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My Prayer Partner [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
September 23, 2020 6:00 am

My Prayer Partner [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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September 23, 2020 6:00 am

If Christ intercedes for you and He lives in you, then you have an ongoing prayer partner in Jesus!

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Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Alan Wright Ministries
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Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright

Pastor Arthur and Bible teacher Alan writing what I believe God is saying is that there are two or three Christians can agree on anything having so impressed how sure myself to the power of the most time you look up to the sense of the Lord Jesus Christ and your prayer like going to watch in amazement do above and beyond what you ever ask or imagine Jesus. That's pastor Helen Wright welcome to another message of good news that will help you see your life for a whole new light. I'm Daniel Britt excited for you to hear today's message in the series called praying with power as presented at renewal the church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now.

It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright ministry as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today special offer. Contact us at that's Pastor or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching in the series praying with power here is Alan Wright, go something like this where is like you have you have this in your soul who is constantly trying to come before the God of the universe.

As I look at what mistakes he's made look at the things that he did wrong and look at what look at the failures he had last week. Things that happen in his childhood look of the shame is a look at this and and and you got got Jesus there said all yeah God for him.

My blood was shed for him and he is accepted that provision so there's been an exchange that is already been paid back.

Curses already been broken so I'm making an appeal. Father targeting him to the request of the prosecutor over here is accusing instead of that, please pour out a blessing, but should only come to me, but poured out upon Alan and so there's this going on okay you're right about that Jesus is the point of this essay is that what I'm realizing I want my prayer life to be is I want to get into such agreement with my intercessor that in communion with Jesus. My prayer life takes a whole different form because now it's rooted in the understanding and knowledge of everything I just described, and the closer that I am to him the more I know what's already in his heart, so Jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and you will be given out to a lot of people get disillusioned in their prayer life of is that why asked him for a new boat, and I didn't get it weighed in, saying he was asking for new boat you get a new boat he said abide in me and my words abide in you, and then you, ask whatever you wish to be given under you never knew anybody that perfectly abide in Christ, nor have I known anybody who had the word of God perfectly abiding in them, but I believe with all my heart.

If there is somebody that could abide perfectly in Christ and the word of God abide perfectly and that individual everything they ever spoken out of their mouth and prayer would be liable.

So I want to get closer to him and have my spirit connected to the spirit of God.

Jesus said it's better go away, because if I go away, then I will send another helper a counselor, a power play close like parallel alongside of is what it means parallel para Cletus Colette oh means to call the one who is called alongside his battered usage of the green for a little while that I would be crucified better because the plan is my spirit of advocacy is going to come and dwell within you have the Holy Spirit come alongside of you who is your advocate, you're going to have a continuing defense attorney who is going to be God himself.

My spirit poured out into you through which you can commute on a continual basis so that all of your prayer can abide in him and he and you so that you now come in partnership with him. All this is to say is that you know is a good idea to get a prayer partner and and and and and and in our family. We are so privileged because we we have a lot of prayer partners in the church to pray for us daily. And we have people to pray. On Sunday morning at 830 so if you ever had a good prayer partner you find out that there's some powerful stuff that goes on in agreement that is one of Revelation. I'm still scratching it okay but this is what I see in this text is a lot of times you'll hear to say I tell you of two or three agree about the two of you on earth agree about anything you asked for it will be done for you by my father in heaven for two or three come together. My name there I am with another some mysteries in this, but I guess I've seen some abuses of this were somebody may face that I wonder about God and given to Beausoleil go find some aisles as I hold my hand and say with me. I want new about and we had a prayer of agreement and they don't get the bonus. It was a productive work is what this is talking about the all I think gives new boat and get your new boat and invite me to come waterski in the butt. This use and it is okay if you look at this text. What you see is what he's saying is where two or three come together. My name there I am with them. I like what Tony Evans said about this. A great preacher and he said what I believe God saying is if there are two or three Christians that could agree on anything I be so impressed.

I'll show it myself, but I think what he's saying is that you get unity between believers. The promise is that God himself spiritually will be present in your midst. So where's the power coming from the powers not come from seen a magic formula together so we agreed you know you have a debit do I want one you want one too and so we disagreed on.

That's not where it's coming from instead it's coming from the fact that we have true unity together.

The Holy Spirit himself. Jesus is present with us. So where abiding with him. He's abiding with us and ask whatever you will. When you're abiding in Christ because if you look up to the power of the most time. If you look up to the intercessor, the Lord Jesus Christ and your prayer life. We come to light become your prayer life to the basement to do above and beyond what you ever ask or imagine. So I like the title of the name of this message, Jesus my prayer partner.

Bribe me Jesus prayer partner is better make him your prayer partner. He lives interceding for you to some incredible indications this in the first place. One thing I discovered about prayer is.

It is very helpful if you can find somebody to be a prayer partner with you. Who's got more faith than you do about whatever it is you're praying about that really helps a lot but I got sick and I got well think God intervene because the I was so sick that I was thinking. Can you get well from this, but anyway never have wanted to know I was on Tuesday afternoon I start feeling bad and then in about 330 I was told minutes will play some golf within. I felt too bad the implied sow seems to cold Bennett you know and then I was six play PlayStation. I'll do some else with you. So then I'm not. I won't allow that counts over there and then it's like bring that blanket and then they see no I'm just Shiva and everyone is here to the Chevron and and you and you just you know and ever, and then about three hours later, every single thing in my body hurts my mask that is started with my stomach was hurting and but then it started to my head was hurting my toes were hurt in my every muscle was hurting I was just I was just hurting until finally you know you get that feeling and you dislike is just like the guy is. Is this you know and I'm like no you gotta get improved in order to die from this day Jim and this is like I am. I am in a bad way right here and I want to say you know that you know I was lying there, and yet somehow, though, I just start claiming God's word and I do start you know but due to the fact the matter is you get a little bit hard sometimes reclaim an ordinary thing when all you do is just became talking to striving a position where you don't hurt too bad. And so the best I could do was yell and comes in to check on me again and I does it.

Can you pray for me. So you know she'd been a mighty woman of God that she is.

She said sure and set down at the other end of the counselor, my feet and that's the way we do is, like I believe in faith, you hear about the stripes of Jesus standing outside the room. I spent over here but anyway so she prayed and she prayed wonderfully asked about them called called up or borrowed some email timbers are praying and because it was sleep smells Tuesday night. I wanted to teach him was not we were starting our thing on Wednesday night. Now I want to be there and in you know I will tag it was awful and praise God, you know, I just thing, lingered some through the night and in the more I just feel so much better about afternoon as I will be there will be teaching at 129 so. But the plan is being is that sometimes you get to a place where you to be honest about it wasn't that I didn't intellectually believe that God could heal me.

It was just I was and I was in a weakened condition and I need somebody to walk into the room who knew I wouldn't dine you know I mean I did my thing outside, but don't say who knew that I was going to know is like you walk. As I fear people get over fevers and in you to get over this and I'll pray for you got more faith to what I do is I just attach my faith. I got a little bit if I contacted your level of faith and how we we we got more faith together were going to school prayer and and and really learn some I think I'm more faith in you. But if if there's something I mean really, if you're sick. Best so my that is been a key.

If you want to pray for some funds. I've been healed.

Who knows if they know that they know that through prayer. God heals people like to pray with solid pro some I like that you know and and you just attach your faith to that and so there's a principal at work there principal. If you make Jesus Christ your prayer partner the most high God, interceding on behalf of the saints. You are cooking up your prayer life with the source of all faith in the universe right will have more teaching moment. Today's important series prayer as a Christian you know it's important and you want to make it a priority. If you're like most your prayer life can slip so easily into routine fervor and Russian media are wondering what is the key to praying with willpower in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit pray in the spirit someone say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and a supernatural prayer language Megan Allen writes unique series, praying with power Pastor Alan reveals five different ways of praying and spirit. Discover how praying God's word is praying in spirit. Learn how to listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner. It's practical. It's powerful to pastor our nights praying with power. Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life and change the world you make your get to Allen Wright ministries today will send you pastor outlines messages through digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

When you get today.

We will send you a special offer were in the final days of this special offer being made available to you.

We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Allen Wright ministries call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor. Our

Today's teaching now continues your once again is faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God and he is the word of God. He is pure faith. He is pure word so you are hooking yourself right into the whole source and substance of all faith, you can be assured of this God is not sitting up on his throne, and Jesus not up there ring in his hand, worried about your circumstances or anybody else is he sovereign over all creation through him all things were made apart from him nothing was made that has been made. He said, let there be light and there was life so he has full confidence about your situation. Why don't we take whatever faith we do have and hook it up to the Lord Jesus Christ and how about next time you're praying about a situation or difficulty or something which you can see no way for you to say Lord I take my faith and I just I just I just joined in with the Lord Jesus.

That's what it means to come in the name of the Lord Jesus and and in you just begin to seek I may not have, but this much faith, but just you got all the faith minister right now in this situation and you just start getting the revelation of God about how to pray for us as part of the things a crowd, but the other thing is so credible about it is if you get you get spiritually connected with God in your prayer life what you've done is you connected to an advocate that has far more knowledge and power and influence in you to. That's what the legal term is about here is like getting a really good lawyer in a situation sometimes you gotta get a really good life and I tried to buy longer drugs because there are also a lot of printer jokes and and I got an older brother who is a lawyer. I love my older brother, David.

He's he he is he was always sometimes a little kid. He had a sense of fairness.

He was the kid on the playground of someone fear.

He wanted to get it right.

And he's always been that way and I specially love Memphis is the time that I was little kid and we went to a hard house. Don't go to heart health. But I went on have been going better in Frankenstein chase me around until I started crying and my big brother got in between me and Frank aside and told him to leave me alone and I'll always love him for that over to this day. So I love my brothers family fair and David's a lawyer down Shaw and he does mainly your corporate kind of stuff and so he was when when a lady in his church came to him some years ago a name Mary and asked him are a legal question know he is slow reluctant to get involved with is not not doing what he does and you know he new limits on his time and so forth and but Mary came to him and said that she had bought her first house. Mary had a job with when the crisis ministries in town had a very humble salary and she bought her first house and $50,000 and it was a huge endeavor for her to do that she bought it it in and was excited.

You know how the early days we target the house and sit in the pictures on the walls and sofa, but what she also discover was a huge water problem in the backyard it like slide in the backyard and and she was dismayed. Further, she was dismayed when she got a letter from the city saying that they were going to come in and do some kind of new drainage back there in the new pipe. There was to be an assessment of the thousand dollars that you got paid she didn't have it as he said this doesn't seem fair that the I think the previous owner hid this fact from me and was at right gives another that one right is okay.

What he said how you know you you were sold household under some fraudulent circumstances, and I'll just write a letter. He said how about this he says $1000. Is that all right the seller. The previous owner a letter to the pay 300 of the thousand, and you can you come up with some hundreds of which is well underway. So Davis is all right what he wrote the letter and the previous seller instead of writing the check for 300 and say could be done with it. Had a lawyer write David back and say no. So David went. Now you realize you know this is going this I get some time involved in this now and he knew that Mary would Mobile pay him anything for doing this and I but is that all you know you tried to contact again to Mesa and finally to see within it. This is nothing I desire to follow suit filed a lawsuit for $3000 and try to settle and they would say no way.

So the dog off they went to trial.

So now here's David, he is not. I will write you a letter and now it is he's in the courtroom. Well, it went really well for them because it was kind of obvious, you know that there was a letter that had their heads on some letters doubt the city that the man had sent down there saying you know them.

That way you gotta do some of the water problem in all these protests. It was totally clear that he knew about it all. He had an appraiser come in who's who testified that the house was worth $12,000 less than what it had been appraised for because this had been hidden about the water problem he had a neighbor come in who said the water was so bad one day that he saw his people swimming in it and it didn't take long for the jury to come back and award Mary 12,000, is better the other side said they're going to appeal now. Davis got all this time and now you get mad you know and he's like, so he researches it further finds out that the man you know that sold the house was a real estate agent himself and so there's a law that if it's a business transaction, not merely a residential sale like this there something that is in addition to the original for all this called the deceptive act of commerce, and, under certain circumstances. If you're found guilty of a deceptive act of commerce. It allows the damages to be tripled and you can appeal to get attorneys fees paid. And David told the other attorney. He said if you appeal this I'm going to tell you right now that I want to seek to have this be tried is a deceptive act of commerce, and it could bring tremendous damage against your client and and so forth.

And they said us that were more appeal went to the appellate court, the judge very quickly found in favor of the earlier court's decision and said it is a deceptive act of commerce awarded Mary $36,000 and David's law firm was awarded $45,000 in legal fees everywhere. That is totally 100% true. Mary, in the midst of it. Got a letter from the city, said the city Council had discussed it and decided that there will let a certain bond referendum pay for the pipes and so there was no the point of this is that on a good day at a good time.

A good lawyer here on earth knows how to work thing and has little bit more knowledge and something else can get a really good result. It's a good thing to have an advocate, but wonder if you had an advocate who is the risen Lord Jesus, you have an advocate who speaks in your defense, and it so happens that he is the author and finisher of your faith and if so happens all things were made through him, and as it happens, he is the Lord of all creation. So no matter what the accuser brings against you.

No matter what trifling no matter what accusations come, you can be assured that there's an advocate was already interceding for you. So now I'm see my prayer life like this I like little Mary coming to a lawyer and send this doesn't seem right. Could you do something about this. Don't know exactly what the legal terminology would be exactly how to get it but could I sign up with you. My attorney and partner with you to see if we can get something done about this and I'm kind of see my prayer life more like that now that I just I just got an advocate in Christ and and instead of like black and come up with my own mind all the things that ought to pray about about this, let my focus be abiding in Christ, making my request known unto him but also abiding in him that my spirit connected with his. We have a communion together and so I am. With the advocate who is right next to the father, who already is not for me. It has all things at his disposal. Now that's a prayer life and you have an advocate so I guess the lesson is you want to get some power in your prayer life become a prayer partner with Jesus into things in my career prayer as a Christian you know it's important and you want to make it a priority. If you're like most your prayer life can slip so easily into routine fervor and Russian media are wondering what is the key to praying with willpower in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit spirit. Some would say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and a supernatural prayer language Megan Allen writes unique series, praying with power Pastor Alan reveals five different ways of praying and spirit. Discover how praying God's word is praying and spirit. Learn how to listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner. It's practical. It's powerful to pastor our nights praying with power. Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life and you change the world. You need to get to Alan Wright ministry said I will send you Pastor Alan's messages through digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today. We will send you a special offer were in the final days of this special offer being made available to you. We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from our night ministries.

Call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor. Our having an advocate sitting at the right hand of the father. This is incredibly good news and hopefully some very freeing news for a lot of people today, I think. So often we think of prayer is sitting before God and trying to think of all these things to say or you know what or tagging on if it be your will, at the end is if you have some health covering our bases and and and and ends up just being a very kind of weak and impotent feelings were prayer life but didn't know the changes my prayer like to think of Jesus are advocate one who died for us, who is interceding for us. He is he is Arthur from one mediator between God and humanity ministries and he's praying for us and and therefore when we pray by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are connected in some mysterious way with Christ in that prayer and love the vision of Jesus and his advocacy because it causes me have a new confidence and boldness in coming to the throne of grace. Today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries