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April 13, 2021 8:00 am
Search services. Also, special events, and we still drive Dr. Tony Evans says is a nation and as individuals we need the new life. Only the Lord can give… All you people celebrating faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony Evans, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the urban alternative if your last mountaintop experience with the Lord is just a distant memory. There's a way out of that valley ran, and here's Dr. Evans with a look at how God can bring you back to life. In chapter 37.
I want you valley and I want you to look at those problems was upon me verse one says, and brought me out by the spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a family of cause me to pass around and check it out, and behold, there were many on the surface of the valley and low they were just dry says they were very dry question is one of dry bones. Verse 11 tells you he said to me some of Mandy's bones are the whole house of Israel, behold, they say all bones are dried up, and hope has perished and we are completely cuddle bones was the whole nation of Israel in a hopeless situation that's dry bones. They were very dry tells us because they had been there in that place a long time dry bones being in a situation where you don't see a way out is the scenario of major collapse and you want to know how in the world is a school get fixed dry bones is where your situation. In the case of Israel. Their national situation was a major collapse and calamity.
It was where stagnation had occurred – dreams and hopes and desolation and their was no hope you know you and we are in this little place called Valley Valley is a little place in this place called a dry place or places of dry bones when you have to look up the sea bottom when they are not readily apparent answers to your dilemma and where you live life in crisis mode doubles the valley of dry bones.
If these people weren't physically they work. Israel was still a physical nation, but he calls them a valley of dry bones because they were in a helpless, hopeless situation. Historically they were now living in Babylon. They had been taken captive by the Babylonians and he makes the statement of the universe 11th and we are completely cuddle. In other words, they have been completely cut off from fellowship with God because of their rebellion against God.
Looking chapter 36 verse 25. Then I was quickly playing with water and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all of your filthiness and all of your idols. Remember I said that there is a correlation.
The Bible between rebellion evil and sin and idolatry.
He says your evil, your filthiness connected to your idolatry that you have chosen to either replace me with God's will bring all the gods alongside of me therefore diminishing me. She says you need to be verse 20 not delivered from your uncleanness. So what happened was at the bottom was sin and that sin work itself out in society because now they are captive in a place called Babylon that was the situation verse three he said to me, Son of Man can these bones live and serve the Lord God, you know, he said this thing was so bad situation was so graphically grotesque that God asked me, Son of Man profit will live again and the proper said I don't know you know because I don't see a human answer to this that I can answer. Can these bones live again because there is no solution can come up with fixed you on a bench in a situation without an answer. That's called the valley of dry bones. It's a situation with no solution and we are cut off. What people do not understand is that your situation in life you fixedly been your circumstances are tied to your spiritual foundation and soul sent sin was at the base of the economy. It has now overtime work itself out so that we are scrambling to find an answer because we never connected our spiritual situation to our social dilemma. But this is not uncommon.
The failure of people to connect their spiritual dilemma that rebellion their sin that evil their wickedness to their personal circumstances. They just think I'm having a bad day, month, week or year or life SSL Amanda Michelle Eunice Valley this hopeless situation that this whole nation is facing right now. They have been cut off their been connected with me and from me and now chaos rules. These bones it was bad when you in a valley of dry bonus as a whole nation, if not only if everybody in the ballot messed up, but nobody in the valley can help anybody else out there that have messed up the valley was full of dry bones is hard to give hope of you have any is hard to give if you help less a problem nobody can help in about 1/2 dozen of the whole nation was interesting this nation Israel was brought up that was hopeless. That was in this messed up situation because of spiritual rebellion still have religion to religion minutes about the religion but the religion will market share in amazing America.
We got more Christian bookstores and you can never go to publishing books and you can never read more Christian television that you can have a look at more Christian radio and you can listen to your church services on Sunday at church services on Wednesday you got special events and we still dried up with the mess that we still we still seem so hopeless, Israel still have a form of religion. But the relationship was gone and they were cut off. The intimacy was gone and they were separated and so there was national collapse because of spiritual distance told you before Pluto was frigid and cold because it's so far away from the sun. Mercury is blazing red because it's so close to Bilson's proximity determines temperature because Pluto is way out there it's cold because Mercury is way impaired its own fire. We live on earth where it's hot and cold seasonal religion.
This depends on what season I'm in right now though. How much stuff is turning he says Son of Man look at the situation in Israel and what you see trombones how bad is it not only you can fix this. This is ever going to get fixed 9/11, everybody went to church present with the church Congress with the church Christian with the church.
Sin is with church devil with church everybody went to church 911 because it was just terrific. And the question was how we deal with this deal with this. Maybe nobody is made the connection that what we are seeing societally and terrorism, and whether an economics is about. That is the spiritual situation has created the natural nature, circumstances and economic circumstances. Maybe the problem is logical and spiritual and not social, economic, or simply weather-related. What is it called a prophet because the prophet so that this ritual could be understood as the basis of all the stuff they were going through the valley of dry bones, a disconnected, hopeless situation that seems to have no plans, only God knows how we got in and how we go get out of this mess. Dr. Evans will talk more about how we can find our way back toward hope when he continues her message a few moments. First, so I'm excited to tell you about our current featured resource is Tony's brand-new book kingdom men rising dovetails with the message we been listening to today about spiritual revival. Far too many men have been weakened by the false definition of what it means to be a man coming from a culture that's at odds with God's biblical blueprint kingdom men rising looks beyond phony stereotypes, helping them understand who they were created to be and how they can rise up to the task and responsibilities got his given them be one of the first to get this powerful new book will send you a copy as our gift when you help support Tony's work here on the air, and around the world by making a contribution to the ministry and as a special bonus will include all 12 lessons from his current series on both CD and digital download.
Tony's even created a valuable kingdom men rising Bible study that can help you share this life changing teaching with others get all the before this limited time offer runs out. That's Tony or call 1-800-800-3222 repeat that after part two of today's lesson coming up after this, is to forget what this is supposed to be on it's time to level up, 20, 21 kingdom agenda.
Pastor Summit is a virtual event. See you can experience the word wherever you are if you become a regular fighter in his show yourself to be a real gun April 29 through the 30th connect with like-minded pastors and share in the power of the kingdom agenda is the people in your life tell you that your trip and then you need to get back on the narrow path engaged some of the greatest features of our time like Rev. James Meeks Gelbart and Dr. Tony and God, action will not replace you ready to make an impact sign of that's KAP and sponsored urban alternative in the middle of this chaos, God is the property is about a promise he made a promise to his people that promise is stated in chapter 36 verse 24. I will take you from the nations gather you from all the lands and bring you into your only, Israel in the Old Testament. She had made a promise in spite of I will spank you for disobedience that will come a day when I will bring you back home. One of the greatest events in modern history was May 1948.
That's one of the greatest events in modern history. You will want to greatest events in your lifetime. In my lifetime with me. 1948 because in May 1948 Israel became a nation that's happened in May 1948 Israel became a nation that has never happened before in the history of mankind. When a nation stop being a nation came back to nation while retaining its language that happened before but God told them I am going to bring you back. Although I noticed you Jews all over the world that will come a day when I will bring you back in preparation for a revival of the nation Israel and I will keep my word. I will keep my work go take a minute to keep my word. He said promise that that will be a resurrection.
I promise if you will will be revival will live again only if I make a another way, until I get to be in their and realize that only one get about one if God is your problem whether you Republican or Democrat God is your problem you have a Democratic or Republican Congress. God is your problem what social principles you put in place. If God is your problem when you think you've got it fixed strategies to go jacket up another way, God is your problem once you understand that only God is your solution, which is why he says at the end of verse six and you will know that I am God.
That's why I was 14 then you will know that the law have spoken and done, it would change it but don't change it.
So trombones, not a program to be work trombones try to come up with some change situation. That's not a lot. So man of God. All sending you we got bad news is the valley of dry bones all dress people and families going to drive churches, live in a dry world people hopeless the family. The hopeless charge of the hopeless church, dry bones, worshiping world.
I want you to come all prophet situation that hopeless scenario to those hopeless people and I will you do two things I want you to do two things. If you are in your own private family of dryness, hopelessness, living you living in a sea of emptiness you living with graffiti written on your soul, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
When there is a light as the light of an oncoming train all efforts to get out of the valley will place take you anywhere really is chapter 1 Paul and Paul's great menopause leading, but Paulson disbanded to the point of death.
This is that I wasn't out of despair I was disparaged to the point that that's a dry place. I will disparage to the point of that God loves you. Why did God let you get so low.
Paulson disbanded the point of death like this, it was only God could raise the dead, that we get so low group to recognize… Let you know so that you could discover only he can read that people wanted me to grow in understanding of his sufficiently in order for me to grow in understanding of insufficiency to bring me my total insufficiency. He made me go so that he could demonstrate the reason people so what you do follow this member school. He said to me, prophesy over these bones and say to them all dry bones, hear the word of the Lord in bones and bone dry bone here. The word of the Lord, I want you to prophesy would you speak my word into this situation talk to Drapeau's to hopeless situations and I want you to know what you think I told you to give them ideas and opinions. I don't want you to give them the populous viewpoint of the day nor do I want you to cater to their emotional well-being.
I don't want you to give them a psychological analysis. I don't want you to give them a mistake points of view. I don't want you to give them the latest Gallup poll so they know what most of the folks think will surely give them what will make them feel good. I want you to give sleep dry bones the word of the Lord why you want me to give bones the word of Lord become very dry and not willing to listen. Sleep very dry long they think they can do this only owners they think they got enough education to put off for now you have enough money in their bank accounts and credit cards are working for them and they haven't paid attention 18% interest himself enough to wait.YouTube is now very dry and I will be so low in their own view that they recognize a hopeless situation and we can fix this and without spiritual rebellion that caused this grade. It was a spiritual rebellion put in the snow that we recognize we couldn't fix it all prophet over and over again, the Old Testament prophets would be to ignore the Lord because the Bible says that that was the man for the word of God. That was a spiritual truth. Everybody will come for emotional stimulus Cinemascope stimulate the economy. People, church stimulus package make me feel good today. The problem with what the stimulus package simply makes you feel a little better. You can little bad things look a little better without having dealing with all the problems the problem with our feelings while they are real and therefore you should never deny them. They are very unreliable, feeling the very real, so you'll skip him for feeling what you're feeling, what you feel but what you can do with Michael like the seasons they change so quickly. The problem with the stimulus package, you up for the moment's but it won't change the location of your family. He says I prophesy speak to them the word of the Lord lately. Word not just a stimulation make word to situation. If you're dead inside because of unforgiven sin Dr. Tony Avenue and is will come back in a moment to explain how you can start a brand-new life very quickly though. I want to mention that today's lesson is part of Tony's powerful series called kingdom men rising there are 12 full-length messages in this collection containing bonus content. We won't have time to present on the air. As I mentioned earlier if yours is or thank you gift when you make a contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on the station along with it will also send you his just-released companion book King demand rising.
There's even a comprehensive Bible study available if you want to dig deeper. This is a special limited time package so don't wait visit Tony have in stock order today or reach out to our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 where team members are always on hand to help you. That's 1-800-800-3222 tomorrow. More from Dr. Evans on how God can take our dry dead faith and fill it with life and vitality. Right now though he's back with a final thought about what it really means to be a believer you're not a Christian because religious or because you go to church because you believe in God, your Christian because you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal sin bearer being religious. Doing good works. That's nice but it's not sufficient when God demands perfection.
Second Corinthians 521 says he who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. So what God is said is he placed your sin on the cross on the Christ and then judge Christ for your sin if you will go to Christ.
He will take Christ righteousness which is perfect and he will credited to your account so you will stand before God as though you never sent because your sin was because you got a sentence credit on your account with you will receive Jesus Christ right now if you will invite him into your life believing that he died for you and roles for you personally. He will credit your account with perfection because it is already credited your sin on the Jesus Christ. So go to Christ right now and get this free gift of salvation that is offered on the alternative with Dr. Tony celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you