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SM130811/Revival in Our Time?

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
August 12, 2013 11:27 am

SM130811/Revival in Our Time?

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 12, 2013 11:27 am

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us Jonah chapter 3, turning your Bible there.

If you would the title of my messages revival in our time? This is a story of one of the largest spiritual awakenings in human history. It's a story of the revival of one of the most wicked cities ever. The city of Nineveh. How wicked was Nineveh. They were so bad that they effectively stunk to high heaven, and Jonah 12 we read God said their wickedness has come up before me, or literally their wickedness is reached a high degree or the highest pitch.

Why does the Bible say that will the Ninevites were legendary for their cruelty. Graphic accounts of their cruel treatment of their captives have been found in Assyrian records. The Ninevites are known for being very savage, they would plunder a city they would take boys and girls and burn them alive, they would torture adults they would literally skin people and hang the skins on the walls.

They would be had people in particular's goals and build monuments out of schools and then inscribed on the monuments.

How many people did killed and the pain they are brought to them so you can see why they stunk to high heaven and the population of Nineveh was quite large for his city at this time there are around 1 m million people in the city at a little bit more than San Francisco. To give you up point of reference. Nineveh was a capital of Assyria, which was a superpower Arbor Day Nineveh so large it took about three days to circle it in these Ninevites. They live the large they enjoyed the best chariots of the finest food the most exotic entertainment and they had an extensive business and commercial system like none in the world and in addition, Assyria had effectively ruled the world for 200 years. At this point in the of the strongest military power at the time, but things were about to change a more powerful military was about to overtake Nineveh in this area and that was Babylon so effectively the days of this nation were number know this every nations days are numbered.

We know that historical every nation has a moment when it is born in a moment when it effectively dies or at least when it is diminished dramatically and that is true for the United States of America so we know judgment is coming.

We can say that we can pray a prayer that would avert the judgment of God because as we study the book of Revelation we saw how the tribulation period is going to unfold. We saw judgment a skunk to come upon the whole planet we saw clearly the United States will no longer be the superpower we are today because were missing in the last days.

Super players so we know judgment is coming that's only a matter of time cares what our prayer is Lord said at least one more spiritual awakening to America before the judgment, that's all.

We also be praying for a nation, maybe even two perhaps even three, but Lord, at least one more awakening and listen to this of God to bring a mighty revival in Nineveh with no better representative than Jonah and no more gospel than the brief in their streets. Certainly, the Lord could do the same for the United States. So let's connect quickly review what we've read this far them will get to the final chapters in this last message in the series on Jonah that I called go. Remember the Lord said to Jonah go to the city of Nineveh and preach the message that I give to you and Jonah went in the opposite direction got about going to a place called charges. That's about as far from Nineveh. As you can get well.

The Lord sent a great storm.

It was so bad that even the seasoned sailors were alarmed by the never seen a storm of this magnitude. They tried to determine why this torment, and a determiner they realize that the culprit of the cause of all of this was this passenger they've never seen before and they brought him up on deck and asked Jonah what was going on. And Jonah told them that he was an Israelite, and he served the Lord God of Israel that freaked him out a little bit because they had heard about the Lord God of Israel.

This is the miracle working God. This is a God that parted the Red Sea. This is the God that drowned the entire Egyptian army. This is the God that could bring supernatural foods.

Remember, this was the miracle working God and the sailor said why would you run from a God like that. Good question.

You brought the glass and say why would anybody run from God will Jonah was running from the Lord, and he said if you throw me overboard the storm. They kept trying the Roto land with no success so they threw him overboard in a great fish or a whale swallowed Jonah and that seems to be the focus of the story for most people but really when you read the whole book you realize it's not the major point of the book but why did God let Jonah get swallowed by this great fish visits the Lord's way of getting even. All right, Jonah you messed up. It's payback time until some people see God then God's getting even with me. I did something bad when I was younger. Now he's getting back to me.

Listen, God doesn't deal with people that way. Especially his own children God God. Even if you will, at the cross when Jesus died in our ways.

He put the rat that should've been upon you and upon me upon Jesus is Isaiah 53 says Christ was punished for our sin know this is not about getting even. This is about chasing, disciplining or spanking.

One of his own kids because God loves us. He will discipline as we go astray, God was not disciplining Jonah because he hated him he was disciplining Jonah because he loved him and never mind that the guards chasing this preparation for a future task God's chastening tells us is something more for us to do. See, this was good news because of your want to God's kids will discipline you. What is that mean you start to cross the line still step in the be the conviction of the spirit in your own heart. Maybe something will happen that will make it a little harder for you to commit that sin maybe will be found out right away in your state. Why can they get away with sin like all the nonbelievers because God loves you. That's why because you're his kid. We discipline our children, we say we discipline our grandchildren. What we usually go. I was watching that three of my grandchildren. Yesterday Riley Allie and little Christopher who is knowing your old and an alley.

As you know, she's too little over two and she's a free spirit and she's always barefoot.

She's like a little bohemian and so Allie was going down the stairs and she was hopping down he stair pop-up. I said, I'll use the rail. She keeps hopping as an alley. Use the rail others going to be a timeout.

She keeps hopping as an ornament accountant 3123 she's still hopping for five said since he just walks up to Cito she knows enough to do anything but we do discipline our children, so here's what I want to say to you if you're being discipline right now it's a sign that God is not finished with you yet. So here's Jonah being prepared for his greatest work yet he was rogue by and recommissioned by God, to talk a little bit more about revival in a moment, to define it for you. But let me just say this revival starts with you. It starts with me. Nothing can happen through me until this first happened to me.

So God had their first get Jonah right before he can work through Jim to get others right so then, of course, that whale or fish cruised up to the beach. It Nineveh open his mouth and barked out. Jonah and the story picks up there were in Jonah chapter 3, starting in verse four. By the way in reading from the new living translation on the day Jonah entered the city, he shouted to the crowds. 40 days from now Nineveh will be destroyed. Here's an amazing personality. Verse five the people of Nineveh believed God's message and from the greatest of the lease, they decided to go without food and wear sackcloth to show their sorrow and when the king of Nineveh heard what Jonah was saying he step down from his throne. He took off his royal robes he dressed himself in sackcloth and sat on a heap of ashes, then the king and his nobles set this decree throughout all the city. No one, not even the animals we eat or drink anything at all. Everyone is required to wear sackcloth and pray earnestly to God. Everyone must turn from their evil ways and stop all of their violence. Who can tell, perhaps even get God will have pity on us and hold back his fierce anger from destroying us. When God saw their put a stop to their evil ways.

He had mercy on them. He didn't carry out the destruction. Threat.

There let's pray father as we think about this great awakening in Nineveh. It gives us hope that something like this could happen in our country, so help us to see what role we could play in that speak to us from Scripture, we ask now this thing in men know this is a stunning spiritual awakening an entire city population around 1 million turning to God. They even turn from their sin of violence which they were known for. So God spared them and said a nationwide revival. What I really find amazing is that they turn to God. After a sermon like this.

I mean all Jonah said was 40 days from now Nineveh will be destroyed but in a way, the very fact that he was giving them a warning was somewhat hopeful Brinson from God judge Solomon Gomorrah.

He just judge you can send them a warning. There was no Jonah walking to their streets judgment just came, but in the case of Nineveh. There was a warning given to them first, and they turn to the Lord and they believe the message of Jonah, so this reminded said no one is beyond the reach of God at these people were super wicked. Yet God save them.

Do you know somebody that's super wicked you know somebody that is a sinner with a capital S do know someone that you can't even imagine in your wildest dreams walking around with the Bible saying praise the Lord.

I would tell you something God could save that person he could bring them to faith is a no I don't think this person not this one. When the second Saul of Tarsus was converted and you know what he did for a living. He hunted down and tortured and killed Christians.

And yet God got a hold of Saul and God got a hold of Nineveh and God can get hold of that person. So here's what I challenge you to do, start praying for them by name and asked the Lord to save them and now step number two extend an invitation to them to come with you to the crusade this year. I think were reluctant to do it because we don't think you'll ever happen.

We prepare for failure, not for success. Someone once came to the great British preacher.

Spurgeon and Spurgeon pastored what we call the day a mega church now back in that day.

It was just the biggest church ever at the get around five or 6000 people coming to hear him preach there in London and so he was known for his preaching and many people came to Christ under Spurgeon's preaching every week people were coming of the Lord so young pastor came to Spurgeon and was complaining said I don't understand it whenever I preach. No one comes the cry.

Spurgeon asked him do you expect people to come to Christ every time you preach and the young man said will of course not. Spurgeon said, and that your problem the server to cancer hold course not see you go into it.

Planning for failure.

Not thinking people will respond. It comes down to this, we need to attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.

Then repeat that we need to attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.

God send another spiritual awakening to America. I believe he could. I believe he can and I pray he will we've had for great awakenings and our nation over our history. The first awakening was in the 1700s when our country was still in formation.

It was led by such people as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield during just two years of this revival from 1740 to 1742, 25,000 to 50,000 people were added to the New England church that may not sound like a high number but consider the fact the population was only around 300,000 at that point, the second great awakening was from around 1790 to 1840. Names like Charles Finney I came from. This time they were preaching. This is when the wild West was prevalent law was disregarded.

Sexual sin was rampant and they would have these Meetings were crowds at size 15,000 would gather for several days and the population was very small. At that time thousands would come to faith more than 10,000 came to Christ in Kentucky alone. Between 1818 03 they would just set these tents up with these makeshift structures in the middle of the forest and thousands of frontier people would comment hear the gospel preached in turn her life over the Lord, a lanky young lawyer was known to attend some of those meetings and had his life impacted by them. We know him as Abraham Lincoln, the third great awakening in American history whatsoever on 1857 to 1859 how this revival began is unique of 48-year-old businessman named Jeremiah Lanphier begin a prayer meeting on Fulton St. in New York City began slowly but soon exploded. One of the things that cause it to explode was the crash of the stock market prayer meetings were happening everywhere in New York, filling theaters on Broadway. Can you imagine such a thing within six months. 10,000 people gathered daily for prayer throughout New York City.

It's reported that 50,000 New Yorkers were converted from March to May there were 10,000 additions to church membership weekly during this revival during this time the number of reported conversions.

The country reach an average of 50,000 a week for a couple of years.

Over 1 million people came to Christ during this brief. One of the men that came out of this revival was a great evangelist DL Moody.

What's amazing about it. As it started with a prayer meeting and it turned into a way that rolled across the nation, while the fourth great awakening in my opinion was the Jesus movement, and I think you have to classified as a genuine American revival. An excellent book recently came out called God forever family written by Larry Eskridge and it's a scholarly look at the Jesus movement. I recently finished it and I'll tell you what Larry got right and he filled in some gaps for me though I came to Christ. During this time there were aspects of the Jesus movement.

I didn't fully understand. There were happening in other parts of the country after I got done reading this book I thought, there's no other way to somewhere around it.

This was a genuine revival yup understand the culture of the time.

This is the late 60s.

Our countries in turmoil bomb drills and classrooms are mandatory. The Cuban missile crisis brought us to the brink of a nuclear confrontation with Russia and not long after that our president John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, followed by his brother, Bobby, Robert Kennedy and then Martin Luther King was assassinated as well. So this was traumatizing for a nation, the Vietnam War was raging with no end in sight. Watergate was about to happen. Kids were rebelling against society and their mantra was sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. One of the slogans of the time was turned on, tune in dropout and by and large the church was ineffective in reaching this youth culture John Lennon made his controversial statement around this time that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, but in some ways he was right. For many young people. The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. And then, inexplicably, inexplicably, supernaturally God begin to work and young kids were coming to Christ by the hundreds consumed by the thousands, and they were showing up in churches and a lot of these churches were very conservative.

They didn't have contemporary Christian music back then they didn't have sort of a casual approach and trust in churches back then was very straightlaced, very formal, and all these crazy hippie kids start showing up in the churches that welcomed them experience revival in the churches that did not welcome them did not experience revival one church that opened up their doors to the hippies was Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, not first. Pastor Chuck Smith didn't like the hippies he thought they all needed to get a haircut and go to work, but his wife had a heart for them K and she was praying for them and and they were praying that the Lord would let them eat a genuine living, breathing, hippie, and one showed up at their house one day his name was Lonnie Frisbee had come to Christ in San Francisco and Chuck let Lonnie start preaching that Calvary Chapel and the place just exploded and soon all these bands were forming in a whole new genre I developed called contemporary Christian music as well as what we would call contemporary praise and worship.

I want this all happened because I can to Christ in 1970 the Jesus movement did not start at Calvary Chapel but it blew through Calvary Chapel as it did many other places.

But the reason that it had a sustained effect.

There was because one is all said and done. Calvary was a church with the pastor and so a lot of these kids came to Christ and wanted to know how to grow more and then they went out and started planning churches. People like Rall Reese, a Jeff Johnson Mike McIntyre Skip, I'd say in a really cute guy named Greg Laurie to sing so that for our church came from our church was born during a time of revival.

So I just sit back and I say thank God I was allowed to be around for that but you know what I was 40 years ago, its history, its glorious history, but history nonetheless. Listen we can live in the past but we can learn from it and here's what we need to do. We need to pray Lord do it again. We need another Jesus movement. We need another spiritual awakening. We need another revival in America today. That's what the psalmist said in Psalm 85 six. Will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you. Habakkuk said, and have a good 32 I've heard all about you, Lord, I filled with by the amazing things you have done and in this time of deep need to have a good praise. Revive your work as you did in years gone by.

So we have a whole new generation now the needs her own revival, their own awakening so we should pray the Lord would send another one is revival and we throw that word around a lot. Sometimes you'll see a church with the sign out front revival this week only started seven ends at nine luck coming you may be having some great meeting. I don't know if I classify those as a revival. Listen.

Revival is something God does for us. We don't do it for God.

You can't create a revival.

You cannot organize a revival, but you can agonize for revival in prayer.

It's a supernatural invasion of God one person define revival as a community saturated with God. Richard Owens Roberts wrote a great book and revival said quote revival is an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results."

AW told her defined revival is quote that which changes the moral climate of a community." Lesson revival is nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God, not really the world. Nonbelievers still need revival they need salvation. The church needs revival you need revival I needed.

What is it mean to be restored to original condition to get back to the place God wants me to be a CH Spurgeon defined revival this when I quote to be revived is a blessing which can only be enjoyed by those with some degree of life, those who have no spiritual life are not and cannot be in the strictest sense of the term subjects of revival. Archer revival is to be looked for in the church of God" so you see revival is for believers only what evangelism is for nonbelievers and that's why we do is evangelistic crusade.

That's over during harvest America because I don't believe most Americans have heard and authentic biblical gospel presentation. I think our country is filled with a lot of almost Christian. They know enough to get them in trouble.

They know a little about it but they don't understand it fully and they haven't really embraced it almost.

You hear that word sometime. For instance, when you're trying to go somewhere.

I'll personalize when I'm going somewhere and I say to my wife that we have to go now. She says okay so we have to leave at this time we be ready yes I will. And then as I'm walking out the door she still getting dressed I think.

Are you ready to go yet and she says almost. One is that mean that to say that when my wife and perhaps some women say that it means 15 minutes minimum. Almost there's almost Christian Richard Campion almost Christian at like being almost pregnant know you're pregnant or you're not pregnant, and Herod Agrippa have the gospel proclaimed him of the apostle Paul.

He was moved by what Paul said and he said you almost persuaded me to be a Christian. That's what I think America is filled with almost Christian. They've heard it, but they haven't yet responded to.

It's our job is to go and preach the message God is given us, just as the Lord told Jonah to we are to go now we come to the conclusion of the book of Jonah is here is one of the reasons why I believe the Bible is the word of God because the Bible always tells the truth, even if it's not flattering to the subjects. The Bible is not a part of peace.

It's not edited to make a person look better. It just tells us what really happened, and because Jonah's book does not end with chapters David chapter 4 I know it's inspired by God. If I rode Jonah by the way, most believe that Jonah wrote this book of I wrote this book. If I were Jonah, left out chapter 4 you'll find out why say that in a moment because look chapter 1 Jonah's call to go to Nineveh he runs regarding swallowed by a whale revival breaks out awesome. They lived happily ever after in this chapter 4, and it's so honest and it's so real.

I think Jonah put it in their so people would know what is really like in a way will see ourselves in this chapter were not only going to learn about Jonah and the whale, which he talked about nominal learn about Jonah in the worm, often left out. So here it is. Great awakening is broken out thousands of lives of in spare. How does Jonah react does he rejoice no, he's hopping mad go to Jonah for verse one again. I'm reading from the new living translation. This change of plans of said Jonah became very angry so he complained the Lord about it. Didn't I say before I left him you would do this, Lord.

That's why render Tarsus. I know you're a gracious and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

I knew how easily you could cancel your plans for destroying these people so just kill me now Lord, I'd rather be dead than alive because I predicted it's going to happen in the Lord replied that right for you to be angry about this.

Jonah was angry because Jonah didn't because God didn't wipe out the Ninevites and a better translation of the statement of God to Jonah would be your very angry archer and you're really mad I can see looking at you, and boy was he mad the word here for anger can be translated to burn.

He was fuming burning with anger should have been rejoicing and instead is mad why because he was preoccupied with himself. I'd rather be dead.

Lord than see these people spare me here. Jonah Amendola survived three days and three nights in officious, mental repentance, praise and pretense of the people of Nineveh amended is used by God to bring one of the greatest revivals in human history. You would think at this point he wouldn't send any more, you know, you reach supers saying status right you know sometimes people are concerned about new believers not changing quickly enough.

I'm more concerned with old believers who stop changing.

Let me explain you have new believers who admitted to member the Christ. Or maybe they're not changing as rapidly as we would like them to.

You know maybe a cuss word slipped out or they didn't completely let go of that advisor.

Or maybe they lost their temper.

They did something that makes a safe they need to be changing more okay right.

Keep praying for them. Be patient with them. Keep encouraging them. My greater concern than them is the older believer who has known the Lord for years with stop changing the older believer who maybe is treated in the old sin that they used to commit like God and morality are drugs or drinking etc. nothing of nuisance in a particular place like pry backbiting, gossip, bitterness. You see, Jonah was an older saint who knew better. Who is having a relapse and he was angry with God.

Are you angry with God you feel in your mind that God is somehow let you down. Maybe did not.

He did not answer your prayers as you wanted them to think didn't turn out in life that is you hopefully would orient was someone else more than you and your perception and your jealous you know Jonah was wondering why God did not destroy these people sometimes we wonder why a good God would allow bad things.

Jonah was wondering why a good God would allow good things are bad people. He wanted God to be back and set a good. He wanted God to be mean like, yeah, and why these people out and he was still hoping against hope that God would not be predictably merciful, but still would judge the people, so he pulls up a ringside seat to watch the action he get his sensor on the outskirts of Nineveh and he's open maybe got us to come through and shot send this to be on some watch people die. Now that's entertainment all he needed was a Coke and some popcorn while that was in a happy Jonah chapter 4 verse five. Then Jonah went to the east side of the city immediate shelters and sit under as he waited to see if anything would happen of the city of the Lord. Arrange for a leaving plan to grow there and as soon as its broad leaves rover Jonah said he was shaded from the sun ease some of Jonah's discomfort and he was grateful for the plant but God also prepared a worm in the next morning at dawn the worm, Inc. to the stem of the plant so would soon die and withered away. Here's the worm now King James calls us plan a gourd basically was a palm tree like wrote offering ample shade so Jonah got a seething comfort.

He built his little structure but God gave him a beautiful tree to keep them cool in the shade. Now we can look down and Jonah for his attitude. Maybe this is a warning for us this is Amanda became more concerned with his own comfort than the souls of others. Let me ask you a question present happen to you. It can happen more easily than you may think as you look back in your own life. Let me ask you if you found that the Bible is no longer alive to you as prayer no longer a regular part of your life if you gotten to a point is a Christian when you can remember the last time you actually engage someone in a conversation about Christ as your church attendance become more erratic. You see, we want to be more comfortable that we want to be available I would become like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son, remember that story will know the first part that boy that came to his dad that I want my portion of the inheritance. Now in the father gave it to them. The boy went to a distant country and blew all of his money. He was with hookers. He was partying he was drinking. He did everything he wanted to do and he lost all of his money and the losses reputation in the drug. The family name for the mud and one day the boy came to his senses and decided to go home mean mother's old dad this and this boy longing for his return when he's on his son coming back down that road to their home.

The father got up and ran to his son through his arms around him kiss a boy over and over again.

The father was ecstatic with joy, but not the older brother and older brother was angry just like Jonah in a way there's two prodigal's in the store. The prodigal who ran away the prodigal who never left home and here's how the story goes with 15 verse 20 it all just read it to you and this is from a paraphrase. The older brother stopped off in an angry sultan refused to join in the celebration for his brother. His father came out and said son, what are you doing with the boy would listen the sense of look many years. I think you're serving you.

Never give anyone a moment of grief, but if you ever thrown a party for me and my friend then this son of yours is thrown away your money on a horse shows up and you go all out with the fees. His father said son you don't understand you're with me all the time. Everything that is mine is yours.

But this is a wonderful time we had to celebrate this brother of yours was dead and is alive. He was lost in the spell know what was a story all about. While Jesus was getting criticized by the Pharisees for hanging around with sinners because he would actually sit down and eat with them in another world and talk with them in the center and the Pharisees were angry about this. Joey tells a story will guess who's who in this story. The prodigal represents a sinners. The older brothers represented by those Pharisees see your like those guys. Jesus is saying. So now let's bring it home to us. Are we more concerned with our comfort than the transformation of another person are we more concerned with what pleases someone can change the life of another.

Let me ask you a question. How many of you plan on attending the harvest Crusade, raise your hand you plan on attending. How many of you plan on attending with a nonbeliever with you raise your hand getting good but not as many of you raise your hand. The wireless have you run out of nonbelievers to invite you don't know any nonbelievers.

If that's the case you need to get out more.

But I think that everyone should bring someone with them that there's not no the Lord, but I noticed on all of you raise your hand. Which means on all of you are coming to the Crusade and maybe there's a reason.

Maybe you have a previous commitment. Maybe you're on vacation.

Or maybe you just want to go this year. It's a what I've gone before I went last year and and I don't if I want to go this year and you know and and I like the music two years ago. More than this year yeah but see is out more about you now that's more about your comfort then sold it needs to be say well I don't like to fight the crowds. Trust me, I understand that I don't like big crowds either but is it worth it to see a person come to faith. Well, it's not my style of music so it somebody style of music that would relate to it. Someone who doesn't yet know the Lord, you can put your plugs and if you want. It's not about you it's about their the souls of people, by the way, in this story. This chapter John 15 where the story of the prodigal son is found Jesus make this point a number of times so there is joy in the presence of the Angels over one sinner that comes to repentance any preference uprising.

Likewise, meaning here's what I'm trying to actually say the story of a woman lost the coin a shepherd allows the sheep a father who lost a son and his point that he brings back more than one says so. Likewise, I say there is joy in heaven over one sinner chatted. Every time a person believes in Jesus on earth is a party and have which means that ongoing part notice it doesn't say whatever 100 people or more believe there is rejoicing in heaven what it sets one sinner is enough to make Kevin break out in applause and it's pretty amazing. I member the harvest Crusade.

I did only days after our son went to heaven. Some people wondered if I would even do it. But as far as I was concerned what else could I do it was the only thing I could do. It was a thing I should do as I knew my son was in heaven and I wanted others to join him and I'll tell you it was the hardest time of my life, but God came near to meet and it's almost like heaven open for me in a way, as I saw people come to Christ in 2008. It's almost as though I could hear the applause of heaven. I don't mean literally of course, but I understood it better.

What would happen to you or me. If God were to open up a portal and give us a glimpse of the other side. If we could see heaven. Here we can see our loved ones. There compliment happily enjoying the presence of God in all the joys that await us.

How will that impact is one of God opened up a portal or a window to hell and you could see that how frightening that would be how scary would be to think I know people that could end up in this ways to my point is this need to get beyond our comfort.

We start thinking of the souls of people so the Lord sent a were indeed shown his plan or gourd. So Jonah was literally out of his gourd here in the wind blows on him and the sons beating on it is never any sunscreen.

He says I'd rather just die got it for thousands of lives in Jonah Mr. Shea heaven rejoices when a sinner believes and so should we want to hear an amazing statistic between 80 to 90% of the people what the gospel shared with them ^ from a person was known the Lord for two years or less. Limb repeat that again between 80 to 90% of people what the gospel shared with them ^ from a person who is known the Lord for two years or less. Why is it interesting because nonbelievers seem to get it and are choosing new believers seem to get a better than older believers.

My daughter-in-law Brittany Jonathan's wife went to LA yesterday to the Fred Jordan mission which is led by my aunt Willie Jordan and they are right there and scared Rowan, the share the gospel with people and feed them and clothe them throughout the year and so grew from our church went often they were giving up bottled waters and invitations to folks to come to a meal and then there's a gospel presentation and Freddie told Lisa when she was going up in the bus and talking with folks, many of whom she'd never seen before from our church.

She has them. You know how long they'd known the Lord where they come from. She said almost every one of them is that I just came to Christ.

I came to Christ a month ago I came to Christ. Just the other day and and I'm thinking this bus is filled with new converts reaching out to hurting people was the older converts were the people that are normal Lord for 20, 30 years.

Why are they there that we begin become more concerned with our comfort than the souls of people. If so, we need to ask God to change the heart… Not be too hard and will Jonah because he did put chapter 4 in and I think the best thing about chapter 4 is he gave God the last word luggage on a four verse 10 and the Lord said to Jonah you feel sorry about plans though you had nothing to do with putting it there in a plan is only up as short-lived, but Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals should not feel sorry for such a great city was in the best we all of them.

Nineveh were called to by that I mean someplace, something that we need to do someplace we need to go through to something we need to do your Nineveh doesn't have to be far away like Jonas was your Nineveh may be across the street. Basically, your Nineveh is a place for God is called you to go a place where popularity does not matter a place where faithfulness to the will of God is all that matters. Finally, a place that leads to a blessing beyond your wildest dream which your Nineveh what is God told you to do are you doing it. One of the greatest revivals in human history started with a man, a man who initially ran from God, but ultimately came to his senses and this man did what was uncomfortable he put it all on the line and God blessed them, here's my question to you. Will you be that man you be that woman. We've all been called like Jonah to go to go and preach the gospel. The question is are we doing it. God want you to so we need to think about this great opportunity just around the corner. But listen, don't wait for the crusade often hear the stories of people who will say that I was inviting people to the crusade that led to a conversation and I let him into the Lord, you can't do that, though of course you could do that. That's all I did see that flyer that you give out that invitation you accent that just becomes a way to get the conversation rolling like to invite you to this event. What is this event will ask you what it is needs on wine and then you get no conversation the other works. That's a good thing, but because I can force you to do it is given your free will.

My question is will you go to close now with prayer and Domino extend an invitation today but it's not the typical limitation as you know, I often invite people to Christ at the end of the service. I'm not going to do that today if you brought a nonbeliever you lead him to the Lord. After the service.

Here's the invitation I'm extending today. This is an invitation to respond to the call of God to do what you're supposed to do what you share the gospel. Jesus said the harvest is great, but the laborers are few.

Then he said pray that the Lord of harvest of the harvest would send forth more laborers into the harvest so he told us to pray, he told us the problem of the challenge the opportunity that he told us a solution. Big opportunities, not enough people doing so what am I supposed to do, pray at the Lord of the harvest would send forth in the word sent word means thrust him forward that he would thrust forward. More laborers to the harvest. Older believers I'm talking to you, especially because I think the number of younger believers seem to get it already. I think the older believers. They need a wake-up call. So in this prayer, to give you an opportunity to make a commitment. I don't want you to make this commitment. If you don't mean it. I'll tell you why because you're effectively making commitment to God to do something, to tell you if you say the Lord all do this is going to take you up on. And sooner than later, which I think is exciting, but don't say this of you don't mean it.

There's no one to impress her neck and walked on the aisle. This could be between you and the Lord. But if you need to make this commitment make it now top pray the father referred to word we purge a command to us to go on all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature or Lord, you told us to pray that you, the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers. So I pray in this group. Every one of us here, listening, watching you would find in this group. Men and women who would say, here I am sending our heads about either closer praying.

If you want to be that man of that woman that would go proclaim the gospel. Maybe you've done this before, but if you want to continue to be that person them and ask you to stand your feet if you're the person who is never done this before. Want to start doing it. I would ask you to stand your feet.

But as you stand. Here's what you're doing. You're saying here I am Lord, send me a go or you want me to go I'll say what you want me to say I'll do what you want me to do I don't do this if you don't really want to do it but if you do you watch with the Lord will do through you, so you stand up to pray together stand up if you want to make this commitment.

I will be doing a prayer, a simple prayer that will be heard in heaven by the Lord knew what.

He also's last moment you're willing to be that man that woman, all right all of you that are standing watch of the pray this prayer out loud after me. Here I am Lord, send me I'll go you want me to go I'll say what you want me to say open doors for me. Give me a boldness like I've never had before. Give me compassion for those that do not know you use me to bring others to you.

I want to be a soul winner. Here I am Lord, send me a file you've heard these prayers. I pray you bless every one of them and I for your use him and I pray that you will work through them in a powerful way. So Lord, thank you for these commitments that have been made today and Lord send revival to America and blesses time of giving dollars we invest in your kingdom. We ask all of this in Jesus name, amen