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July 11, 2021 8:00 am
God send Dr. Tony Evans says we may not be able to completely grasp it now, but that day is coming soon. The wrath of God is fully displayed celebrating 40 years of faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative biblical prophecy tells us that in the end God when in his kingdom last forever, but it also says there are some pretty scary things destined to happen along the way. Dr. Evans will tell us about one of them today as he explores the coming tribulation. Let's join him will. Of time. This is called will, in contrast to the living in the day of May the Lord is when God gives man the free choice to choose reject him and his wrath today. You and I do not experience the wrath of God. We do not experience God's active wrath the consequences that we face today are people, bad people who do bad things is because of bad choices. If the consequence of our choices, not the display of God in the Old Testament, you saw the active wrath of God coming down from heaven to earth, opening up that was the act of rapper God did it directly but Jesus Christ has changed how God can relate to the world God poured out his wrath on Jesus Christ on the cross so that he would not have to pour out his wrath now so bad that you see happening in the world is not because God is doing it is because men are choosing it the day of man. He has given us the privilege of making the choice and their consequences built into those choices that we make and therefore bad things happen, but it's not because God made it happen. When the day of man which you and I am now living we choose in the day of the Lord teaches in the day of the Lord that seven year period of time after the rapture is when God will take over and the choices will be his laborers were concerned that somehow maybe they had missed the rapture. Things were confusing because people were telling them things that were confusing, so Paul has to write to clarify this issue of the day of the description of the day of the Lord is given in Zephaniah chapter 1 of those books is hard to find. If you don't know your Bible, but not chapter 1 of the prophet describes the day of the Lord, I want you to see how serious this is in verse 14 he says here is the great day of the Lord Mayor and coming very quickly. Listen day of the Lord of war crimes are building a day of that day a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation the day of darkness and gloom.
A day of clouds and thick darkness a day of trumpet battle cry against the fortified cities and a high tolerance. I will bring distress on men so that they will walk like blind because they have sinned against the Lord and their blood will be poured out like dust in their flesh like Don silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the day of the Lord's wrath will be devoured in the fire of his jealousy, for he will make a complete end indeed a terrifying one of all the inhabitants of the earth you don't want to be part of that day. This is the day when you get to see a sign of God you've never seen Justin wrath against sin which you have never see actively using it passively but not actively will be exposed in this day of the Lord this tribulation. That's Zephaniah talks about describe the reason for this day. The reason for this day. There are number of them installed that Satan will be released to reveal his true character that you think the devil is bad now UNC badge because the tribulation the 70. I'll explain that one. A moment in the tribulation.
Satan will be released to express his fullest throughout the Bible, you will see the devil having to ask permission from God to do things and he kept doing… Okay in the tribulation. God is going to free him up to be as bad as he really is and so the world will see how bold people can be.
During the time of tribulation when God releases him to expose his true nature and the tribulation.
God will also reestablish his program for Israel.
He told Israel if you will accept me as your Messiah.
I will call the earth through my people Israel. The problem is been rejected, and still do to this day because of that God says I'm going to put you on the sides.
I'm going to deal with the Gentiles. When I take my church, the habit I'm going to reconnect with you that will happen at the tribulation. Jeremiah chapter 30 verses six and seven talks about the day of Jacob's trouble. Israel's trouble when God has to bring judgment on them for their rejection of Messiah in Matthew chapter 23 versus 37 to 39. God says all Israel, how often I would gather you as a hen gathers her little ones but you would not let me and therefore you will not return to me until you see the return of the Son of Man and so now when Israel as a nation has rejected their Messiah and he's working primarily with Gentiles. He's going to the rapture reestablish his program with Israel because Jesus cannot come back until Israel accepted but I know the reason for the tribulation.
As I have already alluded to is to reveal the side of God that is not pretty is just wrath against sin. God is going to expose how much he hates sin. He's going to expose it at a worldwide horrific level, but a cursory reading of the book of revelations will let you know you don't want to be when one third of the earth is killed overnight when another court of the art guys another time when comments are coming down from heaven and hitting the earth. You do not want to be here when there is so water turning the blood of the sun being blocked so that there is famine you want to be here when crime is released and evil people.
Newspapers bad mouth it will be horrific. Then, because there will be no restraint. You do not want to be here when the moon turns to blood not want to be here when God releases what he has not yet released and God hopefully show you how sinful sin is in his eyes. Due to the judgment with the wrath of God is fully displayed in the day of the Lord.
If you are not the day would even see how God feels about our sin, it would be pretty because he is holy standards are nonnegotiable, but because of the death of Christ. He holds back the tribulation. He releases the tribulation will introduce to us a figure, a person like anybody you've ever met. He's describe a little bit forthright here in verse three that no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come the tribulation until the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, forecloses and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being the world will be so chaotic that we will be looking for somebody to bring to this chaos and there will be one core rises according to second Thessalonians chapter 2 called the lawless one, the son of destruction, and he will establish himself. It says in verse four and God will position himself, you know his name is called the antichrist. This is the individual who will rise to prominence during this time this is going to happen anytime soon. That person is already alive. Jesus is going to come back tomorrow. The tribulation starts the next day is already walking the earth is just not been identified yet, depending upon when you these events are going to be inaugurated. This one will be powerful. He will be unlike any you've ever met.
Verse nine that is the one who was coming in accordance with the activity of Satan with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. So this man would be so empowered by the devil. He will be able to produce things that will be unbelievable. You will go wow did you see that because Satan will be released to empower this man put on display" will not follow somebody who's doing miracles in front of your face got hocus-pocus down, but now you must limit cast on Fox News and CNN and you can see it, no matter where you live in the world and everybody will be talking about. Did you see what he did you see how we get that in the whole world will be mesmerized by this moment. Revelation 13 talks about this lawless one and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. The Dragon look in chapter 12 is not intelligent and the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan deceives the whole world, so the Dragon what's this, then I saw a beast coming up from the sea, having 10 horns, seven heads on his horns were 10 diadem notice heads were blasphemous names and the beast which I saw was like a leopard like a bad mouth like a lion and the dragon gave the Dragon Satan gave empower his throne and great authority. I saw on his head. Those with slaying verse four and they worshiped the Dragon, why because he gave a party to the biggest what's this going to worship the devil because of the magic that the base is doing. They go say the base must be right.
So let's worship the power of the beast, the power of the beast is the Dragon and the Dragon is the devil.
So the biggest is giving praise to the Dragon Dragon is getting worse so there will be devil worship because this man is like he's God that was given to him. Verse five a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemy to act for 42 months. Three and half years.he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name in this tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was given him to make war with the saints, all 12 of the worship worldwide so much power is coming from this man gets worldwide with verse 11 then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth with two horns the second beast is called the false prophet. So what about introducing you to, I have just introduced you to the unholy Trinity. Satan's purpose has always been to replicate God. He says in Isaiah 14. I will be like the most high God is a triune God, one God, composed of three coequal persons for distinctive personality, one in essence he says well I will have home Trinity because I want to be like God.
So Satan comes to be God the father. He gives power to save him the son.
And then there is another beast who gives power to the first beast, so that you have an holy Trinity manifesting themselves in the world. The day of the Lord will be inaugurated with the treaty were told that in Daniel chapter 9 verse 2127 it says that he will antichrist will make a covenant with Israel years saw the Middle East probably got all the problem newly Syria and Lebanon is really you. Don't rush over. Then I ran over there and then you got Iraq – I see is you got all this chaos over that with the Bible predicted would happen and this lawless one is will step into the moonless chaos can come up with a peace agreement, thereby causing the world's great peace and safety. Everything's okay our problems is says in the middle of the tribulation.
He will do the abomination of desecration will come into the temple in Jerusalem where he is establish peace and he will say on God, and all hell will break loose. That's the bad news but there's good news to that's where Dr. Evans will pick up at a moment when he continues today's message first so I want to tell you how you can receive our current double resource offer. Tony's book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare will teach you how to come out to heaven and get the help you been needing. Whether you're dealing with everyday issues or some serious strongholds like addiction or anything in between. This luxury addition with a cover that looks and feels like leather is a proven resource that's already being used by over 100,000 readers along with the book will also send you a copy of Tony's current two-volume series, prophecy, and our world.
These 12 full-length messages both downloadable MP3s and CDs dig deep into what the Bible says about the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the judgment seat of Christ, and many more terms. You've probably heard but may not understand to get your copy. Just visit 2011 start or make a contribution and will say thanks by sending these 2 Powerful Resources Your Way again that's the club for teaching series, prophecy, and our world and Tony's popular book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare. Just visit Tony to make the arrangements or call 1-800-800-3222 and let one of our resource team members help you have a contact information for you again after part two of today's lesson here is Dr. Evans saw me talking for a moment, because you might be sitting in whom I think will you just said if I've accepted Jesus Christ to be part of the rapture correct for the tribulation correct. So what the world is a sermon have to do with me. I want to tell you why this matters to you, even though it's not part of your destiny. If you are a Christian, number one when you reject Christ, you open yourself up for satanic deception.
Even if you are Christian to be set again.
Satan has influence in your life when you reject Christ authority over your life you have now opened up the door for the devil say, but I thought that was happening in the tribulation open spring practice now. First John chapter 4 puts it this way below do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this you know the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard it is coming, and now it is already in the world you are from God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that's in you than he that the antichrist is to come.
The spirit of antichrist is already sense the spirit of antichrist is here. It's a delusional spirit so you been doing about the devil if Jesus Christ is not central in your life choices and decision-making the same devil will be all you gotta do is not be committed to Jesus Christ and you happen. That's why so many people are pulled by television programs sub talkshow host there. People sound good by personality that they didn't do because they do not take seriously their confession of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not confess "into your life choices and decision-making. Because the spirit of antichrist is already here in chapter 2, verse 18 says a similar thing children. It is the last and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared. From this we know it is the last antichrist everywhere but they come with the Nikon talk. It sounds like doing things that look like because it has not been measured right we get tricked and tracked at least one of the principal personal experience and emotions must be made subject to the will and word of God, personal experience, and emotions. While real, very real.
Don't deny the reality but they ought to never be the final decision-maker how I feel and what I experience as true as it is and as real as it is, should never make the final decision God's truth must be able to overrule your experience and your emotions because once God's truth. I based on your experience and your emotions. You are now subject because they feel and what happened to them.
You can but you are subject to God's word is not the final decision-maker, which leads to another point you need to know only committed Christians can overcome the devil. A lot of folks are Christians, but they have not overcome Satan's influence on their lives because they have not yet made the decision of commitment. Revelation chapter 12 verse 11. This way and they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb. They were saying they overcame the devil to combine the lamps don't stop reading and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when they were faced with says three things they overcame the devil with three things.
One, the blood of the Lamb. They have accepted Jesus as their substitute and have received the blood of the land for the Christians but to they overcame the devil with the word of the testimony. Testimony is your public declaration of your association with Jesus Christ. If you are a secret agent Christian. If you are a spiritual CIA representative.
If you are a call for their you will not defeat the devil talking about God because that's generic it is your association and testimony of Jesus Christ the devil can handle. And so if you are ashamed of Jesus Christ. You talk about God. God bless you.
You know I love God… All know your big garden on specific don't know what it is when you plan to Jesus Christ that can handle the blood that testimony, you cannot be a filing Christian Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel of salvation.
You can talk about your candidate about the Paul you can establish the pack that I Jesus Christ the son of the living God when he says not love their life more than God what you love you more than you love you and we love us love love me some me you love this new since I want you to love me twice as a listening to his mother and father like Matthew chapter 20 cannot be my disciple God want you to love you more than you love you you know if on the love you more than I love you love you more than I love you so you cannot defeat the devil without commitment, and that's why so many believers live in defeat. Because what they want to say on the way to heaven, but they will have power because the commitment they got religion church, but I commitment another lesson you need to learn from this. Even for today is you should be living a life of gratitude for your salvation.
If you say no and you know you will be in this day you wake up every day that I'm in today and everyday for the salvation and the removal history. Finally, you will be willing to be a witness.
You got relatives, friends, laborers, fellow students, who were headed toward that day and they need to give the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ begging to be asked did you know when you go to spend eternity to share the good news of the free gift of salvation that in this day God is offering all men will come to Christ alone.
By faith alone must be a willingness to talk about the scandal and impact favorite show you want to be able to talk a little bit about the son of God might. Dr. Evans will come back in just a moment with the final fund to wrap up this message old the coming tribulation, just ask us about the title. If you'd like to get a copy on CD or digital download to review on your own or share with someone else. Better yet, check with us for details on getting a copy of this entire 12 message series called prophecy in our world.
Don't forget, you get both volumes of this collection is or thank you gift, you make a contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on this station color 24 hour resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 or visit us online at Tony Avenue and start or were all the details are waiting for you and if you make your contribution right away will also include a special bonus. The high quality keepsake edition of Tony's book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare. But remember this is a special, limited time offer so don't wait or reach out to our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 team members are always on hand to help you. Again, that's 1-800-800-3222. You know it's easy for modern life and the constant onslaught of social media and cultural concerns to distract us from paying attention to God. But in his next message. Dr. Evans will talk about a time coming. When ignoring Jesus simply won't be an option right now though his back with one final point for today. Another lesson you need to learn from this.
Even for today is you should be living a life of gratitude for your salvation. If you say no and you know you will be in this day that I'm in today.
Everyday for the salvation and the removal of the alternative with Dr. Tony Avenue celebrating 40 years of faithfulness. Thanks for the generous contributions of listeners like you