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May 14, 2021 8:00 am
Dr. Tony Evans reveals how you can find your reason for the you are now celebrating. This is the alternative Dr. Tony author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative lots of things can be matched to today. Dr. Evan starts a series based on the idea that God builds one life at a time each of us with our own special purpose on this planet. Let's join him as he explains Seinfeld watchers we have here today but it broke all kinds of records as a TV sitcom thing about Seinfeld is that it was noted not have a plot that is nothing connected with anything he would show up and start off with this kind of dead going to the show. Nothing seem to have much to do with anything. It was a miss sitcom and went to the top of they were alive was filled with so popular it was concluded that because watching it were in the same situation as a Sitka's no clue going from situation to situation.
Sitcom going from one another day. One job to another job. One place to another place, without rhyme or reason. Most Christians today are living caffeinated lives. All the latest: on the wheel, ever moving, never arriving anywhere Sunday drivers we have people who simply like to get on the road and just drive you really going anywhere. You just want to drive. It's a pretty day.
Let's go riding to drive but must it gets all because you're not going anywhere.
You just thought too many of us are living lives like the blazing of the new base. No brilliance, no significance. We don't really feel that we matter that much because there is no sense of ultimate purpose. Destiny we going to use in our series calling calling may be defined life purpose God has ordained for you. Purpose God has ordained for you to accomplish in order to bring the greatest glory and the maximum expansion of his king calling reason for beginning if you look like purpose which God have ordained for you and you alone to accomplish what you to bring greatest glory and the maximum expansion of his king everything I want to say about this definition of calling which have to do with your purpose for being created purpose purpose calling it your reason for being. It's the reason why you were made. You are made to fulfill your calling, calling it a piano calling all the strings and there is no clue coming out.
It's not the purpose for which it was produced if there but it's not doing anything or something not doing its ordained thing to live life without purpose of calling us to see in Israel, no life – fish can swim in.
You can swim and you get burned you existence because it is not billing, its purpose is you can't flow out of the dead the lowest point on planet Earth want to run nowhere to go. Far too many of us the living dead.
See, it's no outlet grass perpetual stagnation calling God did not create you.
He created you for purpose the Lord let me come up with something to do today what I make folk no you were made for the purpose. Verse 14 of Genesis 1 says God said, let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to write that day from the night's and the people signed up for seasons and for days and years, Gartner 60 made two great lights like the govern the day the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God didn't just wake up one day and said more shine said no to great lights, one that will govern the day, it will determine the day get the other one will govern the night and it will have a supporting cast of stars. He made the move and he made this reason, not just to do it. Not because he had nothing better to do. It was an intelligent thought through reason waters T was swarms of living creatures let birds fly above the earth and open expanse of the heavens. Well, if you go to create waters natural to create monsters. He said in verse 21 is the person who saved the big ones. No fish swim usual real question is not in the swimming now show your depressed beast because it was made based on the field but what made this takes a lot to live in the water, dancing lives because they're not fulfilling the purpose. That's not that sphere of operation. That's not what they were called. He says about man verse 26 was made not only according the likeness let them lean over the fish of the sea birds in the sky, the cattle of the earth and all the creeping thing that God created man in his own image. Seven. Persuade people to multiply the earth and subdue it let us make man last night man because we have something not just be not just meander around not just go around and notice how beautiful the animals are and how wonderful it is to all the water is got to be more like the best. Most of the spirit of making a living.
Not a lot of time making a life not let you factual and untimely. What makes something market it to answer the question what to do with it but when you live your life raising the question why am I here that's a question of purpose is a question of calling when God created he created with the purpose.
Let me tell you a secret created cannot tell you what is its purpose on its create all the created thing, what its purpose is if you like ASCAP you what is beautiful me what that pew has no knowledge of his reason for being best determined by somebody else. God is the caller you are calling here is the manufacturer you have the product that you can stop your calling upon to discover… But actually I only reason for being not functioning at all, which means we are existing and when you exist. You have to create callings that the mixed products were not anything sent out a vision without a word from God. People what is that when people have no direction in life. They with the guy small subjects. This is not an insignificant subject. God said of Jeremiah Jeremiah 15 while you and your mom will I called Creek news. But God calls in advance so calling is critical, but it's time to go creation.
You will created with the calling everybody and you say was accepted Jesus Christ by faith alone born of God's family have been called want to receive the call to salvation God now give you the call to life purpose. Secondly, if only created purpose. It is like the mind purpose.
Nobody has your call but you is calling Jesus as I finished the work day need to do. He gave me no job, no special reason for beginning I completed that task that if I build my purpose would be Proverbs 20 responses the purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but the man of understanding draws them out.
In other words, personal serious searches for the calling. Once the movement calling they're not satisfied to exist. They want to know why their existing start.
And finally, it is a comprehensive purpose created purpose will created for your calling it's customer is yours and yours and nobody else's. You are unique. As you you have to be somebody else is why many people don't bother calling because their calling is not living in the anything bigger than themselves. What is this bigger thing.
God is called all of us to. It is the maximizing of God's glory and expansion of its if you are Christian, what you do will give him glory and will expand his kingdom in history 100 been transferred to the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of this question.
If that means all work becomes kingdom activity even if it's secular because if you're kingdom person. It is sacred. Even if you washing dishes you wash them sacredly.
Even if you're producing a widget you do it sacredly because your book filling a calling that is happens to be your calling. We'll talk about that because calling me not to be got. Well, that may be a new thought for you and Dr. Evans will explore the difference between your calling your line of work in just a moment, so be sure to stay with us first so I like to tell you about the perfect book that goes along with this series we begun today is called Discover your destiny. Let God use you like he made you this book from Dr. Evans builds on what we been learning that God has an agenda, not just for the world but for each and every one of us custom designed to give us the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from making a real difference.
You learn how to find your one-of-a-kind special assignment from God and discover how the Lord will give you everything you need to carry it out.
Best of all, for a limited time where bundling this book along with two volumes containing all 12 full-length audio lessons from Tony's current message series called for a purpose.
You can get the destiny book and the called for a purpose audio series on CD or digital download is our gift to assist Tony's ministry with a donation to help us keep this program on the year we depend completely on your support and this is one way we can show our appreciation for your faithfulness. All the details are waiting for you or give us a call at 1-800-800-3222 and let one of our team members, assist with your request. I'll have that information for you again after part two of today's message and this God has plans bigger than you've ever imagined the remand of influence strength and purpose. Are you ready to live up to your highest potential to live and then went home and we kingdom and rising follow up with Beth selecting the man which has sold over 400,000 copies challenges men to sharpen their spiritual and relational skills to intentionally live with and influence of mindset in all areas of life filled with stories of struggle and heartfelt personal loss only takes after God's word to show men how to clear all obstacles in the journey that leads to living a life of influence and impact as you read each page you will find your phone scared to reach more of what God says responsible longer settling for free just go through the motions, replace helplessness for them and request our significance and influence. Get kingdom and rising for yourself or for someone you love. Grab your check to be that you never store online time is together lady go once a milligram world famous Graham and she inputs data use set a lot of what you like. I love why is my call.
How is that calling God called me.
She said to help expand the ministry of Dr. Billy Graham using my computer backgrounds so I'll just set out and input put in computer bank has just let the Christ in one of those crusades understand the letter in the book that I'm sending out the eternal value and not give me, not because she was called input in the computer was a job calling was to support the ministry of Billy Graham and in that calling. She does not job calling you because it's always expanding God's kingdom. God glory whether it's in the medical letter sent along up… Whether it's a janitor if you call it, has repercussions. And God will always be seen in it and threw it and so most of you know you calling but don't know you know it. I give you will damping the right. One of the wings. You know you call is that you would do it anyway, nobody page. If you do it you'd still because it's like Paul, woe is me like Jeremiah is like fire shut up in the bone and I think shake it it burns me and sets me up flying now watch this now is my time is because it's kingdom involves discipleship. The kingdom of God is not conference room. Discipleship is bringing people with a comprehensive rule for a kingdom parts of the calling those around you will you you will witness kingdom well because the great. When this happens, you will be part of the greatest in history, and the rich history that when you think the people getting this kingdom do you think the good now writing on them and your job is to go to the world with your calling the kingdom and stating which is meant to be used on the kingdom of God. That is what your job is the kingdom of God and have all because we have people with no link and it stays out. It never is honest. That's why Paul said in chapter 1 that God has done that he might bring all things, the sum of all things on the Jesus Christ. We all his body and we are sent to be the fulfillment of all things. He calls people in every direction. You called me a preacher called me a mission should be calling you a call but God is also calling for people to put in the kingdom and growls what you are you my problem.
The way you live where you will become on your way you live, will be done so since your name will be hollow and I gotta reverse my my my plans so that kingdom, which means I gotta redo my life plan so that will is your name so you will need you to supply the blood, and I need to pull it off because you want a pure play for the things I'm not against you give love your name is doing well enough.
Only read anyway. It would make a man of something something every few months.
We ordained a minister you we have a coordination meeting. The young man was going to seminary and study comes up and sits down ready to be bombarded with all manner of theological biblical practical ministerial questions. He's nervous sweating.
He's wondering whether he will make ordering painting cuts number where the process starts always open it up with one simple, free, tell me about your call because I don't care how much Bible you know if you hadn't been called in focal run you about how to deal with no this is the word God found something while you have visual call all you have visual call and when they get the title reference now identify double appointed duly call ministers while the reference are not only ordained every person who names the name of Jesus Christ and you have a problem God on your life CHARGE by the God Dr. Tony Evans the first remission encouraging message series called for a purpose. As I mentioned earlier, this entire collection is available for you to owners digital files for playback on your audio device or in a two volume 12 lesson CD said as usual.
The site contains a lot of bonus material. We won't have time to present here on the broadcast and for a limited time. When you make a donation to help support Tony's work will say thanks by sending you the entire called for a purpose. Audio collection along with a copy of Tony's popular book Discover your destiny. Let God use you like you made you make the arrangements today by visiting Tony Avenue or reach out to one of our helpful team members by phone there available 24 seven to help with your resource requests. Just call 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 or visit us online at Tony Avenue and start or self-help books are full of strategies they claim to bring you success but on Monday Dr. Evans will explain why real success only comes from following your custom-made calling from God.
Be sure to join the alternative with Dr. Tony Avenue and Rocky reviving her for an alternative celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you