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Handling Hardship and Difficult People

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
July 19, 2019 7:49 pm

Handling Hardship and Difficult People

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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July 19, 2019 7:49 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us The title of my message is I hate squirrels and seagulls not really what it could be and I'll tell you why, because I do hate squirrels and seagulls that I really have not had an issue with girls for most of my life.

Until recently, when I put a little birdfeeder in our backyard and the birds were enjoined and that the squirrels decided it was theirs to this girl Climbing on it and it kept falling off the tree and they kept reading it falling out.

The tree finally rolled a few times.

He basically destroyed it and so I googled squirrel proof bird feeders and I felt one and I hung that and I think I know the squirrels there eating the birds. See their very clever and very resourceful after say so then I searched for a special kind of bird feed that birds like you and squirrels say it's supposed to be really spicy, so I up with the bird seed in the thing. I know there's a squirrel hanging upside down eating the spicy see probably enjoy that. I like this little more Tabasco please, you know it if I basically this squirrel is winning, you know, what can I say. It's an ongoing thing by the way, a post a little video of it on Instagram if you want to see what happened, but that so puts seagulls to basically the thing that squirrels and single seven, and is there thieves. They take things that don't belong to them right with summer approaching your gonna head down to the beach. Some of you and lay out your blankets and get your food. Maybe that you brought with you and you better be careful because of your on the water. This seagulls or, worse, squirrels ride in a motel and ride in the coming slip and grab your food. Grab your small little weird dog that some of you have the take things that don't belong to them. That reminds the above story of years ago when we took our oldest son Christopher to see world uses the little guy so we paid the admission price which is not cheap and then we walked in and he saw the dolphins in the pool and he wanted to feed them with her clever there.

You pay money to buy little fish to feed the dolphins so I paid the money and he got the little fish he got one to the dolphin he was bringing up the second out of nowhere Siegel slips out grabs the fish out of his hands flies off. He said I hate those Siegel's dad so we spent a little more time in the park and we set down the lunch and he ordered, as I recall a chicken. I mean, not just a piece of chicken on a good part of a chicken carcass if you will, and e-zine unit out of nowhere, here comes this legal sequence legal Siegel grabs the chicken flies over that I came downward table and so did I thought is in the like cannibalism or something. Is that even right in the bird community so much and set out a tweet and say it's an appropriate pattern you miss the drug-free of it.

Okay. And so then were leaving that he wants to be the dolphins again.

Again I buy some more bears. Again, the Siegel feels that this and finally, as were in the parking lot was the final act of injustice from the seagulls specifically targeted toward Christopher a direct hit right on his jacket. He shook his fist and he said I hate seagulls is a great what does this have to do with a Bible study. Nothing. God bless and goodbye. So here's a real title of my message handling hardship difficult people.

Maybe you felt as though the whole world is against you, or at least seagulls and squirrels are against you, or maybe there've been people that have given you a hard time. How should a Christian react when their attack for what they believe about this one is someone hurts us, should we forgive them even if they don't deserve it I would send our relationship the government be as followers of Jesus Christ.

Do we submit to its authority. No matter what government tells us to do with her's answer to these questions and more in the text before us are reading Romans chapter 12 verses 14 to 21. Let's look at it together. Bless those who persecute you.

Bless and do not curse.

Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. And don't set your mind to hide things but associate with the humble will be wise in your own opinion repay no man evil for evil have regard for good things in the sight of all men, and if it is possible as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men, beloved, don't avenge yourselves rather give place to wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.

Therefore, if your enemy is hungry cleanup to be thirsty, give him a drink for in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head. Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. There powerful words you're taking notes here is point number one we should bless those who are against us, we should bless those who are against us first 14. Bless those who persecute you. We all know people that give us a hard time because of what we believe to be a spouse to be a coworker to be a boss that could be a professor or a teacher in a classroom.

It can be an Internet troll that continues to harass you when you post about what you believe. But make no mistake about it, persecution is alive and well. The pew research Center did an extensive global survey and came to this simple conclusion.

Christians are the most persecuted religion and people in the world.

Nobody even comes close to facing the persecution that followers of Jesus Christ phase globally's article pointed out, this includes discrimination, verbal assault, physical attacks and arrests every single day. Our Christian brothers and sisters supper barbaric treatment and very difficult eliminations. If you're a Christian, like China, North Korea, Russia, India, many Islamic nations people are still hounded, tortured and executed for simply believing in Jesus Christ out some of you might hear this and say well that that's a good enough reason for me to walk away because I didn't sign up for this.

Okay well by but it's also good enough reason for some of you to double down in your commitment and realize that Christian faith is not only worth dying for its worth living for its very important. Second Timothy 312 says all the live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution by the way, that is nobodies life verse that would utilize on what your favorite verse in the Bible, what your life verse of the oh I love Philippians I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me another one might say well I love Jeremiah 2911.

I know the thoughts and I think Georgie says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not to be able to give you a future and a hope. Then another says oh I love the birth all the live godly in Jesus Christ. Her persecution knowingly sold without verse once a claim the promise that statement is not in calligraphy and anybody's living room wall. We'll post that on Pinterest on Instagram with a little sunset behind it that something we wish wasn't there but it is there and it's very true because every follower of Jesus will in time be persecuted in some way shape or form. It might be financial persecution, meaning you don't get that position because of your faith that can be physical persecution. It can be being marginalized, insulted the mocked by others, but it is going to come.

So what should we do when it happens.

Jesus said in Matthew 512.

Happy are the persecuted because the kingdom of God belongs to them.

So when you reviled him persecuted and lied about because you're my followers.

Wonderful be happy about it. Be very glad for a tremendous reward awaits you in heaven. We just had this, make sure your persecuted for the right reasons. Sometimes Christians are persecuted for righteousness sake, but because the radiance they say offensive things. The rib notches there mean they're cranky and and then when someone calls them out of those. They all praise God persecution for righteousness sake, no persecution were just being weird. Okay so get persecuted for the right reason so what should our reaction be to someone who hassles harasses us criticizes the mock size insults us because we believe in Jesus. Verse 14.

Bless those that persecute you. What is that even mean the Greek word for bless your means to speak well of. At the same term from which we get our English word eulogy to eulogize. This is when you're at someone's funeral service and you eulogize which means you say nice things about the about a preacher that was doing the service for a man in wanted to find just the right words bring comfort to the family and so he said here before us. We simply have this shell and he gestured toward the coffin in front of the pulpit and then he went on to say, but the nut is gone even be there to come out that way but actually that's theologically correct, this shell is here with the nut is gone but Thursday when you speak at a funeral service, you'll see complimentary things about the deceased, we would've we told the truth and funerals you know because you've been to funerals and and you're listening to people talk in your thinking is this the same person I you that they've seen to this person.

I would've we got them since person was really a jerk. They were mean they were selfish they were stingy they were hard to deal with not know will say all these nice things about them and maybe some of those things aren't really deserved. That's what Christ is saying this is what Paul is saying hey what some would persecute you eulogize them, bless them say nice things about them in return.

Know that is usually the last thing we want to do without that. The Bible tells us to do. Point number two if you're taking notes weep with those that weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Look at verse 15.

Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those. Let's talk for a moment about what to do when you know someone who's in deep pain. Maybe it's a friend who just found out from the doctor they have cancer, maybe have somebody else and just lost a loved one.

Even a child and you wonder what should I say to them, sometimes let's simplify it by saying less can be more people don't always need a sermon. Believe it or not, it's a project coming from a preacher they don't always need a sermon. Sometimes they just need a friend they need someone to show a little compassion for them and we with those that we you remember the calamities that befell poor old Job, he wakes up one morning he said godly guy. He doesn't know the Lord's been bragging on him in heaven in front of the angels and Lucifer. But all kinds of calamities came on Job one after another. He lost is livelihood. He lost his possessions. He lost his children, and the lost even his help, so his body was covered head to toe in massive boils and then his wife comes along and says whether to just curse God and die. Thank you for those encouraging words. Mrs. Job, why did you die with everybody else while you still here. Yes, so he was really down so you three friends heard about what happened and they showed up in Job chapter 2 verse of the 13th is when they saw Job from a distance they scarcely recognized him and wailing loudly. They tore their robes into dust in the air over their heads and show their grief and they sat on the ground with them for seven days and nights, and no one said a word to him because they saw his suffering was too great for words. That's called weeping with those who we think we always feel like we have to have the answer because were Christians and there's a Bible verse that and maybe there is, but there's a time and place for everything I you you when I was a young pastor. I've been a passerby the way for 45 years. Can you believe it is a long time.

I started when I was five I was very little, very small little pastor that I was cute. No, I started and will really run 1920's when they started preaching, but you should've met me back then when I was like a 21-year-old pastor.

I was awesome. I was skinny I could eat anything and never put on weight. I belong here and I just had a hair which was good and I had the answer to every question, no matter what you said to me Kyler verse for that I had an answer for that. But now with all this time that is best. Since then I realized well I still love versus but I also understand sometimes people don't need to hear any sermon for me it just need someone to show a little compassion. Here's a reality. Sometimes we say things to help people and we can end up hurting people that you know that that's what you have to carefully choose your words just trust me, I've heard it when our son went to be with the Lord by Sunday mentioned who was there at sea world being attacked by seagulls. There's no seagulls in heaven.

I can assure you that they're all going to hell with the squirrels, but I can support that biblically adjust my emotions got the best of me, but when our son went to be with the Lord. 10 years ago.

A lot of people try to say things that would help me and some things help them some things didn't help as much, and I learned a lot about what it was like to be on the receiving end of those things. I was always the guy saying the things know I'm listening to those things and sometimes where were trying to encourage a person we say actually the wrong thing, someone will say to you if you lost the child or your husband or your wife.

Well, there's a reason for everything. What is that even mean that. How is that supposed to help someone, this one well ever said life is fair.


Go away now. Someone actually said this to me we know it, Greg. If it doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger know.

I might kill you.

Okay so I'm stronger talk to you know not really which understand that we throw these trite little sayings on understanding that sometimes you just need someone to say I'm so sorry.

I'm praying for you. Remember when Jesus was preparing to go to the cross he went first to the garden of Gethsemane and their he was in great anguish as he considered what was. Still, I had assure the whipping the crucifixion itself, but I think the most difficult thing Christ had to grapple with was the knowledge that he was getting up to bear all the sin of the world James 14 Susie met the board to Sgt. Mark 14 the Gunther type Mark 14 says he took Peter, James and John with him and he began to be filled with horror and deep distress, and he said my soul is crushed with grief to the point of death mean the meds and this is Jesus. Jesus was filled with horror and deep distress in his soul was crushed with grief even to the point of death. Wouldn't he say to his disciples. I get really is a sermon now the summit of a killer Devo lay on me know know. He says stay with me puts only one I could use a little companionship stay with me, watch and pray they fell asleep. But Jesus just needed someone with them at the moment. And that's what people often need. So we need to weep with those that we know this first continues on, rejoice with those that rejoice now. Actually I think that may be harder than weeping with those a week something that happens to someone you care about is them so sorry. I'm praying for you. I care about you and then they come back and they say no, everything is good. I got a good report.

By the way, I just got a huge promotion. I making five times the money that it was making last week you say (is God's lot you're like jealous.

Should've given me the position or maybe you and your spouse have been unable to have children, and someone says I'll guess what my wife pregnant although rates are your single and your friend just said guess what I'm getting married.

All wonderful. It's not so easy to rejoice with those of rejoice sometimes, but were to weep with those that we were to rejoice with those of rejoice.

Point number three. Try to get along with people as much as it's possible, try to get along with people as much as it's possible. Verse 18. If it is possible as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men. You might underline if it's possible you know why some people are impossible to get along with. They just are there cantankerous there mean they always have to have their numbers says their adversary. That's just the way there kind of wired and you trying to resolve a problem with them. You try to defuse the tension with them and it escalates and there always in a fight over something well do what you can do but is not always possible or at least do your best to try to get along with people. Point number four. When you're heard or avenged. Let God settle the score. Not you. When you're hurt or wrong. Let God settle the score. Not you. Verse 19. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves rather give place to wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord is a great theologian Vito Corleone from Godfather says never 18 enemies.

It is that you judgment. Yes, he did say that never hate your enemies.

It affects your judgment and right after that all of his enemies were killed so clearly this is not Wyatt's. The Bible is saying what it is saying is our job is to forgive God's job is to avenge see when someone hits us. We want to get back someone hurts us. We want to hurt them. We want to pay back. We want to settle the score you say I don't get mad I get even one of your Christian that's not the way you should live. Don't avenge yourself. God says vengeance is mine all repay say of the Lord bless your enemies and listen if anybody knew what it was like to be mistreated. It was the apostle Paul. He was beaten in prison even stone and left for dead. I would say no other leader in the first century suffered more than him yet. It's Paul that says to us never pay back evil to anyone, so it's no small thing, and he modeled this as well member when he was arrested was silence for preaching the gospel. So this Roman jailer was especially cruel. Keep beat Silas and Paul tore their backs open with the with. Then he fastened their feet in stocks and put them in the deep recesses of this filthy horrible dungeon and then we read at midnight Paul and Silas began to sing praises to God, you might say they brought the house down because an earthquake came in literally the walls shook in this jailer realized he was he was dead because a back in those days if you lost your prisoners, you would be executed by the Romans, maybe even your family would be executed.

So he pulls out a shortest short Roman sword is getting ready to thrust it into his chest. Apostle is way way way don't kill yourself, were all still here.

The Roman jailer so hardened by his own sin previously gets down on his knees and he says to Paul and Silas Sirs tell me how can I be say the pocket is a good show yourself, you dog. After what you did do was. You deserve it. No Paul extended grace to this man you know about the really impacted me when I was a young Christian is a book called the hiding place written by Corrie 10 boom company view of heard of this book.

How many of you have read it. What's a fantastic book I recommended but Corrie 10 boom a part of the 10 boom family a Dutch family living in Holland during the days of World War II and the Nazis came in and took control of their country and there were hunting down Jewish people loading them up in the boxcars and sending them to concentration camps with a 10 boom family. They were all Christians, their father, Casper 10 boom said these Jewish people are the apple of God's either God's chosen people.

Let's try to protect them so they can Jewish people in their home and it's it was quite ingenious.

What they did because in their home which was actually over the top of a clock shop. They built false walls of their be like a wallet behind the wall there was a little space to live in it. So when the Nazis came up. They couldn't see where the Jews were hiding, but they knew the Jewish people were being taken care of by the 10 boom family and the SS worn them. You better stop hiding these Jews organist send you to a concentration camp or the 10 boom's Helping the Jewish folks out and finally the SS showed up and arrested all their family, Casper 10 boom a very old man died quickly. Corrie and her sister were sent to a camp called ravens Brooke and there they share their faith in led many of the other people that were there to the Lord and ultimately Betsy died and Corey was released on a clerical error. It was really the providence of God, and she spent the rest of her life traveling around sharing her story telling people that she was able to forgive these horrible people that did these horrible things to her. So there's an interesting story that took place in these these are Cory's actual words which she's talking about what happened after a church service and read from it. She says one night during a church service. I saw him, the former SS man would stood guard at the shower room door in the processing center and ravens Brooke.

He was the first of our actual jailers that I'd seen since that time, and suddenly it was all there. The room full of mocking men, the heaps of clothing. Betsy's pain blanched face. He came up to me as the church was emptying, beaming, endowing, and he said how grateful I am for your message. Fräulein then he said to think that as you say he is watched my sins away.

Cory writes his hand was thrust out to shake mine and I who would preach so often to the people. The need to forgive My hand up my side even as these angry, vengeful thoughts boiled through me. I saw the sin of the Afro Jesus Christ died for this man was I going to ask for more Lord Jesus I pray, forgive me and help me to forgive them. I tried to smile.

I tried to raise my hand. I could not.

I felt nothing, not even the slightest spark of warmth or charity, but then she says I again breathed a silent prayer and said Jesus, I cannot forgive him give me your forgiveness.

Then she writes it as I took his in the most incredible thing happened from my shoulder along my arm and threw my hand a current seem to pass for meeting him while in my heart spring. The love for this stranger that almost overwhelmed me. So I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness anymore than on our goodness at the world stealing hinges. But on his when he tells us to love our enemies he gives along with that command, the love itself." Powerful story, but she acted on it. She didn't want to forget this guy think of what he had done to her and her sister is there someone you can think of right now.

Better search you. Maybe it's appearance to be a mother or father could be a child and uncle and aunt, some other person that is because you great pain you've carried this way of this pain from your childhood into your adulthood and it affects you to this very day, and I'm saying to you it's time to forgive the person is a Greg you don't know what you're talking about. Actually, I do is I've had a lot of people do a lot of crazy things to me over the years. And trust me, I've had to apply this principle, but even more than what I've done or haven't done.

The Bible says you been forgiven in Christ. Therefore, you should forgive other people's immigrated they don't deserve it will do. You deserve it know you don't and there's a reason you forget so you don't have to live in a prison of bitterness and anger you let it go. In the immortal words of frozen leaded go let it go.

It's eating you up inside it's really neat you.

Maybe you're even passing that on to your children or to other people you need to let it go because when you forgive someone you set a prisoner free yourself. You're the one that will be free so we should forgive people point number five submit to the power of governments and pray for them. This is not popular today.

This is what the Bible says look at Romans 13 verse one.

Everyone must submit to governing authority for all authority comes from God. Those in positions of authority have been placed there by God to anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, listen, God establishes governments and those that are in power presidents and vice presidents, senators and congressmen, governors and mayors, whatever that role is they been placed there by God.

Listen if you voted for them or not.

I believe that God placed Ronald Reagan in the White House as the president of the United States, but also believe he placed George H. W.

Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Barack Obama and Donald Trump at the White House as well. I don't care if you voted for them. They been placed there by God and your commanded in Scripture to pray for them and Alyssa were living in really politically charged times right now and there is a disagreement over so many issues in it and here's the thing is, God is put government in place and by the way, when Paul wrote this. Guess who was rolling he didn't have a president he had a Caesar because Rome was run on the planet at that point.

For the most part, Paul is living under Roman jurisdiction Caesar Nero was in charge now some seasons were worse than other Caesar's Nero was probably the worst of the lot. When it came to persecuting the church. Nero hunted down Christians he executed them. He tortured them. He fed them to animals to entertain people in the Roman Coliseum. He was in power.

And Paul says those who are in government or been placed there by God. I mean, that's pretty radical for Paul to say I've been given the opportunity that go to the White House and in pray for our president or more than one occasion back when he was inaugurated.

I was asked to pray for president from in the Washington Cathedral and after I did that some people criticize me for it.

Why would you go do that what we hold on now, if Hillary Clinton admin elected I would a gun and prayed for her to hydrate for any person elected. Why would I not want to pray for the leader of the free world and ask God to guide them and direct them. I feel it's my responsibility and I did when we isolate and allow ourselves to become so partisan in the way we view things were not thinking like Christians don't think like a political pundit think like a follower of Jesus Christ were part of a bigger and more important kingdom than even the United States of America. We should seek to influence everyone we come into contact with with the message of the gospel, including those in positions of power. Daniel gave counsel to Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius units it will undergo to talk to them. I don't agree with some of the things they say you do know he went and gave them counsel Joseph gave counsel to the Pharaoh. The apostle Paul stood before Roman governors like Agrippa Felix and Festus, and he showed restraint and respect, sharing the gospel with them and and just know when I talk to these people and I've had a lot of interesting opportunities. You can always talk about all of them but I want to do this no I'm always there as a representative of Jesus Christ. I'm always there to point them to what the Bible says so.

The government's loan place thereby got but what if government asks us to do something that is contrary to what the Bible says is a yellow paint touch as I don't think it's biblical to pay taxes on.

You can have a prison ministry soon, but you're going to be an inmate so that's what you feel called to do more power to you on that to the Christian pay taxes for a simple answer. Verse seven pay your taxes. There you go.

Government fees of those who collect them and give respect and honor to those who are in authority. Even Jesus was asked this question someone said to him, should we pay taxes to Caesar, to someone give me a going so claim is given to men on that coin is the is the image of Caesar, much like we would have Lincoln or Washington on our coins. He says who's images on this going visit Caesar that I give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar give to God that which belongs to God. But what if the government passed the law tomorrow. It was no longer legal for you to pray publicly would you still pray on this very thing happened to Daniel the prophet, and this was a little plot that was hatched by some people that hated him and they knew we had a habit of praying every day openly. So they got King Darius to unwittingly sign the degree that no one can pray to any God except him for a period of 40 days and it became a law. No more praying unless your prayer is to the king, so to Daniel do go in the hiding hide his prayers know it prayed like he always did, and was arrested. You know the story thrown into a den of lions preserved by the Lord, then the people that had supplied the ended up being fed to the lions and they were eaten they made a nice lunch for the alliance Shadrach me shack and Abednego were told to bow down before a golden image and worship it.

They refuse they were sent into a fiery furnace. God preserve them in the fiery furnace, and in fact the ones that had since plot against them were thrown under the same furnace and they die.

So here's a point you stand for what is true the Hebrew midwives were told to kill all the Jewish baby boys by the Pharaoh. They refused and save those little babies in and among those babies was Moses who would then go and save the entire nation of Israel and the apostles were told, you can preach anymore of the religious authorities and their responses very straightforward. They said in response to that we must obey God and not meant so look we still have the freedom in America to pray openly. Let's take advantage of that freedom.

We still have the freedom in America to assemble like we are right now without fear of authorities coming in and arresting us.

Let's enjoy this freedom and not taken for granted.

We still have the freedom in America to openly proclaim the gospel on the airwaves in stadiums on street corners wherever you want to do it.

Let's take full advantage of that freedom and not even for a moment take for granted the great privileges we have in the United States of America and I'm here today to announce my candidacy for the not something to make in a political speech on the that's a lesson about everyone that that anyone would elect me but I'm just saying that is a tough job and we need to pray for our president. You have no idea of the pressure that he is under in this cabinet. Those that are in authority, making these huge decisions for our nation but let me bring this to a close. Now and say this in closing, we talked about suffering being mistreated. No one was more mistreated than Jesus Christ himself betrayed by one of his own, largely abandoned by his own disciples treated horribly by the religious and the Roman authorities eaten scourged and nailed to a cross. Why did he go with that plan. He could've gotten out of it at any moment, Peter wanted to save them with the sword.

Jesus said, but the sword away was a live by the sword will die by the sword. By the way, with one word in heaven. I get of leisured legions of angels, deliver me right now Jesus could got out of that situation so fast but he went through with it. No one took his life from him.

He laid it down.

I quoted that verse earlier. Greater love is no man than this, then he lay down his life for his friend Jesus died willingly. Why, because he knew that was the only way to satisfy the righteous demands of God the father that we've all sinned against. He died in our place on the cross he died as a substitute for us. Why did he do it though answers found in the book of Hebrews that says for the joy that was set before him. He endured the cross, despising the shame, and now we have set down on the right hand of God the joy set before what was that it was the knowledge that you would be a believer that I would be a believer that we would be believers, that we would come to faith in him and have her eternal addresses change and because of that he went through with it and died in our place, and rose again from the dead and Jesus, who did all of that stands at the door of your life right now in the Knox and he says if you cure my voice and open the door to come in. Maybe some of you are just living a life that is so sad. You sort of followed in the footsteps maybe of your parents and think bad things have been passed on from that generation to your generation. If you find yourself in the process of passing them on to the next generation.

Your children or grandchildren your bitter or angry except in some addiction to carrying around all this hatred toward others is bitterness. Don't you want to put that behind you, you can become a new person in Christ all things passed away everything becoming fresh and new exhibit.

Greg you don't know what what my life is been like I was dealt a bad hand will. Maybe you were okay but God can make all things new.

He can make all things new for you but you must come with your broken life with the mistakes you've made with the sins you committed if they got I'm sorry for that and I need a fresh start. I need a new beginning.

I need a relationship with you and I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins and I choose to follow you from this moment forward to some of you need to do that right now. If so I would like to give you an opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ, and of all of your sins forgiven and forgotten.

Imagine that, forgiven and forgotten all test the slate is clean everything is gone just like that God can do that, you know, when you're in a document on your computer is I don't want this anymore and you highlight the text you hit delete moments God one is the go. Nobody knows, because of the same place those single socks go that we all lose right is gone gone somewhere.

Who cares where it's gone, it's gone. That's a God will do-it-yourselfer you remove it, but you must say I believe Jesus died for me and I want to follow him and know him, you can do that right now, to give you an opportunity to ask Christ to come in your life. As we close in prayer the top of our heads and everybody praying with me please.

Father I pray not for everyone here and also everybody listening and watching wherever they may be. I pray that your Holy Spirit will speak to them and show them their need for Jesus and help them come to you and believe, right here, right now I will heads about her eyes are closed and were praying. How many of you today would like Jesus Christ to give you a fresh start in life. How many of you would like to have all of your sin forgiven and know that you'll go to heaven when you die, how many of you would like to be free from your past and have a fresh start. If you want Christ to come of your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to know that you go to heaven when you die wherever you are, what you just lift up your hand and I like to pray for you raise your hand up or I can see it, bless you. God bless you. Nobody else slipped her hand up her pray for you today saying I need Jesus in my life.

I want my sin forgiven. God bless you some of you are watching on the screen right now.

Of course I can see you but the Lord sees you, would you raise your hand saying yes I need Jesus today. Pray for me and we pray. God bless you.

Anybody else racer can now bless all of you you that appraiser can just pray this prayer after me you can even print out loud if you like.

Just pray these words Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but I know you're the Savior that died on the cross for my sin. I churn from that sin. Now they choose to follow you from this moment forward Jesus name I pray, amen. God bless you guys