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The Healing of Memories [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
July 12, 2021 6:00 am

The Healing of Memories [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan White, pastor, Bible teacher and author of his latest book, the power to bless peace makers don't take it for sure are spirit of offense. There are things that matter so deeply must take a stand and say are people just did heading life in a whole new light.

I'm deliberately excited for you to hear the teaching today.

In the series. From now on, as presented with an old church and North Carolina are not able to stay with us throughout the entire program to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now.

A copy of Pastor Alan's book lover of my soul. This can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at that's Pastor Alan and Margie or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here.

Alan writing the TV convention would react when there was no TV and what just so happen that Fred Rogers you know Mr. Rogers.

The presentation minister who had the famous children's TV show happened to be one of the people that went into the room and just was that was going to and so he was. He came into the room for the stock and headed for the spot and work because Peter came and he said well said Sir it said. As you can see we have a little problem here in the room and and is it just yesterday on YouTube. Mr. Rogers is like okay and he said what and and he said we don't have a TV in the room and and Fred Rogers reached in his pocket to pull out a tip for the man and he says well that's all right and he said yes sir, don't you understand it is a TV convention going on and we don't have a TV in the road and Fred Rogers is items that I've gotten more than enough TV in my life. This is this is fine, but Sarah actually said is that I think is probably too much TV in the world and I just got it like this room will be fine just because some little thing go your way, some meals delivered to you to try to get all up in arms about possibly due Christian people. The peacemakers don't take offense like way too short to clog up your heart. Needless spirit of offense. There are things that matter so deeply we must take a stand. What I've seen people just didn't involve petty, it would go deeper with this because here's where the real healing will come start with this. Don't don't take whenever possible. But here's the thing we we suffer things in this world. What happens I touched on last week is when we suffer the same, our responses to those traumas are responses to those wounds the offense as to the rejection problem is not just what we suffer the problem is the way our mind responds to and if you suffer enough. Over time there is a problem that the mind wants to make sense of it creates a narrative around and that narrative can be the thing that ends up absolutely steering you, guiding you through life.

You don't realize this is why Paul said that spiritual formation really is a transformation that happened by the renewing of your mind by adjusting to the reality of the true story of your life in Jesus Christ because the true story of your life and of your destiny is not merely limited to the things suffer the true story of your life is all that God can do from now on the true story or life of the gift of Jesus Christ for you.

Some few Years Ago Tara Westover Rd., New York times number one bestseller called educated she was raised in Idaho, the daughter of a father strict cultish Mormon with unusual survivalist and paranoid tendencies. She was made as a little girl to work in the family junkyard business was injured almost killed abused by her older brother and she was taught contact with the outside world was devilish.

She had no education, no birth certificate and yet she taught herself math and reading and eventually went on to take the ACT standardized test for college entry and she got into BYU and it turned out she was very, very smart, despite all of the trauma she suffer in life. She went to Cambridge on a scholarship was a visiting fellow at Harvard and she returned to do a PhD at Cambridge and when she wrote her first paper as a PhD student at Cambridge. She had this to say book. I finished the essay Senate to Prof. Steinberg. Two days later when I arrived for our next meeting.

He was subdued.

He peered at me from across the table. I waited for him to say the essay was a disaster. The product of an ignorant mind that it had overreached drawing too many conclusions from too little material.

I've been teaching in Cambridge for 30 years. He said this is one of the best essays I've read. She wrote I was prepared for insults but not for this I'm talking about a narrative in her mind, her whole life she'd been abused and insulted and isolated and convinced that she wasn't smart she wasn't prepared. Prof. Steinberg must've said more about the essay but I heard nothing right. My mind was consumed with a wrenching need to get out of that room.

I could tolerate any form of cruelty better than kindness praise was a poison to me. I choked on it.

I wanted the professor to shout at me wanted it so deeply.

I felt dizzy from the deprivation. The ugliness of me had to be given expression, the healing of memories is the correction of a narrative that is ungodly incorrect response to the traumas that we suffer in this world right somebody told you want in your life that you are no good. Not worth anything, you wouldn't amount to anything that that's traumatic abuse and that sort of put down hurts the healing that is needed is that the soul has to find a way to forgive that. So that is not in bondage to it.

But the mind needs to be transformed so doesn't believe it. That's the healing of memories is the most remarkable, perhaps about Joseph life will not assist capacity. Forgive but Amanda been abused for his entire life when he was 30 years old, only known was abuse false accusation and imprisonment. And when Pharaoh said I want you to come and rule second-in-command under me. Joseph didn't run from the newest who he was. That's amazing talent right will have more teaching moment from today's important series.

Glad you believed mind experiencing hybrid Allen writes the left but never myself love story from beginning to and spiritual bride of Christ, the perfect bike. The Bible tells my mom to the links to walk hand-in-hand for any man who is gonna member the woman tasted the sweetness of God's love for you is pretty woman who searched for 254 can only be found fully and after the five love languages incredible reality that God pursues us in life comes to an F myself ancient biblical accounts exploding behind except Christ proposal and showing his embrace of gravel in his live after the match made in member of my soul right.

The gospel is shared when you get Allen right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

When you get today.

We will send you a special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him. Allen right ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website today's teaching you once again is what were the key is to Joseph and the healing of memories and things that we can learn from this may offer a few to you first. As I said, as I think admitting the offense. Genesis 50 is the most beautiful versus beautiful chapters in the Bible verse 18. His brothers came.

Now, fell down before him in fulfillment of the dream. Of course the whole where your servants, but Joseph said to them, do not fear for my place of God is the irony they try to put themselves in the place of God by by condemning him. Now he says I'm not in the place of God. Even though he had all power over their lives. It could have had them executed if you want. As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good to bring about bring about that many people should be kept alive as they are today and I wanted to say.

The reason this powerful is because he acknowledges it was evil. Evil is evil. Wrong is wrong. Hades paid all of this hellish stuff that we we speak of living free from, and free from the bondage of unforgiveness against that we are not talk about denying that evil is evil. Were not talking about denying glossing over the pain of our lives so admit that offense.

I think that sometimes until you become aware of the offense consciously until you can bring it into your consciousness. Sometimes it's hard for it to the healing to take place and I'm saying we need to go back and nitpick over every little single offense in your life, but I am saying that sometimes there are things that are silently ruling us like a tyrant that we are not aware of and I've had moments in my life where the revelation of what was really going on with me made all the difference. What what I'm saying is that you know this to be transparent like there are times I have found myself feeling angry and it took me years to find out that much of that anger against injustice and overreacting.

Sometimes the never fully dealt with how angry this was at my dad for leaving home when I was in fourth grade. Do you come to place me realize okay here's where been hurt. This is the way that it hurt.

I need to forgive. I want to move on the neck and have the capacity to be squirting out in the wrong directions. So that's a part of ministry. Big part of ministry.

Some people just aren't willing ever to look at their pain because it hurts to look at it and so we were pressed for stuff down, shut things into our unconscious and there on dealt with unhealed festers a boy. Sometimes it's even the small things you bring it out to the light healing can happen. Leanne Payne tells a story of a woman who she counseled that again. I have major arthritis problems. Joints were very inflamed and seemed like it was getting worse and one day in their counseling.

It came out that this woman, this dear woman was suffering arthritic leg that she had taken on a ministry in her apartment complex because there was a woman there who was homebound and unable to do much for herself and so pretty much every day this woman who suffered from arthritis. Leanne's prayer client she would take lunch to this woman in the apartment almost every day. I am interested wonderful act of kindness day after day but about 20 minutes before she would deliver the meal to her. The woman homebound woman would rudely call her on the phone and say well I'm here. Are you going to bring it in with this unappreciative tone and seed answer yes I'm coming just a few moments and I'll bring in the woman's, spirit of entitlement and rudeness in all horse that was offensive and it went on day after day. But I the way that it became unveiled to her was the woman thought, you know, it would. I'm doing this act of kindness. I'm taking a lot and she hadn't wanted to admit how much she was feeling offended by those daily phone calls she had never been willing to admit how mad she really was about that. And so, in the ministry session as she acknowledged that and she said this made me really mad. They can try to do something good in this. The webbing treated and see confessed that she had been having ungodly reaction to the and when she confessed it and she forgave the woman, Leanne said her arthritis was healed in an instant is not a safe you have arthritis is because you have unforgiveness against someone that is to say that these things are so interrelated in our lives that it if there's a lot at stake for us to be willing to admit the things that we take offense at my healing at stake. So I think what Joseph says is you meant for evil. It disproves us to Joseph absolutely understood the evil that was against them and never once did he try to put in like I wasn't there.

That's not the answer and the second thing you learn from Joseph is about this dreamer who had gotten word from God as a young man continue to hear from God and I would say the second thing to the healing of memories is that we need to discover a transcendent dream that the power of hearing from God about your identity and your purpose in this world has a way of eclipsing the pain of the past and that's really what it happen for Joseph is it God's dream never that God is one who loves us and he holds us, and he comforts us in our pain, but he also lifts up our had and he says here's purpose for which I made you here is my grace that that working here are the gifts that are given to you. Here's why your life matters is who you are and people that live free and clear from the pain of the past are people who have in the first instance acknowledge their pain and forgiven and refuse to take offense, by the grace of God there also people that have have heard from God and have heard from his word about about who they are in Christ and about about the infinite value that's placed on your life. When I talk about having a transcendent dream it is to understand that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God is understand that Christ came and paid an incident price for you and that the Bible says even created for good works before the dawn of creation God new you and he knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb, and there's never been a time in which you are alone in this world and never been a time in which your life was without purpose is just a journey to discover in all and and and you have a uniqueness about you that there's no one on the face of this earth that can be you not one single person who has your fingerprint. Not one person.

Let your spirit. No one that has your physical DNA are your spiritual DNA.

There are things that you don't do it. Nobody is going to do it there things in this world that are blessings.

It will not come except through you there prayers.

It will be prayed and prayed, except to get prayed through. You will be acts of kindness it will change the world that won't happen unless you do it because you're destined for that. What I'm talking about is not necessarily being necessarily being put on a throne like Joseph was being used of God, knowing that there's a transcendent dream in your life that your life matters when you know it's hard to live in the because this is the first day of the rest of your life and it is that's the third thing about Joseph and this is this is the key to it all. He said you meant it for evil but God meant it for good that many people should be kept alive. Do you realize what had captured his heart was grace revel in the grace of God. When you think about how you could possibly forgive. Just think about how God's forgiven you.

When you think about whether someone deserves to be forgiven.

Just think about whether you deserved when you think about whether you'll ever have grace to show to people no matter their miserable attempts to put you down. Think of Jesus on the cross for Joseph was just prefiguring the real Joseph Jesus was the one who came into his own his own brothers received him not. Jesus is the one who was sold for a few shekels of silver. Jesus is the one who was hated by those that he came to say misunderstood by those that he taught and he hung on the cross, not because he was cosmically abused, but because he chose to lay down his life as a ransom for many. And as he bled and suffocated in pain. He said father forgive them. They do not know what they're doing. He is the perfect human who never took offense.

If Jesus had taken offense, we would be lost in our sin and separated from God forever, but this is the good news Christ came exactly at the right time and died for the ungodly. While they were still there sin because God's Messiah did not take offense at wrong suffered, but instead love by the supernatural grace that anointed every moment of his life and now you beloved of Christ in you and you are in Christ and so you have the divine capacity to forgive also and to move on and live your life by the grace of God from now and that's the gospel delays good news message.

It's titled the healing of memories in our series from now on. Pastor Alan is back with assuring reporting good news thought for today.

Glad you've heard about it with you, and you believed in my experience in the left but never myself love story from beginning to and spiritual bride of Christ, the perfect bike. The Bible tells my mom to the links to walk hand-in-hand for any man who is gonna mother the woman tasted the sweet God's love for you is pretty woman who searched for 25 2014 only found fully and Dr. the five love languages size incredible reality that God perceives us in life comes to F myself ancient biblical accounts exploding behind except Christ proposal and showing his embrace revel in his live after the match made in heaven.

It's lover of my soul right gospel is shared when you get Allen right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today. We will send you a special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him. Allen right ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website. Pastor back down the studio during Pastor Alan sporting good news thought for the day and I have to say it makes sense. Pastor Alan, healing of memories.

If you're going to take a step forward. Gonna tackle that I think they're such good news for us. When you think about the pain your life if you think about this that God is not limited by time and in a very real sense, therefore mansard wrap your mind around this. But he's in your past is in your future is in this moment, so we are like fish in the water.

That's why time is for us, but God is not confined, is not in in time so maybe it's maybe it's going to come to you this way that you begin to see that the Lord's always been with you and he is with you now, but he is also with you when you experienced a bit difficult, and vitamin to that memory. And when you invite them in. You begin to realize that his love is always been there for you. You'll find it is powerful to experience God's love where you didn't see it before and with this to take a step and say I'm gonna let go. I'm not going to harbor unforgiveness.

And when you do this is the step toward the healing of memories and really Daniel until we get healed of those memories in a sense, were bound up by them. So this is a step toward liberty is step toward real freedom and this is what it means to live from now on. From this moment forward from this day forward is to let go of all the binding effects of those previous traumas that mean you can just totally forget it.

I didn't mean that you hadn't been somehow shaped by what you don't have to be ruled by you can live from now.

Today's good news message is a listener supported production Allen right ministries