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There’s a Better World Coming - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
August 27, 2020 3:00 am

There’s a Better World Coming - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 27, 2020 3:00 am

There’s a thousand-year period of God’s Last Days plan called The Millennium.  But many believers are unsure what will be different during that time.  Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the clear insight of Scripture.

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God, to find out how to know God personally go to know KNOW know he would you do me a favor sure this message was someone who needs to hear it coming up on a new beginning for Greg Laurie offer some interesting insights on the last days the future may be better than you even imagine whatever was just like heaven on earth. It was a beautiful sunset saw why it was like heaven on earth will one day is going to be liberally on her words together every 100 Pastor Greg Laurie Pastor Greg will begin today's message just a moment our life is like a movie where the scar, Greg more questions about this movie were in the love story of my lot on line of credit can change your life. You know you rush of first online cinematic harvest. Your favorite social media platform Labor Day weekend September 4 through September 7.

If either friend for a message of hope and glory and exclusive performances have working screen near you harvest pricing Bible student for thousand years.

Heaven will actually come down to earth, that portion of God's end times plan is called the millennium is a little mindbending to think that heaven and earth can coalesce, but today on a new beginning pastor Greg Laurie helps to see the clear teaching of God's word.

It's part of a plan, the Lord put in place at the very beginning pastor Greg continues his series and times living like Jesus will return at any moment.

I have a message that's titled there's a better world economy.

This is a little series were doing on the end times and so let's talk about our future.

So grab your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter 21 and while you're turning their like you to pray with me if you would place. Let's pray father you told us in the book of Revelation that there is a special blessing promised to the person who reads, hears and keeps the words of this book will Lord we want that blessing and we ask you to bless our time as we read these words help us to hear these words of most of all, help us to keep them in Jesus name we pray. Again, the title of the message. There's a better world coming to know. It's always exciting to get a new version of something that is not like the new iPhone or the new android phone, people waited in lines. I have the latest addition. Or maybe it's something else and see what your favorite TV show has a new season. Another something new overrun Netflix or it's a new shirt are new whatever it is. New things are cool and how about a new car.

There is nothing better than the new car smell.

I have a friend who got a new car and I was in that the other day and it just had that luxurious new car smell so I left a burrito and it just the kind of you know, bring him back to reality again will figure it out. About a month of seriously but we like things new. In fact, advertisers have figured out that they put the words new and improved on a product that will make you want to buy now.

The fact is the only thing new and improved may be for the packaging, but still were attracted to the idea of newness will guess what God loves new things to and in his case, it's not false advertising.

He's telling us what our future is and it's really going to be new and improved.

Because yes, a better world is coming.

Let me pick up where I left off last time we talked about the antichrist. You remember who inaugurates the great tribulation.

We talked about the fact that COBIT 19 is a stage setting. If you will, of the end time scenario known as the great tribulation. The Bible says there will be an increase of flags. The Bible also tells us that the state will be under the control and rule of the antichrist and the world will have the final conflict there. In the battle of Armageddon. The Bible tells us in the last days there would be violence in our streets now are we not seeing that right now in America it's foreshadowing what is yet to come. It's going to get worse in the great tribulation.

But we have not started that.

Yet that is inaugurated with the emergence of antichrist but the Bible does tell us in second Timothy in the last days perilous times would come in the word perilous is an interesting word. It means difficult and it is the same word that is used to describe demon possessed men in Matthew six were fears, dishes, violent or savage.

So effectively scriptures same in the last days there will be violent, savage time.

Noah was effectively a last days believer.

His last days were before the flood before the judgment of God came in. Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be when the Son of Man returns won't looking back at the days of Noah were read in Genesis chapter 6 verses five and 11.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become in every inclination of the thought of the human heart was evil all the time. The earth was filled with violence, and God worn the people of Noah's time to turn from their sin and God is warning the people of our time as well that judgment is ultimately going to come in the door of that art shot and one day the final chance will be given and then judgment will come and that is the second coming so next event on the prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church that comes from the root word harp. Also, when Christ will catch up all true believers to heaven. The rapture is when he comes as a thief in the night on the heels of the rapture and really not until after the rapture we have the emergence of the coming world leader known as antichrist, the beast, the son of perdition.

All titles for him in the Bible and he comes up initially as a man of peace at the halfway point of the great tribulation. After he has rebuilt the temple for the Jewish people. He commits what Christ calls the abomination of desolation. He effectively desecrates the temple in the final part of the tribulation is when he imposes his mark on people establishes martial law known come by yourself without the mark of the beast and everything culminates in the battle of them Armageddon and then Christ comes back and establishes the millennium, the millennium and means one dolphin what is that going to be like bullets talk about that number one in the millennium, which is the 1000 year reign of Christ were Satan is chained up. We know this, there will be world peace world peace. No more war no more terrorism no more nuclear weapons. Isaiah 24.

This time, says the Lord will settle international disputes. All the nations will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks all wars.

In military training will come to an end. Won't that be awesome.

We we won't need the military any longer. Imagine that number two in the millennium the thousand year reign of Christ. There will be joy and happiness, and no more disabilities by speaking to someone right now who has a disability and your wheelchair-bound and maybe your wheelchair free like my friend Catherine Wolf says she had a severe stroke and found herself confined to a wheelchair, but she says I don't like the phrase wheelchair-bound because I've never been more free in my life spiritually, but whatever it is, a view of a disability. I'm sure you would love to not have it any longer and in the millennium when Christ rules. We know that those disabilities are gone. Isaiah 35 five says when he comes so open the eyes of the blind.

Unstop the ears of the deaf, the lame will leap like a deer in those who cannot speak will shout and sing how glorious that they will be also in this millennial reign of Christ.

People will live super long lives. Isaiah 6520 says.

No longer will babies die when their only a few days old. No longer will adults die before they lived a full life.

No longer will people be considered old at 100 and like the sound of that I read about a woman whose name was Emma Marino and at that moment she was the longest living woman on earth. She made it to 117 years so she she credited her longevity to the following. Every day she ate two eggs but not cooked eggs. She ate two raw eggs and also cookies and she was quoted to say what I don't eat much because I don't have any tea. Well I guess that's her secret.

But then there's another woman only 116 years old who credited her longevity to eating bacon dealing. I like this girl. She had a steady diet of bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast. There was a much younger man who made it to 110 years old, never sick a day in his life and he said the key was garlic, honey, cinnamon and all of oil and his dad gave him a stern warning as a young man he said never eat hot dogs and he never did.

But then I read about another dude that lived really a long life as well and he said the secret to his longevity was hotdogs.

Here is what I find interesting raw eggs cookies bacon no tofu and no kale in any of these diet so I'm coming up with a new diet though how we live longer, bacon, eggs, cheese, on or about raw eggs all take them cook cookies are good hotdogs for sure, but seriously, though, the Lord will extend human life Mr. Greg Laurie will have the second half of this message just a moment whatever you send a letter, email or post a comment on social media. We read every word. I am very blessed to have rediscovered Pastor Greg's teachings. I used to listen to him when I was a state trooper in South Carolina years ago, about three months ago, a local station picked up harvest messages and air Pastor Greg speak for the first time in 20 years I about lost my mind. I was so excited for whatever reason. Pastor Rick is always been able to reach me and I thank the Lord in heaven. He has made it so again since then I have found become a harvest partner and having On my phone so I never miss the daily devotionals or any of Casterbridge teachings. God is great and once again he showed it to me.

Thank you for your inspirational messages and reminding us that God has not abdicated his throne. He is always been there.

Is there now and always will be there if your life is changed to Pastor Greg's teaching would you let them know just drop him an email at again, that's today.

Pastor Greg is revealing several characteristics of the millennium, the thousand year reign of Christ upon the earth.

Let's continue number four in the millennial reign of Christ, the animal kingdom will be subdued. This is good news to me because I am an animal lover I pretty much had every animal you can have five head. Many dogs about all kinds of birds. I've had parakeets and finches in and cockatiel's and even parents and then I've gone through all the reptiles about all kinds of snakes, large and small, and lizards and turtles and even some amphibians and then I've had lots of tropical fish and then I've had all kinds of little creatures like guinea pigs and hamsters and mice and rats and I have to add that one of the best, but the ball is a rat. They can be very nice. I don't mean the kind you find out on the streets. Hopefully when you get from a pet shop that you can take about all of these little animals I've never had a cat by the way I do know that ever will. Here's what the Bible says about the millennial reign of Christ. This is a wolf and the lamb will be together in a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11, 6 to 9 the wolf will romp with the lamb, the leopard will sleep with the kid the cup and the lion will eat from the same trough and a little child will tend them on ice. I would be so your little kids is a mom I'm in a garden. Take the lion for a walk.

I may even ride the lion in my mosaic. Okay have a good time.

No worries. This is the millennial reign of Christ.

Also, there's going to be number five universal justice and righteousness in Christ is raining some 72 two says God will judge his people and righteousness and the afflicted ones would justice will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy. No more corrupt lawyers, corrupt judges, corrupt police officers no more injustice no more frivolous lawsuits.

No more theft or looting or even spam calls. No spam calls in the millennial reign of Christ, no acts of racism, of any kind will be justice for everyone.

Number six.

The curse that came upon the world because of sin will be lifted were told in Romans 819. All creation is waiting eagerly for the future day when God revealed to his children really are.

Everything on earth has been subjected to the curse of God, but all creation anticipates the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay, so people won't age people won't have the effects of sickness in their life and seven holiness will prevail. Today, the opposite of holiness prevails. Evil is celebrated. Goodness is made fun of, but there's going to be holiness in these days. Isaiah 35, eight, says the main road going to the once deserted land to be a highway of holiness and evil hearted people never travel on it and I was in North Carolina not too long ago and they have a highway there freeway called the Billy Graham Parkway that's a cool thing to drive on a Parkway dedicated to North Carolina's favorite son of the greatest evangelists.

I think in human history.

Billy Graham, so this is even better than the Billy Graham Parkway. This is a highway of holiness and at the end of the millennium. Heaven and earth effectively become one.

Let's look at another passage. Also, in Revelation Revelation 21.

I like to read verses 1 to 6 with you it says. Then I saw a new heaven and a new work for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle or the dwelling place of God is with man, and he will dwell with them, and they will be as people, and God himself will be there God while I've ever heard the expression out was just like heaven on earth. Maybe it was a beautiful sunset you saw in Hawaii. Maybe it was being out in nature in the forest somewhere, looking at the stars at night. Maybe it was the best restaurant you ever went to and had the best meal you've ever eaten any of so how can I describe it. It was like heaven on earth won't one day it is going to be literally heaven on earth, heaven and earth are going to merge together. Sometimes he will say, you know, as a Christian all dying go to heaven and live there with Jesus forever.

Well that's actually not technically accurate. Yes, if you're a Christian when you die you will go to heaven but you won't stay there forever because the Scripture teaches that heaven is going to come down to earth one day back over in Ephesians 110 it says God's plan is to bring all things in heaven and earth together under one head, even Christ Jesus will make earth and the heaven, and heaven and earth, even as that wall of separation that separated us from God called sin will be broken down, so also will that wall that divides heaven and earth be broken down. It's a new world that's coming. It's a better world that is coming, but it is not as SQL.

It's a remake here's another detail given to us in the Bible when God brings the new earth about the be no more ocean surfers. What can I say good whoa dude, I'm not stoked about that at all actually know. I don't know any server that talk that way.

By the way, when people do imitations of Californians.

It's always a good whoa dude get will bungalow you know of no one talks that way. But if it makes you happy. Go ahead and mock us here in California we can take it seriously surfer dudes there won't be any ocean. I know that's depressing.

But if God take something away.

He'll only give you something more amazing in its place and so just think about how great this is all going to be now at this moment.

Two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water. The remaining one third eye has large areas that are rendered worthless because of mountains and deserts. There's only a small portion of the earth's surface that is inhabitable, but when God establishes his kingdom all of those barriers that separate us now will be gone. The barriers that separate nations will be gone. The barriers that separate areas where people live will be gone will be no divisions at all and I might add Bill be no racial divisions either we get to heaven. The Bible tells us in Revelation 7 there's a great multitude, which no man can number from every nation, from all the tribes and the languages standing before the throne people clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands and so everyone's going to be there from every nation, from every race to be a glorious day the great glory great encouragement about what's ahead for believers during the millennium and there's more to come from this message here on a new beginning. It's a study titled there's a better world coming and if you didn't hear every word of today's insight you can catch up on what you missed just look for the title. There's a better world coming or you can ask for a CD copy when you call us at 1-800-821-3300.

That's 1-800-821-3300 and then we want to recommend a brand-new book about a real-life hero. The author is our friend John Irwin and it's the story of how his grandfather was awarded the Congressional medal of honor during World War II for his heroism. When a live bomb began spewing toxic smoke and 2000° phosphorus inside a B-29 super fortress off the coast of Japan.

The plane was in a dive crash in the ocean or the entire plane was going to Bombay instead of saving himself in a superhuman active screen for watching and making his way with just seconds through it now and smoke cleared the plane and they pulled up 300 feet just seconds from disaster didn't just save 12 people.

They say generation. Her family wouldn't be here today. Our grandchildren, he would same time. John is with us today.

John of course is the director of many movies including, I still believe I can only imagine. And he's the author of this new book beyond valor about his grandfather's heroism and in the book John you quote from a letter sent by Gen. Lawrence nor staff who was Chief of Staff of the 20th Air Force at the time this happened yet. He said on April 26 just after the event happen. He wrote my grandmother. He said outstanding amongst all of the heroic acts achieved by members of the 23rd Air Force in over years of operation as the glorious self-sacrifice of your husband, staff Sgt. Henry E.

Irwin continued and said his transcendent heroism moves me as a professional soldier to pay them tribute to Steve lifts him to a place with the bravest men in all history. And as we consider the courage he displayed, we gain a new and humbling appreciation of the valor inherent in mankind, and yet you would talk to them and he would say I'm not the hero.

You know guys that didn't they all do they all do. There's this humble, many can't bear the weight of medal of honor because it really you are now a symbol of something and I can't do something and the many found it difficult but he he walked humbly with it. Then again you don't work for the VA hospital help other veterans get their benefits and end of people loved him and and I just think it was interesting every recipient of medal of honor I've ever talked to instantly says I'm not the hero. But I knew some, and it's the guys that didn't come back as the men and women that didn't return end is very powerful statement. Folks if you want to read a powerful inspiring story, a real page turner.

As they say, but not a fictional work, a true historical story, but told in a powerful way by expert storyteller John Irwin that you want to order a copy of this brand-new book, beyond valor that we will make available to you for your gift of any size. They help us continue to bring the gospel to people and teach the word of God.

The people all around the world. And that's right, we really have no other way to cover the costs of making the studies available other than the investments of listeners.

So thanks so much for partnering with us in attractive the Lord would lead you to invest on a regular basis. Ask about becoming a harvest partner and with your first gift as a harvest partner will be glad to send you the new book beyond valor and will only be mentioning this. A short time longer, so we hope you get in touch right away right is that a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go online to, time online saying the movie when Lori was his whole three great glory. Questions like why am I here what is the meaning of my life and what happened after I die probably has the answer with glory and affect online event coming to a screen where you tell that so tell a Friend Is Coming Your Way, Labor Day weekend so rushed home. Pastor Greg brings us more insight on God's plan for the last days.

He continues his message. There's a better world coming next time you beginning possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor grades free daily email devotions and