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The Most Beautiful Kiss [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
September 4, 2020 6:00 am

The Most Beautiful Kiss [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright

Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright were really healthy. We want to experience the desolate side of this, we want to have deep sleep, meaning no activity but will have other times we have kind of activity and we don't feel sleepy.

Our problem is the time during our activities. We feel sleepy there.

Actually, we shellacked process to be held no hold excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series called peacemakers is presented with an older church in North Carolina.

If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program will make sure you know how to get our special resource right now you can be yours for your donation this month.

Alan Wright Ministry as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright and good news. Jesus and pacemakers shall be called sons of God and the very fact that he called children of God peacemakers. It must be possible that in such troubled times as this that we are not simply helpless bystanders when we are instruments of God's peace and so we are looking deeply into the idea of being peacemakers. As we look toward Jesus who is the peacemaker who is reconciled with God and today I want to turn you to Psalm 85 where here in the middle of your Bible so you one of the most beautiful and profound versus in all of the Bible that is prophetic and is power pointing us to crimes and instructive if we ever going to be peacemakers, and this is Psalm 85 pickup reading at verse eight.

It really is a song that is awakening to the plans of God to restore the people of God and to bring glory to the land and revive them and with everything verse eight let me hear what God, the Lord will speak so there you have it.

It's a is already keying is and is a prophetic type text that when I hear from God and troubled times, for he will speak peace to his people to his saints, so we'll work for the Lord to speak peace to his people and we needed today but let them not turn back to following so the peace of the Lord is not merely this sort of vague sense of acceptance of all things, but it is a company realties by the turning away from falling verse nine. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him that Lori may dwell in our land. And here's the verse I want to focus on steadfast love and faithfulness meet righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky.

Yes, the Lord will give what is good and our land will yield its increase righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps away teenager came on with his report card he made IN 1D.

His father said son. Have you been doing, and his answer was classic. He said well I guess I've been focusing too much on one subject I want to talk to balance balance in the biblical sense, doesn't mean that you somehow have neatly divided all your time up like pieces of a pie all these different things.

Balance doesn't mean biblically speaking, this little kind of middle-of-the-road place where you never experience any extreme of any time the balance is is is really something that is mysterious in this sense that this is the picture will see today and and is all throughout Scripture is what's in God and what is in. Is this like we can experience what seems to be opposite and yet they are held together and when they are married when when grace and truth. Kiss when what seems to be opposite is actually wed. That's where we have abundant life. And that's where we are effective and that's what makes us successful and that's how will have peace you ever stumbled and energy did you notice, you tend to throw your arms out like this one to help balance you. I thinking as a kid watching this type Grover Walters at the circus. Wow that's amazing welcome that little road and what's even more amazing is that they do it while carrying a big heavy stack, not realizing that big long pole that you say you know the type of person walk with is actually helping them maintain their balance by a principal called moment of inertia.

I looked it up and how I cater figure skater when they start turning the might have their arms out and then we go faster and faster. The arms in because the more your weight is distributed away from you, the harder it is for something to turn which works in favor of the tight rope walker because you don't want to twist and so the longer that pole and wade out into the pole then you are slowing down the moment of inertia you are making it such that if the wind blows balance a little bit that you have. You have much more able to correct yourself. In other words, is something that God has made such that balance happens through these things that seem to be on opposite in the thing about it. God made night and day it didn't make it where everything is just in between and if we really got to be healthy we want to experience the depths of each side of this, we want to have deep sleep, meaning no activity but will have other times we have all kinds of activity and we don't feel sleepy. Our problem is that act on their activities. We feel sleepy and there. Actually, we shellacked you want these opposites to be held in your life you need times in which you laugh and you will also need times in which you cry. Jesus did both Jesus demonstrated to ask the perfectly balanced life.

There were times in which throngs of people around him. He reveled in healing the masses of people and other times he he said he could just be alone in a boat.

We need to be able to celebrate.

We need to be able to contemplate life when it's at its healthiest is balanced. I want to show you today. The spiritual picture that in Psalm 85 as it prophetically points to John chapter 1 where Jesus is described as the man who came full of grace and full of truth. I will just start by diving immediately. Enter verse 10 and showing you words that are so important. You just can't overstate how important health freighted these words are in bold testament and the first word here for steadfast love is how it is translated but this word as I told you before, is my favorite Hebrew word has set tested and sometimes you see a transliterated with this. The CAT SED because they Hebrews Hebrew language has some sounds. We don't make and includes a Aries sound in the throat has said and tested is the coffin then till love of God. It is an expression sometimes translated unfailing kindness and you can think of tested is continental kindness in the way that if you are in covenant with someone like a parent is with child while you write down the covenant. We were just born in this continent and and and if your mother and you had a child then you you love that child.

Not because your child is more beautiful, more gifted or more skilled and productive things. Every other child you just love that child more than anything in life because it's your child and there's a covenant of love and that means you probably would die for that child. It means anything child goes away when you can't stop the child because your your together is a covenant is not based on any merit the one who is receiving a lot and that's the covenantal love of God as tested right will have more teaching moment from today's important series as a Christian you know it's important to make it a priority like minister slips easily further in person meeting you're wondering what is the praying with real power in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit spirit. Some would say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and a supernatural prayer language series, praying with power and reveals different ways of praying and spirit. Discover how praying is praying in the spirit listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner.

It's practical, powerful, Pastor Alan writes, praying with power. Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life change the world to get to Alan Wright Ministries to listen to Pastor Alan's message is attractive. See USB thumb drive with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today.

We will send you a special offer.

We are happy to see Misty Banks from Alan Wright Ministries, 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website today's teaching you once again is this is a sense prophesy.

Harrison has said faithfulness made and faithfulness is a Hebrew word, and this is another covenantal word that is associated with God, with his people that are not on base, tested his love that you can count on MS you can count on faithfulness from God you can count.

The word means firmness or truths: this is rock solid. God love you but he is truthful he is consistent and as far as this is the nature of God. And when you see said that means something special is in the second part of the versus righteousness.

Righteousness is said said is fairness or justice. I would say this is fair justice for all words in the Old Testament and the word that is used here, joins with it kissing righteousness is a workpiece which comes from the Hebrew which you may know, shall, shall all is much more than the absence of conflict should show maybe something is happening in the midst of conflict. If I can preach on this time that David asks about the shalom of the house. The PC award and shalom means the favor of God is bestowed so that total well-being is happening in your life is why and Hebrew. If you say goodbye to some buyers they lose a shawl shalom shalom beautiful things I say shalom is a may. You have shalom you have the favor of God brings about health, well-being, prosperity and and and every measure of the thing in your life. Peace I love and honestly as we say when we say goodbye my nose are saying because goodbye is short from God be with you got me. We goodbye people trying to got out to say goodbye just brought me and shalom is to say that that there is favor and well-being righteousness to say is justice and justice means that good is awarded and weaknesses punished and shalom means that there's favor and grace that comes that you don't deserve these two things even go together.

What a solace essay is when you see these things come to gather when you see when you see shalom of God's something beautiful come from that marriage. In fact, faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky.

Faithfulness and righteousness joined together as heaven and earth or meeting and then our land will yield its increase so the answer is grace and truth.

Meeting and this happens perfectly in the person of Jesus problem has the grace and truth tend to get polarized and some people seem like they went all grace and some people seem like they want all truth that I say neither one will make for peace script on this next portion because I don't want to get too long and too cheesy.

It's already long and cheesy, so stick to mask what you can get the point of my little story once upon a time not too long ago not too far from here.

There were two land separated by great chasm. One side was called Karis land and on the other side was called Alethea land. The two people to dwell on opposing sides, the chasm could not have been more different people in Karis land took great pride in their heritage, their forefathers needed commerce land built on the Greek word for grace, kindness, and everything in Congress land was grace, grace, grace, nothing but grace the territory. On the other side of the chasm was called Alethea land because their name came from the Greek word truth, and Alethea in spite of themselves a living by truth word. Everything point by point black and white.

No exceptions associated with each other but they would chant across the chasm at each other.

Those in Karis land would chant out across grace grace.

That's our land. Truth hurts. It must be man was GC so is surname whatever is wrong.

Grace is to blame Karis land was the most accepting place you could ever imagine anyone who'd ever felt restricted or rejected, felt welcome in Karis land in Karis and I always thought of how they can show kindness. The last thing anybody in Karis land ever wanted to do was make anyone feel upset so they didn't want to impose their will on anyone. It was quite relaxed.

There, but not much got accomplished.

For example, school was quite tricky.

It seemed far too restrictive to impose one version of truth. So schoolchildren would go to first grade math class and asked their teacher, Mrs. teacher what is 2+2 and the teachers were trained to respond will what would you like for it to be a child. I think can I like the number 10 and the teacher would say well then fine. Far be it from me to suggest that my 2+2 = 4 is better than your 2+2 equals tenant shall be.

There were many successful engineers in Karis land and people got lost all the time in Karis land because there were no maps and certainly no GPS systems, Google maps and navigation systems were not welcome because they are far too restrictive rudeness to tell someone which direction they should go. They heard stories of people and Alethea land who headphones it would talk to them while they drove in their cars and say turn right in 500 feet ship all made people Karis land gasp in horror binding and restricted and narrowminded technology to stop ask for direction.

Karis land how to get to the candy store they would tell you how wonderful the candy was and how beautiful you look, but they wouldn't tell you how to get there because that would be rude. So instead they said things like drive towards the sun role with the wind and nobody ever got anywhere. It was frustrating living in Karis land because sometimes people would say to each other honey what you do today and one would say. I drove in a circle around the roundabout the whole day not knowing the real direction. Health was a problem in Karis land you can imagine because children ask their parents is ice cream just as good for you is green beans and the parents not wanting to burden their children with heavy-handed top-down truths said why my sweet child that is a matter of personal preference.

Do you want ice cream to be good for you.

Yes, so it shall be so ice cream was the main diet of the children. They had a big problem with the criminal justice system in Karis land people liked living there because it was so exciting and so they built cheers on their porches couldn't keep their rocking chairs because people kept taking them.

There was so much grace, but they had to be a huge rocking chair manufacturer built in order to replace all the stolen rocking chairs they had a saying in Karis land follow your feelings and follow your heart. If anyone tells you what to do from them.

You must part so as you can see Karis Landers thought the way to have peace was to be all grace and no truth but the truth be told, there was very little piece Alan running our good news message titled, the most beautiful kiss from the series peacemakers. Thanks for joining us pastor Alan is back in the studio shearing aborting good news thought for the day. Stick with this prayer as a Christian you know it's important priority. Like most slips easily into routine fervor and media wondering what is the key to praying with willpower in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit premise. Some would say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and a supernatural prayer language series, praying with power and reveals different ways of praying and spirit.

Discover how praying that word is praying in the spirit listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner. It's practical, powerful pastor Alan writes, praying with power. Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life and you change the world.

Alan Wright Ministries to Pastor Alan's messages attractive. See USB thumb drive with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today we have a special offer. We are happy to see Misty Banks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor at work back here with pastor Alan reporting good news thought for the day and what is your prayer for someone listening right now after hearing a message like this will I just think that sometimes we feel so distant from one another and even distant from God so much of the tension is so much of the strife that fills our daily life and so many disappointments and to think in the midst of all this.

How can I have peace and how can have joy think this is so much the key.

What were talking about today to think about what God has done to restore relationship with him.

Think of what he's done for us in Jesus Christ is an invitation to well on the good news of the gospel in the midst of a world of a lot of bad news right now they and I'm praying for each and every listener that he will grant you the grace to think on everything that is true, noble, right, and pure and lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy. If you only caught part of today's teaching. Not only can you listen again online but also get a daily email devotional that matches today's teaching right to your email inbox free.

Find out more about these and other that's Today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries