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How to Understand a Thorn, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
March 3, 2021 7:00 am

How to Understand a Thorn, Part 2

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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March 3, 2021 7:00 am

Even if your life is coming up roses, you'll get your share of thorns to go along with them. But in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that you get them for a reason, as he talks about specific ways that we can deal with the discomfort they cause while they're doing their God-appointed work.

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The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD

The written Dr. Tony Evans is orange God sends our way make us uncomfortable. They also make us grow beyond the sea. The medication celebrating 40 years of faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony Abbott, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative, even if your life is coming up roses. You'll get your share of thorns to go along with them. But today Dr. Evans explains that you get them for a reason. Talks about specific ways we can deal with their discomfort. Let's join him as he begins today's message in second Corinthians chapter 12 the reality of the revelations of this reason, myself. That was one of the flesh messenger of Satan to buffet me to trouble me me to get on my last nerve will some kind you need allow all of us that it's it's shaky and making things worse will that change your life on a continuing basis will exacerbate your life, all knowingly you can shake it down. Paul said to me in the flesh, something to irritate me now you can read commentary.

You have a lot of guesswork as to what Paul was example, Paul talks about how we was trying to write the charges he had trouble seeing that you went since a recorder who would like for him and so son José. Well, it was his problem was that others will say well it was always being told that this group called the Judaizers undermining his ministry and so they were irritation to him.

Maybe it was that God will do whatever it takes to read about self-sufficiency: it hurts won't go away had to have a new revelation with this thing. Our response to what to do. I do concerning this this morning and treated the Lord three times that it might depart from me, you did was pray about what your nerves may mean irritating.

You praying about it and God said no. So how do you make in the meantime is the first person and God said to me, will gain the phone said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for we write the Bible translate God didn't grant his request, but God meant it. Moses prayed up one more case, God said, no man can see my face and live so Christian tells you just pray and God's plan because you praying Atlanta and it might be no God is not yes all the time. What might be no not yet.

When not today when I could tell our children way, but you with this legal jab you. You will learn about the greatest word in the Christian vocabulary grace that is no grace. Grace is giving you what you can give yourself is God's goodness running you right now going to and getting rid of the phone.

I'm not. I'm not going get your giving that no ex-inmate thank need be frustrating may okay Michael didn't want to request to give you what you need unique grains you and to give you this now a second win a second win is when you run it you just to try. You just can't go any further and and the transmission changes deviance and all of a sudden you get straight you didn't have energy you didn't have any with my grades, which meant it had to be given great Bible so grace is given how much grace he told members not sufficient grace… Just give great he gives sufficient grace does not give sufficient grace when you pray his. I pray for sufficient to what I was going through the many things there is no urine during that God says no get rid sufficient grace until you change comes that not happen you sticking himself with, born, given to you, but we that we miss grace, we show you the greatest personal grace in the Bible the greatest personal grace in the Bible the same book turn back a few pages on come back or you think that chapter 9 of second Corinthians verse eight here is memorize this one. Write it down, put it in your Bible. Think about it all day.

This will get you through anything. Verse eight of chapter 9 and is able to make grace up to you that he's having all this and see everything you ever got so much grace abound, and it happens all the way and should sleep and everything so that no grace you get bonus grains in abundance whenever good listen when you are going take away: don't just go you go searching for grace and where you get grace when he prayed three times but that was between Chris and Victoria script when they bought the same flaw is that one is experiencing grace and the other is not one big shot would grace the other is not because the Lord what the fallen never get around to the new revelation to the problem. One way is to get rid of it when we only get rid of the problem or another way, if they have something so superior happen you forget it you have a phone of depression or disparagement or not married to the best person in the world whatever it is you go home today or tomorrow from work you open up your mail so I could you check for me to rent it out, love 50th I love you I love you and told you that well but I love you today, headache what headache I something unexpected that was so awesome salt grades so glorious that it made becoming significant.

Some of you have spent your life running from your phone on Mr. revelation you missed your illumination you missed the new thing God wants to show you in the humbling. He wants to give you by making you dependent on him grace. Dr. Evans will come back with one famous person's example of facing up to one of life's thorns when he continues this lesson from a serious freedom through forgiveness. It starts by helping you understand the part you received from God and shows you how to pass on that kind of forgiveness to people who hurt you and even how to forgive yourself.

Right now we like to send you a copy of freedom through forgiveness is our gift to make a donation to help support the work of the urban alternative here on the air, and around the world.

This special offer is only available for a limited time, but if we hear from you right away will include a special bonus 20s companion booklet for this series. 30 days to victory through forgiveness, which explains why the person who benefits most from your forgiving heart is you visit us for details or call our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 20 will come back with more of today's lesson. After this, even though we love for life to be pleasant and happy all the time just how life works. We will have difficult seasons of life winter seasons as Crystal Harris and Priscilla Scheier explore in the new lowest Evans legacy Bible study seasons of a woman's life.

Winter season is also an opportunity for giving dressing into the safe for unified that you can even that difficult seasons to teaching him get your copy of this powerful book work in DVD series now with your generous gift to the urban alternative milligrams screening for storage. Grandpa's meeting got pulled over finding with the court to pay the five just 10 miles over the speed limit. He went in there and judge says well I depleted guilty guilt recognizing the first caught when he heard the voice who he's talking on you pleading guilty job. I was guilty, says Dr. Graham will cost you hundred dollars as I know, I was this cactus could get over you sitting in front of Billy Graham greatest demand is low in human history and is going to find him $100 or 10 miles an hour speed limit generation his pocket and pull out $100 bill put it down and said that Graham connected pain and got a state having broken the law only once she got to know who you are.

You are you yeah you know he wants to show you grace when God lets you see grace. What you don't deserve.

He says that you that you got about now begin to work for you. We've all been to the doctor we've all been stopped via needle pricks and retains us to hate needles, but inside the prick's mess. The same thing is helping me why the medication you and you will not pray to God you pray.nothing you need to know that nothing will like the person on the trip doing something you keep pulling out the because you will like you'll never see the medication at work. He says and when you see grace, grace, people's grace, my grace, which came when he prayed my wings make you weak, don't go to give you grace and weakness when I'm going to do is I'm going to show you why because God loves weak things so that when it becomes strong. There is no question how we got to get you the little boy like David told Gideon to make it because it was through the broken strap bad now you broken. He breaks the see to get a plan.

He breaks the class how to get rain any breaks makes one reduce to a level of absolute dependence. Okay, so let's close when I got a phone won't go away him and trying to run from the fallen one out myself just keep coming back and so when I haven't seen any great I don't have any power. Tell me what the supporting with verse nine about my weakness of Christ may dwell in with weaknesses. Then he said the universe, then for when I am weak I am strong yes when he said I'm going to brag about my phone post about my weakness brag about my phone call next major frustrated going to pray for God so that you will will will be with you shell with office building that building up elevators. They did make an elevator for the building and so wait a long time to wait for the building like that you have some of the Messiah. What about this building what to do about this building because it was to ask another shaft and elevated and cost too much money but they couldn't have their people waiting's like that being discontent they came up with a novel idea on every floor they put members all his work so folks spent time looking at themselves mounts somebody not pray with me now on the wrong got a ship while you wait when you change Dr. Tony Evans with advice on understanding the purpose behind the pain we sometimes experience part of his current series called freedom through forgiveness. As I mentioned earlier, it's yours. With our thanks when you make a donation toward Tony's ministry, along with a copy of his companion booklet for the series 30 days to victory through forgiveness so visit us to get all the details before time runs out you can make your contribution and your request online again that's Tony or call our 24 hour resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 let one of our team members help you. That's 1-800-800-3222 what tomorrow. Dr. Evans has some good news for believers being held hostage by their past as he talked about the important relationship between the pardon. We need in the pardon we give right now though he's back with a special invitation for you if you're not absolutely sure that you have received salvation that you on your way to heaven. Let's get that straight right now. God offers you salvation is a free gift because of the sacrifice of his son. And if you will come to Jesus Christ acknowledging your need for a Savior, because you recognize your center recognizing you can save yourself and appealing to Jesus to apply his death into your life. He will come in forgive your sins and give you eternal life right now simply say to the Lord. I Norma seven I know I need a Savior.

I'm believing in you alone to be my Savior.

So I now accept your offer to give me eternal life. Forgiveness of sin. Thank you, salvation just the alternative with Dr. Tony have brought to you by the urban alternative celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you