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Humility vs. Worm Theology [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
June 12, 2020 6:00 am

Humility vs. Worm Theology [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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June 12, 2020 6:00 am

Humility isn’t seeing yourself as less; it’s seeing God as more.

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright so often I crystallize and be like Jesus and is the world record holder in the love world record holder in patience and humility to try to be like Jesus to be like Jesus. That's pastor at right to another message of abuse that will help you see your life in a whole new life. I'm Dino Britt excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series. Unspeakable joy is presented at renewal the church in North Carolina.

If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministry as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer.

Contact us at or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright we see God doing some you can think a moment like that of how special we are doing. You wouldn't want any attention on yourself to be. It would normally be wrong and be it be unclean to be unholy when is the same humility comes, so I gonna try to be humble here and remind myself this wasn't about Ewing have to wheels God is not what you think and I'll never forget that afternoon the plan was. My family was on vacation out of each and so the plan was Bob's gonna drop me off at Ocean Isle Beach than the other guys, off-line back into Winston, but a line of thunderstorms lined up and we couldn't get to the beach and so it's had the land and South Carolina's I remember I went and rented a car one way to drive down the beach to join my family and so I had several hours in the car and I was thinking back through all the blessings of the weeks events down there mulching looking for to see the family, extended family was there cousins all out. I called so I'm running late, had to get a car meets all of the restaurant because they will be at the restaurant. I never forget walking in and I'm just kind of think I'm just on cloud nine from just over the wonderful wonderful week and that I'm just thinking how one for me to come in and just sort of celebrate with everybody but I came in the effort already arrived at the table and this was my welcome. Oh that year and said have you been and so I also want to take so long and I said it's good to be home. It's just good of 1/2 to see what I'm saying is that there has to be a way in which like Christ be so identified with Christ. You can know who you are and affirm who you are and all of its glory and majesty and wondering Christ in all of your giftedness and not count it a thing to be grasped and you can at same time be thankful for the sheer ordinariness of life in which you realize your giftedness does not make you superior to anybody else, but it is something that God gives you to be a blessing to the world so you can feel good about that and you can never step over into alignment be like Christ, you begin to think.

Look how special I am and there's something that we see about same humility when these two things can come together and you can understand your giftedness in the Lord, you can be like Christ, who knew himself to be God knew himself to be hiding something new and something be perfectly loved by the father, but didn't grasp all of that is something to be held on to even to the point that is obedient in the death of a cross which means that the greatest moment of temptation was probably on the cross himself when he could call down a legion of angels to destroy those who were crucifying him, but he didn't count as a quality we got a thing to be grasped, but instead he emptied himself, and he bled for you by his own sovereign choice is the way humility works. That's what true humility is if you want to be humble you don't try to be humble, but instead you remember the goodness in the glory of God in you credit him for every good thing years ago in Reader's Digest, Warren Buffett was interviewed a billionaire and see often refuses to take credit for all of his company's success in the use illustration that that at his granddaughter Emily's fourth birthday party that there were parents, their kids, and there was entertainment from Beamer the clown and beam of the clown was doing various magic tricks and then he said now I need a volunteer in a course to call the birthday girl, Emily gave her the magic wand and he had little box and first Beamer put some blue cloths into the box. He said wave a magic wand and Emily waved the lawn and he pulled out red once I went all and then he took some some cloths that were some handkerchiefs that were separate from each other and put them into the box. He said wave, and she waved it over.

It and he pulled it out and they were all tied together and after a couple more moments of doing these tricks were. She waved the wand over Emily couldn't contain herself.

She just said she I'm good at this. What humility is, is actually in the words of Andrew Murray come complete dependence on God complete dependence on God. That's humility. There's got to be away that both everything that makes the gospel so wonderful and affirming who we are is intimately perfectly connected to the place of perfect dependence on God.

The kitchen is ever humble Tim Keller's put it as well as anyone. The Christian gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me, this leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time it undermines both swaggering and sniffling.

I cannot feel superior to anyone, and I have nothing to prove to anyone.

I do not think more of myself nor less of myself instead I think of myself less how Christ humility was at work is what's on display in this him that you can have this same line Christ. Verse six who, though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, made himself nothing taken the form of us are being found in human form humbled himself obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross. It's a picture of the way humility works in our lives. It is something that steals in upon the soul without your realizing it because in the recognition of the goodness of God. You were caught up in a self forgetfulness that flows John Piper wrote the really wonderful moments of joy in this world and all the moments of self-satisfaction, but self forgetfulness standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and contemplating your own greatness is pathological at such moments, we were made for a magnificent joy that comes from outside ourselves. See, here's how it works. Christ was assured of the love of the father perfectly.

He was filled with the deep assurance that enabled him to live a life of self forgetfulness just don't see Jesus daughter out of them thinking about himself home on my own to one of my mother with all these grounds have got this big mission and I know death is looming in front of me.

Oh my goodness. And I got a crick in my neck. I don't have a good pillow these dosages is thinking about himself like that, why because he is too deeply assured is because he didn't suffer. He suffered so much assurance in the love of the father that can forgetfulness because he is overly utterly perfect in his understanding of who you are and who I am and all of our majesty and the wonder of who we are, but we were made through Christ. He understands who we are and thus voluntarily takes on the form of a servant disc placing his power at times in order to be human in this deep confidence and unending love in this self forgetfulness come together for him to be willing to experience the depths of human suffering because he has such a confident assurance of the redemptive power of God and this is the way humility works. It comes when you are assured of the love of God in Jesus Christ. Whenever you see a text and it says something like this and have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. Whenever you see a text and is telling you to be more like Jesus, you see that for many years. It didn't like good news to me at all to save be more like Jesus felt like almost bad news because single can I do the be like Jesus. That's Alan Wright will have more teaching moment. Today's important series actually is a delight reserved for those who have no problems or have you ever assume that some people are just born with a joyful personality. If so, get ready for some good news. Joy is afraid of the spirit available to all in Christ, no matter the circumstances of life. Though Paul was in jail when he read his epistle to the Philippians he spoke of joy 16 times matter what you're going through.

You too can discover the secret to unspeakable joy as pastor at NYPD through a life building exploration of Philippians. When you make a gift to sharing and light ministries today will send you the new CD album the secret and unspeakable joy as our way of saying thank you for your partnership. Your gifts are the only way we're able to continue broadcasting the message of grace all over the nation. Happiness may rise and fall with happenstance that Julie is ever present in the spirit to become a partner today and discover joint like never before. We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor out and got work in today's teaching now continues your once again is Alan Wright some reason this week.

I was so looking over in anticipation of the Olympics. I start looking over some of the world records for some the Olympic events and I had been in Abby my father-in-law. The room we start ice or try to make them guess what the record wasn't certain events took two of which especially fascinated me the brawl the long jump but wish the Collins kids. The running brawl jump one jump yet to run ahead of time and then one jump I said what you think the world record is for this and that is asking around people guesstimated 10 feet summons at 15 feet.

Maybe the long jump record one jump over 29 feet and you go home and you you walk that off and just see.

This is me jumping over Bob roach's head on the fifth pew. When one jump this as well as us in their thinking, how far could I jump if I even tried to make that jump out have to be hospitalized. Later that day so will not try to even experiment will what that would be when it really fascinates me. The world record for the marathon of some your runners you mate. You may already know this information, I I had no idea that the 26.2 miles of passes there been letters to our two seconds. But before you even start doing the math on this I just want you to think about what what you think will do the math yet but what you think that the world record marathon is averaging per mile of the 26.2 miles will blow your mind. When I was in high school I played soccer and it was sort of a requirement or at least highly suggested that if you like the team had to be run able be able to run 2 miles in 12 minutes. So 26 minute miles back to back and I went to chimes of the best of my life and I wanted to training for this and I barely did it. I barely got it I was young I was, I was at the fastest ever been in my life and I went out I did it barely did it. I was never a big runner but I did it was really hard. The average pace on the world record for the marathon running 26 of them is four minutes 40 seconds II keening I keening I can write an awareness I could never in my whole life ever come close run 1 mile in four minutes voice acting. II can run a five minute mile and Eileen are sick and so Mike is at lunch. 26 of them in a row going at four minutes and 40 seconds every single one. Are you kidding me. It's unbelievable telling these stories is it would not be good news to me. If you said Alan go out and run a two hour marathon that other guy from Kenya did it, why can't you do it out there jump 29 feet. Let me see you jump 29 feet.

Can you give me 20 feet to 15 feet do more like that world record holder that would not be good news to tell me to be like a world record holder in the marathon because I cannot be. I just can't be. Things don't work like that.

The legs are not long hearts not strong enough, it can't be done, so don't tell me to is over so often my crystallize.

I said be like Jesus and I might eat is the world record holder in love. The world record holder in patience and humility.

Don't tell me to try to be like Jesus, I can't be like Jesus. Think this is why the mystery humility comes in right at this point is at the point of you realizing I can't be like Jesus and lesson Jesus does this in me that makes you completely dependent upon Jesus which therein defines you as humble and that humility, Christ is exalted in you so wonderful mystery.

If you look at the beginning of this text. What you say is that there is a triune affirmation of our capacity to walk in the mind of Christ because adverse was as if there's any encouragement in Christ any comfort from love any participation in the spirit any affection and sympathy complete my joy by being of the same mind. It is almost like it's almost like the Trinity here because it is their encouragement in Christ any comfort from love implied to the love of the father in any participation in the spirit. These words are fascinating because the word for encouragement in verse one is part of crisis and is the same word that Paul uses the first Corinthians 14 to describe the benefits of prophecy. The reason that we prophesy his visits for encouragement and upbuilding and for comfort and the word for encouragement is this word part places which very interesting is closely a kin to the word that Jesus uses to describe the Holy Spirit himself, the Paraclete, the Paraclete close which means he is the helper Paraclete is means to call alongside. This is the image it comes to mind is we're going running down the path and then someone comes along side for encouragement and refreshment. Or maybe you been you been wounded and you have to put your arms up long semi who comes alongside so you can keep walking. Someone who comes alongside to teach you to instruct you to be with you. He is with you as to what encouragement is, is like sex like there's a power of God that comes alongside of you. And there's encouragement in Christ because when your heart meditates upon what Christ has done for you.

You remember that he loves you. You remember that he died for you.

You remember that is forgiven you. Remember the reigns in power for you to remember that he advocates it intercedes for you. You remember that you are seated with Christ because of what Christ has done for you. You start having this thought that maybe I could do all things through Christ who gives me strength. That's encouragement in Christ. This is, but there's also comfort and love as a comfort and love, the love of the father shed abroad in our hearts comforts us. John says the perfect love casts out fear. When your troubled love unconditional agape love comforts us with any says if there's any participation in the spirit and the word here is cornea is the word we use for fellowship. There is connection in organic fellowship in this era. It so you have encouragement in Christ and the love of the father, and you have intimate coin only in the Holy Spirit. One policy is if you have this what he means is not there's a chance you don't mean since you have it because you have it because it's a mark of who you are in Christ is that the more that you have awareness and contemplation of what Christ has done for you. The more that you receive the love of the father and the more intimately you walk with the Holy Spirit, with whom you are in perfect fellowship. Did you have the mind of Christ. The language actually says the mind of Jesus, which is yours. And so what happens is for us to be living out a life of humility. It begins with the intimacy with God leads us into assurance of God's love, so that we like Christ. Though we are not God. He was assured he was God. We are assured we are in Christ where assured were forgiven by God where assured that we been restored to fellowship with God.

Humility starts with an awareness of who you are in Christ and humility grows with the confidence of the love of God shed abroad in your heart and then it is manifest by the powerful connection of your life with the Holy Spirit.

So when you know your security then you are able to be led into a self forgetfulness where in God is able to call you up into his mission and liberate you from the tyranny of self absorption so that your mind like Christ's mind is set upon how it is that you could love and serve others. There is a way beloved in which you are able to be utterly 100% confident and secure in Christ celebrating the gifts that God has given you comfortable in your own skin. Knowing your strengths and celebrating them laughing at your own weaknesses and at the same time so forgetful and it's unnecessary for you to be absorbed with yourself, you can be concerned with the well-being of others and find it to be the great delight in your life just like Jesus, you are laying down your life for the cause of celebrating, honoring and serving others for the gospel of Jesus Christ is of the Lord who emptied himself, took on the form of flesh as a servant, and became obedient even at the death of a cross because it's God's plan and the way he designed the universe that the first will be last, but the last shall be first, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted in the promise that was true for Jesus is true for you but you might live a life of humility, but get ready beloved to be a day the Trump is going to sound you going to be glorified reign forever exalted with Christ forever and forever and forever, but all are in the in the last magnificently in these two things just go together. What true humility is and that is the gospel.

What a great message.

True humility versus warm theology in our series unspeakable joy. Allen is back in a moment with additional insight on things for your life and today's final word you sold it seriously and constantly desires to label the rights.

Julie is an elusive dream reserve for select who had no problems or for those who were born with a joyful disposition actually joins the fruit of the spirit available to all in Christ, no matter what you're facing.

You can have the joy of the Lord in the midst the apostle Paul.even his epistle to the Philippians. While in prison he spoke of Julie 16 times. Allen writes newest album, the secretive and speakable Julie tension chapter by chapter 3 Paul's explanation of the secret enjoying Philippians when you make a gift to data sharing in light will be delighted with the new CD out on as I write. Thanks for your partnership come apart and discover the secrets unspeakable joy. We are happy to send this to you as I banks from Allen Wright ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website past Allen. If it's not us. Maybe somebody we know who truly is going through a really rough time in life and they they find themselves wanting to identify very closely to Jesus who says I'm a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And so how do we reconcile joy even when our Savior said I'm a man of sorrows. How does that counter the warm theology yeah well I think that say that there is a such a thing as being happy and such a thing as being sad, but the biblical picture.

Joy is different from either of those happiness and sadness make have been flow with the circumstances of our lives. And there's a time for weeping. There's a time for grieving is very important. We learned a great habit. But even in the midst of those times what God is not.

He doesn't discipline us or bring us to this point of humility so that he can disparage his children. Not so he can demean us and devalue us just the opposite. Real humility is accompanied by an assurance of the love of the father, and accompanied by an assurance of his purposes for our lives.

So the two things go hand-in-hand. Great density great purpose.

Real joy and authentic humility. But if there is a warm theology which is nothing but a miserable wretch and there is no other identity except center that's a different kind of self-absorption that really will in the end, probably so punctual.

Today's good news message is a listener supported production Allen Wright ministries