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TH121011/The Ten Commandments, Part 2

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
October 18, 2012 7:06 pm

TH121011/The Ten Commandments, Part 2

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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October 18, 2012 7:06 pm

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Let's grab our Bibles were necessary for the recalling the greatest story ever told. What does like a flyover of the whole Bible, and we been cutting slowing down a little bit in our flyover of the book of Exodus and were looking at the 10 Commandments part two tonight and next Thursday night. I want you to read. He had read Exodus chapter 32 that's all going to be looking at. But then I will get a look at the 10 Commandments part two from Exodus 20 exit is 20.

So let's pray together father as we open your word. We know that it is just so relevant. But even more than relevant. It just so right. It's so true.

And Lord, we want to see what your word has to say about wine, and in fact many of the things were going to talk about tonight are issues that are in many minds so we want to get a biblical perspective Lord we want to think and live biblically, not emotionally, biblically, so help us to be here and doers of the word in Jesus name we pray. They met, I think we all sort of like top 10 list. You know the top 10 this, the top 10 that I came across a couple of list the other day.

The top 10 best movies of all time.

I don't really agree with this list, but this was compiled by a bunch of movie goers to voted in the survey number 10.

It's a wonderful life member that one comes out every Christmas with James Stewart, number nine, the Empire strikes back from the Star Wars series number eight citizen Kane then there are seven Schindler's list number six Raiders of the lost Ark number five, the win number four Casablanca number three Pulp Fiction. I was really surprised to see that so I number two, the Godfather, and the number one film of all time. According to all of these people was Star Wars like Star Wars, but okay so good.

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion. That's when I found interesting.

The top 10 songs of all time is compiled by experts in Rolling Stone magazine.

These were other musicians. Number 10 Ray Charles what I'd say what I say. Number nine Nirvana smells like teen Spirit smells like teen Spirit number eight, the Beatles, a Jew number seven Johnny be good by Chuck Berry are good vibrations in the number six for the Beach boys number five Aretha Franklin's respect. Re: SPECT right on Marvin Gaye's what's going on number three. John Lennon's imagine number two, the Rolling Stones satisfaction and the number one rock song of all time.

Yummy yummy yummy. I got love in my tummy that shot no was they the readers picked like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan. I like this one even better the top were songs of all time.

According the blender magazine, the heart of rock 'n' roll by Huey Lewis and the news.

Don't worry, be happy by Bobby McFerrin.

I totally agree with that always hated that song party all the time by Eddie Murphy.

Ebony and ivory by Paul McCartney and Stevie wonder and according to the young don't forget achy Breaky heart by Billy Ray Cyrus. I don't know if I think this is the worst song of all time or they said the worst rock song of all time was we built this city by Jefferson starship Melissa Lane, but it's not that bad is it you know so we all have our opinions on what we think is the best of what we think is the worst of what we think is the coolest or what we think is the lamest and inner changes from person to person. God has a top 10 list to and you know what he chose it and it's right there is no room for opinion are voting on a it wasn't reached by consensus it says God saying this is my top 10 list these of the top 10 things that I want to say to you, also known as the 10 Commandments and it's fun and Exodus 20. Let's quickly review will be looked at our last time you remember that God gave these commandments to Moses who went up to Mount Sinai and received them from the Lord written by the finger of God on both the front and back of the stone tablet. They are not in sections of five and five is some may think, but in sections of six and four.

Or maybe I should say foreign six. The first four commandments have to do with my relationship with God.

The final six commandments have to do with my relationships with others.

And as we look at these together. The Commandments were gonna focus him in this message. Organ a deal with some hot button issues were gonna talk about what a family is what it isn't. Will touch on the topic of homosexuality I is it ever acceptable are people born gay or talk about abortion and capital punishment. That's a lot of stuff in one message okay so let some quickly review the first four commitment number one have no other gods before him. Exodus 22 and three commandment number two don't have a carved image of any likeness of anything in heaven above, or earth beneath that Exodus 20 verse four commitment.

Number three. Don't take the name of the Lord in vain. Exodus 20 verse seven commandment number four.

Remember the Sabbath, they keep it holy.

Exodus 28 and nine.

Right now, let's deal with the final six commandment number five. Honor your father and your mother. Verse 12 notes interesting, before word is said by God about how we treat one another.

He starts with the family you know few things in life can bring. This is much pleasure or pain as your family my right honey when things are working well in the family. It's it's just so great.

And when things are not going so well. It's tough, you know, and there is always tension in families and appearance of tension with children. Children of tension with parents, husbands with wives, wives with husbands, then you bring in the in-laws and the insane cousins that every family has and all the rest of it and you know family is complex. Melissa God established the family in Genesis we have him bringing Adam in the together.

He started with the family. He created the family he invented the family and he and he alone defines the family. Maybe that's why Satan hates the family so much and is effectively declared war on it because God loves the family and you know there's only one picture that God gives to a lost world to show his love for the church and the church's love for him noted is marriage. He says husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church wives, submit them to your husbands is on the Lord so effectively. Here's what God is saying look at this Christian couple right here and you see the way that husband loves his wife. That's how I love this church, my people, and you feel that wife loves her husband. That's all my church loves me so don't you see because of that. When a Christian family starts to unravel and when Christian people get divorced, how that is devastating in many ways to the testimony of believers in a given community level hates the family often said a family can survive without a nation but a nation cannot survive without the family honor your father and mother. Interestingly, one of the signs of the end times is a lack of respect for one's parent second Timothy 32 says men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, posters proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, so honor your father and mother, LLC, a couple of obvious things doesn't say honor your mother and mother as in two women married right or honor your father and your father or honor your mother and her live-in lover.

See this is what cultures they know they hate what is longest two people love each other that the family, it may be two men in maybe two women as long as it's a committed relationship that's fine we don't even need this stupid certificate of marriage will just live together. That's what culture says that someone God sets and we tamper with God's formula if you will, at our own peril and in our culture today.

There is a push for same-sex marriage in the normalization of homosexuality is gaining momentum in here.

You bring the topic up like this and and people get a little nervous. Somebody was able to talk about that. That's political only the second. It's also moral and biblical sometimes moral and biblical issues end up being political issues without assuming we shouldn't talk about them because they happen to have political ramifications. We have to bring the biblical worldview to every thing and it happens to affect an election of it happens to affect the way you vote fine you should vote biblically right we should vote with the biblical worldview planning, slavery was once a political issue to owner talk about that.

It's political yes also evil and immoral and thank God that people like William Wilberforce, who was a British part armamentarium. I decided to do what he could to overthrow the slave trade in England. He was very influential man and yet he dedicated his life to eradicating slavery think it got for people like Abraham Lincoln who you know it, though it didn't stop the racism in our country. At least it was a step in the right direction and is in his emancipation that he gave to all of those who were slaves. That was up moral issue that was a biblical issue, but there was a law that permitted people to own slaves. We fought a war over that you may have heard of it.

The Civil War chose a pretty big deal, but my point is sometimes moral issues will enter into the political arena as well. Well, you know, here's the arguments that we often hear. But wait a second. What if there they love each other well look, I they can say whatever they want. But God calls that sin won't immediately people say all okay you're intolerant and you're homophobic to say that right. I hate the word homophobic because I could just as easily come back and say we are biblical Victor Sam homophobic. You know then you can come back and say will will you know I you were critical of a phobic so you're homophobic you don't pay enough of the phobic already. I'm seeing a phobic I you know sin is sin and God speaks very clearly on this issue understand there is not a confused message from the Bible on the topic and anyone who says that they found a way biblically to justify a homosexual relationship is simply ignoring with the Scripture plainly teaches so many places of first Corinthians 69 says don't you know that those who do wrong.

What have no share in the kingdom of God.

Don't pull yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin or idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitute homosexuals.

These greedy people, drunkards, abusers and swindlers. None will share in the kingdom of God. No luck. God isn't singling out one sin. In particular, HSA and all these things are sin.

All of these things are outside of my order and if you practice these things, you will not inherit the kingdom of God away. Some people are born gay. I beg to differ.

I think everyone's born is a sinner and I think it's possible that some people have same-sex attraction are just like other people.

I have other areas that they struggle with. Just because you're tempted to do something doesn't mean you should do it all. I have this attraction therefore I'm gay know you have the subtraction. Therefore, you're a sinner just like that guy that's lusting after that should go over there. He's a sinner and that grows lusting after that guy that somebody else's husband. She's a sinner just like the person who really would like to steal that car instead of by their a sinner just because I'm tempted to do something wrong doesn't mean that means all that's what I am know that means I'm a sinner and I need to resist that temptation. So God is given us his order.

We need to respect his order to interesting hear the phrase used here for honor your father or mother is a word that comes from the original language to mean to give weight a give weights to your parents now you know it's a parent now grandparent I've actually gained weight so it's much easier to do my case you know I measure being raised by your parents will say things to you that you don't like like God what you think I have a money tree somewhere when I was your age you don't know the sacrifices I had to make. Or here's my favorite parental saying because I said so why can't I do it because I sense the crazy I will never see that to my kids when I become apparent overruling will see because you tell your child something and they keep pressing you and pressing you and he finally this ain't because I said so then you think I can't believe I just said that sometimes we may look at God's laws, God standards God's absolutes and take what I can do struggle with that. I don't know about that. How can I know it's true God. Just as if because I said so really it's you know it's true because I said so no listen, God is the source of truth God's truth. So God says it's true it's true. You may agree with. You may not totally agree with it. You may not fully understand, but that doesn't change what it is. So will just have to live with the because I said so and I guess it will all sort itself out in heaven. For the things we don't understand what you know as I get older. I've seen a lot of drama played out in real time, and many lives and I've seen what happens to men and women that get married and staying married and work and having a strong marriage and raise their children in the way of the Lord and then their children have children and then they have great grandchildren and I've seen how that works.

And that's really not not without problems. Every family has its challenges.

Everything from family has its tragic. Every family has its prodigal's but you see in the big picture how it works when you pass these Jews on from generation to generation that I've seen families that they get the divorce and then they get remarried and they get divorced again and they get remarried and all these weird little things get mixed in and you see how that those problems to be passed on from generation to generation. So let's just take God's word he said. Honor your father and mother will and he said so just live with that commandment number six verse 13 you must not kill. You must not kill know we live in such a violent and murderous culture today a culture that's awash in violence and killing nearly 2 million people. Your become violent crime victims, but what is this me is all killing wrong you might be surprised by my answer know it is not all killing is wrong.

All murderous wrong, but all killing is not necessarily wrong a better translation of verse 13 would be. You shall not murder. That's an important distinction to make because not all killing is murder all murderous killing but not all, killing is necessarily murder we are never to take the life of another human being for no justifiable reason, but the Bible does not condemn all killing. If you study number 35, you'll see that there's a difference that God establishes between killing and murder is a will with what is killing the right man like when someone wants to kill you. Like if someone breaks in your house, meaning harm to you and your family. Guess what, you have the right to self-defense all just pray pray to all pray, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition to try you know all the gun owners in when Jesus and his disciples out. He told them to take a sword with my tickets are for shish kebab right over self-defense you override to defend yourself a country has a right to defend itself wanted to attack. I mean we sell killing is wrong really wasn't a bad thing for us to take military action against the Nazis in World War II when they were slaughtering Jewish people and others as well know, nobody wanted a war. It was a horrible war, but they had to be stopped just like the war and terrorism. Right now we have the right and really the responsibility to defend ourselves and God is even established authority as in the military and as in the police affect Romans 13 says the authorities do not frighten people were doing right but they frighten those who do wrong to do what they say and you'll get along well, but authorities listen are sent by God to help you. You're doing something wrong, you'll be afraid you'll be punished. The authorities are established by God for that purpose to punish so to do wrong.

Here's an interesting footnote upon me that statement.

Guess who the authorities were the Roman governments with the Roman government obscure moral godly force on the earth. Hardly they were a military machine. But even with the problems of the Roman government and the Caesar's Paul recognized that God is ultimately in control and there is a place for authority, and there is a place for a military there is a place for a police force.

It doesn't mean they always do the right thing because they don't buddies establishing a biblical foundational principle, their tone is a mean what does the Bible mean when it says you shall not murder the word murder means to – in pieces and just link this word is never used to describe the death of an animal, nor is it used to describe the death of an opponent in war, nor is it used to describe the death of capital punishment. So that's an important distinction to make effective capital punishment was established by God himself. In Genesis 96. He says if you execute anyone who murders another person to kill a person is to kill living being made in God's image, so he thing you must execute a person who murders another.

Now of course when ever there is a person being executed and I would only agree with capital punishment when that person is guilty beyond any doubt whatsoever. But if that is clearly established that person is executed. You love the people that will have the prayer vigil if you will.

Outside of the place where the execution is taking place in.

Invariably they have the sign that says that shall not kill Anna and I'm thinking what would this person may have been a mass murderer. Jill was also not kill. It's wrong to kill him accountable moral equivalency. It's like, why know he killed but to kill him is just as that will know really isn't because that person murdered innocent people. And now he's facing the punishment he's facing justice for that. Ironically, a number of the people. It seems that believe that capital punishment is wrong also believe that abortion on demand is right now that gets really confusing to me. So abortion is acceptable in executing a mass murder is wrong. So basically you're saying kill the innocent and spare the guilty. That's really what you're saying and upcoming the topic of abortion.

This again is not one of those debatable topics you know if you've heard someone say will you know the Bible is really not clear in this I think is very clear in this. I'll give you a couple of verses to back that up. The Bible is very clear on this simple issue. Life begins at conception, not a birth birth begins at birth, life begins at conception, listen to David's words out to God as he spoke of being in his mother's woman. Someone 3913 you made all of the delicate inner parts of my body. You knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous and I know it you watch me as I was being formed in Utterson illusion as I was woven together in the dark of the womb you saw me before I was born. The sin of this every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Acknowledging that God had a plan for him. Even before he was born. Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 15 before I knew before God says I knew before I formed you in your mother's room will before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world. Mother was go to sleep hey before you were even form in your mother's womb. I'd already called you notice God's as I formed you in your mother's will and each child is created by God to be given it chance to live. Notice God doesn't say what I weighed and said so you were born to have a plan for you because you really weren't a human, yet just massive tissue. Dr. Kato said and I quote you were deliberately planned, specifically gifted and lovingly positioned on this earth by the master craftsman," what about a child that was conceived out of wedlock yet. What about I think they deserve to live. I was conceived out of wedlock.

I'm glad I was allowed to live.

I could have been an abortion statistic because back in the days when I was born in the 20s know it's not that long ago 1952, but is a more scandalous thing to have a child outside of marriage than it is today. But God had a plan for my life has a plan for my life and every child has a right to live yet since the passing of Roe V Wade in the early 70s 50 million babies have been aborted every 15 seconds and abortion occurs in America and it's going into a 500 William dollar a year industry in the United States, and an estimated $10 billion industry world wide. It's a sin and its murdering unborn children is no other way to look at it biblically and it's something that I tell you what. When someone is running for office.

I checked your position and I could never vote for a candidate that approves abortion on demand you make your own decision. Some of the alien outcome on your getting a little too dramatic. Your Greg and you know it it's just terminating a pregnancy really is and what it is well yet just a fetus and embryo glob of cells. These are things that are terms that are used to describe unborn children, uterine content, products of conception. This is my favorite. It's a potential human being over what else would it be a horse. It's a living child made in the image of God did together and the mothers of I don't care how the child was conceived. It is what it is and the child should be given every right to live.

I would challenge any woman who is considering an abortion to go on a sonogram of studies and found that 90% of mothers who have a sonogram decide against abortion. Yes, why it's a picture of the baby in your womb and body sonograms are getting way more sophisticated.

Nowadays, almost like 3D you can really see the child. You know, so like you know this uterine content about the baby. Want a picture.

Check it out when you see it's a baby you think about it differently. Of course, and using what about if the mother's life is in danger. That's always cited it in such a rare occurrence, but yet it is always the one that everyone above the mother's life is in danger. Well, so I let me ask you this month. If you are crossing the street and your child was in front of you in a car was speeding toward you. Would you push your child in front of the car while my life was in danger. No, I don't think you would, I think you would push her child out of the path of the oncoming car image kicked you that just the way it goes is your maternal instinct would be to save the life of that child. So my feeling is your mother. The mother's life in danger of getting likely to be an acceptable risk was a visible or the story of New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebo right.

Tim's parents were Christian missionaries in the Philippines in 1987 when Pam Tim's mother a contracted amoebic dysentery, the leading cause of death in the country. She was pregnant with Tim, who was her fifth child was very dehydrated and very sick and her doctor advised her to abort the baby because of the powerful medication she would have to take to survive.

So here is one of those rare mother's life in danger. Scenarios. But Pam Tebo decided to carry that child to term and of course the baby survived.

Tim's dad Bob said quote we thought we lost the baby about four times. He's a miracle baby. So we reminded him of that hundreds of times will now is one of the, you know, depending on your opinion about quarterback of the greatest quarterbacks out there and if, at the very least he's a committed Christian who speaks out for his faith and also met his mother's life was ending so silly really know the sermon is this will thankfully I've never murdered anybody and I've never aborted a child's.

I think I'm off the hook on the Dell shall not murder commandment good chance but there might be an issue still Jesus in the sermon on the Mount said you've heard that it has been said, you shall not murder but I say on the you if you're angry with your brother you'll be subject to judgment seat. Many of us would never murder a person but we wish they were dead right, you know. Have you ever hated anyone, let me rephrase the question. Have you ever driven on the freeway anywhere around version 315 says, anyone who hates his brother is a murderer at heart and the word used for heat needs to habitually despise not just the transient emotions, a motion of the affections, but a deep-rooted loving look. We always her temper at times, and I don't think this is addressing that so much again got angry and honked at someone and you know you're just dead hunger is what you are your home okay and maybe you shouldn't of lost her temper. This is different. This is deep-rooted loathing. This is I hate your guts at when you walk in a room I I just see that I just boil. I just I I would like to see you destroy. I sit around and think of ways that I could hurt you just what that's like murdering a person and that's a sin before God. So you see how we can still have a problem here affect Ephesians 431 says get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander as well as all malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to one another tender hearted, forgiving one another as God through Christ is forgiven you, so we as believers are not to hate but to love our enemies and certainly we are called to love one another to love our fellow Christian commandments number seven verse 14 you shall not commit adultery. This is a no-brainer.

What is adultery. It's basically speaking, a person is married and being unfaithful to their spouse and then if you're single. It's called fornication that's having sex before marriage and dump me and I'll take the sin of adultery. What what what trouble it brought upon the human race.

Think of how different our world would be if we would just keep this single commandment they go different, our country would be. I think no different. So many people you know how their lives would've been if they had not committed this sin. How many divorces would've been avoided. How many families would still be together how many fathers would still be at home to raise their children. It's just this sin. That is because so much have it now, we have to understand that God is given us a sexual drive. Just as surely as he greeted the family about a man and woman together. God thought upset sometimes we forget that we think we thought it no know God, thought it up. God invented it, and sometimes the Christian position will be mischaracterized and people so you Christian just believe that sex is for procreation.

While we do believe it's for that. But God is given it to us for pleasure.

He has given it to us for fulfillment and it is something that he can really bless blessed sex.

Imagine that. But there's only one place, God will bless sex and that's in a marriage relationship. Here's the thing we you think it doesn't matter anything you know you can go and have your one night stand or your little fling and nobody gets hurt. But in reality a lot of people get hurt part of the problem is, is when the men and women come together sexually. They enter into a state of oneness and effect. In fact, first Corinthians 615 says don't you realize your bodies are parts of Christ, so should you take your body which belongs to Christ and joined into a positive. Don't you know when you do that you become one body with her. The two are united in the one run from sexual sin. He says no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does course when that oneness takes place, and ultimately a child may be conceived and you look at that child in on some children will resemble the father more or the mother more and some are just as perfect blend of both parents and then as they get older they start to favor one parent over another in appearance or in personality and such. Oh that's the one that sets the whole idea you see it there in a living person before your very eyes. But there is that closeness that intimacy that God will bless, but is it doesn't hurt anyone will actually it does University of Tennessee study, but among young women there seem to be a direct correlation between illicit sexual behavior and serious emotional problems are the University of Oregon did a study among young men and found that those who engage in premarital relationships make poor marital risks doesn't hurt anyone. What about the teen pregnancies are just unwanted pregnancies. In general, and of course the abortions that often revolt result. One out of every five abortions is performed on the woman under the age of 24 out of every 1310 teenage pregnancies end in abortion doesn't hurt anybody. What about HIV-AIDS effectively having a death sentence and so what is God saying about adultery and fornication. Hebrews 13 for Nikita's and adulterers God will judge their dissent. Now if you committed and repent of it. God will forgive you.

Okay. But know this was laid out for your point, if you're committing the sin right now and you don't repent of committing the sin, here's what God says those that do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven while I'm a Christian so I'll go to heaven will, then I would ask you the question if you're really a Christian, would you continue to practice a sin when God says if you do so will not inherit the kingdom. I would begin the question, if you're a Christian and if you are disobedient, Christian, you need to repent of this sin. I know you've rationalized it and I know I'm just raining on your parade right now. Sorry this is what the Bible says men telling you this for your own good and so will again I'm not committing adultery or having sex outside of marriage will you ever lost after men or women back to the sermon on the Mount, Jesus is your further that has been said, you shall not commit adultery but I see if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you committed adultery I think about pornography. Think about people to go out there on the Internet now and the things that they look at. Of course it's a huge industry there's 4.2 million porn sites.

One article said and people are are you know it said that the search engine request total 68 million per day.

People searching for pornographic images like you got a guard your mind. It starts right here okay all sexual sin starts right here you want to protect your mind. You want to protect your thoughts you want to protect what you're exposed to.

You want to protect what your children are exposed to. Don't just give you little kids free access to the Internet there sexual predators out there watch what they do. Check out what they're doing on their phones. You know I just tell my kids a long time ago.

This whole this is my room. It's my private space.

Forget about it. I'm dad you live in my house all look where I want. End of story. You know, that's it for you.

You know why, but why because I said so look through stuff loads going on here.

I'll get your history on your computer here and objectives that pay my wife has my password to my email account. My wife picked up my phone. She can get any of my text shingle to get any of the stuff I looked at all of get any of the stuff she looks out it's an open book. It's called check it out. You know you should go to live that way. None of some little secret life. We are filling yourself with this stuff because it's only going to become an insatiable thirst.

You cannot satisfy. You should never feed lust. You should starve. Don't feed it, starve a memo number eight you shall not steal, restricting the summit stealing in our culture is so commonplace.

It's really kind of insane deal of the number one kind of theft that happens now is employee theft such as the person walking the store and feel some walks out that the people that work in the store stealing sucks. It's the people getting your computer are your credit card numbers and charging stuff up and that sort of thing in so you just become so accustomed to it. I read a survey that the interview people in asked them why they didn't steal in the number one reason was, well, I might get caught number two reason was for the other person might try to get even number three reason was what you might not need the item need the item. How about, it's a skid that didn't seem to occur to anyone there's a God says about stealing Ephesians 428. He was been stealing was still no longer, but must work do something useful with his own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

Three simple principles about how to live our lives as Christians number one if you've stolen steal no longer don't take something that doesn't belong to you don't illegally download stuff, you know, don't take things that are not yours.

And if you've taken something, give it back or make restitution here will say well I stole I stole from you when we forgive me for stealing your laptop stolen. Forgive me. Okay I forgive you connect my laptop back. No, just forgive me giving my stinking laptop back and you should she make restitution if you can remember Zach ESC was a tax collector.

Back in those days away. Those guys made their money was they would collect the taxes name it out on the top and pocket and I that's exactly is didn't so he didn't have a friend in town he lived in Jericho. One day Jesus showed up and I was walking around in the crowd was following them as they always did when Christ was around that key is skirting the buy was kind of a little guy so he climbs up a tree to get a peek in Jesus, and Jesus is walking by with his crowd around him prancing pony looks up, pays RTS like he is.

Didn't Jesus AZT is coming down from there, you have lunch today, so Zakia came down from his tree and he and Jesus disappeared into his home for a while. Everyone was probably waiting outside and then finally the door opens and Jesus steps out Zakia steps out and Zacchaeus have been converted and the first thing you said he wanted to do was I want to get back four times what I took from someone else on me four times restitution Jesus. It truly salvation is come to this house and see that shows conversion real conversion and real change so we should number one. Still no longer number two be useful. He must work Ephesians 428 says get out and work just what the world doesn't owe you a living. Get out of your mother's basement your 40 get a job. Second Thessalonians 310 says even when we are with you.

We gave you this rule. Whoever does not work should not eat, but yet if some of your living idolize refusing to work and wasting time meddling in other people's business in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We command you settle down and get to work. Earn your own living. The government doesn't owe you anything. Don't leech off people gonna be responsible and look for a job will work hard to find.

Well find work where ever you can find it do something, make an effort. You know sometimes people are out of work and they're saying I'm praying the Lord will provide prey. Have you submitted your resume known just praying. Have you applied for a job anywhere. No, just praying start looking commandment number nine you shall not lie over 16 you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Ever been caught doing something wrong with the first thing you do. You doing this until no immediate reaction. According to an article Washington Post magazine online appointed out the people lie 92% of the time to save face in 98% of the time to keep from offending someone else and you know there are times when it is hard to tell the truth, I'm not talking about a bald-faced lie and I do resent that term is I'm bald-faced anyway.

You know I'm not talking about just lying you know I'm talking about. It's hard to tell the truth because you don't want to hurt their feelings guys are just a word of advice have been married 38 years, okay, when your wife comes in with her new outfit and says do I look fat in this here's the answer always no matter what, no you look a little fat it out. Don't say that to her whether times are no summoned me ask your opinion on something. What you think you know they say I people you know I want you to hear my child saying in harvest Crusade all too well how what I'm saying for you right on the singing K good and are not good what you say you want to be like Simon is a rubbish. It was rubbish, but you are bad karaoke in or something, but I wouldn't say that doesn't want to hurt a person's feelings. You know so you try to be imaginative and safe. They have a very distinct sounds of the most fascinating performances I've ever seen or heard, but we tell little white lies and we may not even realize it. You know someone calls you don't answer the phone please leave your child. Tell them I'm not home never done that or you sent for God you didn't forget it was the traffic it was in the traffic you love four minutes ago. I love your outfit you really hated all I'm so glad you called. I was just getting ready to call you know you words the checks in the mail know it isn't. I love this one. I'm praying for you bro okay. Really.

I don't ever say that if you don't mean it. There's other ways we can lie as well, gossip and backbiting gossip topples governments Rex marriages ruins careers destroys reputations causes nightmares. It's on suspicion and it generates grief even its name kisses, costs is just really from the serpent. You know those little innuendos. Proverbs 20 verse 19 says the gossip tell secrets don't hang around with someone who talks to much there certain people I know who can keep a confident, I literally know if I say something to them. It'll be on CNN that night, and here's what I need to say to make sure it's on CNN.

Don't tell this to anyone you think this to how they just got a little juicy Moore father, David, Paul, 500 tweeted after call. Five. Do you know they just can keep it in the trade and gossip may be like the guys that I never repeat gossip ever so listen carefully. The first time right is a repeat gossip get it to it once it that Joe did more. Never use that to God, but sometimes gossip is presented in what we might call an acceptable way. We will call it gospel distinct. Have you heard or you. I don't know if this is true but I heard listen, find out if it's true, before you repeat it today. My initial reaction when someone comes with something that sort of slander is sore hurtful about another person say how do you know that's true. Where did you hear that I want to know your supply can't review my source. How do you know that's true and maybe the person tried it without six. Let's go over and ask this person right now but when husband within shut up you ever had someone tell lies about you it hurts. Find out if it's true will. I just wanted to pray, no you didn't. You just wanted to gossip. Sometimes we even gossip and prayer. You know that would free you know Lord that Joe with his affair that Joe's life is like what you know she didn't know, you just prayed about it and maybe it wasn't even true. Maybe it's a rumor, you know, don't talk about our people. Make sure it's true. Here's a helpful principle for you repeat something if one word think THINKR John Presley can spell the word think T this is what you ask yourself before European information. T is it truthful is it truthful are you sure it's true H isn't helpful is that helpful. I is it inspiring and is it necessary K is a time think to think about it before you say it doesn't pass a test on said followed by then.

I wouldn't say anything. Amen.

Do us all a favor and shut up. You know this is really an issue on the Internet because anybody can say anything about anybody anywhere and it just floats out there in cyberspace and you can just send this thing out and people will just spread it know you know pass it on. The more people and it may be completely on true.

Now we come to commandment number 10 volunteer, you shall not covet. Maybe this is the most misunderstood of all the commandments.

Verse 17 you shall not covet your neighbor's house or covet your neighbor's wife for his manservant made serving this author's donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor listened coveting isn't simply desiring something we don't have. If you like to see something that you admire. While that's a nice car that's a nice dress that's a nice whatever all that's 900 been sent coveting that could simply just be admiring them to Jim Downing coveting is you become devoured by desire for something and a lot of times it's a something that isn't yours to ever Notice he talks about your neighbor's wife, see it you.

I want her.

I don't just want a wife.

I want his wife. That's the idea that's being communicated here fact, the word that is translated coveting as I also translated the parent after something you know, sort of like a wolf was gotten a taste for blood and he's out there pursuing his prey Pantene that will not rest until he kept separate and kills it. He needs it and that's what coveting if you just become obsessive something I must have that thing. The heart is a work for CIs look at an object, then the mind admires an object, then the will goes over to it and the body moves in the process. Now let's see your neighbor got a new car and you admired Kate that's admiring, let's say that you went out and got the same car. The same model the same color identical to your neighbors.

That's not coveting that's copy that's not a sin may irritate your neighbor mother say that you go over to your neighbor's car and you ask him if you can take it for a spin around the block and he agrees and you hop in and you drive away and never come back again that's Grand Theft Auto went to see one thing led to another. I must have that there are people that covet through life. They become obsessed with certain things and they will make any sacrifice to get what they wanted may be a person and may be an object.

It may be a position. Whatever it takes. They're going to get it and it can destroy you mean Judas Iscariot effectively through his life away for 30 pieces of silver. He would trade the Lord of glory. First Timothy 610 says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which while some of covet it after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows levers is often quoted as follows money is a root of all evil.

The Bible says no such thing. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. While some have coveted after, that's the operational work of coveted after mean it's bad to want some money. It's a person who covets after it, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil symbol of coveted after it appears themselves through with so many sorrows. You know sometimes a person may not have a lot me have more of a problem with coveting that a person is very successful because there obsessed with it. It's all they think about maybe one of the reasons that they're struggling is because they're spending all their money on lottery tickets are going to Vegas and gambling are filled with an angle that quick fix that thing that's going to make them successful in their own and then off you go, and it can actually destroy your life look as we read to these commandments, I think that we all recognize that we have offended in one way shape or form. On multiple occasions in my right and why were the 10 Commandments given were they given the make us righteous now because no one can keep them there is only one person was ever walked this earth with The 10 Commandments me now let me explain that I was alive. I just open the commandments making the jump so I would call it a joke, but some course. I have not. There's only one person and I think you know who that person's Jesus, Jesus, The law nobody else ever did everybody else broke the tenants of the law.

Even the most godly men. They were raised up throughout Scripture. They all broke the law on one way shape or form that Paul the apostle felt that he hadn't really observed most of the law, but the one he admitted to really having a problem with with the sin of coveting because it's internal to Concerta. Control your actions.

I don't do this and decided this. I'm doing pretty well but dog gone it, your heart, you can control your heart in my Character like alien get back in there. You know should know you can control it right only be understood the alien reference to got okay some of you, and I don't understand that.

Luckily for limiting, but some thoughts coveting. So what is the law do the law opens my eyes and it shuts my mouth the love for the person is a limited person cuts is overly coming over here and take a look at yourself in my near you. You think you pretty good when you look in the mirror in a dimly lit room and then you walk into a mirror were the lights are really bright or even worse when you look at yourself one of those magnifying mirrors thinking of letting you know every flaw is magnified.

That's reality.

That's what the law does undergoing a homeboy okay we have a problem that's right. That's where the laws there. The law, however, is not sent to condemn the Bible says in Galatians is sort of like a schoolteacher, a disciplinarian, if you will to drive you to Jesus, I come. I look alike. Tokyo broken it like a broken multiple laws and Jesus is say what I try coming because he when he died on the cross. He took the writing of commandments that was against us. The Bible says and nailed to the cross. He took it out of the way so that punishment that should've come upon you and me was put on Jesus at the cross off. I will turn for my sin and commit my life to him. I am forgiven and now here's the really great thing is he writes the law on my heart so I don't do it now because I have to. I do it because I want to and it makes all the difference in the world. So instead of a bunch rules and regulations, I can't do this and I can't do that in all these restricted. It's like you know what I actually don't want to do that.

I mean, really, is this really that hard to figure out and I really love the Lord so I don't think I'm in a worship another God. I really love the Lord so I am not going to bow before an idol. I really love the Lord so I'm not going to take his name in vain. Annual because I love the Lord and love people.

So because a lot of people are not going to steal from them. I'm not going to kill them. I'm not can it take something that belongs to them.

I don't want to even do that.

See that's what happens in conversion is a becomes a part of our desire, but if you're trying to live by little religious rules you're trying to be a good person on your own.

You fall short because all of us have sent and if you offend the Bible says in one point of the law, you're guilty of all of it so you say Winokur got to feel pretty good. I don't think it broken that many will listen once too many. One is too many people ever broken any of these commandments and in case you don't know this, to tell you, you have a you fall short. But if you will turn from your sin again. Put your faith in Christ to shed his blood for you with the cross of Calvary.

You can be forgiven. So let's close in prayer to give you an opportunity to make a commitment or recommitment to Jesus. If you need to. Let's all pray.

Father, we thank you for your word rethinking for its truth. Sometimes it makes us uncomfortable, but not in a bad way because it shows us our need for Jesus and causes us to turn to you and that's always a good thing and I pray Lord for any here any listening any watching right now who do not yet know you help them to come to you right now and believe in Jesus, we would ask Elinor heads her daughter and her eyes are closing work, praying together. How many of you would say tonight. Greg, I want to be forgiven of my sin. I've broken the law. I have fallen short of God's glory have sinned and I'm very aware of that right now but I'm sorry for that sin and I wanted to turn from it. My want Jesus to forgive me if that's your desire. If you need God's forgiveness tonight. Would you just lift your hand up and let me pray for you put your hand up or I can see accomplish if you want God's forgiveness. You want Christ to come of your life tonight. Raise up your handle.

Pray for you.

God bless you accomplish less what I had just about maybe some of you and so you know what, I'm a Christian, but I've been doing some of the things you been talking about. I've been stealing. I've been lying I've been gossiping. I've been committing adultery or fornication, or lusting filling my mind with lost and I'm ready to repent of that get right with God about your desire. Once you raise your hand up when we prove bless you anybody else raise your hand to bless all of nominee ask you that raise your hand if you would please stand your feet them and lead you in a prayer of commitment or recommitment to stand up and Emily Juniper. Don't be embarrassed. Are all sinners here stand up.

When we pray with you. Anybody else stand up you want to make a commitment or recommitment to Jesus wherever you are. Stand your feet. God bless each one of you publish one final moment stand up networking to pray together. Anybody else stand now. Bless you, bless you. Anybody else and think there's a few more them. I want to stand give you another moment to be that steno bless you. Anybody else final mom accomplish all right you that are standing pray this prayer out loud after me is pray this out loud when you stand, Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and I've broken your law and I have fallen short of your standards and I'm sorry for that and I repent of my sin. You died on the cross for me and shed your blood forming and want to live in me so coming to my life. I choose to follow you, Jesus.

From this moment forward. Thank you for calling me and accepting me and for giving me in Jesus name I pray, amen