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all beautiful, beautiful prayer, and it is it is intriguing. The whole matter of prayer and how God uses us and has ordained it that our prayers matter so much he could do whatever he wants is God in the same way that you doesn't really even have to have us to share the gospel. He could just save people.

He could get. Haven't such a there's no need for us to lay hands on the sick and pregnant but he's ordained is ordained that we be entered really and involved in its exciting thing when you see answer prayer this week we had a prayer gathering amongst many that were happening around the nation as part of the national prayer weekend, but on Tuesday morning we had a we filled up the Benton convention Center for early breakfast and Pete Greg pastor from London and author and and one who is known as the founder of the 24 seven prayer movement was our was our guest speaker. If one of the best talks on prayer. I think I've ever heard. And in the midst of it. He shared how it is his church outside of London. They started praying around the clock 24 hours a day to set aside a room and people began praying and they started seeing miracles. He said that a boy was healed of leukemia and that they saw some of the other extraordinary type of miracles and pastor Greg was so excited about it.

He came to some of his parishioners. He was so excited that you believe what God is doing the said you know what this means is that this means that Christianity is true and I laughed so hard about availability said pastor you your past years post already believe that is true. He said yeah I do but you know and is even all the more important I really do believe that is true method.

It was so funny because is he really referring to is there's a way in which you know something is true because you believe that in your mind no sense to it, but there's another way that you know something is true and that is that you've experienced when you really really know it is sort of the difference in knowing about a person or knowing a person. And so what Paul is praying, here is a prayer really about knowing because the fact is that God has already a great hope to which is called to and there already is a tremendous inheritance spiritually for anyone who's in Christ, and God has and always has had on display incomparably great power. Immeasurably great power.

So what Paul is praying is not that there would be hope or that there would be an inheritance within me the power of God that you know it. It's a prayer about knowing it's a prayer that starts with praying that we have a spirit some of the human spirit are not not God's. The human spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you would you would have knowledge of these things. That's what it is. It's a prayer that you would know these things through in a talk today about what this hope is to which we been called.

What that means, with the with the prayer is for knowing the glorious inheritance in the saints, and what this prayer is all about. Incomparably great power of God, but all throughout it.

We want to talk about what it means to really know these things and why. Therefore, this is such an important important prayer list. Start with the whole idea of knowing because it it is is essential that we really recognize the Scriptures promise to us is that we can know we can know God and we can know our salvation. We can know the presence of the Holy Spirit you can really truly know and the reason that I highlight this is because there actually is a great divergence of thought throughout the history of Christendom about this and the way not only that people proclaim the gospel, but the way that they interact with one another about the gospel and in our everyday lives. There is a school of thought that says that we can't absolutely know for sure about our salvation because it is important dependent on us remaining in a state of certain type of condition of relationship with God and is another school of thought.

This is no want your child of God, your God's child, and there is on the one hand, the notion that we must sense. We mustn't tell people with too much confidence that they are thoroughly loved and accepted by God because if you do, then people will not strive is hard to live a holy life. If you tell people that they are already pleasing to God through Christ and that no matter what their accepted in Christ, then the fear is what people will quit will quit trying to live a godly life, but there's a whole other thought which most most certainly is the perspective of the true gospel and that is that when you accept Christ. God wants you to know that you're a child of God that the Holy Spirit bears witness to your spirit that your child of God and that you are an air therefore with Christ himself so that you know that you know that you know you're in the family of God and that you could never be separated from the love of God in Christ Alan Wright will have more teaching in a moment. Today's important series is a misty place when you float around on crowds and pluck angelic types, you're in for the surprise of your life.

I special product this month is all about the help it happen. It's our gift to you when you support Alan CDR bun invites you to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected. Be sure that God isn't going to scrap or the world or make all things new.

Overcome denying anxiety at the end of your life you can have peace.

Pastor Alan writes help filled messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how Brent according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted to see the album that is when you make your gift to Alan Wright Ministries to listen to pastor outlines messages attractive see them with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him Alan Knight ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website. Pastor today's teaching you once again is there's absolutely nothing, even including your own failures falling in San that from that point on, could ever separate you from God, you might live your life in rebellion and miss out on so much of what it means to be a child of God and is true that we reap what we sow. So everything we do matters what the Scriptures want to assure you is that you are perfectly accepted in the beloved.

So you will not be rejected by God and the conviction of this position which I think is most certainly the position of the gospel in the Scriptures is that when you are relieved of this great fear of rejection by God when you know that you're reconciled to God when you know that because you are so utterly loved by God that you can come into his presence with boldness when you know that you're much more likely to live a holy and godly life, that the life of fear and of condemnation under any degree of law doesn't lead to godly living at lead simply to shame-based and fear-based living.

But this divergence of thought and most the time that you hear it, it will be so similar sounding that you have to tune your ears even know what you're listening to always like to think of it this way is like a point of a watershed. If you think of a continental divide up near the watershed, with the top elevation. So everything looks fairly similar but you have to see where does this go if it runs all the way one to the Pacific and one to the Atlantic because that's where it's going and you have to look at it that way. There is an example from the first century of Jewish Rabbi who was very well known.

Beloved, he was called variously the mighty hammer and the light of Israel.

He was known respectively of Rob on the euro can then set kind, and he fell ill and we have this written testimony. What happened at his deathbed he his disciples came to visit him and when he saw them he began to weep his disciples said to him quote light of Israel right hand pillar mighty hammer. Why do you weep and he said to them were right being led before a mortal king I would weep. Now that I'm being led before the King of Kings, the holy one, more so, and they continued saying, and moreover, two paths are before me one to Eden and the other two Gehenna which was a reference for the pit of darkness, it was the valley outside of Jerusalem. I do not know you said to which one I am glad shall I not weep. So here was the it was the greatest known Rabbi Sam was. I come to the point my death and I can't know with certainty where I'm where I'm going in the theological dictionary of the New Testament.

This massive work like cattle. He says there is perhaps no more striking proof of this thesis that there is no certainty or hope under any system of the law. Then in the fact that the schools of Hillel and Shammai.

These two rabbinical schools disputed for more than two years, whether it were better for man not to have been created or whether it is good for him to have been created and that they finally agreed that it were better for him not to have been created and kettle says no other view is really possible under the law. I'm just saying if you take it all the way to its extreme, one ocean on the other that if you were to simply under law. You don't know for sure you're saved and if you don't know and you have to live with the terror that you can't know for sure whether you'd be separated from God what the schools of Hillel said will have been better that you not have been born. What happens in our lives is that people adopt this in the way they interact with others.

There are two ways of parenting. There is a way of parenting in which you withhold a little bit of your love and acceptance because you think this is the way you can get your children to try harder because if I just absolutely know how loved and accepted.

They are without is take everything for granted. Are you praise a middle just go to their head, but is entirely different school of thought. This is no way that you raise children as you build an environment of such security and if such love. They just live love. They live as ones who are absolutely confident that their life matters and what happens in that environment as a child gains in identity and identity as is a beloved person who must matter and if you matter then you have hope and if you have hope. Then you chart your course. Accordingly, the student gets in identity is an a student is going to try hard to live like an a student there are two different ways that people look at this and what Paul is saying here is that his principal prayer is that you wouldn't know these things about God and about who you are in Christ. These things already exist. There is a great hope there is a great inheritance and there's a great power is not is not praying that these things would come to past. He say that you would know all that you couldn't know say there is a vast difference in knowing something just intellectually versus just really knowing it.

Some years ago.

Abay my daughter and I we had an option to go on a mission trip to Papua New Guinea and en route. We spent several days in Australia and had a delightful time. We rented a car and that was an adventure because I'd never driven on the left-hand side of the road. I literally got the rental car and we started at the counter asked the attendant are you allowed to turn left on red because we turn right on red and he looked at me and he said might. He said when it's red you stop I got into the rental car and I drove around the parking lot for a long time trying to drive on the left-hand side of this, in and out of the road to the parking. I was so nervous because I know that you're supposed to drive on the left-hand side of the road, but I didn't know it. And so I said add to your job. She was, she wasn't even of driving age yet is it your job.

You sit here and you say stay left at a stay left at a I started out going on the wrong lane coming out of the airport and I swerved back over and got to the left-hand side, and I realize in Australia. They love roundabouts roundabouts are confusing even when I'm driving here but they had to lane roundabouts.

Almost every intersection and so you come up to around about the first thing I do is remember. Go left around the roundabout, but the hard thing is when you came out of the roundabout remembering to go last and Abby said they left at a left daddy and I would get so concerned that I was going straight to the right and I'm just hugging the left-hand side is a daddy you're about to run off the road on the left-hand side you can come back over this little like I said Abby will be here three days.

We can't turn on the radio. We can't talk to each other. All I have to do is just sit here, go left, left, stay left stay left that somebody who knows that you drive on the left-hand side of the road in Australia but I didn't know it but when I came home and I got into my car to drive home from the airport as I could on the radio what you want talk about only have to think about the really know something means you think about it. I my children don't have to sit around every day ago my father loves me. I'm sure my father loves me, to claim the fact that my father left me. Oh, he does love me. I know my father let know I'm not operate like you left me on the way they do. They just know I'm loved love. I guess that's why Abby can be so snarky with me sometimes she's not I get rejected as why she can walk as a daddy, are you really going to wear that when your secure and love you not thinking about it anymore that I'm thinking about driving on the right hand side of the road of the right and you look good today.

Alan Moore on this.

This teaching is its praying for your word in the teaching is the prayer of enlightenment today and that you make your moment with additional insight on this for your life and today's final word. Misty, please float around on crowds and pluck angelic types for the surprise of your life. I special product this month is all about the hope of heaven is our gift to you when you support adding CDR bun invites you to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected. Be sure that God isn't going to scrap or the world make all things new. Overcome denying anxiety at the end of your life you can have peace after Allen writes hope filled messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how men according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted to see the album that is when you make your gift to Alan Wright Ministries to listen to Pastor Alan's message is an attractive see album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him.

Allen Knight ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website so Alan would you connect the last two teaching here together and let the last teaching the prayer agreement with the prayer of enlightenment and safe. Once you understand what Scripture says, with the word of God says and you can agree with it and then become second nature, and now your enlightened's are those going hand-in-hand well.

I think something is so so much.

Does it mean to say that you may know the hope to win your call that you know what your glorious inheritance is in the saints is saying that something that you might read in the Scripture, and you might see it, it becomes enlightened to your heart so I know there's a way in which you are in the word and you just reading lines on the page and there's another way in which the Holy Spirit is enlightening your heart.

This is God speaking to me this is about me is about. My hope is about the calling on asthma like this is about real spiritual riches that I have in in a real spiritual inheritance from the Lord. In the revelation that Paul is saying I want you to know that down in the deepest part of your heart, so may the eyes of your heart be enlightened. All these things that God is said this is such a great prayer to pray to the Lord. Let my heart be enlightened, so I today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries