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December 22, 2021 7:00 am
Hello Dr. Tony Evans is going to hell is your choice for those who make the parties over, she is seen God's salvation is to remove celebrating faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative, the only thing many people know about hell is that it's a place they don't want to go well today. Dr. Evans gives us the scriptural reasons to feel that way and advice on avoiding the chance of personally finding out what hell is like.
Let's join him. We all love to talk about excited about having the option exists because Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and if I gonna come back we see myself in my father's house are many mansions. We love members we take Jesus at his word, but here in chapter 9. It's that same Jesus talking that same Jesus gets us excited about the future in heaven talks about reality called hell. Jesus makes it clear that this place called hell which he speaks about over and over again in this passage is to be held at all cost mean by the term hell the great Valley of the Valley of about the boundary of the Valley of was the garbage dump outside of the city of Jerusalem would be taken out and thrown in the Valley that would be a fire to burn up just like it's done today. This would never go out. It would be unquenchable would be equitable in that garbage can.
So if you started to die down, it would reignite because garbage will be thrown into it so it would never die because it will always be garbage speaks about the unquenchable is talking about a garbage dump that keeps garbage coming its way was held created Matthew 21 says hell was prepared for Satan and his angels, Satan rebelled against God took one third of the angels with him when Satan got one with him.
That was a counsel in heaven. He was found guilty of treason.
He was sentenced to this newly created route called hell was not prepared for Cuba. It was prepare for spirit beings. Matthew 25.16 so the people. How do people go to hell is to choose the answer to the sinners prayer and praise to go to hell. Know what you say is I don't want to come to God's terms. God says you have to release the center with this. If you choose your sin sacrifice that God will say because you choose your sin and Christ sacrifice. You can have your sin, so it's not that God speaks to what people now back to Mexico if all men to be saved, not only provided for by the universal atonement of Jesus Christ. But if you your sin.
God's salvation gives you the good tires of your heart major remove look a little closer Jesus's words to read something, ask your question. He says in verse 44 where the worm does not die. He says in verse 46. The worm does not die.
He says in verse 48 the worm does not die. What did I just say will I said the work of the worm… Is not what it says said there worm does not die.
The word worm is singular or plural not there worms but there were so you got your own worm. Often times the bodies of criminals, people, people would be cast outside of the city of Jerusalem to the Valley of Hunan to get Hannah to write well obviously if you got a body right your tracking maggots so the Greek word worm is the word magic maggots on corpses and they know it says in the Valley of Gehenna worm does not die in a fire that does not quench didn't make this up people from the Old Testament. Specifically, I chapter 66 verse 24 he says in Isaiah 66 verse 24, then they will go and look who have transgressed against me worm will not die, and there will not be quenched, and they will be rent to all mankind to understand what he means by the worm and even bring them the file they will be rent to all man, if you get not you would see a body not by worm hole you would rent you what you would like when it talks about worm you will please talk about you. Let me know the way it is getting to live with you at your worst calling you looking at you and going because you get to like a worm you become a person will eat you. You want at the moment, but what you understand some little bit more. David helps us out in Psalm 22 verses six and seven worm and not a man, a reproach of men and despised by the people all see me sneer at me. They separate with the lips, they wag the head. In other words, they look at me and I am a reproach Daniel chapter 12 verse two talks about men who go to hell in contempt.
Another words you will see one simple man that simple man will see you and because you will be you at your worst. Why because the environment will call for you right now I'm not at the worst. The some parts of you that may be at your worst, you were so you try to get you better try to get an education and took some lessons on how to be more civil make you sometimes are mad sometimes. Glad you are not now 24 seven. At the worst torment of hell if you live in with you and you and everybody is worth all the time. What makes hell hell is worm does not represent something that's continues to magnify itself without there being any relief, release alcohol, but never get a drink little lives from last to be sexually gratified with nobody to be compatible with the right person will be mad 24 seven with nobody to take except themselves. You will have to live with you first. Forever because you chose your sin for God's salvation, God will answer your prayer and that you live, you worst. If you are a Christian. Here the day. We all know you will experience is the hell you have.
If you are not a Christian today.
The only thing you will experience the pieces of it you get here because once you go into attorney. It's all one way there is no way you rotate seasonally and one direction is contempt parents. The Scripture says so what can we do before we find ourselves in eternity. Dr. Evans will talk about that when he returns in a moment.
Stay with us 2020 line messages messages something about things like having the well right now way to say thank you for your help keep the air of an alternative on the air in the remember, you get a total of 20 of Tony's most popular messages of the year, focusing on being empowered by the Holy Spirit know God cares about you personally. Freedom from anxiety and more just get in touch with us today. Make your generous year-end contribution and letter sent you the best of Tony Evans, 20, 21, and as a special bonus will also include one of three additional resources for you to choose from. Get the details and make the or call our resource Center at one 800 832, 22 team members are standing by to help you day and night. Again, dial 1-800-800-3222 right now Dr. Evans is back with more of today's message back to 16 make some observations about this destiny. Verse 23 of chapter 16 the rich man and Hades he lifted up his eyes not remember Hades is not hell. Hades is on being held in the temporary jail until you get the federal prison. It's the place where you go when you die waiting for help because the Bible says Hades will be cast into the lake of fire, but I want to look at this man who is not even present health only, and Hades. Even the preparation for hell.
This is prep. The first thing if you mess up his eyes.
Verse 23 being in torment and saw Abraham far off and that is for this is prep, not a permit but it gives you a down payment like the new Jerusalem. Just as a down payment of heaven.
Hades gives you the first thing about how the spiritual suffering why because you are separated from the goodness of God.
Every good and perfect gift. The Scripture says in James one comes from above anything good in your life.
God gave anything that's good beneficial in your life is a gift of God, whether you recognize it or not praise him for the not, it's still a good. The Bible says it rains on the just and unjust, so it is a gift of God. Hell means God has been removed and you see is spiritual suffering. Suffering really bad. He got to see heaven but couldn't go says he saw Lazarus far off, but he couldn't go back to know what you will be able to get to it but watch every body else enjoyed spiritual suffering. Secondly, is not only spiritual suffering.
It was mental suffering. Notice what he says in verse 25 Abraham said Chong remember during your life.
All time is it now or in the prep for hell. Hades says remember those of you here today would not come. The Jesus Christ will remember today and every other time you have the opportunity to receive Christ before giving up your sins be given the gift of eternal life. You will spend forever remembering when I sat in church. I have the opportunity God was telling me the response I got to remember, so there is intellect's not nonexistence lefties died is the mental recognition and the suffering associated with gnawing that he can't get rid of. There is relational suffering. Notice what he says. He says, verse 27. I beg your father that you send him Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers in order that they may want them so that they will not also come to this place of torque, brothers, don't come here now lawful for hell is a party that people tell me that if I go to hell, on the passing will be there.
I will house party notes the man said, tell the folks I know and love what you want. They want to show up. Telling friends who you run into like that who think it's a party to go sit on the gas stove and party at the same time, try your companionship. Because every body is a pouring everybody else is up over your life.
You want to be around that you have to be around to get off the ground so you have to be around them. You have a child you got your around.
But you have to be around them because you can't go anywhere. What is place where people come together and fellowship.
It's a place where you look at all the difference is being fully tested to be around them. But there's no place with the place of relational sub to place unfulfilled desires and said that already.
Revelation 22 verse 11 says the center will be a simple continuously without fulfillment. No fulfillment to the environmental suffering. Heaven will be full day all day hell before night, all night, June called the place of darkness. What God is light, God's goodness is removed since living in darkness that meets with the environment fits you say something it's dark for some people like dark.
It's about the environment that they operating it is an in the Sahara desert at night with no big like coming. It's just the nature of the location. Finally, is eternal suffering the worst part of all because your soul was made to be torn so you can't die, you can kill your soul into your body can cancel. Your soul must live forever because it's designed that way. You choose where but it's designed to live forever give you pause. We make career decisions based on what the future what we want the future to be.
There is no greater issue of the future than because nothing else last that long. People go to hell reject God's offer of salvation. John three verse 18 says he says it's your choice says Hades will be cast into the lake of fire explained again in San Francisco Bay is Alcatraz, was closed in 1963.
It was a place of incarceration for criminals.
Alcatraz was known because of the impossibility of escaping it. You couldn't get out.
One of the reasons is even if you broke out of the cell you couldn't get to the mainland of San Francisco because it's in the San Francisco Bay, which was shark infested, so even if you broke out of the salad you got and I want you to because it was shark infested water like you what you want to break out because you no place to go back Alcatraz is that you could be all contrast and see the lights of San Francisco because that close and get that far.
These the place of incarceration is going to be into the middle of the lake, but the lake will not be surrounded with water, it will be surrounded with breakout of Haiti.
No place to go because the lake is a way to escape from lesson escape. If you are here today Jesus to save on a promise cabin is not lying about how if you are here today and you're not absolutely certain of your eternal destiny that I don't know about you but I would run to the cross where God offers free of charge says come all who are thirsty and I will give you water to drink, to me, I will know why that places faith alone in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins and the total life makes the promise to provide you eternal salvation at no cost.
Dr. Evans will come back in a moment to wrap up today's lesson with the final story that will help you get a handle on how long eternity really is the first as I mentioned earlier, today's message is part of 20 special year-end audio compilation the best of Tony Evans 2021. This giant collection of 20 powerful lessons is available for a limited time is our gift when you make a donation to help us keep Tony's teaching on the station. In addition to these most requested messages of the year will also include Tony's kingdom, then rising devotional or one of his new books for children made by God or his latest work for adults kingdom race theology. The choice is yours and you can find out more about each of these resources when you visit Tony while you're there sure to take some time to browse through our huge collection of CDs, DVDs, books, Bible studies, and more. Again that's Tony or call our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 team members are standing by to help you with your resource request, day or night. That's 1-800-800-3222. There's a lot to celebrate around Christmas and we don't want to miss any of it the food to fund the family time, and especially the point.
That's what Dr. Evans will be talking about tomorrow. Right now though his back with his final illustration for us to think about all. Maybe we need to be reminded how long eternity if you take an empty the Pacific Ocean.
The largest body of water in the world with all the water in you filled it with Cindy and you made the same pile as high as Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world you have humongous sand pile took a bird and the bird took away one grain of sand every 100 quad so you need us just one grain.
How long would it take a bird that said, we can even calculate that half one grain of sand every 100 years when the bird the last stand. You will have been an eternity. The alternative Dr. Tony celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you