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January 21, 2022 7:00 am
Reduce Dr. Tony Evans talked about the Paul's thorn in the flesh. Why God sometimes refuses to remove our affliction. This is the alternative media monitor speaker, pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and president of the urban alternative when something heard. We want to make it stop. But sometimes that's a mistake. Let's join Dr. Evans as he explains why things that seem to wear us down can really be building us up most of the ladies have pulls those pearls go around your wrist were born out of affliction. They were born out of nice now if you go to sleep when they were being constructive they were constructed in affliction which that Pearl was full enter into which world something unplanned on the invite that baby it's way inside of its shell creating a grain of sand or some foreign insect of some kind that by the sea, some unexpected women to subpoena one for all one and create your rotation and the patient would not go. It would not sell itself. In this show because the clam was not able to remove the problem couldn't get rid of it with what may become substance sort of white cream. The substance that is not the membrane of preachers and the foreign object "coding something to do with what you would go away and so encoding color and color coded all over again.
You get to where because Tatian something unexpected. All of a sudden appeared. This is transformed into a magnificent we about comforting 12 life experience, we see the number of messages, second review because with troubles and Paul seeks to use his experience ministering to those of the Corinthian church as well.
Seven passing grade of the Revelation given me to be all the flash will just go down there. I remember when I had told me my rocks is a full legal something you Jack. You try to solve all the human will now get we can guess what, because all he talked about to see with big letters and it was that wasn't full couldn't get her one will make sure that all the flesh saying no one can say for sure what will you complete your relational people that you can be getting something about this. It didn't change my soul will allow us, even to the most virgin person.
The history of Christianity called it possible so if spiritual people should issues when we will go seven nations will going to Revelation purpose. Christ himself will all exposed to some things because they could do was be good like he could become God's will and you will will be this for you.
Something about so humble because they we will will to address the actual show. It was except one thing that will before you more from Dr. Evans on how to answer that spiritual question when he continues her message just a moment but first I want to tell you about Tony's latest book that goes hand-in-hand with today's message. It's called home for the hurting and entity offers first-hand spiritual principles can help you face pain and hurt. Well, allowing you to experience more fully the love and happiness that can be found on the other side of it all. You learn how to get through the pain without succumbing to its crushing weight would like to send you one of the first copies of this book is our gift in return for your donation toward keeping this ministry, coming your way each day and for a limited time, along with Tony's hope for the hurting book will also include all 20 messages 10 on CD and tennis digital downloads from the coming to the comforter audio compilation we been listening to today request a special package of resources right you can also get the companion hope for the hurting Bible study DVD and study guide. Just go to Tony for all the details or let one of our resource team members help you by phone, day or night at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 with Dr. Evans will come back with part two of today's message right after this I'm standing here in Alaska. One of the most glorious places in God's great creation and I want to invite you to join me urban alternative for the Alaskan cruise going to have a magnificent time in God's word in God's creation we going to enjoy great fellowship. Great great and I'm looking forward to meeting you on Our Way, Alaskan cruise registered. Can't wait to be with forgettable Alaskan cruise Tony to Tony Evans.but now we face with a man.
Why would God will will you translation is will will purpose is all will you will will will know we will you will will will will will the provision of grace that you would never you if you weren't weak.
Her job if you were struggling to Hear God's voice God's voice when he is being responded to this verse nine James is so will be just what you would expect to do what we do. We complete that will will this all will will Dr. Tony Evan talking about what God can do when we become humble enough to give up our need to be strong.
If you'd like to get a full-length copy of this message, including material we didn't have time to present on the air, is included as a part of the comprehensive 20 part series I mentioned earlier coming to the comforter. Remember, for a limited time, along with the coming to the comforter series will also send you Tony's newest book hope for the hurting, this powerful resource package is yours with our thanks when you make a contribution in support of the ministry of the urban alternative.
Get the or you can also sign up for Tony's free weekly email devotional.
Be sure to look into getting the companion hope for the hurting Bible study DVD and study guide as well. Again that's Tony or let one of our friendly resource team members, assist with your request at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 when our day-to-day troubles turn into a trap with seemingly no way out. We don't just have a problem.
We are in bondage. Next time, Dr. Evans will explain how we can break free from that oppression.
I hope you'll join us and until then, we encourage you to be looking for opportunities to show kindness to others.
Bring a smile to your face and glory to God. The alternative with Dr. Tony Evan Roth you fighting made possible by the generous contributions listeners like