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Giving Tuesday 2020

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
December 1, 2020 5:00 am

Giving Tuesday 2020

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan writing zero was gratitude does when God's done something in your life, I divide you.

Thank you lately. Well is the birthright breach about blessing and God's love and provision. I can even describe what I feel is so awesome golf by love and acceptance I feel God's love like I'm never felt before.

Helen Wright welcome to another message of good news that will help you see your life in a whole new light and being in thankful for you and your partnership with the gospel here with Alan Wake ministries and I am joined in studio today by Pastor Alan on this giving Tuesday. What year this has been, but it's a special kind of a day here and no think we're marking this year by the milestone as we do with any normal year, but we look forward to special holidays when we discovered Thanksgiving in our here this day, that is been marked as giving Tuesday and it feels normal, like so many of our traditions and customs. We had to alter, but this is one thing Daniel that no pandemic can stop us from doing and that is getting. Jesus said it's more blessed to give than receive. And you know I think people misunderstand that often. I think that they think what if I give then I'll get this bigger blessing back but I think what he met is that there is blessing in act of giving anybody is ever poured themselves into something that they love you give yourself to what you have joy and I if you if you like to run and you give yourself to the exercise. At first it feels, strainers might even hurt a little bit but then there are endorphins that start rereleasing your body and you feel so good.

Well, in the same way I thing that there's just a blessing that comes while were giving so it's fun today to just set apart this special day giving Tuesday to share about some memories some testimonies some thoughts and insights as we consider all that God has in front of us with a very very special word of gratitude to all of our partners and all who have been blessed by this ministry. I want to help bless others what we are thankful to be on the radio but as you hear this program is a maybe that's where part of it. Started conferences and radio, but as technology tends to do.

It gives us more opportunities to share the gospel and the good news were thankful to our partners all year and especially on Sunday like today special giving Tuesday. Today people are giving all around the world on the states. As you mentioned that generosity is something that we affirm. It's been a great year if you if you want to look at it from the perspective of while God really set us up with some golden opportunities for what none of us expected in a pandemic 2020, year was very interesting throughout all of the very sadness and loss and uncertainties and conflicts of the pandemic year, a year that was filled with racial unrest and political divisions that in the midst of that. I think that more people have heard the gospel this year than ever in the history of the world and we are so thankful that we were already positioned on the radio positioned by podcasts positioned by video and devotionals and all the things that we already were doing for so many years so that when pandemic came and people were shot up in their homes and isolated that we are still able to share the gospel and I think Daniel that there's been a tremendous shaking of the world as someone has said it's like when you shake in separate Chaffin there's something that happens when all of the things we normally count on for our comfort and our sense of security when all I get shaken away. It can leave us hungry for God in a way that we never did before and so is left us here in town right ministries is left us hopeful throughout the year.

Praying for those that are hurting most in wanting to do all we can to help us hopeful that the sound of the gospel. Moving forward in in ways it may be have been unprecedented. And like many many ministries is been a time in which we had to ask our partners and new partners to be sure to faithfully join us. So is good to be with you here on giving Tuesday and this well one thing we can count on, you can always give as the truth in that right now. If you feel led to given support a great ministry.

Alan Wake ministries where, and many ways to give their Pastor Alan.forget safe it simple or for the telephone 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860 you mentioned the position in God, positioning us for such a year as this are you ever encourage like I am to know that maybe it's not even what you said last week, but sometimes people do some digging and there's a great archive it. Pastor, where you might hear something from last year two years ago. The still is the God's truth is God's truth and you know Daniel when we started this ministry so many years ago. Part of what went through my mind was I thought well if there's something God uses the bless one person he can bless 100 people want to bless 100 bless a thousand, thousand, 10,000 and if 10,000 then hundred thousand and, in other words, a blessing from the Lord by revelation of piece of good news. It can just keep going on and on.

So we have that in many many different forms now and throughout our radio broadcasts over the years it's been such a joy to hear from listeners. We always love to hear from you. I was glancing back over the years of testimony and I was noticing one here. Daniel stood out because I'm seeing the letters are in all capital. Thank you three times, all capital, and 10! You know what gratitude does when God's done something in your life. Thank you thank you thank you lately. When I listen up after I preach about blessing and God's love and provision. I can't even describe what I feel is so awesome I feel in golf by love and acceptance I feel God's love like I've never felt before you.

If you encounter God's love.

If you experience God's love, then healing takes place, transformation, empowerment and joy takes place is a big part of what we're about. Daniel is a ministry not just for the head, but for the heart.

So many people that have well I know it's the right thing to believe God loves them but to actually experience and know God's love of close up testimonies like that really left me because they give a lot of hints of what this ministry loves to do and that is to share the unfettered good news of what God's done in Jesus Christ and help people know who they really are in Christ. Maybe you have a minute would put your finger on it but you know there's something that different to hear about the good news of the gospel and in the way that it's presented and that gospel message is shared when you give to Alan Wright Ministries. This broadcaster listening to is only possible had made possible by listener financial support and so thank you. It's a day for us to say things as well. When you give today. We encourage you to be as generous as you can when you come to sharing the gospel to so many there and also through the phone at 877-544-4860 putting our finger on it though, I alluded to that. This is been a year of preparation, maybe even the last year going back to 2019 of preparation for refocusing our vision here Alan Wright Ministries. Yeah it's been a wonderful year in the midst of such a troubled year, and one of the things that we became aware of and is important for any ministry any organization. And honestly, for any individual, and that is, instead of just working hard and want to do as much as you can.

Sometimes you need to just stop and make sure you have a really clear focus about why we exist and what is it that God has uniquely called us to be and to do and so we went through really a year-long process of discovering that sense of clarity of vision and implemented at it partly resulted in the change of the name of the ministry to Alan Wright Ministries but then is as much as anything just to be simple so as will be easy for people to find us, but here's what we discovered Daniel. We have realized that while there are so many good Bible preachers and teachers and there are a lot of biblical resources that are out there Bible studies that are available. Sermons are available, and even daily devotionals that there's a Unique Pl., God has for us. We really believe when you discover your identity.

This is who I am in Christ. This is what God's done for me in Christ and therefore this is who I am when you see that in God's word and when it becomes real to you out of that identity. Then you begin to live so clinging to give an example of this. Both both our kids. Thankfully Bennett and Abby were very studious they were. They were they stuck to their academics and both did did really well and I met one time when Bennett was still, I think maybe a high school because I never pressured him to study, study, and I excelled in his academics want to ask in him I said you know why is it that without me pressuring you. You use you have such a good work ethic about your studies, and he said well is not that complicated.

He said I think I'm in a student and so I just do whatever it takes to make they can. That's the way it works right. Instead of trying to Chino like for. You know what I'm talking about is don't trot out your constantly be haranguing your your your student to study harder is much better to get an identity in them so that then they see themselves in this way, this is the way we live our lives we live our lives if we think that we are valuable, then we are going to invest our lives in that direction.

If we felt like were worthless and our identity was that we are just simply abandoned or rejected and not of any real value them will live in accord to that as we realize it so much what we do, just in it by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It just keep coming back to this you are you are in Christ.

It's about a revelation that a revelation of God in about a revelation of yourself.

It's it's it's not something you just figure out on your own and so we realize it we exist to help people well to see their lives in a whole new light and so oh, it's been a beautiful thing to gain that sense of focus and to make sure that everything we're doing were helping people to know their identity in Christ. And so in that sense you know rebranding is not about all you got a new logo or some like that. Although I think and I hope that our listeners have enjoyed our new website with all his beautiful images and the ease user-friendly nests of that really is been a year of clarifying which relates greatly to our great passion to bless people and speak blessing into their lives. The subject of forthcoming book next year.

Yeah by the way, today is giving Tuesday were in the studio with pastor and not only how thankful we are for your partnership in the gospel but giving opportunity for those who never even realized that so who are these guys on the radio and one of the ask me to do and it's it's really a wonderful wonderful partnership to know how far and wide. This gospel message is going thanks to listeners like you and so had of the generosity that is flowing throughout today, giving Tuesday. You are invited to be a partner by that's pastor out or toll-free 877-544-4860 877-544-4860 pastor Ellen you mention our website greatly website.

Lots of wonderful resources there, but I would've put you in a category which could be unfair. New correctly. I have a friend who thought the Internet would be a fad and it wasn't gonna last.

So far it up a pastor. Ellen probably not in that category, but on social media. When social media came out and became this whole thing were you one of these who thought I don't know what that's all about and all of a sudden now you've got a pastor out a platform that has an amazing rate. Well, I've got was that way I was.

I and I and every step of the way. When there's some kind of new digital form of connection with people. I'm like, how can we be any more connected than we are.

Then you find out that God can use all of this down right ministries.

As I I guess were somewhere over 300,000 followers win.

If you're not following list. Please do and tell other people about it were always posting inspirational content to their Daniel. I think it's important people know there's so much more than just radio others going on right ministries of the radio broadcast you here is also available by podcasts, but we also have two other podcasts we have a podcast that is weekly in which pastor Chris Lawson, my executive pastor and church historian, excellent scholar, PhD sits down with me and we spend all usually about 2025 minutes talking about how grace actually works.

We call that podcast inside race so jokingly by law, and moralism. How does grace work and we take some of the most important and timely and relevant topics and we we apply the gospel inside race with Alan Wright. Be sure and subscribe and every day. We also start with a blessing podcast that just a few moments that every day you could start by having a positive vision spoken of your life it will strengthen you and encourage you. We have all kinds of resources of Pastor in addition to our daily devotional and blessing that goes out to so many, many thousands and were always excited about new opportunities that arise. Podcasts available through, and many doors of opportunity continued open for us, but all of this.

Daniel, like you say is a world changing so fast and you know when things we would never imagine that make it possible for us to be able to proclaim the gospel in ways that well who could've ever imagined. You know, even during a pandemic.

When we began to take our services online and put much more attention on that Daniel was astounding. What we saw that many weeks that though we may normally only have at our church a couple thousand people.

We start having as many as 100,000 people that would have you in his sermon on line that's available online. Still so got to use this very difficult time. Sometimes Daniel it's life or death with people he really is. You know we we cherish hearing any comment from anybody about how God using this ministry, but every now and then you get those that stay with you. Remember this one came from a listener in Utah said I feel like I'm living in the middle of nowhere, disenfranchised morning, looking for light I feel isolated and alone.

I'm looking for Christian faith, and I found Alan Wright on the radio. I love his sermons. Please send me access for more. He's literally save my life. Well, I had saved anybody's life.

But God has the message of the gospel to someone that's been swallowed up in legalism's lifesaving Ira remember another message from listener in Texas. Your messages are like sad being applied to a deep wound blessing to hear that she went on to say, I've been close to suicide many times and many times your messages given me hope you think when you when you support and partner with us in this ministry, you may not realize it but the message you're sending forth very well might be life and death. Someone is for anybody who happens upon this place on the dial a message of encouragement and it's a message. As we said that is imparting blessing and I entity about who you really are in crisis bring a revelation, but you never know. On any given day for some listener it might be the turning point of their life. It might be a matter of deciding to live. It might be the day that hope comes back.

So thank you listener. Thank you. Thank you. We need your partnership now more than ever, new doors are opening and there are lots of reasons to strengthen the position that the Lord is giving us as we move forward into your part of that partnership. When you give it pastor out pastor out or call today 877-544-4860 877-544-4860 now pastor Ellen, you mentioned a moment ago about a new book that's coming out and it really is something again. I think with with a lot of what you hear through your teaching. It's the gospel and for those of us who grew up hearing the gospel its true truth it doesn't change, but your your presentation of it is so fresh and eye-opening and I think the power to bless his is also that way is a totally different perspective. Will Daniel this is the favorite book I've ever written. I believe it's the most important because it's a life message when we bless we do what God does. Instead of waiting on someone to perform and then affirm them what blessing does is its speaks in a powerful scriptural way about potential and what happens is we rise up, to live out of the blessing that's been spoken over us and I I didn't have the blessing spoken over me for my own dad not not for any particular reason other than maybe he was part of that generation that thought, you know don't affirm your kids too much of ago there had blessing is a simple thing I was thinking and and I write about in the book maybe was simple examples. The best one. Bennett was little we played a lot of golf together and it was a good little golfer and I remember he must've been 10. Remember one day we went out to play and I messed up on the first hole made a double or maybe even a triple bogey which for a good golfer, Utah. I have blown the whole round is frustrating, golf will bring out all the brush rates as I can see it will face turned a little bit read he wanted to get frustrated, but instead he held it together and pulled the patients together, went to the next tee box and I had a good hole and then I'm having a good round I met were riding home and I said Bennett. I said you know I saw that double bogey on the first hole that's really frustrating. I know that feels. I said oh you felt like maybe losing control little bit there but instead you pulled together and you not have a good round said that was a real mature thing I said you know the Bible calls that his self-control is called a fruit of the spirit and I said I can see even as your young age that your emerging as a young man of self-control and I believe that this is going to be a mark of your life and I've noticed I've noticed this that men who have a lot of self-control go far in this world. That's just riding home from that, of course, but that's a blessing that is a positive for field vision. It's rooted in Scripture it's keen because of the observation that I uniquely had over his life and I just making it doesn't take much time, that would that take maybe a minute if something like that. Well I think a lot of listeners right now realize I've never had that spoken about life something like that for much less the deeper, more powerful and pervasive kinds of blessing everybody needs to receive blessing and everybody needs to learn how to give blessing is God's way. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, he blessed them, and then he said, be fruitful and multiply, and often we reverse the order we thought well of you will be fruitful and multiply. I thought if I perform well in nonproductive.

Then I'll be blessed is not the way it is with God blesses so that we can be productive. Blessing is not the reward for your productivity. It's the fuel for it and in the power to blasts. Daniel and I am so excited unveil a very mysterious blessing. Maybe our listeners have heard me preach on or before the blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh, every Hebrew father was instructed by Lord in the word, to bless their sons every Sabbath, every Shabbat. There is a Hebrew father somewhere saying that God make you as F Rahim and Manasseh, and nobody knows why these are relatively obscure characters and using the lens of that particular what I'd say is the most important family blessing in Israel in the Bible using that as a lens show not only the meaning of that but all the essentials of of blessing and it includes the book include step-by-step instructions about how to bless anyone can learn to bless and we got a blessing worksheet. We make it very easy this day and ideas. You see, I was very excited about how to and preorder is available now by the way, when you preorder you not only get guaranteed by Amazon.

They will whatever the price is today. They'll refund you any amount of the price goes lower before the book was released February 2. You'll be amongst the first to get the book but also will be able to get when you let us know a free audiobook, so that's a great value. Would love to go to send that as well and so preorder the book and help others learn about as well were very excited about at this is right in the sweet spot of everything God called us to do that is to help people have a genuine revelation of who they are in crisis in their lives in a whole new light. You can learn more about that and connect over to the new book. And of course all the resources and on the special giving Tuesday be a part of the giving family. It is been a joy to be a part of this program. This ministry and thank you for your part in this as well. Some folks join in at $10 a month on the $30 a month, $50 a month wherever the Lord leads you to give especially on this giving Tuesday. We would invite you and pastor pastor or by calling 877-544-4860, so that pastor Ellen I guess were now want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas as we head into throughout this Advent season may Lord bless you and and be kind and gracious to you and make his face shine upon you and give you his peace now and every day through this whole Advent season. Amen. Today's good news message is a listener supported production of Alan White