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The Blessings of the Kingdom

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
June 23, 2021 8:00 am

The Blessings of the Kingdom

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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June 23, 2021 8:00 am

When we think about the blessings of the Christian life, we’re not likely to list things like brokenness and pain. But in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans explains why they can be the key to the best God has in store for us. It’s an important look at the link between submission and blessing.

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David Dr. Tony Evans talked about the spiritual link between giving and receiving, celebrating.

This is the alternative opportunity you authored speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative. People think of a blessing is a little extra something we get from God. But today Dr. Evans will explain it's really intended to be more of a lifestyle than an event.

So let's join him as he takes us to the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5 for look at pursuing a blessed life. Jesus calls us to tell you all this mentality mindset orientation focus and priority given to his disciples to people with him to take him to the next level will be right. The right spiritual appetite because too many of God's children are Mel Barash will know that you will get no value to their no nutrition is not he will ask you house appetite you get when you get for you to lose your appetite so he says that is the favor of God being grateful what pleases God. Righteousness is the standard of God being applied to life, you will agree to please God when you know you will agree to please God more.

The people going after organic food as opposed to fast food because food with can bring you something about wanting one that wanting more organic you can make it all shout flipping pews and dancing and jumping and jerking and tweaking and twisting and turning in careful doughnuts know they don't last non-beneficial so people go from one doughnut shop to another doughnut shop wanting to experience and wonder why nothing is changing why I'm not getting lawful and just get blessing comes to explain something immediately to a restaurant and you going to get is typically historically meal day after church Sunday meal last you all week last week you eat spiritually. His son and meal. That's really not sure you'll make this you go to restaurant menu right menu menu is a written documentation of what they have to offer. Sometimes you can salivate just by reading the menu looks good. That was good so you can about it by reading menu to proclaim the menu to teach some waiter or waitress and they all you expositors on the menu.

They say well this is this this this this is this you will Q&A session. Do you have any questions. Proclaim the menu to menu and proclaim the menu then asked me a Coke to me because you can come back to read about it or have somebody else tell you how good it is. You came there your personal experience with it until you've experienced the meal that you read about it. That's about to talk about it until you have entered into your company not just because you come menu's menus, recipes, and you got somebody who will teach you about the menu yet because God want you to taste and see that the Lord wants you to chase this thing on this thing comes to become some of the just so he says about Shelby said just what God offers you when you passionately pursue him in his kingdom that which pleases him. He says I will remove your discontent seem to be satisfied is to be content with what you when we need good good.

What you get.

He removes your discontent only in first after what he's cooking this content because he says they shall receive mercy.

Mercy is not giving you what you do deserve what you do deserve to express nursing is to remove three that's what is going through mercy and doing. How many of us said to a policeman pulled us over all the criminals at the mercy give me what the full sentence calls for consideration in the court when you call for mercy. What considerations did you show show mercy because you like when you want and need when you want God to give you all that you deserve.

When you don't you you gave it great that you see that you show somebody else a mystery when you when you are meeting goes on shop. God mixed undivided no defect often take on the inside. Being from inside you know you you know you better than anyone knows you when you know you perfectly, but but all of us knows what it is. From time to time to be plastic means to be often take first of all, be honest with God seem to be pure of heart means you have to be honest with God. When you are expressing the real spiritual, but you clearly honest God, 23, before you clean the outside, many of us want to change what we're doing outside when we have and what goes on inside the box comes to life. If you have a defective life because it is pumping bring poison not experience of life.

We often think what you have to complete with God about the ugly.

Dr. Evans will come back with a great illustration about that kind of honesty just a moment or so today's lesson is part of the message collection called the kingdom life focusing on the power God's given us to live in victory, along with the impact we can make in the blessings we experience when we put it to use. It will give you the encouragement and perspective you need to stand strong in the face of a culture that seems committed to tearing us down.

We want you to have this collection of six full-length CDs or digital downloads is our thank you gifts when you make a contribution toward Tony's ministry and when you do will also send you a copy of his booklet called the grace of God I tell you how to get it right after this thought from Dr. Evans oh. As we come into the celebration of about 40 years since the beginning of the urban alternative. Words cannot express my gratitude to God for his faithfulness to the development of this ministry. Little did I know when we began with cassette tapes and we were bagging them up because people were requesting the sermons that he would take humble beginnings and turn it into an international ministry now 1400 stations daily and 30 countries around the world reaching hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people with the truth of God. I am humbled by his faithfulness to me us to the urban alternative and I'm certainly grateful for all the frenzies given us been faithful to praise God for 40 years of his fame. We depend completely on your support to keep this program on the year to visit Tony and let Dr. Evans know we can count on your continued faithfulness and when you do, don't forget to request your copy of the kingdom life CDs and the grace of God booklet for this limited time double offer runs out next week. That's Tony or give us a call at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 right now Dr. Evans is back with more of today's message is to let you know which one of the brothers die brothers will wake the brother was still alive went to the past and surpassed. I want you to do. My brothers funeral and somewhere in the fume in the eulogy I want you to say the phrase that my brother was a saint about how we can but I want you to say my brother was the same, give the church $1 million.

So you know, passing struggle because certainly the million dollars, but he knew the brother was wicked like talking to you. He said John was a wicked evil, conniving godliness compared to his brother. He was assigned show God is talking about God seeing him, they shall see God seem operating movement. He won't just be a concept to getting walked on an idea perspective of a philosophy of religion so you will say and you will see them for yourself. You will need somebody else is testimony.

The peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Peacemakers not peacekeeper peacemakers. The peacemakers somehow we want peace. Jesus said, you gotta make peace and you make peace by identifying the truth on exposing the sin addressing the same and then constructing a bridge between the parties that were at its that's what you do.

Whether it's a marriage whether it's two Christians were two groups of Christians you can make peace. You just keep each week we keep these by ignoring decision-making peace by addressing it plus another peace makers say this before, but I'm not a monster guy on the mayonnaise God can write a sandwich. I left the hot dog not only do what must a light mayonnaise on both pieces of bread to go to McDonald's you go to Burger King in implementing the one piece of Senate baby back, not full allotment of mayonnaise. I want to inherit the mayonnaise is fundamentally made up of water, but all the water will mix so they need an emulsifier an emulsifier is something that takes two things they can't make simple, so mayonnaise is made with egg the process of emulsification is that they can grab 1 g oil and pulled the two together and come up with something nice for my site which mayonnaise exist because emulsification exist because eggs exists and stands in between two things that can get all the what and how much you try to not make it to different and so you put together, they go back because they will mix a grand oil 8 g water allows the hook up mix it up and now you got some you can use if you're a peacemaker you're reaching out to two things that don't look like they can hook up your creating something tasty out and he says peacemakers shall be called sons of God. Why will you be called the son of God because you look like you got the same DNA because the Bible says God sent Jesus to make peace and print simple mental holy God. Jesus is the emulsifier, a perfect God and sinful men came mix what Jesus did was he reached up and grabbed God he reached down and grabbed me, so that the tool could get Sophia details about God's son gains access to dealing with the closing said blessed are those who persecuted treated in an evil matter. That's what it means.

Why you being treated in the evil Maddox because you're showing these qualities, training, evil matter because you evil matter because you're showing these characteristics.

These kingdom characteristics and some folk like you when you will be free until the morning will likely show when you show up anymore. They don't want you to show you right people for you to be accepted, so don't take my word for try becoming a kingdom Christian and watch the blessings come you don't get because I said go yourself and begin experiencing. Dr. Evans will come back with a really great closing illustration just a moment. So don't go away.

Today's lesson on the blessings of the kingdom is part of Tony series. The kingdom life. Now is the time to get in touch with us and request the full length version of all six messages in this collection, including material we won't have time to present on the year there available for a limited time as our thank you gift, make a contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on the station along with it will include a copy of the grace of God in a world that talks a lot about different ways to reach God. This booklet explains why life is really about what God did to reach us. If you're tired of feeling like you just don't measure up. You're in for some good news that can change your life. So be sure to take advantage of the special double offer before time runs out all the details are waiting for where you can make contributions online and sign up for Tony's free email devotional again that's Tony or call us at 1-800-800-3222 like one of our resource team members help you again 1-800-800-3222. As Christians, our lives are intended to count for God's kingdom tomorrow. Dr. Evans will tell us how to do that without being obnoxious and annoying right now though he's back to finish off today's lesson with this illustration Monday was dying of thirst and he was in his desert place with no water. He could make it much further when he saw a little shack walking to the little shack and there was a well with the little jar of water in the sun signs that use this water to drink, but to prime the pump because then you will have ongoing pieces. I don't know what I can take this risk. I'm dying if it is what in God, at least if I drink the water. I can live for one and hope tomorrow will be a better day. So he had to make the decision whether to take the risk on the well or just be satisfied with the job he took the risk. Pour the water in the well pump prime the pump just enough water to last him for as long a lot of you don't take the sermon and use it like a job you drink it up by tomorrow or Tuesday if you let it prime the pump well of the kingdom of God, you find it. Life on the alternative, Tony Abbott celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you