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The Reality of Hell - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
January 14, 2020 3:33 pm

The Reality of Hell - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 14, 2020 3:33 pm

So many believe that “good people go to heaven.” Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s just one problem. It’s not true. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg points out that we’re all sinners. He says good people don’t go to heaven, FORGIVEN people do. Get the whole story!

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God. If you would like to know how you can become a harvest partner, just go to that's everyone will give an account of their life and lives in the big issue in this finally is not a sin issue is much as it is us on the issue. So if Mr. Greg Maurice's eternity rests on whether we should Jesus sacrifice for sin is not based on anything else once and for all you do enough good words you will get. They have it's not true. People don't go to heaven.

Given people do. One of the others and have them do what you got grades on her. Surely there a better person than me.

We've all heard people say things like, but Jesus never said anything like that would get us to heaven today on a new beginning in one of the years most requested studies. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us what Jesus said about the true path to heaven. Life-and-death information I want to turn in your Bible to chapter 6 being the title of my message is the reality of hell given by Christ himself.

Luke 16 verse 19. There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores was later this gave desire to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man stable. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried in being in torments in Hades or hell, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus do they need to the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. Brian tormented in this flame. Then Abraham said, son, remember that in your lifetime you received the good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things, and now he is comforted and you are tormented beside all of this between us. There is a great goal fixed those that want to pass from here to there cannot and you cannot pass over to what then he said I bet you therefore, father you would send him to my father's house drive five brothers and me testified to them that they will not come to this place of torment. Abraham said to them, they have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them.

No father Abraham, he says, but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent and he said to them if they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rise from the dead.

So what we learn from the story number one we discover that people in hell suffer the fact that this man spoke of torment indicate suffering is a very real thing in the hereafter affect the word torment is used four times the text of the story. People in hell are fully conscious, and they are in pay.

It doesn't say that this man went to purgatory.

There is no such thing as purgatory, nor was he reincarnated as a higher or lower life form. Once you pass from this life, you pass into eternity into either heaven or hell this man was in hell number 212 are in hell.

You cannot cross over to heaven and sometimes people say what I go to know before God about the gift to God and be in the man upstairs will sort this out. You know what it'll be too late for that. Once you're in eternity there's no changing things out. There's changing those things now there are no chances after death, but thousands before but once you passed over. It's too late appointment and/or men once to die, Bible says and then comes the judgment.

Physical death is a separation of the soul from the body and constitutes a transition from the visible world to the invisible world for the believer it's entrance into paradise in the presence of Jesus. For the nonbeliever that marked his entrance into Hades. Physical death is not the end of existence, but only a change in the state of existence, bringing us to point number three.

When you're in hell.

Your conscious and fully aware of where you are. You're also aware of where you were. Now we pointed this out when we look at heaven, that in heaven you will still be you. You will still know what you you on earth, but far more. You'll be aware of where you came from and you'll be aware where you are in the same way in hell you'll be aware of where you came from and where you are is this man is as he talked about his five brothers in verse 28. I have five brothers. He said and someone needs to testify to them so they don't come to this place of torment in a way this man was blame shifting hey I don't know about this. No one warned me about this Abraham corrects them in verse 29. They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them in the man says will know someone needs to go back from the dead do not believe really like salmon did come back from the dead's name was Lazarus, not the same Lazarus in the story, but you remember, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and we read about time with her altogether having a meal there was Jesus and Lazarus and Mary and Martha to I wish I could've been at that party won a conversation so last night what happened. You know how you feel right now but you know the religious leaders were plotting and how they might kill Lazarus because he was living evidence of the power of God. Lazarus was the resurrection. You would think that everyone who met him at six.

I believe I remember you were dead or alive again I believe you wouldn't believe some good, but many did not and more to the point. Jesus Christ himself rose again from the dead. He was seen here. He was seen there.

He was seen by 500 people at one time did everyone believe no. So even if a man were raised from the dead, people would not believe that point is made here in the text so this is what happens now to a nonbeliever go to this place of torment, but this is not the there is still a judgment, yet they become known as the great white throne judgment known her last message on heaven. We talked about the judgment seat of Christ. Remember, the believers will stand before or rewards are given out, and so forth.

This judgment were about to read about is different from that. This is the final judgment for nonbelievers only. Let's read about it together if you would go to Revelation 20. You don't know where that is just hang a right. Keep going. Revelation 20.

This is now a description of the final judgment starting in verse 11 of Revelation 20. Then I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. There was no reason for them. Revelation 20 verse 12 and I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God" were open. You might underline or circle the word and another book was opened. Notice that singular might underline that word as well, which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to the words by the things written in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in them. Death and hell would to reading about right now a delivered up the dead that were in them.

They were judge each one according to his work and death and hell were cast in the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the book of life was cast. The lake of fire.

The great white throne judgment who will be there answer every one was rejected God's offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Notice that there are no exceptions.

Verse 12 I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and the books were open. Listen God is no respecter of person. The fact that a person may been a king or queen or an Emperor or a president or prime minister or a rock star or a billionaire vernacular. It doesn't matter. Everyone's equal okay now you stand before God given account of your life actor Robert De Niro was asked the question if there are pearly gates and you stand before God one day.

What will you say that God Dinero's response was, I will say to God, and if heaven exists, he has a lot of explaining to do. No, I don't think so. I think Robert De Niro will have a lot of explaining to do, and I don't mean to pick on him. Any person standing before God, you almost whatever the Lord will look at the neurotic what are you looking to me.

I got that's a quote from a Dinero movie. By the way, but the point is is everyone will have to give an account of their life and listen.

The big issue in this final date is not a sin issue is much as it is a son issue SON because everyone is in a fallen short of the glory of God. We have to put to bed once and for all this concept that sometimes even Christians believe and if you do enough good words you will get. They haven't, it's not true.

Good people don't go to heaven, forgiving people do. That said, because no one is good enough for Greg Laurie.

The second half of this message just a moment. We enjoy hearing would pastor Greg's teachings on the radio touch lives, my name is and I live in Chicago. I listened to Greg at 11 AM well backing but I went through a very dark period and in my life got so bad that I need and want to listen to the radio anymore, so I would drive to work in the morning just getting total silent when their turn on the radio wanted to start flipping channels and digital have been met for Greg show came on and I started listening to it gave me hope gave me strength brought me back to the Lord and started going to church and I still listen to him in the morning to get me from my front door my house to the front door work harvest partner and total joy and actually enjoy going to church. I enjoy listening to Pastor Greg and I like is like consumer and the blessing at a time in my life where I needed some intercession. I believe God sent to Greg in my life so thank you very much encouraging story stealing studies minister to you in your sale.

Would you let us know tell us your story by calling 866-871-1144 that's a special number 866-871-1144 today. Pastor Greg is presenting a look at the reality of judgment beyond the grave and how we can avoid it.

It's one of this past years most requested studies. You can get a copy of Pastor Greg continues now. So why is a person that this great white throne judgment answer there there because he did not believe in Jesus. John 318 he that believes in me is not condemn but he that does not believe in me is condemned already by because he is not believe in the name of the only begotten son of God.

If the nonbeliever is already condemned and what is the purpose of the last judgment is a very important question.

The purpose of the final confrontation between God and man is clearly demonstrate to the nonbeliever why he is already condemned because there might be some of that would say I never knew about that the books are open verse 12 notice it's more than one books.

What are these books we don't know for certain, but one of them may be a book of God's law. Everyone was been exposed to the truth of God's law is held responsible. Romans 319 says that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world to be guilty before God. I bring this up because some people will you know I don't need Jesus Christ. I live by the 10 Commandments that Joe white to really let's start by asking if you can name the 10 though still recycle no have you broken any of them. Well you know I don't. Okay let me ask you to have you ever taken the Lord's name in vain. By the way, that means use the Lord's name in an empty, insincere or frivolous way will know really okay. Have you ever stolen anything, no have you ever lied know you're lying now. Okay you live if you want to live by the law, you're in for trouble, because the Bible says if you offend in one point of the law, you're guilty of all of the law was never given the make a man or a woman like this.

The law is a moral mirror that shows as our real state for God to drive us into the open arms of Jesus. The law says you're not good enough you need Godself so the law was not given to make you write is maybe one of these books would be the laws showing you fallen short of it. Number two.

Maybe another book would be a record of everything you said or not everything is recorded today everywhere we go.

It's been recorded.

You can run on like today, and a camera will take your picture and there's no getting out of that ticket and then everybody has video cameras and cameras on their phones today everything is being recorded. Wherever you go.

If you think that mankind can do this, don't you think the creator of the universe has some pretty strict and sophisticated boarding equipment. You can be sure of it because the Bible tells us that everything that we do, whether it be good or bad is recorded and we will be judged for Ecclesiastes 1214 every idle word, the Bible says, a man speaks to give an account of the dam judgment maybe another one of these most would be a record of the fact that you didn't live up to your own standards. This is the person that is all I don't need organized religion. I live on my own rules my own value I suggest you you don't even live by your own rules. I suggest you even break those another book or scroll might be a record of every time you've heard the gospel because no doubt there would be some like this man in our story in Luke 16 that was it. I never heard about Jesus. No one ever told me Jesus was the only way to the father and so the Lord might think all right, Gabriel, Rollo's big screen. This is your lot you know a record of every time you heard the gospel and then you discover it was and once it wasn't wise it was hundreds of times you heard it and blew it off and rejected it and were preoccupied were paying attention or whatever it was, you are responsible for what you've Bible says if your name is not found written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire. I know some people say all that. That's just not right you know how could a God of love create a place called hell. Listen because he's a God of love, he created a place called hell. It makes complete sense because there are injustices in this life there are wrongs that are done, people get away with things they should never get away with and they escape the long arm of the law, so to speak, but they'll never escape the long arm of God.

There is a final Court of arbitration. Quite frankly, there are certain people we say I'm glad there's a hell because of you know there will be judged together is a hell Melissa L was not made for people. Jesus said how was created for the devil and his angels. It was never God's intention to send a person the hell he does everything he can to keep you out of hell. But God has given to you in the me you will I have the ability to choose God will not violate that if you want to go to heaven. My friend, you will you put your faith in Christ. If you want to go to hell you will that's really your choice. JI Packer writes and I quote Scriptures sees hell is self chosen hell appears as God's gesture of respect for human choice.

All receive what they actually choose either to be with God forever worshiping him or without God forever worshiping cell CS Lewis said and I quote there are only two kinds of people in the end does it say to God by will be done and those to whom God says in the end though I will be done all that are in held choose it without that self choice there could be no help, Timothy Keller said and I quote people only get in the afterlife with a most wanted either to have God as Savior and Master to be their own seniors and Masters hell is simply once freely chosen path going on forever hell is simply once freely chosen path going on for that's what you want. That's what you get.

You want heaven. That's what you get at your choice so don't blame God hold God sent people to send anyone anywhere I want to go to heaven but is not going to force you he gives you a choice and it's up to you what to do choice so I'm sure people protested in the final day and say Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do wonderful works in your name and Jesus will sadly but firmly saved apart for me. I never knew you you worker of iniquity. It's not enough to just say you believe in God. These people some religious dimming on two miracles in your name in a semi-safe way.

Then I go to church on Sunday and when I receive communion and when I was I was baptized yeah okay Jesus is, but I we never had a relationship.

It was just the thing you did and then he went on a broke my commandments left and right with no concern. This is your own choice at your face is there are people that are outside the kingdom of God is not enough to just acknowledge God exist. You need to turn from your sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ and him alone as Savior and Lord, you know nobody likes to preach on Helen that they do their little twist is hard for me to write this message.

It's not a fun message for me that the liver, but if I don't tell you these things.

I'm not giving you the whole gospel truth. Finally, talk about heaven and I don't talk about hell I'm doing you all a disservice.

But I hope that something like this will make you want to redouble your efforts to reach people with the gospel because the Bible says some say with fear dictating the very garment that is spotted by the flesh, and here's what I think sometimes we don't warn people about hell because we don't want to offend him will just talk about the glories of walking with Christ gives us peace and joy and purpose in a person blows is often said I don't need that these improvements I'm pretty happy as I am okay will. That's one thing, the way over at the Tyson there's hell if you reject Christ you will go to the website is set, you know an answer that it's actually God for all this judgment on Jesus 2000 years ago at the cross, so you would not have to go to a place called hell if you'll forgive you of every wrong you've ever done. If you turn to him right now. She sometimes we will need to just be told you're going to hell and you better stop what you're doing real and that there and got offers you pardon and forgiveness we got direct with people is that the full message of the gospel gospel means good news.

I can fully appreciate the good until I personal the bad news and the bad news is I'm separated from God and I am headed the judgment. The good news is, Christ paid the price for my said about turning them I can be forgiven and go to heaven so close there might be someone here listening to me right now is afraid they will go to hell when they die. I'm telling you right now you can get rid of that fear today by putting your faith in Christ. If you'll turn from your sin, to believe in him you can know with assurance will go to heaven when you die if you don't have that assurance right now I'm in a give you an opportunity to change your eternal address from a place called hell to a place called heaven.

As we pray let's all bow our heads if you would father I pray not for any here that may not yet know you people who literally are headed for destruction. Lord help them to see their need. Help them to change your direction. Help them to come to Jesus.

Now we ask Jesus to forgive you today Pastor Greg Laurie will help you do that in just a moment before today's addition of a new beginning. Concludes now a permanent copy of this candid message is available. It's called the reality of hell is one of the most requested messages of the past year and would be glad to send it your way. Let us help you by calling 1-800-821-3300 1-800-821-3300 or go online to and then we are eager to send you the new book by Pastor Greg called Johnny Cash, the redemption of an American icon is a spiritual biography of the man in black. I think he he's just iconic. He started out with Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins produced by Sam Phillips but it wasn't just his music that made headlines he was known for his troubled times as well. Sinners thought Johnny was a saint in Saints thought Johnny was a sinner and the reality is, he was bow and I know that I'm talking to somebody right now to relate to someone like Johnny Cash. They know it's right. They were raised in a Christian home. They put their faith in Christ right now. Maybe they're out there living the compromise line that we learned nothing else in the story of Johnny Cash, we read that God give second chances and third, once and for the ones Johnny Cash, the redemption of an American icon, a reassuring message for all of fascinating spiritual biography of one of America's most popular entertainers. Let's tell the story of this American icon Johnny Cash ask for Johnny Cash, the redemption of an American icon call 1-800-821-3300 1-800-821-3300 one line to will frustrate you mention are need to come to Christ for forgiveness of sin in today's program yeah maybe there's somebody listening who like to do that. But like to take that step. Maybe you could help them with that right now, I'd be delighted to listen if you would like to accept Jesus Christ into your life right now. By that I mean if you would like your sin forgiven and have the assurance that you will go to heaven when you die.

Would you pray this prayer with me, Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner but I think you for dying on the cross for my sin and rising again from the dead. I'm sorry for my sin, Lord, and I turn from it now and I put my faith in you to be my Savior, my Lord, my God, my friend. Thank you for loving me and calling me and accepting me in Jesus name I pray, amen. Listen if you just pray that prayer in minutes. I want you to know on the authority of God's word that Jesus Christ has just come to take residence in your heart. The Bible says these things we write to the believe in the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. Listen we want to send you some resources that will help you grow spiritually.

So here's David some details and let me say God bless you and welcome to the family of God in those resources. Pastor Greg mentioned are all included in something we call our new believers growth packet.

It'll help you get started in living your life for the Lord so can resend it to you just ask for the new believers growth packet.

Our mailing address is a new beginning.

Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go to and click the words know God will next time or from our series of most requested presentations of a year to an inference of practical help with tough questions about the fate pastor Greg and Bible scholar Don Stewart dressed challenging questions nonbelievers as next time you beginning Greg Laurie possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor grades free daily email devotions and