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SM151206/What in the World is Going On? #World War III?

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
December 10, 2015 4:12 pm

SM151206/What in the World is Going On? #World War III?

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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December 10, 2015 4:12 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partners, please visit us or that is the cry of our heart. Even so, Lord Jesus, we look at this crazy upside down violent world and how we need you to return how we need a spiritual awakening in our country, how we need God the Lord. We understand that is your followers here and I pray more people will understand it really soon so we commit this time a Bible study right now to you and I see you will help us get a biblical perspective on all that is happening around us.

Speak to assume your word, we would ask in Jesus name, amen. Well, good morning to everybody good to see you all. Let's grab our Bibles as we always do and let's turn to first Thessalonians chapter 5 first Thessalonians chapter 5 the title of my messages. What in the world is happening hashtag World War III? I'll explain that in a moment. I think it's pretty safe to assume friends that we are living in the last day. How many of you believe that razor handout guy believe it to all around us right now are signs of the times that is coming is near, even at the door in the book of Revelation we read the of the world.

In the end times in the world and our people are world of violence. A world of crime, a world of terrorism, disco, horrible world and Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so also shall it be when the Son of Man returns and if you recall, one of the characteristics sins of Noah's time was extreme violence, and it was so bad that God said I'm sorry I even made man.

We were all horrified by the terrorist attack in Paris killing 130 people but notice come to our doorstep in America and it's come to our community. San Bernardino has experienced the largest terrorist attack since 911, just 9 miles from our door terrorists i.e. Farouk Tosh being maleic killed 14 people. Another 21 wounded San Bernardino law enforcement responded quickly and efficiently and kill these two wicked people. It said that she may have actually radicalized sighing, we've never faced the terrorist group like Isis before amending Sebastian Gorka is an expert on ices. He worked very closely with the government and he made the following statements. He proposes that ices is far more dangerous than Al Qaeda.

You remember Al Qaeda of course was responsible for bringing down the twin towers of World Trade Center.

He said ices is the richest group of its type in human history the of the equivalent in cash of 1600 9/11. He describes her ability to recruit is mine boggling there protruded 19,000 foreign fighters in the last nine months alone and this is done through social media, a CNN report pointed out like quote Isis as the most sophisticated propaganda machine of any terrorist organization of global communication strategy that is stumped counterterrorism officials while making significant inroads among US sympathizers." Another article pointed out the digital age is all terrorist do a better job of not only recruiting members but inspiring sympathizers to carry out attacks on their own. There thinking globally, but there acting locally. So what this means is people largely young are being radicalized through social media. They leave no digital footprint. It's not necessary for them to travel to somewhere in the Middle East where they could be radicalized or train it can happen right here because they use encrypted technologies that hinder the ability of authorities to intercept and analyze the information, thus they go to a dedicated link learn how to engage in a terrorist attack, and this is something we have never seen before.

In fact, this would even be possible 10 years ago and Francis is a sign of the time and if that wasn't bad enough. Isis is pursuing chemical weapons and set up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere Australian intelligence just more that ices has enough material to build a weapon of mass destruction. The season of radioactive material to build a dirty bomb and we were releasing their viciousness on display as they behead people and for limited posted in sophisticated videos online or they crucified people or they murder children. I guess Isis is in the JV team anymore. Maybe Al Qaeda is the JV team in comparison. What is the objective of Isis and what is the object of a radical Islam. It's very simple. They stated it openly.

They want to produce a global caliphate now radical Islam has their own version of the end times, it somewhat mirrors ours but is quite different date to believe in the return of the Messiah, but they call their Messiah somebody and that they also believe that Jesus will come back with more and more of a supporting role to the Mahdi and they believe the way to prepare the ground for the return of their Messiah is to create an apocalyptic situation of chaos and bloodshed and terrorism, and that is why they continue on with this agenda the way more than half or more of Muslims believe they will see the return of the Mahdi is my friend Joel Rosenberg's written quote the way to serve Mahdi is to annihilate Judeo-Christian civilization, and in doing so establish God's kingdom on earth, known as the caliphate so they do this to G.I. and they want to establish a real law. Sharia law basically is a rule by the Koran, which is the Bible of Islam the religion to do this to conquest or infiltration if the alum of Islam a vacation of the West and again as I said, it's a global caliphate while they're at war with themselves as well is to main branches of Islam that exist today. Sunni and Shiite Sunnis comprise about 90% of Muslims in sheer makeup of the remaining population.

Isis is Sunni, Iran is a majority of senior Muslims and listen to this.

Isis is dangerous.

Iran is even more dangerous to Iran is taking a longer view to accomplish their objectives and thus are developing nuclear weapons. And they are preparing for what they will do next and they stated that very clearly. They want to annihilate Israel and the United States. You know you don't have a good negotiating partner when they going to get together regularly and shed death to America is not a clue, then maybe they don't like us, and yet we've entered into this agreement with them and were going to release billions of dollars to them. This is unbelievable. This is why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to defeat Isis and not disarm Iran is to win the battle and lose the war. Listen, Iran makes no secret of their desire to destroy Israel weapons to be our ally. In fact, Iran supreme leader said tweeted as a matter of fact, Israel must be annihilated. I wonder what he means by that. Maybe he's just plainly stating his views. One of Iran's leaders says the destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic revolution in Iran. One of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime.

We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel at Gen. Ayatollah Saul e.g., commander-in-chief of the Iranian Army said the Army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel for going all met Greg I did not come to church to hear this kind of thing I was worried, and I'm really worried.

I came to church today to hear a message of hope, a message of perspective.

Okay, I've got one of those for you right now listen, God is in control. God is in control now I have to warn you the daily news does not agree with the statement I just made that they put on a cover story with these words, God isn't fixing this thing to say and you know why they wrote this article because different people were tweeting that they were praying for the families of the victims in San Bernardino so their responses. God isn't fixing this is a true actually.

He has fixed it and he will fix it is a no politician is going to fix it on it is not going to fix it. God will ultimately fix it when Christ returns and establishes his kingdom on earth, and that is our hope that we just thing about leasing. Even so, Lord Jesus, that's exactly what we were talking about and get this is happening when Christmas were remembering the message of the Angels of the shepherds 2000 years ago when they said glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth among men. That is a bit of a hollow ring, doesn't it. Where is it peace on earth, all I see is violence and Bay human war with the second we need. What are some of the Angels were actually saying a better translation clears us up would be better translated. Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth among men with whom God is well pleased to.

The reason we have all of these things happening today because man is living in sin. Why is this happening as though it fits God's call man is doing almost all of the things that we see happening today because of the sinfulness. One day it will be rectified. One day there will be peace on earth of the day is not here yet but our job descriptions. In the meantime, this didn't introduce people to the Prince of peace. But know this, everything is going according to plan God's plan.

This is what's amazing the things are seen happening today were foretold, hundreds of years ago by the Hebrew prophets annihilated out quite totally for us what we are facing a what is coming. So let's pull the camera back. Don't try to get the big picture here of what is going on in the world. The prophet Ezekiel was told to go to a valley of dry bones.

Essentially a graveyard. God said priest of the Valley.

God spoke to some dead audiences, but that would take the cake for sure.

By the way, that's it for services like their unbelievable noncheck in achieving children who are you, I would do for service once noted seriously is called the priest to a valley of dry bones and this is what the Lord says God as Ezekiel a question, can these bones live then in the story the bones come together/returns of the bones and they come alive in Ezekiel 37, 11 to 12 God says son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, our bones are dry. Our hope is lost, we ourselves are cut off. Then God says prophesy to them and say that says the Lord will by people all open your graves, and cause you to come out of your graves and bring you to the land of Israel very specific prophecy there. In Ezekiel 37 God is saying that Israel will be scattered to the four corners of the earth.

Then he says is a sign of the end times, and by the way, that's emphasized many times there in Ezekiel 37. This will be in the latter days of the last days of the end times that they'll be regathered together as a nation and that that will be ultimately isolated from the rest of the world and that's exactly what were watching happened around this now is dry bones came together amazingly, after the Holocaust.

Who would've thought the nation Israel would be born in the aftermath of 6 million Jewish people being put to death by the Nazis. But there was really a cause-and-effect.

There, in a way, as horrible as the Holocaust was many Jews realize a bargain is survived as a people we need to return to our homeland and learn to fend for ourselves and that's exactly what they did and against all odds on May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation again. The prophetic time clock started ticking of the dry bones rely again is really prime minister, David Ben-Gurion stated in 1950. Quote Ezekiel 37 is been fulfilled in the nation Israel is generally the footsteps of the Messiah" in the existing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on January 27, 2010 on Holocaust remembrance Day and Auschwitz: these words we return to the homeland from every corner of the earth. The Jewish people rose from*dry bones became covered with flesh a spirit filled them and they lived and they stood on their own. As Ezekiel prophesied and then the Prime Minister went on to quote Ezekiel 37.

This is all taken place they were scattered they been regathered there.

There is a nation there isolated from the world and listen to this.

They are the epicenter of end times of the anytime you see the word Israel or Jerusalem pop up in your news stories pay careful attention and it's amazing because Israel such a small little country of a population of 8 million, about the size of New Jersey. Listen to this you can for 32 Israel in the state of Texas. That's how small they are. Why is there so much interest.

While these disputes, while this concern over this tiny little sliver of land in the Middle East. Answer Israel is the eye of the hurricane of the great events of the last days she occupies center stage in God's trauma of the ages she and other players are behind the prophetic curtain, so to speak. It either marks and soon the curtain will be drawn in the final chain of events will transpire. This is all foretold hundreds of years ago by the Hebrew prophets and it's happening before our very eyes in God's promised a blessing on those that bless Israel and the Jewish people and his promise to curse on those that oppose them. God said to Abraham and his descendents. In Genesis 12.

Three I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you look at the aspirin of human history that all the nations dared to oppose the Jewish people or try to wipe them out the great kingdoms of the world like Egypt and Assyria and Babylon.

In more recent times, Germany, and soon.

I believe I ran and maybe even Russia and there in the Israel of this tiny little city that the focus of so much attention called Jerusalem that ironically means city of peace get more battles have been thought of the gates of Jerusalem and any other city on the face of the earth, and she's been attacked again and again. But there she is at the very epicenter and God says that the final offense of mankind will happen in the Middle East and the happened around Jerusalem look 2120 Jesus is when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies know that the time of its destruction is arrived. Zechariah trophy. I'll make Jerusalem and Judah like an intoxicating drink to all the nearby nations that send their armies to proceed Jerusalem on that they'll make Jerusalem a heavy stone, a burden for the world. Yet, Iran says, working to destroy Israel from going to take over Jerusalem. Again were going to drive the Jewish people into the sea.

Why do they care about Jerusalem because in Jerusalem is a spot known as the Temple Mount. There the temple mount somewhere below are the ruins of the first and second Temple that the Jews had to worship God. That is not been rebuilt, but will be rebuilt in the future by the antichrist at another message for another time, but also on that Temple Mount is something called the dome of the rock and they believe that is the place were Mohammed ascended towards one of the holy places of this law and God. They want that back and it enrages them at the Jews have control of it.

Okay, so we talked a little bit about Ezekiel 37: think about the chapter that follows. Ezekiel 38, which tells us that after Israel is gathered together in her land and is isolated from the nations of the world, a large force from her North will attacker now if you take on a map look to the north of Israel. You'll find the nation of Russia and it's interesting to consider that this course coming against Israel identified as God in the land of Magog has allies with her one of those allies is Persia is Persia.

I ran back I ran was called Persia until 1935.

That's when they change their name.

You'll even need books for my rent today double identify themselves still is Persia, so one of the Aliza marches with God against Israel is I rent out is wrong. Russia I think you can make a good case for I don't think you could say absolutely hundred percent but you can make a very good case for it, but I think you can pretty safely say that Persia is Persia and here's an interesting development that's happened just really in the last few months we we have an alliance that is formed between Russia and Iran that did not previously exist. This was predicted 2500 years ago and now this alliance is, together. Now it's all done in the name of defending Syria because Russia has stepped in to prop up the Asad regime in Iran is stepped in with them. So now we have what could be described as a nightmare scenario a military powerhouse with a massive nuclear arsenal. Russia aligning yourself with Islamic terrorists were hostile to America and Israel. There are now 2000 Iranian and Iranian backed fighters in Syria backed by Russian airpower. We listen to some of these headlines that are only two weeks old actual guidelines headline number one Russian ground troops arrive in Syria and unprecedented military action headline number two first Iranian fighter jets over Syria alongside Russian bombers headline number three I ran guard simulates capture of the Temple Mount from Israeli control. The go to training exercises to take over the temple mount. Here's a question what would happen if Israel struck Iran's nuclear reactors. As you realize that America is not coming to her rescue and so Ferrone existence. She says you know we executed take his word seriously last time someone said they wanted to eradicate us.

They really tried hard.

That would be the Nazis and now here's this regime potentially with nuclear weapons saying the same thing. So let's say they struck the nuclear reactor now here's what's interesting.

The Bible tells us that Gog and Magog are pulled in to Israel with the hope in her job that would imply they don't necessarily want to go but they have to go if Russia and Iran stand together as allies and around were attacked in this manner would Russia be forced to step in to defend her ally. I don't know her own stuff. I'm not guaranteeing that Ezekiel 37 and 38 is connected happen in real time because of the events happening right now. Nora my St. Ezekiel 37 and 38 could not happen as a result of events that are happening right now we don't know but we know this much. It's all going to happen exactly as got a set why did I subtitled this hashtag World War III because I was trending on twitter just the other day. Could this lead to something like that. Every time we turn around there's another terrorist attack.

There is another catastrophic event. There's another development in the Middle East and I know some of you think it'll give me a break.

Craig really you been preaching this for 40 years and you're still talking about this stuff and we've always said our people. We've always said conflicts in the Middle East. We've always said violence.

I don't dispute that I want you to notice one thing is to be that these things would come in cycles of baby want to hear or twice a year or once every two years than once a month. Then once a week. Now it seems almost daily.

There's something you and here's my point. Jesus said that these things will happen closely together. The Bible compares this to a woman in labor is her labor pains get closer together.

She's going to have the child and of the same way as we see these events happening more often and closer together.

Jesus says you know that my coming is there. So what did Jesus say we should do. He said when you see these things begin to happen freak out right now is that when you see these things begin to happen. Do what look up that's right for your redemption is drawing near.

Here's a question.

What should we be doing in light of all of this. How should we be living. I think we need an eternal perspective. I think we see the need to see the big picture and there are certain things the Bible tells us we should do as Christians living in the last days that I believe will rent so that brings us to our text, that was the introduction of the way little long. First Thessalonians 5 turn over there with me if you would now you're probably there three verses to the eight together know quite well that the date of the larger terminal come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night when people are safe. Everything is peaceful and secure. Then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman's labor pains of the be no escape. So light of that, here's what we ought to be doing this person starts with therefore, whenever you read the word therefore the Bible find out what it's therefore it's always drawing upon what is been previously said, supposing the Lord is coming back soon. He's coming back suddenly. Therefore, what should we do verse six. Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us want to be sober for those who sleep, sleep at night, those who get drunk and drunk at the time that those were of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and is a home with the hope of salvation. There listen the teaching of Christ return is a real litmus test of where you are spiritually only deal with the topic like this of your heart leaps a little bit.

You're kind of excited and you look forward to this. I would say to me you're walking with the Lord is you want to bet there's a sense of dread or a sense of fear carrying a message like this that would indicate to me. Maybe you're not walking with the Lord as you want to and I'll tell you how to get right with God. In a few moments. At the end of this message, but it if your life is right will be able to say with the apostle John. Even so, Lord Jesus, so what we do do according to what Paul just wrote three things we need to wake up. We need to sober up and we need to suit up its break those down number one we need to wake up verse six says let us not sleep as others do the Encyclopaedia Britannica Way. Let me first explain what an encyclopedia is that's a book which was part of a set of dutifully bound books usually that you would purchase. I had is that many years ago and there would be information and history of suds and they would update the encyclopedias every year or every few years or so well now we just Google stuff right or go to Wikipedia, which we think is always reliable when it isn't, but because people can just jump in there and say whatever they want, but to the point, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, this ancient book defined sleep this way and I quote, it's a state of inactivity with a loss of consciousness and a decrease and responsiveness to events taking place that's good description of years ago I was asked to go speak in Australia. My schedule is very tight so I decided that I was gonna fly in speak on the day I arrived and leave the next day know it's a 14 hour flight to Australia at the long flight so we got in the car and we were driving to where I was going to speak of this media was doing a radio interview right after I got up the plane, which was really stupid but as I was so exhausted I was so jetlagged and and as at evening service came. I was just going to almost a state of delirium from jet lag and so I had my notes and message prepared and I said to John Collins was with the John get me a triple espresso and give it to me right before I go up, so there was the triple espresso I drink it. I walked up and as I began to speak. I was the link I was hallucinating. I was having almost an out of body experience. A combination of severe jetlagged with too much espresso and and as I'm looking at my notes and I'm saying these words are not making sense to me. It makes no sense. Like I think I'm in a start ad-libbing it know and then I said to myself, these words Greg you were in your right mind when you wrote the notes just say what the notes say I was in a state of delirium.

I was in the state of severe sleep deprivation is using should have been on the mind. Horrible things are so meant just fell over. You is is headphones. Here's the thing when you're in a state of sleep.

Or we can his jet lag is the illustration you're not thinking straight. It's almost as though you're a little bit stronger when you're starting to fade out. You know you maybe are watching television and all of a sudden you're watching them. Their words make no sense. You're right on the brink of sleep. There are people in the church like that today. You sit here you listen to the words I might as well stay in appearance, a blah blah blah blah blah okay I did my church time off I go. Instead of walking in the spirit you're sleepwalking. By the way this can be little you can fall asleep in church and I do know when you do that I'm in my eyesight is really good for a guy of the age of 40+ a few more years but I can pretty much see all of you interview not off.

I know you're not enough and I'm not buying the whole and in prayer deal. I know so you can literally fall asleep in church within another wake, you could be asleep spiritually just sort of sleep walking through life.

I don't know about you but I often get really sleepy after a big meal right Thanksgiving you know we get all that turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy in collard greens. Maybe your green beans, and then we have pumpkin pie and then we go into a food coma right. Everyone is asleep and then we wake up was a well let's have some turkey sandwiches. Don't want to be good stewards of the turkey right so a big meal makes a sleepy, sometimes some of the best that Christians are the most spiritually asleep. You know your Bible study after Bible study. You become more of a sermon connoisseur, then a Fisher of men. And you just acquire information and you acquire knowledge which need to be doing something with it. You need to wake up and be ready for the Lord's return wake up and be ready remove your little kid so hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve, excitement all you get the person I wanted you searched everywhere for it made you believe in Santa Claus so many of you still believe in some great you know there's things they say there's four phases. The life of told you before phase number one you believe in Santa Claus phase number two you don't believe in Santa Claus phase number three you become Santa Claus in the number four. You look like Santa Claus so I'm somewhere between three and four babies saw the lien for at this point but you know you maybe believe that good old St. Nick.

Though he was morbidly obese with somehow managed to get down your chimney why Rudolph and the reindeer were waiting up in the sleigh up on top and and so you put cookies out and you came in the morning of the cookies were gone and it was so exciting.

But then you woke up one night you thought dad in his PJs eat your cookies. It was disillusioning.

My point is there was an excitement all Christmas morning is coming.

I can hardly wait. That is how we are to be as we await the coming of the Lord like little children awaiting the return of Christ, joyful it's happy it's good it's a hopeful way to live. So we need to wake up number two sober up so reversing those were of the day be sober. Those were drunk are drunk at night. Now here's the obvious interpretation don't get drunk. Some people Mrs. you know they think it's okay to come under the influence of alcohol or come under the influence of drugs. Listen, I don't want to be under the influence of anyone or anything, but Jesus Christ, we need to be sober and clear thinking the Bible some of the don't believe that I agree we are sorry to be sober. What is it mean to be sober and need to be clear minded. The Bible says don't be drunk with wine mourners success but be filled with the Holy Spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, don't be under the influence of the spirits be under the control of the spirit so sober.

But listen, there's other things you can be under the influence of besides alcohol and drugs.

Jesus said in Luke 2134. Speaking of the end times. He said, take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing and drunkenness. Listen to this and the chairs of this why in the day would come upon you unexpectedly. The cares of this life.

She is not always simple things that can just be well think this stuff were engaged in. You know we have to make a living. We have responsibilities. We have things that tend to we have hobbies we have activities. There's nothing wrong with that. Something wrong. The work hardened make a good living and enjoy what God has blessed you with Bible even says he is given us all these things richly to enjoy. So enjoy it.

Don't become obsessed with it.

Don't become so distracted by these things that you forget God in your heart is weighed down with the cares of this life.

You are to wake up you artists sober up and lastly you artist Sudha set up a diverse egg put on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation is talks about a soldier getting ready for battle. The pictures of a Roman soldier putting on his breastplate getting the shield out getting the sword ready and sharp on the envelope strapping on his helmet. Be ready for battle and we aren't about the moment you put your faith in Jesus Christ. You entered in to the spiritual battle. So just have a choice now you're the good to be defeated or victorious on the battlefield. You're the guy gain ground or lose ground. That's why Paul said in Ephesians explode on the whole armor of God, that you may build up a fight in the evil day, so we need to not just hold the ground we have. Let's go after new ground. She at times like this with all the fear in the year and all the things going on, we might want to kind of recoil, and I don't know I only want to go outside. He then and I'm just going to like stay inside with Netflix and drink hot cocoa like teddy bear it no no wake up sober up soon. You're a follower of Jesus Christ. There's work to be done. There's people to be one of the gospel. That's why want to move forward. I don't want to just hold ground listen and harvest. I mentioned we been XL years.

That's great, isn't it.

But I was then and this is now, I don't live in the past. I wanted to what is simple for me and take new ground for the kingdom of God as long as I have breath that's over going to AT&T Stadium next year. That's a bold move by the way that crazy Stadium seats upwards of 100,000 people while we doing that because rinsing. No, really.

Maybe a little of that because we think hey let's go for that's over going to do. Let's do it because, listen. America needs to hear the gospel in America needs God, and that's our job as a church listen. Every nation has a life beginning middle and end. Many nations have lasted for many years with the United States of America is going to have a middle and an end. We don't know what were, but we would be fools to think that our great nation is wonderful as it is with a heritage that we built upon could not face the judgment of God, you know, God warned Israel over and over again. Don't turn to these items are all in another nation overtake you. He warned him he warned him they ignored him they ignored him and one day the Babylonians marched in and took the Jewish people as captives to Babylon for 70 long here.

You don't think the same could happen to America you don't think that an enemy can come to our shores and overtake us. Think again. Listen to this.

America is not found in the last days scenario one of their divine Israel. You can find Iran, possibly you can find Russia perhaps even China, but there is no mention of the greatest superpower on the face of the earth at the moment, the United States of America, where are we, that's another message for another day. But this very quickly. Maybe were just destroyed in a war that we lose option number two.

Maybe we just sort of collapsed economically and militarily, morally and fall in line with the nations of the antichrist be supported by those 10 nations, or maybe we have a spiritual awakening and so many Americans come to Jesus Christ. When the rapture happens. Good portion of our country is in heaven.

I don't know how to get out. I don't know what we need to be praying for revival.

I believe our country has two choices before us.

One is judgment.

The other is revival. We need to pray that America turns back to God. You know, the greatest revival in human history happen in the city of Nineveh and you want to talk about a wicked place.

Nineveh was renowned for their wickedness, and yet they repented the preaching of Jonah and turn to God and God spared them and we can see a revival here.

If we pray for what we need to do. Number one, we need to wake up number two.

We need to sober up. Number three. We need to suit let me close with a parallel set of verses from Romans 13, don't turn there are just reading to you. This is from the Phillips expanded translation.

While the stress on behavior because as I think you realize the present time is of the highest importance, it's time to wake up to reality every day brings God's salvation closer. The night is nearly over the D is almost on. Therefore let us flee away the things that men do in the dark. Let us arm ourselves of the find of the day understood cleanly as in the daylight, running, getting drunk or in plain was sex running for leaner jealousies.

Let us be Christ men from head to foot and give no chances for the flesh to have its fling.

I love the translation God wants you to be his man from head to foot. He wants you to be his woman from head to foot the time of playing games with sin is over. The time to get right with God is here, Jesus is coming for those who are watching and waiting when Jesus came back tonight. Would you be ready.

The Bible says that will be caught up to meet the Lord in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. That's at the second coming. By the way that's often called the rapture the second coming is at the end of the tribulation.

So that's in our future. That's when Christ comes back to judge the world and establish his kingdom. But before that, Jesus said that he will come for his church before he comes with his church.

At the second coming of come for his church. This moral will put on immortality will be caught up to meet the Lord in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

The Bible says. What if that event were to happen today or tonight. Would you be one of the ones would be caught up to heaven or would you be one of the ones who would be left listen the Lord could come back at any moment. There is no prediction in Scripture that stands in the way of the return of Christ for his church. It could happen at any moment for maybe 10 years from now maybe 20 years from now may not be in my lifetime and maybe 10 hours are now for maybe 10 minutes or no God knows all I know is I need to watch and then listen to this. We never know when death could come we don't know that our life could not in those people attacked by those horrible terrorists who lost their lives.

How could they have known such a thing would happen when they went to a Christmas party that day.

But for those who put their faith in Christ. We know even if death comes unexpectedly will go immediately into the presence of the Lord and ask you, are you sure you go to heaven when you die you know that the certainty you see need to be born again. Jesus said what is that mean to me and you need to have a spiritual rebirth you have to say Jesus, I'm sorry for my sin. Then I ask you to come in my life and be my Savior and Lord.

I I choose to follow you if you done that yet.

Are you sure you're ready to meet God. If not, I want to give you an opportunity to get right with him right now in a close in a moment in prayer. Nominal invite you to say yes to Jesus that article and that newspaper said God won't fix this really God did fix it 2000 years ago Jesus Christ was born in the manger of Bethlehem that he lived a perfect life and died in a Roman cross at the age of 33 and suffered for our sins, then he rose again from the dead three days later and he is here and he is alive friend. He's coming back but he wants to come in your heart right now the beer Savior and Lord. He says he stands at the door of our lives in the Knox interval. Hear his voice and open the door he will come in so as we pray.

If you've never asked Jesus to come in your life.

Do it right now and if you have been sort of living a compromise line doing some of those things that we read about that you should not be doing, getting drunk, playing was sex being taken over with the cares of this life. Maybe some of you need to make a recommitment to Christ you're a bit like a mug while in order mug lump is don't you someone who sits on the fence and their mothers unwanted and their whump is on the other.

Time to get off the fence. It's time to wake up sober up suit up. You need to get right with God. Here's an opportunity to do a little pray father now.

I pray that your Holy Spirit will work the heart of every person here every person listening every person watching help them to see their need for Jesus and help them to come to you now what has about in her eyes are closed or praying together. How many of you would say right now.

Greg, I need Jesus Christ in my life. I want to go to heaven when I die, I want my sin forgiven. I want to be ready for his return. I want Jesus right out that your desire. If you want Jesus to come in your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die wherever you're sitting I want you to raise your hand up under the pray for you raise your hand a pirate and see if the bus you see your hands. God bless each one of you raise your hand. Some of your watching the screen.

I can't see her again. That doesn't matter. God sees take this little step of faith and say yes I want Jesus Christ right now razor again wherever you are, wherever you are the bless each one of anybody else you want is forgiveness you want him in your life.

Raise your hand when we pray for you the boss what I had just about there might be a few more that was a man I've been that consider that mugwumps that's me trying to live in two worlds and I'm just sick of it.

I want to get right with God. I need to make a recommitment to Kim pray for me that your need. If you want to come back to Jesus Christ. Raise your hand up and let me pray for you right need to come back to Jesus Christ. Raise your hand, bless anybody else, bless you publish each one of you now. Father I pray you will give these that have taken this first step. The strength to take the next point that they will get right with you that they will follow you, we commit them to you now in Jesus name, amen