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TH120802/The Amazing Adventures of Joseph/Gen. 37

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
August 13, 2012 1:01 pm

TH120802/The Amazing Adventures of Joseph/Gen. 37

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 13, 2012 1:01 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become harvest partners, please visit us Bible for Genesis chapter 37, awarded a series that were calling the greatest stories ever told, which is a flyover of the whole Bible were still in Genesis because it's a big book in this action-packed, then I will get a look at the amazing adventures of Joseph. It almost seems unfair to deal with this in one message because there's so many twists and turns in his story, but about what would you do just as were doing a flyover of the Bible will do a flyover of one of the most amazing lives ever live. Let's start with the prayer father now as we read your inspired word we know it's a history book, Lord, it does record the stories of of kingdoms and people and things that happened, but more than a history book. It's your story and it's our story because we see ourselves in these characters and we learn lessons from their lives. But even more than that. It's inspired by you and you've given these stories to us for a reason. So we pray as we learn from this amazing young man and all that he went through that we will find encouragement in our day and the challenges we face in the temptations that come in our direction.

We Lord want to be like Joseph, a man of God, a woman of God, a person that honors you so speak to us from your word, we would pray in Jesus name and met okay how many of you like fairytales, raise your hand all your old embarrassing. I like fairytales. I have granddaughters I have to like fairytales, especially if they have princesses in them or him or me.

And there's always the prince and you know there's a lot of a wonderful little lessons in fairytales, one that you're probably familiar with the story of Cinderella. She was an unloved girl living with her wicked stepmother and her jealous sisters and she's invited to go to what ball but she does not address and depending on what version of the story you heard. She was assisted by three little fairies in a bunch of mice to her dress together, and that 50 go to the ball seat meets the prints when she loses her glass slipper and then she gets lost in the forest and ends up with seven dwarves and all that's another story. Becca, you know fairytales that they often end with this phrase, and they lived happily ever after, I bring that up because here is a story before it's in the Bible that is a little like a fairytale.

Only in this regard. It starts off in a very happy way.

It turns very tragic and has a beautiful ending this is not a fairytale. This is a true story about that as all the earmarks of a great novel, a real summer sizzler you know a page turner, you got it all in the story you have a doting father, a pampered son, jealous brothers in international food crisis. There's injury attempted murder a seductress.

Accusations of rape is a lot more than that it's a story we see God at work the hand of the Lord is in every scene ruling in overruling the decisions that people make in the end God builds a hero. He saves the family and creates a nation that will in turn be a blessing to the whole world. Joseph story is truly a rad to riches story as he goes from a complete obscurity to becoming one of the most powerful man in all of the world. He was a young man who never seem to doubt God. At least that we know of, and was unwilling to compromise his principles and it's a story of how God mildly blessed him. As a result now as were first introduced to Joseph, his wife showed little promise he was a simple shepherd boy 12 of 13 children are young man apparently with visions of grandeur, like most teenagers he liked to sleep but in his case he put a lot of stock in his dreams that he had believing they were from God himself now, so my luggage Joseph initially and think this this young kid as his head in the clouds and he's afraid of hard work, but in reality Joseph was God's man. We see someone who dared to be a dreamer was transformed from perhaps somewhat of a pampered, immature, naïve teenager into a great world leader also in Joseph story we learn how to overcome in the and face adversity.

We also see how to resist sexual temptation and of faith in God's promises even when things are looking very bleak and the most important message I think of the story of Joseph is how to forgive someone who is wronged you. So once we little bit of it together.

Let's start in Genesis 37 I'm in a read verses one to three ever introduced to Joseph and I'm reading from the new living translation and I will be up throughout this message.

When Joseph was 17 years old. He often tended his father's flocks with his half brothers, the sons of his father's wife Bill Hunt in Zilpah. But Joseph reported to his father. Some of the bad things. His brothers were doing.

Now Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his children because Joseph had been born to given his old age. So one day he gave Joseph a special gift of beautiful role so right away we discover that Jacob favors Joseph now. The reason for that is this young man came in his later years and he was a son of the only woman that Jacob apparently ever loved a woman named Rachel. He doted on the boy he spoiled them and the other son could see that one thing you discover will passes when you have a lot of children. If you give a gift to one you need to get the same gift to the other. I mentioned I've granddaughters and abide by a golfer one has to get this seemed all for all the others, not by get one doll with different colored hair and the others that suddenly, for some unknown reason becomes the most desirable of all the doll so I guess I'll get you know for blonde ones are for Burnett once or whatever. It's all the same everything Stephen Stephen because they get into these little tips you know it's hard fighting and so you just have to be very careful to be measured in your demonstration of affection and love, and so forth.

But Jacob didn't care about that.

He said amen. I love Joseph so much, to give him the special code.

Now the King James version says it was a coat of many colors were thinking that you know he's he's wearing the sort of flamboyant code with all this color but I had to better translation of that would be a role which basically was a longsleeved garment sleeves going all the way down. Now that doesn't mean a lot to us, but understand in this day most of the people wore their shirts were cut off sort of short-sleeved style and there in the robes if you will, were cut above the legs so they could get on and do manual labor. I would Jacob gave to Joseph was a formal garment actually something you would normally give to a royal person he was like a little princess walking around and not only that it it was a very formal garment.

It would be like showing up on the worksite and all your buddies are ready to frame house and you walking in your tuxedo. You know before you James Bond but you know that it's inappropriate is not the right kind of clothing. So here is brothers in these workloads sleeping in the hot sun and along comes prince Joseph you know in a special code that may just bring him and his brothers resented him and class to make things worse.

He would sort of snitch on his brother's.

Now we know among kids. There is a there's a code you don't rat someone else out you back each other. You have a fight mom and dad. Two men who started it. You don't know who started that you back each other and then when the parents need to go back to the fight again right so to write out a kid Juergen to be called a tattletale monkey doesn't like it much either. They'll kill you for okay so he's ratting out his brothers now let me say that this almost sounds critical fact of the matter is, the Bible is nothing negative to say about Joseph and as we see the Bible always gives its heroes, warts and all member how we looked at Noah and all his great accomplishments and acts of faith and in the end he canna messed up. We see that in many other narrative, but none of the story of Joseph so if this is the worst thing he ever did.

Maybe being a little insensitive to his brothers, and maybe tattling on them.

He was a pretty good guy was in the effect he stands as one of the most godly people in all of the Bible. One day he goes out to sea with his brothers are up to, and he gives a report back to his dad Nelly is to make things a little worse because guys I just had a dream and in my dream I saw all of you bowing down before me you to know that you are bowing in the dream as well. You know sometimes it's best to just keep your dreams to yourself now. In fact his dream is from God because one day indeed his father and his brothers would gobble formal get to that little bit later, but this was a prophetic dream, but he just shouldn't Fit themselves up because not to see his brothers. One day where is "called and they go all out here comes that dreamer what's up Joseph all just seeing what you guys are up to. And they got really angry at him in the killer right… Cut to the chase and taken out and the one of the brothers interview.

Let's not tell him that would be the wrong thing to do with the end of doing is compromising and selling him off to a group of slave traders. It happened to be passing but hey you want to buy our little brother yeah okay 20 pieces of silver.

He's yours at the special close that deal get him out of here. They take Joseph away, but to keep the scope and they covered impede blood and then they go back to their father Jacob's dad dad news brother Joseph got killed by wild animals and here's his coat.

You gave to a woman he's gone. Jacob was devastated. He was shattered. He was in consoler ball.

What a horrible thing to do to their father. What a wicked act was done by these products. So looks like life is over for Joseph but in many ways life was just beginning. As it turns out the slave traders sell them to very important person, a VIP name pot upper who was the captain of the guard in Egypt, and what that meant was he was effectively the head of the military to police and part of the royal bodyguard. He was sort of like the head of the Secret Service of the day. He was also responsible for the execution of all criminals.

He was the chief of the executioners.

This was not a man to mess with. He was one super bad to dry. He's now the owner of Joseph takes him in some Hebrew slave puts them to work but you see the Bible tells us the Lord was with Joseph and we worked our as all Christians should is sometimes Christians will use their faith as an excuse for laziness.

The saw blade at work. Or maybe they have a Christian boss buses. They were worrying why you like will the Lord led me to sleep in today knowing that it emerges lazy, work hard, be the hardest worker do the best work whatever you do, do it is if you were doing it for Christ himself. Not for the paycheck.

Not for the boss. Not even for the promotion.

But here's what I believe. If you will do your best work for God's glory. He will bless you and God bless Joseph because of his hard work and his faithfulness and his honesty and his integrity and success followed him like a shadow dome as I get some kind of a Midas touch. He kept his priorities straight or whatever he did he did it so well that part of her said then I'm putting you in charge of everything. You can run my entire estate, and even pot upper. It was clearly a nonbelieving men recognize the Lord was with Joseph will guess what the devil wasn't happy about this.

He hates it when Christians live godly lives. He despises it when believers are making an impact. And now he's Kenneth said the crosshairs Kevin sites on you or me and say how can I bring that person down doubles not a fool. He knows how to bring a young man down.

He knows that young men and women have sexual desires and he thought, okay, I got a trap for this kid. Now let's see how he handles success in sexual temptation. You see, when Joseph was sold into slavery. He would be dependent upon God. God get me through this God protect me. But sometimes, after we've had a little success after we've gone through the adversity. After we climb the social ladder were more vulnerable than we were before because before we trust in God because we had to we trusted in God because if you didn't come through. We were eating tonight we trusted in God because he didn't come through the rent was not going to be paid. God didn't come through. You want to make it to the week. Now maybe you got yourself a nice you know amount of money in savings and your investments and maybe you've done very well.

We are working or whatever it isn't that you're not as dependent upon God. Many of the Lord your guard just a little bit listen greater success leads to greater times of vulnerability. So here's Joseph. He is a total success. And now here comes the temptation is governed Genesis 39, so jump ahead told you it was an overview Genesis 39 verse seven. About this time pot of firs wind began to desire him and invited him to sleep with her. But Joseph said no. Look, he says my master trust me with everything that his entire household.

No one here is more authority than I do. He's held back nothing from me except you because you're his wife how could I do such a wicked thing. It would be a great sin against God.

She kept putting pressure on him day after day. But he refused to sleep with her and he kept out of her way is much as possible. One day however no one was around. He was doing his work inside the house. He grabbed them by his shirt, demanding sleep with me. Joseph tore himself away and as he did his shirt came off are you laughing at his see he was humanly really vulnerable in this area.

He was a good-looking guy. By the way of her success. Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man for the great translation.

He was a total fox in Ellie's guy was in perfect shape and so he had normal desires. Like any young man would have along comes Potiphar's wife. I'm sure she was attractive and I must've been very flattering for her to pay attention to him and talk to him about how attractive he was. This girl was a cougar for sure right you know she was looking for her little boy toy and she thought Joseph would be the perfect guy and so she starts hitting on him and go sleep with me is a nice way of saying she was seen have sex with me she wasn't in obedient use she wasn't being subtle, just like have sex with me now and he was resisting her day after day. He's in his 20s. He is a bachelor and is now up for a time been saturated with the Egyptian value. Those old values that came from his parents must've seen very old and archaic at the time and besides, no one would ever know. No one knew who he was serious in each of the meanies he's there. I mean, should need just walk like an Egyptian.

Here's a Joseph new God was there and God was watching. He could've rationalized it and said well if I give in to her almost to the top more quickly and across a woman like this a woman with that much power because we lose everything including my life, but he knew the Lord was watching verse eight says he refused for Joseph recognize temptation is not a sin.

It's a call to battle, then repeat that temptation is not a sin. It's a call to battle. He wasn't made of stone. He was vulnerable in this area and he resisted her with this chick was relentless.

Look at verse 10 chapter 39 she kept putting pressure on them day after day, he refused to sleep with her and kept out of her way is much as possible so you to give him credit because I want to be in the same room with her. I want to be around her one day she just goes forward and grabbed him and pulled him down on the bed and he did what any clear thinking red-blooded young man would do under sucks or comes ran like crazy. Sometimes we over spiritualize how to resist temptation, and I was in a tempting situation as you say Lord give me the strength and laying here in this bed with my girlfriend and I'm feeling vulnerable to Lord, give me the strength.

First of all, why are you laying on a bed with your girlfriend, you idiot. Well, I just pray Lord speak to me Lord God to speak on behalf of God get out of the room. Sometimes it's as simple as that.

First Corinthians 1013 says there is no temptation taken you but such as, the man of God who is faithful will not allow you to be tempted above that you are able, but always with the temptation make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Quick call. How many of your government tempted measuring you into how many of you have not been tempted okay thing.

I'm glad there's always one version not okay. How many of you have ever given into a temptation and done something simple. I want all those hands would go down during church don't lie okay now wanted to go back to a temptation that you gave into whatever was and I want to ask you a question.

Was there a way out. Could it have been resisted or will you absolutely trapped in there was no way I know the answer without even knowing you or your circumstances. There was a way out because there's always a way out and for Joseph the way out was that the horror so he ran, and that's not a bad thing at all. The Bible even says flee youthful lusts. There's always a way of escape, and then understand. Joseph understood that he said I gotta get outta here as quickly as I can and I love putting says in verse nine. How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God and others for keys to overcoming temptation in the store. Let me identify them for you. Number one. Everyone will be tempted, everyone will be tempted again. Temptation is not a sin. It's a call to battle, we may think oh you're really spiritual.

You won't be tempted other very opposite is true.

Lesson temptation will come at the worst times when you're sitting in church and your hearing the message jobs in this impure thought is comes on and I just there it is."

Quote well with this getting a can anyone see this thing here. I just okay look it's not the bait that constitutes temptation. It's the bite. It's not debate it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you if bait is dangled in front of you, the promise when you buy yet the problem is when you take it in your mind. And when you embrace it to go out temptation. Not good. Wrong.

Read Jack or you take it in and process it and ponder it and think about it, everyone's going to be tentatively taken a step further. Maybe the more spiritual law, the more tempted you will be visiting your fall do it, but it means that attacks will come your way. Even Jesus was tempted. Now we know God cannot be tempted with evil, nor does he tempt any man, so there was not the vulnerability in Christ actually give into temptation because he was indeed God.

But at the same time he felt the presence and pressure of temptation and it came his way in the wilderness is the devil abroad can brace temptation.

So this is going to happen all the way to the very end of your life or heard about an old preacher was asked by a young man preacher. What will I cease to be tempted by the sins of the flesh, the wise old man said son.

I wouldn't trust myself until I been dead for three days. Know what that means.

It's never going to stop for just accept that everyone will be tempted number two Joseph understood there were consequences to sin.

There were consequences this in Genesis 39 verse eight. Joseph, if you think look my master trust me with everything in his entire household amazing. Joseph was loyal to Potiphar you know part of it is been a really good owner, a good boss I would want to betray him.

Part of her would end up betraying Joseph but Joe support betray Potiphar it would hurt him.

I can't do this, which we think about things like before we send all of this affect others you know when a person goes up and has an affair. I hate that word by the way affair. Oh, did you hear about so-and-so.

They're having an affair that sounds like fun, something he went on a cruise or something.

I've been on an affair with his 2+ another word for two ugly of a thing there committing adultery to sin.

Well, I don't know.

Put Colin to sit with you on what you call it God calls the sin made his top 10,000 not commit adultery if we would just think about the repercussions if you think about how it can affect your spouse how it's going to affect your family, your parents, the parents of your spouse. What about the spouse of the person.

If they're married here having the affair with.

What about their kids, you know. Think about things like that to think about satisfying your desires and Joseph actually thought about those things and what a terrible witness. It is when a believer falls into sexual sin.

After David fell into sin with Bathsheba, the prophet Nathan said they can.

You have given the enemies of God. Great opportunity to this lies in blasting David you just gave ammo to the enemy. You see, because they can take all you you Christians you see this and that. What about so-and-so that just did this and that I want to just tell you if you are even thinking of this.

I doubt if I said how many of your thinking of having an affair. Many would raise her hand. If there's someone stupid enough maybe to flush you out now I'll take you outside should be beat, but I will do it, but it's not gonna work out to girl listen to me that Mary many are having a fling with.

He's not going to marry when he said he would line the UC he's getting it all for free right now right so why would he want to marry the woman that's been giving it to him and then after he's done with you. Please get a move on to someone else. It's not getting end up happily ever after courting the Lana Spinelli, the author of a book on marital infidelity. She says, quote those who break up their marriage to marry someone else in the percent are sorry later. Of those who do marry their lover, which is only about 10%, 70% of them get a divorce. Of the 25 to 30% that stay married only half of them are happy. She concludes having an affair is an invitation to an awful lot of pain and tragedy." Number three God's standards are absolute they don't change.

Yeah, Joseph can rationalize it came and I had a rough childhood. I was sold on the slavery by my brother.

I'm all alone here in Egypt it's hard being alone.

We know Egyptian culture, is it that's the way it is here.

It doesn't really matter if you get upset a lot of things, but no realize Alston was against God, and this should be our strongest deterrent, not merely our fear of what might happen if we do this in with the repercussions might be, but really the greatest deterrent against giving and this sin is a loving God love God and if you love God you want to do things that honor. I like the statement of Augustine who said love God and do as you please let sons and say, but if you think about what it really means. It makes a lot of sense because if you really love God is you want to with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind. You'll only want to do what pleases him. Jesus said if you love me you'll keep my commandments.

So Joseph resisted fantastic well done. How will the cougar didn't think so, but of his wife was ticked off. She was a woman scorned. How dear you reject my advances. Who do you think you are suggest what she does. She cries great and she's got his shirt to prove it and he's running out to look you see he had done nothing wrong, but he's running from her house.

She's got assured she says he tried to rape me. Potiphar's alerted interesting part of her was the chief of the executioners. He could've put Joseph to death, but he did and I think that because he knew his wife is why I bet this it happened before but is that something to get out of the house. I have to go live with her.

Okay, so sorry buddy, it's been great event.

A small job bye-bye to know let the door hit you on the way out and he sends him to prison, which was really a dungeon. Pretty bleak, so no Joseph live so far he's is doted on by his father, pampered boy. Special kind of coat sold by his brothers in the slavery bought by humanity becomes the head of his home in these doing a great job in now falsely accused of rape and thrown in prison. Listen Genesis 39, 21, says the Lord was with Joseph now is imprisoned in a typical Joseph fashion he so diligent and hard-working, pretty soon he's running the place. Enter the Butler and the Baker they work for the fair. They were imprisoned and wonder what it wanted a beaker due to be sent to prison was the toast cold. What. So in this case, the butler did to it right so he's in prison and there they are. Joseph season one day love the fact he looks in the guise it why he is so sad. Why the long faces, amazing statement that make two people in a dungeon by a person in a dungeon, but it was a cheerfulness about Joseph and he was always thinking of others, not himself.

There's a real key to overcoming hardship and trials.

Forget about yourself and encourage someone else.

I told you before my 10 step strategy strategy or solution to overcoming depression. Remember what it is number one do something for someone who was a greater need than you how to overcome depression. Step number 110 steps actually step number one do something for someone who has a greater needs and you number two. Repeat.

Repeat step number 19 more times. Now I understand that's not can be with every aspect of depression by making a point. Find someone worse off than you would do something for them. That's what Joseph was doing. He wasn't worried about his situation and what was wrong with you guys and well they said well we we have these dreams are really pretty good at interpreting three you think it's a home and I don't hear about drinks Jamison got me into a lot of trouble because you believe the Lord can interpret dream tell me what your dreams are so the butler starts first as well. Can this really weird dream I dreamt of a vine growing up with three branches in a cluster of grapes and in so I took some wine from these grapes and I put it in the Kings chalice.

What is that even mean justices. This is good and means that you're going to be out of this place and three days serving the key.

The Baker's cats. I dream to either of the three boxes of white bread in my head and in some special treats for the Pharaoh using an Joseph is annually serving bread to the Pharaoh in three days. Justices not so good you're gonna get outta here and you can have your head cut off in the burgeoning injury. Okay, so that's true that's another I would not want to give that guy the interpretation of his dream would you, but Joseph told the truth and has to pay raises, do me a favor. Guys remember me putting the good word for me only get out of this place and the mother said I promise next time I see the peril, the safe, I met this guy Joseph. He's amazing. But he forgot all about but Genesis 4023 says, yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot.

And guess what two years pass two years.

That's a long time. Can you see how Joseph might see things okay. Things are bad in a person going on with my dad my brothers. One day, then I'm sold to a caravan of slave traders and I bought by this guy named Potiphar and I'm running this house and then in falsely accused of rape and thrown in prison but hey I meet the Butler and the Baker the work for the Pharaoh. Things are looking up. I interpret their dreams. Two years ago by I'm still sitting in this thinking place you feel that way right now. Maybe things are really going your way and all of a sudden you're just laboring away in obscurity and it seems like you're just spinning your wheels and you're not going anywhere.

How easily Joseph could've thought that way.

Yet we never read of him complaining, even for a moment. She sometimes God will sort of take us over to the side because he needs to whip us everything you go through in life is preparation for something else.

You know, took the Lord 80 years to get Moses ready in a Moses spent 40 years in Pharaoh's court finding out he was a somebody and he spent 40 years in the wilderness finding out he was a nobody that he spent the next 40 years finding out what God can do with a somebody finds out there and nobody confused I am to God's preparing for something and that God was doing with Joseph. He was getting him ready now. After two years he was ready and I don't think even knew it is not like the chime of the microwave going up being done is writing he wakes up today like any other day in that stinking dungeon, but meanwhile in the palace, the Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the face of the earth was having a very disturbing dream in his dream he was standing by the Nile River not of the river Kings seven that cows grazing among the reeds and then there were seven other cows that were ugly and gone and they came and ate up the seven healthy count. Pharaoh wakes up. What was that all about. I knew I shouldn't have that Egyptian pizza last night. This was not a pizza dream. He knew it meant something but he didn't know what he falls back asleep now he dreams of 70 heads of grain drawn in healthy, growing into us on a single stock and know another seven heads of grain, sprout up and they eat the other heads of grain. He wakes up.

This is insane. One of these dreams me so calls and those wise men were guys were schooled in astrology and occultism in looking at the stars or direction goes guys okay got to me what my dreams were and what they mean there like we are clueless we don't know, and meanwhile the butlers overhearing this is going just remembered I met this guy in prison. He some Hebrew and he interprets dreams a he interpreted my dream. Maybe you can interpret your process. I want brought to me immediately so here's Joseph. He gets up your nose hairs all grown audiences Bradley Baird.

He's filthy.

They come into itself. You need to come meet the Pharaoh right now. What they give mom that they shave them clean them up so he looks proper to meet with the Pharaoh.

Here's a story. Genesis 41 verse 14 Pharaoh sent for Joseph a once he was brought hastily from the dungeon. After a quick shave and a change of clothing when instilled in Pharaoh's presence and Pharaoh said I had a dream last night and none of these men can tell me what it means) that you can interpret dreams and that is what I called you to do a lot, but Joseph says it is beyond my power to do this but God will tell you what it means.

I will set you Eddie. Let's talk for a guy that was just in prison. You might think you'd be very carefully when you know what a galore the Lord is the one who interprets dreams not meet, and I think immediately for a was impressed with was this guy. He's not bowing and scraping before me. This guy has conviction. I like Kim did never met anyone like Joseph before reminds us of you kneel before God.

You can stand before any man the way that Elijah went into the court of King Ahab who was a wicked and powerful king, and he said the Lord God Lizzie for my stead. There will not be rain, but according to my word, cout walked out where to get curves like that from God because he kneel before God. You don't have to be afraid of any. If you kneel before God in your speaking his word so he speaks boldly to the Pharaoh and this is a good reminder of when we share the gospel.

You know sometimes we want to edit out the parts that were uncomfortable with how we love to tell people about the life-changing message of who Jesus is in the book turn from our sin you'll forgive the symbol of a piece that passes understanding in this wonderful joy in the hope of heaven, and they may see there was a what if I don't believe in Jesus, was a well will be so good but I don't really want to get into now you need to get in the you need to tell them if you don't believe in Jesus you will be separated from God for all eternity in a place called hell.

All I can say that if I say that I'll offend them. Check it out if you don't say it, you'll offend God's friend. That's the gospel and I'm not saying that we should only preach messages on health but I'm saying if we race. Hell, we are changing the essential message. The word gospel means good news and the only way I can fully appreciate the good news is up. I also note the bad news and the bad news is were all separated from God by our sin.

And there's nothing we can do this out of spite, his righteous demands. But the good news is while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us and will forgive us no matter what we've done, we have to share that message itself holds true in Joseph was not ashamed to say the truth to the prayer so the paralyzes dream a guy up to got it. Got it were given the interpretation is what is going on, you guys going to have a low bumper crops for a number of years that FM is going to come and so what you need to do is you need to see some of your food. Some of your grain why you're having the bumper crops put it aside and then you love enough to see you through the lean years will start saving now.

You won't even notice it's missing. And then you'll have plenty to get into the hard times and I would also suggest Pharaoh you put a responsible man over this food supply. Someone was integrity and honesty. All of Pharaoh's magicians are going to me me me me as I know what I want you boy Joseph your name I want you to do action. He overnight. He goes from rags to riches from the dungeon to the presence of the most powerful man on earth and process. I want you in charge and you are the second most powerful man all of my now if the story stop there. It would've been an amazing story you can see, and they lived happily ever after, but some really significant things happened after this, and that's trouble bring this message to a close. So now we fast-forward many years just as Josephus predicted the feminist, they saved enough grain to see them through. So now effectively all of the world is looking to eject for relief. I even non-Egyptians are coming and also Joseph of course is in charge of all of the food supply of the Senate. He's changed his years of past he looks like an Egyptian. You know, his head would be shave. T he would dress in the clothing of the Egyptian people. He didn't look anything like the Jewish boy. He was raised as a one day he sitting there in his throne, and they sit with us and there's some Jews here and I and he sees his brothers, my brothers look and this is what is so amazing how we treat some.

He starts asking them questions they don't know who it is just some powerful guy asking them questions who really is going to either feed them or not feed them in their little nervous or a little unnerved to some of his question seemed a little personal. In other words, he seems to know things about them. See Google them back that how did he know this stuff so he peppers him with questions that they're giving cautious answers and getting more more nervous than this amazing scene unfolds go over to Genesis 45 verse one Joseph could stand it no longer out of here all of you. He cried was attended. He wanted to be alone with his brothers when he told him who he was and he broke down and wept aloud his songs could be heard throughout the palace and the news was quickly carried the Pharaoh's palace. I am Joseph, can you imagine, I am Joseph up up up up up and there probably are thinking and we are dead dead dead dead is my father still alive. Yes, his brothers were speechless. They were stunned to realize Joseph was standing there in front of them. Come over here. He said they came closer he said again, I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold in the Egypt doctors this amazing statement, but don't be angry with yourselves that you did this to me. For God did it. He said me care ahead of you to preserve your what came Joseph the grace to make a statement like that. Number one he knew God was sovereign God was sovereign. What is it me only say God is sovereign, were simply saying God's in control were saying God doesn't make mistakes were saying the word whoops is not in God's vocabulary when freak you out of your God.

St. Luke's what you drop the planet that we just kidding.

I do good God doesn't kid just kidding no God is sovereign. Nope, I only believe that God is sovereign that can be a little frightening meaning God is in control.

God is wanting does what he wants when he wants with who we want in any way you want on over like that, doesn't matter what you think is God is sovereign but here's another thing that helps us to understand that God is good God is sovereign God is good and Joseph understood that as well.

So the things that he allows into our life are for our benefit and for the benefit of others. One cannot read the story of Joseph without thinking of Romans 820 for we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, another called according to his purpose.

Joseph really summed it up in his way when he said, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good because God loves Joseph no matter what came his way. No matter how wicked its origin, God turned it around for good that verse says all things work together, not just the so-called good things. Here's what you'll discover is you get a little bit older like me that some of the things you thought were good.

They end up being bad and some of the things you thought were badly ended up being good because I've seen a lot of good things ruin a lot of good people. My good things any maybe they had success.

Maybe they have affluence, maybe they have all the things that others dream of. And I can see sometimes how people become preoccupied with these things and they destroyed our lives in their marriages shattered in their life is in ruin and I know other people who maybe didn't have that good success who have beautiful marriages and flourishing families and so I'm not saying that's a bad thing to be blessed with things. But I'm just saying sometimes good things can become bad things if you don't deal with them appropriately and sometimes bad things can become good things I've talked to more than one person who has been diagnosed with cancer in their country. Treatments, thankfully they come through it there now cancer free for more than one person say cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me what how can that be because it woke him up to the shortness of life. It reminded them of their mortality and got them thinking of eternal things more and they readjusted the priorities of life you seek, so that thing that you dread.

No no no no bad thing that I think could end up being a good thing at thing you want so badly good thing. Good things could turn out to be a bad thing. And then sometimes good things are just good things in Exhibit's right, God helps us sort it all out and with the passing of time you look at things a little more objectively and a little bit differently and there are things that God allows a life that don't make sense is on either things that happen event in my life that I don't understand that I don't like and if I could change them. I would, but I believe God is sovereign and I believe God is good and I believe ultimately in my life. All things will work together for good, and that may not be fully realized until I get to have and I'm willing to live by. I think some when I get there I got talking I get it now I get it, but in the process is like I don't get it. I don't get it, but by faith.

I believe you're in control by faith, trust you. I don't get it.

I don't like it, but by faith I would obey you, follow you. That's how you get through it.

My grandmother, her name was Stella Art granddaughter Stella. Obviously after and we called her mama Stella. She was from the South and she made the most delicious biscuit you've ever had. Don't even tell me about your biscuits. They don't touch her and she would make them from scratch from buttermilk and self rising flour and all the little ingredients used in and as mama Stella was getting older she's in heaven now, but as he was getting older.

I would say to my wife Kathy walked mama Stella make the bisque. Don't let the biscuit leave with mama Stella and you know and my grandmother would like.

Write out the recipe but I wasn't the resume was the way she did it to you know should have this little thing of plowing to open a little thing.

The poor little of the soil in the end, I don't know the way she did it and she put it in the oven very hot oven had to be super hot and out came the greatest biscuit you've ever gotten so hungry just thinking about you, but if you were to take any of those ingredients. None of them would've tasted good on their own, and I have some self rising flour for us now know the police pull you over what is that lower don't do that buttermilk you like buttermilk raisin. Get out now know, I know some people like it. I don't like to drink it but I love buttermilk pancake biscuits made with buttermilk that I don't like just to me it feels like spoiled milk but she put all these things together inner expert way in the hot oven and out came this wonderful thing God takes all the elements of life. The so-called good things the bad things mixes them together puts them into the oven of adversity when it's all done we say it's good and one day you're going to say that if you're a child of God, not you're not a Christian you don't have this assurance, but if you are, you do so, he said, you meant it for evil but God meant it for good. What aren't you the guy that was sold into slavery by your brothers are 20 pieces of silver when you were 17 years old. Yeah, but the mentor for evil but God meant it for good. When aren't you the guy who was falsely accused of rape by the wife a part of her yeah but God meant that for good to what way aren't you the guy that was imprisoning you interpreted the dream of the butler and the Baker and they promise to help you and they forgot about you idiots out there for two more years. Yeah, but even that God meant it for good. Now here's the most amazing thing of all of the story that he forgave he forgave them for the wrong that they had done and we need to do the same because we've all been hurt.

Maybe some of this wrong view may some of this mistreated you. They've done a horrible thing to you. They've slandered to. You didn't deserve it. You were innocent. They are guilty, is a call never forgive them. Listen, you need to forgive all I don't want to but you need to why they don't deserve it. Think about this for a moment. This is even about them right now. This is, you need to forgive them for your own sake. Why is it steering up inside and is making you a mean bitter person and are no fun to hang around. We don't want to eat biscuits with you is all you do is talk about it all you do is go on and on about these things that have happened you how this person hurt you in one of these days you're going to get even know what you need to forgive is changing you for the worse. Listen to this. When you forgive a person you set a prisoner free yourself yourself in the Bible commands us to forget. Ephesians 432 the kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. Colossians 313 bearing with one another, forgiving one another. If you have a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you. You must also forgive even in the Lord's prayer, Jesus said after this manner therefore pray our father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against. Listen forgiving people need to be forgiving people. And if you're not willing to forgive someone else.

I have to wonder you understand what God has done for you. Do you think you deserve forgiveness will have a pretty good person know you aren't. You're a sinner just like Diane and you don't deserve forgiveness but God in his mercy forgave you for all of your sins. There's no greater example of forgiveness in Christ himself hanging on the cross he gave seven statements just with the first one was father forgive them for they know not what they do. The men who pounded the spikes of the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ deserve forgiveness.

Absolutely not. Yet he said father forgive them.

They don't even realize what they've done. They've committed a sin that is sold. Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do and we think of Joseph. We can only help us think of Jesus. Joseph sold for 20 pieces of silver betrayed by his brothers Jesus sold for 30 pieces of silver betrayed by one of his own disciples. Joseph, though he was wrong was willing to forgive Jesus though he was wrong was willing to forgive and Jesus will forgive us anything we've committed. Maybe you're having troubles with some of the things Joseph had troubles with. Maybe you're in adversity. Maybe your and hardship.

Maybe you've been falsely accused. Maybe you've been been tempted a lot. Maybe you given into the temptation and now your sort of hiding it, hoping no one will find out less on the Bible says your sin will find you out so better than waiting for that go to God now and say Lord I've sin, and I turned from that sin and I need to be forgiven of that sin don't cover it confesses.

The Bible says and you will confess your sin, he is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Listen to this God cannot forgive the sin that we will not confess you have to say Lord let's call it what it isn't hard to make an excuses for and I'm sorry and Jesus Christ will forgive you and then as you are forgiven. To give you the strength to forgive others and what a wonderful day that will be.

If you've never asked Christ to come in your life for many give you an opportunity to do it right now as we close in prayer. Maybe you've never asked Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sin. Maybe you don't have the certainty that if you were to die, he would go to heaven but you would like that certainty you have this guilt you can't get rid of you try to mask it with drinking or drugs and it's always there. The next day God can forgive you and remove that kilts he can fill the void in your life no matter what you've done but you must ask for his forgiveness. How many give you an opportunity to get right with God right now as we close in prayer but top-ranked father thank you enough for your word rethinking for its truth and I pray Lord for any here or that are listening or watching who need to get right with you. I pray Lord to help them to do that right now and receive your forgiveness.

What a heads up. Her eyes are closed, praying how many of you would say tonight. Great pray for me.

I want Jesus Christ to come in the my life. I want him to forgive me of my sin.

I want to know that when I die I will go to heaven. Pray for me. I'm ready to say yes to Jesus right now that your desire. If you want Christ to come in your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die, would you raise your hand up right now and I'll pray for you wherever you are razor hand up appropriate to accomplish slipped her hand up.

I'll pray for you, bless you. You want to know that you go to heaven when you die you want to be ready for the Lord's return. You want that guilt taken away. You ready to say yes to Jesus razor hand. I'll pray for you. God bless you, should maybe you fallen away from the Lord, you know what's right but you've been compromising you been doing things you know you should not do what you want to recommit your life to Jesus razor hand up right now. Let me pray for you, bless you. You bless all of you publish it, ask all of you that have lifted your hands if you would please stand your feet and I believe doing a prayer right where you stand again as I pray again is want you to stand up and I'm in a prayer prayer that you can pray after him.

Even if you did not let your hand what you want to make this commitment or recommitment to Christ to stand up. Bless you that are standing so you will be the only one standing, others are standing so we need to make this commitment or recommitment to Jesus.

Then publish anybody else stand now you pray together. One final moment. Forgive the stand stand now. Bless you. Anybody else stand up bless you. All right you that are pray outstanding. I want you to pray this out loud after me again as I pray for this out loud after me if you would pray this, Lord Jesus, I know in the center which you died on the cross for me and shed your blood for every sin I've ever committed. I'm sorry for my sin. I turned from it now. I choose to follow you, Jesus, from this night forward. Thank you for calling me and loving me and accepting me and for giving me in Jesus name I pray a man of the