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The Death of Death - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
April 10, 2020 9:54 am

The Death of Death - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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April 10, 2020 9:54 am

Our sins were paid for at Calvary. Salvation is a free gift. But that “free” gift had a “high price.” And Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made, and what kind of response it requires from us in return.

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God check out virtue our website for Christian women go to users willingly lay down his life today on a new beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie pointed out, there was no other rush to get to heaven. Jesus raised God so he was wearing your said Morrison. He rose again from the old quote what I've said so many times is not for good people is for giving people walk in the hard future will for all have sinned and fall of no one is righteous, no not one and the wages of sin is that Bible verse is the second part of the wages of sin is that, but the gift of God is eternal life.

Jesus our Lord. Today on the new beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that you give a high price Jesus paid for the we really receive government relations moment 2000 years.

Let's try to put ourselves in the shoes of those first century disciples because they were devastated they were discouraged they were downhearted the world as they knew it ended overnight when their Lord, their master Jesus Christ started talking about being betrayed and crucified and then right there in front of their eyes. They watch them murdered in cold blood. They couldn't believe this was actually happening there. Hope was defeated. Their dreams were destroyed their faith was demolished and so the women went to the tomb together to anoint his dead body and they get to the tomb and it's empty and Angel tells them you go tell the disciples and Peter is risen, and he'll meet you in Galilee. So we come to that seen now in John 21, where they encountered Jesus at the Sea of Galilee. Verse three Simon Peter said I'm going fishing will come to they all said and they went out of the boat and they got nothing. All my head down, Jesus was standing on the beach with the disciples couldn't see who he was and he called out fellows. Do you have any fish know they replied. Then he said throw your net on the right side of the boat and you'll get some and they did and they couldn't haul in the net because there were so many fish in it. Then the disciple that Jesus loved said to Peter, it's the Lord when Simon Peter heard was the Lord.

He put on his tunic and jumped into the water and headed to the shore. The other save of the boat and pulled the loaded not to the shore. There were only 100 yards from the shore when they got there they found breakfast waiting for them fish cooking over a charcoal fire with some bread. Jesus said, bring some of the fish that you just caught on.

Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net to the shore and Jesus said, come now, and have some breakfast here now are five Takeaway truths on the resurrection of Jesus that apply to you directly why Easter matters. Point number one because of Jesus resurrection I will one day receive a new body lesson.

Death does not have the final say. Even over our body. Easter has the final say this picture of Jesus coming out of the tomb as a preview of things to come, because we too will one day be resurrected. First Corinthians 1520 says the truth as Christ has been raised up the personal long legacy of those who are going to leave the cemeteries but will have to wait our turn crisis first and then those with him will rise at his coming.

So Jesus rose in a real body in a real world in a real way he spoke with the real voices was a real physical bodily resurrection number two because of Jesus resurrection, our resurrection bodies will be much like it. Our new bodies will be much like to first John three says, beloved, not with the children of God is not been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when he's revealed. We will be like him, for we will see him as he is so okay what was the resurrection body of Jesus like well it was physical, Artie pointed out he borne his body. The marks of the crucifixion. He spoke with a real voice in a real fish with real hands so it was a physical body but at the same time it did not have the normal limitations that a human body has he could appear in a room without using the door but another trait of this resurrection body of Christ as he ate food which means when we get to heaven and we come back again to the new words were going to eat food and I'm very thankful for that company be like to eat food yes I do to. And I know that when we get the glory were getting eat together. Matthew 11 says people will come from the East and West and take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. And not only will you meet these great saints of old, you will be reunited with your loved ones that are preceded you who have died in faith. Heaven is going to be an incredible reunion and not only that you're going to learn in heaven more revelation about God is going to be revealed to you over the passing of time working to just sit around and sing worship songs are going to be serving the Lord to be working for the Lord working to be learning from the Lord is going to be amazing and also because of Jesus resurrection, our bodies will no longer HR get sickness or breakdown not sometimes we will wonder when Angel we be when we get there. I was talking with Stella and Lucy to my granddaughters and one of them asked me Papa how old will we be warmer in heaven. I said well I don't know exactly. Maybe 33.

They said why 33 is said what I was the age of Jesus when he died, maybe 33 and then Lucy said one of my granddaughters set I want to be free when I'm in heaven. I said why do you want to be free when you're in heaven. She said no. I just miss the old me. But even if you're young you need to know your body is breaking down your you're already losing brain cells I read that a study was done pointing out, the brain starts breaking down at the age of 20. The number of nerve cells in the brain, decrease we start with around 100 billion brain cells, but in our 20s. This number starts to decline by 40. This could be losing up to 10,000 a day.

That's why you can remember where your keys are you can remember where you parked your car at the mall.

You can find your reading glasses that are perched on top of your head.

That's why you're losing brain cell, you probably already lost 5000 brain cells listening to the sermon, but if you have a disability that will not be there in your new body if you had cancer of the ravaging effects of age that will not happen in the new body that God is going to give us, and also because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. There's going to be a final judgment is going to be a final judgment. Acts 1731 says he's appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by then many as are Dane is given assurance of this by raising him from the dead might symbol Greg. I was with you when you were talking about how great heaven is going to be know what you're talking about judgment for because it's real.

This is why Jesus died on the cross for you. He took the judgment of the father that I should have faced and that you should have faced upon himself so I don't have to deal with it. That's why he died and then he rose again from the dead, so I can have this hope of eternal life. So I need to believe in him to have been given to me but I judgment is coming and it's not about how good of a life you live or how bad of a life you live. As I've said so many times.

Heaven is not for good people.

Heaven is for forgiving people and the only way I'm to get into heaven. The only way you're going to get in the heaven is by God's grace say what is that even mean grace means God's unmerited favor. In other words, because I believe Jesus died for me.

I asked him to forgive me of my sin. I put my faith in him that I can go to heaven something to be by good works about a guy that died went to heaven. Peter met about the pearly gates and said okay here's how works body, you need a thousand points to get in the habit. This is a true story. Obviously, it's an illustration meaning of thousand points to Kennedy heaven. Tell me all the good things you've done, and I'll give you points for each of the men excitedly said all well. I was married to the same wonderful wife for 15 years.

I was never unfaithful to her. I didn't even cheat on her in my heart, Peter said GOOD 3.3 points.

How many do I need a union either thousand points. Oh well okay well I attended church every Sunday I went to a midweek Bible study I went to the prayer meetings.

I even gave in the offering faithfully, Peter says okay that's were 1.11 point guy says well I started a soup kitchen in the city and I reached out the homeless people.

He said that that's very commendable. I give you two point so that two points I need a thousand points. A guy says the only way that I went to get into heaven is by the grace of God. Peter said you got it. That's worth a thousand points gonna that's our only way any of us are going to get in because of God's grace and God's forgiveness. Greg Moore will have the second half of this message just a moment we send these daily studies out via the radio, satellite and over the Internet. We don't always know how these messages are touching lives when we hear the stories of her listeners and reassures us that these lessons are helping people. Thank you so much Greg for your encouraging grounding God's answer to fear and worry, has helped me cell lines as I grow older I find myself getting more and more anxious about just sending it's a great reminder to pray for childlike faith and trust that God is truly in control. Yes, he is in control. Do you have a story to tell of how Pastor Greg studies it made an impact on your life.

If so, would you share that with us. Just call 1-866-871-1144 is 866-871-1144 Pastor Greg is helping prepare us for the Easter celebration this weekend's message today is called the death of death was continue if I mentioned that I have a mom in heaven, and the father who adopted the I've told you before that my mother like to get married a lot and she got married and divorced seven times and I was able to lead her back to Christ one month before she died. I was able to lead one of her husband's name. Oscar, who adopted me. Oscar Lori to Christ and I had a full-time ministry of evangelizing my mom's old husband. One of them his name. I'll call him Eddie. He lived in Hawaii. In fact, one day I got out of school in New Jersey.

The car was loaded up with suitcases and I said what were we going she said were going to Hawaii. I was very excited as I've never been to why that point I said where's dad she said he's not coming so we land there in Honolulu and here's this guy I've never seen before is about 6 foot two or three guy and he owned a bar on the beach at Waikiki and he was a big drinker like my mother and he was a violent drunk like my mother. So they would get in fights every night kidding each other, throwing things, smashing out giant windows and one night it was in bed and I heard a loud strike and then the thumb and I came out of my bedroom and my mom was laying on the floor in a pool of blood, and he had hit her with a wooden statue.

I could see the blood on it still is a go to bed. It's just catch-up well even a little kid is not stupid. So I went and climbed out of the window, went to a neighbors house and they call the police on my mom loved him so no fast forward many years, I become a Christian. I was able to lead Oscar to the Lord over in New Jersey and I was over in Hawaii and I was going to be speaking at the Waikiki shofar and outreach. There and someone told me that Eddie was still alive. In fact, live right near the Waikiki shell. It said would you like to go and talk to him. My answer was no. I would not. I didn't want to share the gospel with them in the Lord change my heart, and then I said okay I'll go now. Looking forward to it but I'll go and I walked in the house and there he was involved a flashback of those times with them of them but I just begin to tell them that God loved him and God would forgive him of all of the sin and I said you know I'm to be speaking across the street here at the Waikiki shell is like you to come as my guest and he couldn't walk very well because he was injured in World War II and so I said all I'll drive you over and he says no I don't want to go or not it's across the street like right over there. You come over and I'd love to have you know I don't want to go and then I share the gospel with the least okay I don't care I'm not interested. You know, this is the thing I bring this up because one of these men that I shared with Oscar believed it and accepted Christ. Now he's in heaven. Eddie heard the gospel rejected it and you know what, if you end up facing judgment that's on you.

We have a choice in this matter.

Jesus face the judgment of God, he took the wrath of God on himself. That's why he cried from across the words Eli, Eli Lama suboptimally which means my God, my God, why have you forsaken me because he was bearing all the sin of the world. Let me get specific was burying your sin, your sin, my sin are sin, dying in our place in a ball churn from that sin and put my faith in him.

I can be forgiven and I can know that I go to heaven when I gone. This is why he came. The reason for the incarnation was for the atonement, the birth of Jesus is so there would be the death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus. And so we want you to come into a relationship with God. If you have not done that yet civil.

How do you do this exactly number one you have to admit you're a sinner. Some of us choke on that word but we have to just say I know that I've broken God's commandments. If you broken one commandment in the Bible you've ever told a lie. If you've ever stolen. If you've ever taken the Lord's name in vain, you sin will all of us of done that many times over. The Bible says all of us in the fallen short of the glory of God, you have to admit it, but then you need to realize that Jesus died for your sin.

I think sometimes people think like the death of Jesus was some kind of an aberration like why did this even happen.

This is why he came.

He talked about it all the time he was on a mission to go to the cross of Calvary, he knew exactly what he was doing. His life was not taken from him. He gave it up for us. As I've said before, nails did not hold Jesus to the cross. 2000 years ago, love did love for you and love for me. He died for me, as the apostle Paul said he loved me and gave himself for me. I need to realize Jesus died on the cross for me and then I need to repent of my sin and the word repent is a military term that means they hang the U-turns or like about-face like that I've been walking away from God.


Walking to God I'm turning from my sin.

I'm sorry for my sin and then I must receive Christ in the my life. I miss asked Jesus to come and being my Savior, my lord look your parents can do this for you, your kids can't do this for you, your husband or your wife can't do this for you someone who brought you here to church today can't do this for you.

This is a decision you make a lesson in eternity hinges on this decision. I want you to come into a personal relationship with God, and know that you go to heaven when you die and then know the meaning and purpose of life right now you know what Christ is just a prayer away is not merely a historical figure that walked our planet on the cross rose from the dead, he's here right now in this place, standing at the door of your life, and he is knocking, and he is saying if you will hear his voice and open the door he will come in.

Here's my question. Have you asked Jesus to come into your life. Do you know that your sin is forgiven in view of complete confidence that if you were to die today.

You would go to heaven if you don't, you kind of miss the point of Easter. After this is all about us on about wearing pastel colors and eggs and brunches and all that. That's all fine, but that's not what it's about. It's about Jesus wanting a relationship with you and I hope you want a relationship with him if you do want to give you an opportunity to ask him to come in your life to be your Savior and Lord. In a moment will get a pray and I'm a no extend an invitation, just like I extended to my mother but I shared with her or my father who adopted me and even with Eddie, who didn't want to respond in this invitation.

I'm going to extend your either going to say yes to it you going to say no to it.

You think it is a yes I want Jesus in my life or I don't want Jesus in my life. It's either or. Jesus said, your either forming or against me there with me your opposed to me what side do you want would you like them to come in your life this Easter he'll do it. He's just waiting for an invitation. Let's pray father speak to the hearts of everyone here, especially those that don't know you or maybe some who've known you would've gone astray.

They been prodigal sons or daughters Lord call them home again today. Help them to see that this can be a day of new beginning for them. Help them to respond to your trip. We ask it now in Jesus name Greg Laurie important invitation today and if you like to make a change in your relationship with the Lord.

Pastor Greg will help you do that in just a moment and if you would be in prayer right now for those who are making this kind of decision. Now if you missed any part of the presentation. You can get caught up by going online to or just call up our harvest app on your mobile device or for a CD copy dial 1-800-821-3300. Again, 1-800-821-3300. The title today study the death of death Pastor Greg. Our listeners are pretty much aware that you were raised in part by an alcoholic mother who wasn't walking with the Lord and in part by grandparents you were walking with the Lord you were spiritual values passed along to you when you were small. Generally I would say the answer to that is no. I guess my only exposure to biblical things was a painting of Jesus that hung on the wall of my grandmother's house some visits to church and I always sound very boring. And then things they would see in television movies that have been made back in the 50s about Jesus like King of Kings and the greatest story ever told, and I was always enthralled by an interested in the stories of the life of Jesus. Honestly, I just needed someone to explain it to me and it wasn't until I was 17 years old that I couldn't no way I understood that I was someone or just taken the time to read me a Bible story and tell me how it applied to me because I know I would've been very responsive to it and that's why it's so important to get the truth of God's word into the hearts and minds of children at the earliest stage because even if they can understand all the words they can understand the cadence of what you're saying they can see pictures and images that give them an idea of this because what I did look my kids Davis as I got them into the word of God when they were very young kids and I read them lots of little stories and we went through picture books together.

Bible picture books and of course I did my own versions of Bible stories with them as well and added humor, but this is something that so very very important to teach to our children, then I don't know if anyone does a better job of it.

Then Sally Lloyd Jones and I'm looking at this amazing two books set that were offering to our listeners right now called found in love one is based on the Lords prayer the other. In Psalm 23.

Beautifully illustrated by an artist named Iago. There's also a special art print that's included. And so what a great set of books they have nearby that you can open up and read to your children and grandchildren and were offering this to you for your gift of any size to help us continue in this radio broadcast to teach God's word and to proclaim the gospel sound unloved by Sally Lloyd Jones a way to reach your children and your grandchildren with the gospel.

Yeah, that's right. It's a great two books said that'll find a prominent place on your child's her grandchild's bookshelf and were sending it to thank you for your investment in this outreach not only here on a new beginning, but through our nationwide harvest crusades so thanks for your donation that will put to good use touching hearts.

In fact, if you'd like to help us on a regular basis. Ask about becoming a harvest partner you can write us at a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go online to pastor Greg a few moments ago you spoke of the need to get our hearts right with God. Could you help someone who wants to do that very thing right now. Yes, I'd be delighted to. This can be the moment will you change your eternal address literally from hell to heaven I'll pray a simple prayer and I would just ask you to pray this prayer out loud if you like after me just pray these words Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner but I know that you are the Savior who died on the cross for me, and rose again from the dead, Jesus I choose to follow you from this moment forward in your name I pray. Amen. I know it's such a simple short prayer but you just called on the name of the Lord, and you know what he heard that prayer if you meant there prayer in your heart, he answered that prayer now let me help you to get started on the right foot in your new life in Jesus Christ. The greatest adventure awaits you the life of walking with God. I want to send you what we call a new believers growth pack that includes the new believers Bible and a whole lot more let me be the first to see the you congratulations and welcome to the family of God. Yet again, for free. New believers growth pack.

Just ask for it if you prayed along with Pastor Greg to receive Christ will be glad to send 1 Your Way right or set a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300 1-800-821-3300 or go online to and click know God we serve is the first to bring someone to church. It does not get know the Lord is a big difference this year to do it all online.

Easter is coming to your house dear family to your phone wherever you want to view it just goes to to find out more, let's work together to reach the largest group of people we have never been able to make contact with this coming Easter harvest Easter on line 1 Pastor Greg invite one of our most popular guest back onto the program author and theologian Don Stewart joined Pastor Greg to talk about how to walk with God. Join us next time you beginning possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor grades free daily email devotions and