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Entering God's Rest

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
May 25, 2022 8:00 am

Entering God's Rest

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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May 25, 2022 8:00 am

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When things are difficult so that you learn Dr. Tony Evans shares the ups and downs in your life exist for only one reason I promise like this is the alternative with Dr. Tony other author, speaker, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and president of the urban alternative agents used to honor the Sabbath day of rest ridiculed by unbelievers for being lazy. But today Dr. Evans explains why there's much more to the Sabbath than just taking a day off once joined him as he takes a look at entering into God's rest context.

This need for rest understand what's happening in the book of Peter's roses full of Christians will try being Christian because being a Christian resistance being a Christian that ostracized Christian men being rejected that with so many things that were facing a bigger Christian, they were just people throughout the whole book is telling them don't quit. Don't give up keep going, you're going to make this in chapter 4. As in other chapters, he tells them that God give stops along the way because those pitstops rest on a long journey, you see the sign rest stop ahead. The purpose of a rest stop is not you.

The journey the purpose of a rest stop is not to go back home.

The purpose of a rest stop is to give you a place where you can recoup use the facilities MBA with the continue on your journey for longer route that all rest stops and the rest stops are designed to be encouragement spots along the way. In order for you to complete your journey, the Christian life is a journey journey of life. God says there is a Sabbath rest that belong to the people of God on the report of the way there is a rest stop that people don't know God don't. It is a rest stop in life for the people of God. It is not available to the general public.

Every seventh day God's people, the Jews were not allowed to work there were not allowed to work God would produce manner so they would have more than enough to get on the six data, the seventh day he said because all on the seventh day. I want you to look back and remember where your source works that the only reason you got six days was because of my work because any word you had to depend on some work. There is nothing you do on six days that doesn't borrow from something you get on it six days.

If you didn't do what he did on his six days you could rest on your seven day because you would have no stores to draw from. So on the seventh day. I want you to be reminded that I am your provider. I no source I am going to take care of you on the seventh day because you remembered me and remembered me as your source. Deuteronomy chapter 12 verses 8 to 10 says that God's rest involve his inhabitants say that again. Deuteronomy 1210.

Rest involve his inheritance a little deeper.

God establishes rest to get you to a particular goal and the particular goal of rest is to get you to your inheritance. Every believer has two inheritances one the destiny God has for you in time to the rewards he has prepared for you in eternity but whether you get the temporal inheritance or whether you get the eternal rewards is tied to one overarching principle did you finish your journey, you will not realize you were desperately in time, nor will you get your rewards in eternity unless you finish your work.

Remember God finished his work. That's what he rested.

A lot of Christians get started. Don't complete their Christian journey. So the issue of rest is completely journey in order and God give you pitstops in order for you to complete the journey through these intermissions that he has established that. Let me explain the journey because he says don't be like Israel, who didn't get to bear inheritance, he says, for example, in verse 11. Therefore, let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall through following the same example of disobedience.

What same example.

Israel's example God delivered them from Egypt and he gave them a destiny call the promised land. They were to leave major and they were to make a trek to the promised land. God's destiny but to get front page of the place of deliverance to the promised land. The place of destiny.

They get to go through a parcel of land called the wilderness the wilderness is dry dusty. The wilderness don't have a lot of food don't have a lot of water cologne God, why can't you just take you from Egypt and in the promised land. The Lord sent them through the wilderness. In order for them to learn to live by faith. The wilderness have one goal and that is to teach you to live by faith.

All you get to the promised land because if you don't learn to live by faith, before you get to the promised land.

Then you will have not learned your need for God and you will only be concerned about the blessings in the promised land.

This is where a lot of Christians get messed up today because that promised the blessing of the promised land without being taught about the lessons of the wilderness. They currently get their blessing in the promised land.

But then when they face makes in the wilderness. No water in the wilderness. No provision in the wilderness, difficulty in the wilderness don't know how to function because they were never taught that the wilderness is a necessary part of going from a trip to the promised land and in the wilderness. When stop this tough when things are difficult.

God says I sent you bags of Deuteronomy 8 he says I sent you there so that you would learn to trust me so that you would learn to let you go without water so you have to look to me if you want to get something to drink.

I let you go without food so did you have to look to me you better.

The Bible says God, that it would matter.

The Hebrew word for man to be what is it is a question or you can say what it is okay, but the Hebrew word for man is, what is it why would God give them a call.

What is it because it was a question. Why would you give him a question so they could answer it. The only reason we day is because heavens opened up and dropped cornflakes from above. In other words, he put them in a situation so God will you get sick. He will let the job go bad.

He won't let the relationship to thrive.

He will let you know which way to go. It will let you because he wants you to learn what is life before you get all the blessings of what life looks like.

When is your only option. He says, but Israel did not learned that lesson and in spite of all the things God did they refuse to believe God and because they refused to believe God that first generation never got to the promised land. Now that was say that on the way to heaven but they didn't see God on earth because they refused to finish their journey say we got Christians they want to go back to Egypt will go back to the world is not been fun. They want to go back but God says I have an inheritance but I will give you rest stops, because I know the wilderness. This journey can be thought, and so I wanted show you when a pullover was shown when a pullover and be able to get reinvigorated on the Sabbath rest, not to go to sleep but so that you can keep going on your journey.

Don't abandon the faith.

Just because things are tough. Dr. Evans will have more for us when he returns with the second part of today's lesson just a moment. Stay with us when you're facing a decision or dilemma. It's smart to ask what would Jesus do, but first you have to know what Jesus did and what God has to say about the situation you face wealth building your biblical foundation is your goal to help you need is as close as your computer or mobile device. Thanks to Tony Evans training center is packed with online courses covering core concepts of faith and in that scripture studies you can work through any time you want at any place you want along the way you'll explore key teachings and learn how to apply them in real world situations. There's lots of exclusive content interested and motivated in an online forum where you can ask questions and answers and collaborate with other students. It's almost like having a seminary on your smart phone. Tony today and connect with Tony Evans training center we can explore the kingdom anytime, anywhere you can find out more about Tony Evans training center when you visit Tony and while you're there check out how you can get the full-length version of today's message to review in its entirety or to share with a friend is part of Dr. Evans 10 part teaching series called bold belief.

This series will help you recognize God's presence in your life and grasp the reality of his promises teaching you how to live with renewed confidence, conviction, and purpose will send you all the messages in bold belief on either CD or digital download is our gift when you make a contribution to help support Tony's ministry here on the radio and around the world and for a limited time. As an added bonus will include his encouraging book God is up to something great.

This book explains how all the positives and negatives of your past can add up to a very encouraging future. Find out how to get the special double resource package when you visit or give us a call, day or night at 1-800-800-3222 about one of our resource team members help you. That's 1-800-800-3222. I repeat that information for you after part two of today's lesson. Here's Tony Kingsley set the stage you understand rest becomes now in verse 12 for the word of God is living at sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, joint and marrow. Judging the intents of the heart. If you want to rest stop a pitstop if you want a place to regain your ability to keep going, you're going to have to pullover at the word of God.

You will have to pullover at the word of God, stop pulling over at the word, a man who says the word of God is not just a book on a page is not words on paper it is anything he says is alive and it works so this book is not. He says the word of God is alive and then he tells you how it is.

He says it's a two-edged sword. If you were to look at the word of God, not as a book on paper but as a sword that cuts and if you dare take the risk of inviting God. Don't just wipe them cut you invite them to cut you why, because while one side cut to the other side you know what this does give good he goes on the same slogan want to see what what it says here in verse 13 and there is no creature, so you're not an exception hidden from insight he got you on blast, but all things are open may bear to the eyes of him with full we have to do you notice something different. In verse 12 he says the word of God is. But in verse 13, all things are open to his eyes. Women.

Women gone from the book to a person because the word of God is not just a book. The Bible is the word of God in the book but the word of God is also a living person.

John one versus 114 and 18 in the beginning was the word word was with God and the Word was God the Word became flesh verse 18, he unveiled God before us to watch the Smith when you go to the book and look for the person God will guide you to the rest stop. He says in verse 14. Therefore, the money-saving means in light of what's just been said about risk since we had every Christian has a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast our confession that made keep going on this journey, no matter how tough it's gotten. For we have a high priest cannot step up with our weaknesses, but one is been tempted in all things as we are yet without sin.

Therefore, drawn the life journeys. God is going to put you in situation you can't fix and the reason he's gonna put you in a situation you can because he wants to remind you you have a great high priest, and he ain't down here with you messed up like you did not like that.

Like all your friends happen.

He's five and lifted up, but not only is he a priest way up there. He says he's a priest who can simplify with your T75 with your loneliness, sympathize with your regrets taken what God is saying is you have a high praise when the father says Tony Evans, J no bathroom. They called on me the sunset let me tell you how that feels. Father was down now was in the middle of what they felt without sin.

But I know what that gone through. Let me give you that. Let me tell you how to let me tell you, I would God let me tell you what it's like to cry me tell you what it's like to be rejected. Let me tell you what might be Jill.

Let me tell you what is like that your friend walk away from.

Let me tell you what it's like to be welded but bad transgression to be blamed. You didn't do, but not been there no you have a high priest who can simplify with your bourbon. But not only can Exhibit 5. He says you called on Bill for in a time of weakness in our church. We have a help desk when you call the help desk is because you need help let me you got a computer problem you don't know how to fix so you call the helpdesk to send somebody over who has the expertise who can deliver you from your problem God have the helpdesk it says we have a high priest who sits on the throne. And he dispenses from his helpdesk race MMC in time of me please. I am tired lifeguard is to the will the business to top God that what you got helpdesk and I will give you rest. I will meet you at that place in your time of difficulty. And I will walk through it. God is not going let you go from Egypt to the promised land and skipped the will and he will keep you in the wilderness as long as it takes to live by faith. So you can keep going. So don't you quit. Don't you give up on God. Don't go and the child just because it's been a longtime you been waiting a long time praying a long time something a long time living along don't you give up on God.

You got a great high priest cannot testify that we have a great high priest. I will no matter what I'm going through going through okay preacher to keep going because I have a great conference sits up in heavenly places because going to stop that one final thing because I don't want you to misunderstand because sometimes God doesn't take the problem away. I wish I could come in to stop all your problems would disappear but that would be a lot. Many problems don't disappear but all problems didn't help sometimes help me take it away, but the time means making below why you still carry the load. Sometimes God makes it disappear but other times God joined you in like Isaiah 40 said sometimes he is down with wings as any lives you sometimes he runs alongside and gives you a second when sometimes it just too tired to run and you just gotta walk to just hold you up along the way you remember how we use the cards in case we use the pick about we have to try happy as they all suitcases. The day rolled his own wrong that is the same way as if you pick it up, but you're not turned the same way because the rollers on the bottom.

Make sure no light. Make sure no on the be all way you avatar your old problems and sweat and make it happen but with no great high priest. He put rollers on your problem situation is the same problem to turn away Jesus said all I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon my life. Don't you give up on God. Now, you keep going. We keep going will encourage one another to keep going because greater is similar. Somebody ought to bless his name given somebody on Dr. 2011 on the assurance and confidence we can expect when we follow God's leading, being obedient to his word now before we go I want to quickly remind you about the special offer mentioned earlier, if you help support this broadcast by making a donation to the ministry will say thanks by sending you all 10 messages in Tony's current series, bold belief, along with his uplifting book God is up to something great. This offer will only be around for a few more days. So don't put it off. Drop by her website. Tony you can get all the details and make the arrangements or give us a call at 1-800-800-3222 were resource team members are available 24 seven. Again, that's 1-800-800-3222. There's a saying that kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give. Well, as we mentioned before, Dr. Evans believes kindness is a gift that our society can't afford not to give take the time to show kindness to those you meet today and in the name of Jesus look for opportunities to demonstrate kindness to someone who needs a touch from God will help make your community a better place. When you demonstrate the love of God through your acts of kindness will coming up tomorrow. The only prayers that really go unanswered are the ones we never actually prayed. Dr. Evans will talk about praying with confident boldness as he explores the importance of asking, seeking, and knocking. Be sure to join the alternative with Dr. Tony Evans is brought to you by the way possible by the generous contributions listeners like